anglicism, as most often defined, is a word borrowed from
English into another language. "Anglicism" also describes English syntax, grammar, meaning, and structure used in another language with varying degrees of corruption.
Anglicisms in Chinese
Note: Chinglish refers to poor or broken English used by native Chinese speakers, while anglicisms in Chinese refers to appropriation of English terms, expressions, or concepts into Chinese language. These two concepts should not be confused.
Example of anglicism by phonetic borrowing: use of expression "巴士" (instead of "公共汽車" or "公共汽车") for "bus" in Hong Kong and Macao because of similarity in pronunciations.
Syntactic anglicism: occurs when a sentence is rendered following the English word order instead of Chinese word order. For example, "网络" ("網絡") or "网路" ("網路") (network); "网" or "網" can be translated as "net".
Anglicisms in Afrikaans
See Anglisaans (content in
Anglicisms in French
A distinction is made between well-established English borrowings into French, and other words and structures regarded as incorrect.
Occasionally governments of both Quebec and France have undertaken strenuous efforts to eradicate anglicisms, with some success, although in modern times there has been a more relaxed attitude. Sometimes a new word is coined in French that succeeds in replacing the anglicism — for instance, logiciel ("software").
However, the Académie française's directives are not always considered very appropriate; for instance, it has decreed that "online chat" be replaced by causette or parlotte, but these are terms for "chat" that are not commonly used. In Quebec a different solution has been found to translate "online chat." The word clavardage is increasingly gaining acceptance. This neologism is a portmanteau word coined from the words clavier ("keyboard") and bavardage ("chat"); an English equivalent portmanteau might be "keyversation."
Quebec French and European French tend to have entirely different anglicisms for historical reasons. Quebec French acquired its anglicisms in a gradual process of linguistic borrowing resulting from living among and alongside English speakers for two and a half centuries since the Battle of the Plains of Abraham of 1759. European French, on the other hand, mostly adopted its anglicisms in recent decades due to the post-Second World War international dominance of English. Furthermore, the use of English words is less of a mark of "coolness" in Quebec than in France. Thus, the people of Quebec and France often consider each other's anglicisms to be incorrect or humorous while considering their own to be perfectly normal. In Quebec, anglicisms are never used in formal documentation (government papers, instruction sheets) and very rarely used in informal writing (magazines, journals). Where the use of an anglicism is unavoidable, it is generally written in italics.
An example of a European French anglicism not used in Quebec:
: sweat: short for sweatshirt, but pronounced like the English word "sweet"
An example of a Quebec French anglicism not used in France;
: frencher: to French kiss
Another type of anglicism is a phrase or structure that is calqued from the English. For example, the valediction Sincèrement vôtre is regarded as an anglicism, a direct translation of the English "Sincerely yours," when a native French valediction would be more appropriate.
Because English itself borrowed a great amount of French vocabulary after the Norman Conquest, some anglicisms are actually Old French words that dropped from usage in French over the centuries but were preserved in English and have now come full circle back into French. For instance, one attested origin of the verb "to flirt" cites influence from the Old French expression conter fleurette, which means "to (try to) seduce". (Other possible origins for the word include flit, E. Frisian flirt (a flick or light stroke) and E. Frisian flirtje (a giddy girl)). This expression is no longer used in French but the English gallicism "to flirt" has made its way back over the Channel and has itself now become an anglicism in French.
Note that there are also some words that were borrowed from English into French centuries ago, such as clown (pronounced "kloon"), square (meaning "public square") or spleen (meaning "melancholy" rather than the organ). These are not considered anglicisms but rather are perfectly good French words fully accepted by the Académie française.
Anglicisms in German
See Denglisch
Anglicisms in Polish
Due to increased contact with English, Polish has in the 20th and 21st centuries borrowed many words and expressions from English.
While earlier borrowings were related to maritime terms and sports, e. g.
kil (keel)
maszt (mast)
krykiet (cricket)
jogging (jogging),
later examples include words which already have Polish equivalents and therefore are not recognized by all language users:
menadżer (manager) instead of kierownik
quad (quad bike) instead of czterokołowiec
monitoring (CCTV) instead of nadzór, dozór
W czym mogę pomóc (English: How can I help you) instead of W czym mogę służyć.
Some Polish anglicisms appeared due to the birth of consumerism:
dyskont (E: discount store)
market (E: supermarket)
lajfstylowy (E: [adj] lifestyle)
marketing (E: [n] marketing)
For many computer- and Internet-related phenomena no Polish word has been invented. Instead, English words are used:
komputer (computer)
czat (chat)
interfejs (interface).
See Poglish.
Anglicisms in Portuguese
"Anglicismos" are more common in
Brazilian Portuguese than in
European Portuguese.
Anglicisms in Italian
Benito Mussolini, efforts were made to purify
Italian of anglicisms and other foreign words. Today, Italy is the country in Europe where anglicism are most used, without alterations.
Anglicisms in Spanish
The hispanisation of English words is fairly common in the United States.
In Spain, the adoption of English words is extremely common in the spheres of business and information technology, although it is usually frowned upon by purists
Anglicisms in Ukrainian
There are a lot of anglisizmz in
Ukrainian language wich are from meny sides of human life.
Техніка: блюмінг, б?льдозер, б?фер, грейдер, ди?петчер, ди?плей, е?калатор, ка?пер, комбайн, комп'ютер, конвеєр, крекінг, принтер, радар, ?лябінг, ?ейф, телетайп, тендер, трактор, трамвай, т?нель, файл, фільм, фор??нка, хонінг?вання.
Мореплав?тво, вій?ькова ?права: аврал, бра?нінг, б?нкер, ватерлінія, вельбот, докер, дрейф, катер, мічман, ?найпер, танк, танкер, трап, тра?лер, ?квал, ?люпка, ?рапнель, ?х?на, яхта.
Політика, економіка, торгівля: банкнота, бізне?, блеф, блокада, бойкот, бо?, бюджет, ганг?тер, демпінг, долар, інтерв'ю, лідер, лока?т, маркетинг, менеджер, менеджмент, мітинг, рекет, тре?т, чек.
Спорт: а?т, бок?, бок?ер, ватерполо, волейбол, гол, голкіпер, матч, жокей, нока?т, ра?нд, рекорд, ?паринг, ?порт, ?порт?мен, ?тарт, тені?, трек, тренер, фіні?, форвард, ф?тбол, хокей.
Одяг, тканини: бязь, вельвет, джемпер, піджак, піжама, плед, плю?, ?мокінг, френч.
Їжа, напої: біф?тек?, кек?, п?динг, п?н?, ром, ро?тбіф, ?андвіч, торт.
К?льт?ра: г?мор, джаз, кло?н, кл?б, комфорт, памфлет, ?квер, тент, фок?трот, фольклор, хол.
Anglicisms in Finnish
See also (American) Finglish
The anglicisms can be divided to four types: direct phonetic imitation, lexical and grammatical calques, and contamination of orthography. Official language (as given by the Language Planning Office) deprecates anglicisms, and for the most part, native constructions are sufficient even in spoken language. Nevertheless, some anglicisms creep in.
Computer jargon is generally full of direct imitation, e.g. svappi "swap". Other jargons with abundant anglicisms are pop music, scifi, gaming, fashion, automobile and to some extent scientific jargon. This is regarded a sign of overspecialization, if used outside the context of the jargon. Generally, direct imitation is not as common, but there are examples. For example, the word sexy [seksy], pronounced with an Y unlike in English [seksi], might be used as an adjective. This is teenager-specific.
Lexical calques take an English expression, like killer application, and produce tappajasovellus, which does mean "an application that kills" just as in English. You will need to know the equivalent English term to understand this.
Some speakers, especially those in frequent contact with the English language have created a grammatical calque of the English you-impersonal. The English impersonal utilizes the second person pronoun you, e.g. You can't live if you don't eat. Here, the word you does not refer explicitly to the listener, but signifies a general statement. The same example is rendered in Finnish as Syömättä ei elä, where a separate grammatical impersonal (also known as passiivi) is used. When translated word-by-word, Sä et elä jos sä et syö, it will refer directly to the listener. Here the contraction sä of spoken language is used instead of the sinä of spoken language. Then, you will need to understand that it is an anglicism, or you can be offended by the commanding "You there!" tone produced. (There are also native examples of the same construction, so the origin of this piece of grammar may not always be English.)
An English orthographical convention is that compound words are written separately, whereas in Finnish, compound words are written together, using a hyphen with acronyms and numbers. In Finnish, prosessitekniikka and Intel 80286 -prosessori would be correct, but process engineering or Intel 80286 processor would not. Failure to join the words or omitting the hyphen can be either an honest mistake, or contamination from English.
Another orthographical convention is that English words tend to be written as the originals. For example, the computer jargon term from to chat is written as chattailla (chat + frequentative), even if it is pronounced sättäillä. The forms chattäillä or chättäillä are used, too. Sometimes, it is even standard language, e.g. sherry , instead of according to English pronunciation šeri .
Other definitions
In the context of
Interlingua, an anglicism is a uniquely English expression used when speaking or writing Interlingua. Many English expressions have penetrated into a
wide variety of languages, making them good Interlingua expressions. Novice speakers sometimes assume that an English expression is correct Interlingua when in fact it is not sufficiently international. For example, a novice may use
Lassa nos considerar le optiones to mean 'Let's consider the options', as in English. In Interlingua, however, this expression means 'Permit us to consider the options'. A more international expression is
Que nos considera le optiones, literally 'That we consider the options'.
See also
Barbarism (grammar)
Béarlachas (False Irish)
Category:English language
Category:Types of words
Category:Word coinage