
Weekend London: Globe Theater
The replica of Shakespeare's 1599 Globe Theatre was the project of Sam Wanamaker. In 1...
published: 03 Nov 2010
author: FabPlacez
Weekend London: Globe Theater
The replica of Shakespeare's 1599 Globe Theatre was the project of Sam Wanamaker. In 1970, Sam established the Shakespeare Trust which did the impossible of making way in 1993 to begin construction of the Globe. The Globe was completed in 1997, but Sam never saw the fulfillment of his project since he died in 1993.

Bangladeshi Drama in London Globe theatre
Bangladeshi drama group in London Globe theatre Channel S News, Sky 814 The Tempest in Ben...
published: 11 May 2012
author: BTJFUK2008
Bangladeshi Drama in London Globe theatre
Bangladeshi drama group in London Globe theatre Channel S News, Sky 814 The Tempest in Bengali by Dhaka Theatre at Globe theatre in London. Report: Shahidul Islam Sagor, Editor, Channel S News Date: 07 May 2012

Cymbeline in Juba Arabic, curtain call, London Globe part 1
Curtain call. Cymbeline, written by Taban Lo Liyong (South Sudan), London Globe, May 2 201...
published: 02 May 2012
author: GlobalShakespeare
Cymbeline in Juba Arabic, curtain call, London Globe part 1
Curtain call. Cymbeline, written by Taban Lo Liyong (South Sudan), London Globe, May 2 2012

A Midsummer Night's Dream in Korean at the London Globe - curtain call part 1
See part 2 here: youtu.be Directed by Jung-Ung Yang. Yohangza Company, South Korea. The 20...
published: 30 Apr 2012
author: GlobalShakespeare
A Midsummer Night's Dream in Korean at the London Globe - curtain call part 1
See part 2 here: youtu.be Directed by Jung-Ung Yang. Yohangza Company, South Korea. The 2012 World Shakespeare Festival in London.

Cymbeline in Juba Arabic, curtain call, London Globe part 2
Curtain call. Cymbeline, written by Taban Lo Liyong (South Sudan), London Globe, May 2 201...
published: 02 May 2012
author: GlobalShakespeare
Cymbeline in Juba Arabic, curtain call, London Globe part 2
Curtain call. Cymbeline, written by Taban Lo Liyong (South Sudan), London Globe, May 2 2012

London Globe Trooters
ME and Pieter going aroud EAST london courts...
published: 04 Aug 2007
author: storysuicide666
London Globe Trooters
ME and Pieter going aroud EAST london courts

A Midsummer Night's Dream in Korean at the London Globe - curtain call part 2
See part 1 here: youtu.be Directed by Jung-Ung Yang. Yohangza Company, South Korea. The 20...
published: 30 Apr 2012
author: GlobalShakespeare
A Midsummer Night's Dream in Korean at the London Globe - curtain call part 2
See part 1 here: youtu.be Directed by Jung-Ung Yang. Yohangza Company, South Korea. The 2012 World Shakespeare Festival in London.

Edinburgh Day 3 Tower of London Globe Tate Blood Brothers
Edinburgh Day 3 Tower of London Globe Tate Blood Brothers...
published: 07 Aug 2010
author: frank206206
Edinburgh Day 3 Tower of London Globe Tate Blood Brothers
Edinburgh Day 3 Tower of London Globe Tate Blood Brothers

Intrepid Travel London Globe Hunt heads down to the canal
If you thought London was all about busy roads and shopping, you're wrong! One of our ...
published: 17 Sep 2010
author: IntrepidWestbury
Intrepid Travel London Globe Hunt heads down to the canal
If you thought London was all about busy roads and shopping, you're wrong! One of our naughty little clues, meant our Intrepid globe hunters were sent along the Regenty canal to find their next free Intrepid Trip!

Grand Tour Intermission London Globe Theater July 7 2007
While in London, this was a quick intermission performance during Shakepeare's Othello...
published: 25 Nov 2007
author: replyto317
Grand Tour Intermission London Globe Theater July 7 2007
While in London, this was a quick intermission performance during Shakepeare's Othello in London's Globe Theatre.

Kamiak Drama London - Globe Theater Workshop
KHS 2006 Drama team trip to London...
published: 25 Nov 2006
author: barbthechef
Kamiak Drama London - Globe Theater Workshop
KHS 2006 Drama team trip to London

Shakespeare London Globe
Doctor Faustus, Marlowe, 2011...
published: 03 Jul 2011
author: bergmauli
Shakespeare London Globe
Doctor Faustus, Marlowe, 2011

London Globe Theatre: workshop
Workshop in het Globe Theatre in Londen. Aanwijzingen als "stop", "go"...
published: 08 Apr 2011
author: timnij
London Globe Theatre: workshop
Workshop in het Globe Theatre in Londen. Aanwijzingen als "stop", "go", "clap", "jump" "love" en "hate" moesten worden gevolgd door te klappen, springen, handen op het hard of een vuist maken. In het fragment worden de instructies omgedraaid: stop werd go, hate werd love, clap werd jump en vice versa. Our guide had a game: instructions like "stop", "go", "clap", "jump" "love" and "hate" had to be followed up. At the end, the instructions were changed to the opposite. Stop became go, hate become love and clap become jump and vv

Intrepid Travel London Globe Hunt
Another lucky winner cracks the clues from twitter and bags himself a great prize! Enjoy y...
published: 17 Sep 2010
author: IntrepidWestbury
Intrepid Travel London Globe Hunt
Another lucky winner cracks the clues from twitter and bags himself a great prize! Enjoy your Intrepid Travel trip. @Intrepid_Travel

London Globe Theatre
London Part Globe Theatre...
published: 26 Sep 2007
author: jaylegulasjay
London Globe Theatre
London Part Globe Theatre

Richard III in Mandarin
Two murderers and Clarence, mix of Beijing opera routine from "Fight at the Crossword...
published: 02 Jun 2012
author: GlobalShakespeare
Richard III in Mandarin
Two murderers and Clarence, mix of Beijing opera routine from "Fight at the Crosswords Inn (Sancha kou)" and Chinese spoken drama (huaju) techniques Directed by Wang Xiaoying (National Theatre of China, Beijing) May 2012 at the London Globe World Shakespeare Festival

Neil Constable on the World Shakespeare Festival 2012
"We don't own Shakespeare any more here on Bankside at Shakespeare's Globe. I...
published: 06 May 2012
author: GlobalShakespeare
Neil Constable on the World Shakespeare Festival 2012
"We don't own Shakespeare any more here on Bankside at Shakespeare's Globe. I don't think the UK owns Shakespeare. Actually the world owns Shakespeare now." Neil Constable, Chief Executive, London Globe At the Reception hosted by Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in London after the minimalist Titus Andronicus directed by TANG Shu-wing (Tang Shu-wing Studio, Hong Kong) at the London Globe, May 3, 2012

The Correspondents - I Wanna Be Like You
Live at The Fitzrovia Radio Hour...
published: 10 Aug 2009
author: beedee
The Correspondents - I Wanna Be Like You
Live at The Fitzrovia Radio Hour

AIFS in London - England Study Abroad
Study abroad in London, England with AIFS. Internships and new theater program at the Lond...
published: 24 Sep 2009
author: AIFSExperience
AIFS in London - England Study Abroad
Study abroad in London, England with AIFS. Internships and new theater program at the London Globe Theater available! By including your tuition, housing, meals, airfare and cultural activities in one guaranteed price, AIFS makes it simple for you to live and study in London and experience all that this dynamic, cosmopolitan city has to offer. Find out more at www.aifsabroad.com Request a free brochure at www.aifsabroad.com

Dr Bing - I mean Faustus - 2011.06.18
Past Bing goes to the Globe Theatre with his sister, but due to copyright can't film a...
published: 18 Jun 2012
author: bingradio
Dr Bing - I mean Faustus - 2011.06.18
Past Bing goes to the Globe Theatre with his sister, but due to copyright can't film anything interesting! Tumblr: pbfb.smzv.com Twitter twitter.com Facebook: facebook.com First PBFB: www.youtube.com Playlist: www.youtube.com This video happened a year ago. Confused? CLICK THIS: www.youtube.com

Celebrating Arts:Shakespeare in Urdu
Pakistani theatre group "Theatre Wallay" presented a new production, an Urdu ada...
published: 28 May 2012
author: ukforeignoffice
Celebrating Arts:Shakespeare in Urdu
Pakistani theatre group "Theatre Wallay" presented a new production, an Urdu adaptation of Shakespeare's "The Taming of the Shrew" at the Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in May 2012 in London during the World Shakespeare Festival. The production, rich in colour and energy, explored the difficulties encountered by modern Pakistani women using the Shakespearean theme. The video also showcases the strong links between UK and Pakistan in the field of creative art and literature, and the similarities between the two cultures. For more information head to www.facebook.com ukinpakistan.fco.gov.uk or @UKinPakistan

Shakespeare's Globe
Short video of my visit to the famous reconstruction of The Globe Theatre, London....
published: 29 Sep 2006
author: deadmonarchs
Shakespeare's Globe
Short video of my visit to the famous reconstruction of The Globe Theatre, London.