
Hosea -- Come back to me - Gregory Norbet, OSB
The Father called the Israelites back to him in Hosea 14:1 "Return, O Israel, to the ...
published: 10 Nov 2007
author: themaineman2001
Hosea -- Come back to me - Gregory Norbet, OSB
The Father called the Israelites back to him in Hosea 14:1 "Return, O Israel, to the LORD your God, For you have stumbled because of your iniquity". Likewise, Jesus calls all to Him. There is much abuse and addictions among people. We are to let them know that Jesus has paid the price for sin with his blood and the cross, and that he has already broken all chains. Turn away, and place dependence on Jesus. Seek your deliverance from addiction through Him. You're His creation and God loves YOU very much. If need be, seek professional help.

Hosea MV
Just wanted to share my personal reflection these days.. As usual I'm busy with my wor...
published: 29 May 2007
author: mhcaillesrn
Hosea MV
Just wanted to share my personal reflection these days.. As usual I'm busy with my work and having hard time to find a moment with God. This song is about God's faithfulness, He is patiently waiting for us to come home to Him!

Come Back to Me (Hosea)
Come Back to Me;;;;one of the hymns I have included in my CD "Lay your Hands" wh...
published: 30 Apr 2008
author: maureenderry
Come Back to Me (Hosea)
Come Back to Me;;;;one of the hymns I have included in my CD "Lay your Hands" which I recorded to raise funds for 'The Derry Trust Fund'..an organisation which takes the sick and disabled to Lourdes every year.

Hosea's Wife (Brooke Fraser)
Inspiring song - addresses the question "What do we live for?"...
published: 06 May 2009
author: YvonneBarnes
Hosea's Wife (Brooke Fraser)
Inspiring song - addresses the question "What do we live for?"

Hosea - Come Back to me
Multimedia presentation for First Penance /FIrst Reconciliation Parent Meeting. Music by J...
published: 13 Oct 2010
author: maryelizabethanne2
Hosea - Come Back to me
Multimedia presentation for First Penance /FIrst Reconciliation Parent Meeting. Music by John Michael Talbot.

Composer, Gregory Norbet, performs his song "Hosea (Come Back to Me)" in concert...
published: 02 Feb 2009
author: GregoryNorbet
Composer, Gregory Norbet, performs his song "Hosea (Come Back to Me)" in concert on Cape Cod. See more: www.GregoryNorbet.org . This song dates to the early 1970s when Gregory was a monk in the Weston Priory in Vermont. He is still composing wonderful spiritual music today that speaks to all generations.

The Hosea Love Story: Part One
The Covenant Love of God (Hosea 1 - 2:1) In this modern day telling of the book of Hosea, ...
published: 26 Feb 2012
author: IBCvoice
The Hosea Love Story: Part One
The Covenant Love of God (Hosea 1 - 2:1) In this modern day telling of the book of Hosea, Hosea has entered into a covenant with Gomer just as God has entered into a covenant with his people, us. We have not merely broken God's law; we have broken God's heart. We have grieved him. Despite all our spiritual adultery, we cannot exhaust the love of God and we deserve to be shown "No Mercy" and called "Not My People", but because Jesus was shown no mercy and was forsaken by the Father, we can rest secure in God's love for us. There is nothing in us that can evoke the love of God, and there is nothing in us that can exhaust the love of God. Join us at Irving Bible Church throughout the Season of Lent, (or here on youtube), as we unpack the story of Hosea and learn of the love that although undeserved, sets us free. Each Sunday we will release the next video in this six part series. We hope it finds you drawn into the story of Hosea and into the story of God. www.irvingbible.org Listen to the sermon here: www.irvingbible.org To read the complete story: www.biblegateway.com Written by: Rachael Currie and Josh Read Director: Josh Read Producer: Rachael Currie Music: Tunglio by Olafur Arnalds Editor: Josh Read Hosea Character: Doug Hale Gomer Character: Kameron Douglas Gomer's Lover: Richard Carpenter Cinematographer: Cody Dulock Production Designer: Rachael Currie After Effects: Cody Dulock www.youtube.com www.rachaelcurrie.com http

This music express the sorrow of Hosea the prophet....
published: 05 Aug 2006
author: asafmex
This music express the sorrow of Hosea the prophet.

The Hosea Love Story: Part Two
The Tough Love of God (Hosea 2:1-13) In this modern day telling of the book of Hosea, Hose...
published: 04 Mar 2012
author: IBCvoice
The Hosea Love Story: Part Two
The Tough Love of God (Hosea 2:1-13) In this modern day telling of the book of Hosea, Hosea has entered into a covenant with Gomer just as God has entered into a covenant with us, his people. We are adulterers, running to other lovers. God allows us to chase the wind, however, he does not walk away from us. He does not abandon us. He is ready to welcome us home. There is nothing in us that can evoke the love of God, and there is nothing in us that can exhaust the love of God. He will wait for us to return. Join us at Irving Bible Church throughout the Season of Lent (or here on youtube) as we unpack the story of Hosea and learn of the love that although undeserved, sets us free. Each Sunday we will release the next video in this six part series. We hope it finds you drawn into the story of Hosea and into the story of God. www.irvingbible.org Listen to the sermon here: www.irvingbible.org To read the complete story: www.biblegateway.com Written by: Rachael Currie and Josh Read Director: Josh Read Producer: Rachael Currie Music: Poland by Olafur Arnalds itunes.apple.com Editor: Josh Read Hosea Character: Doug Hale Gomer Character: Kameron Douglas Gomer's Lover: Richard Carpenter Cinematographer: Cody Dulock Production Designer: Rachael Currie After Effects: Cody Dulock itunes.apple.com www.youtube.com www.rachaelcurrie.com http

The Prophet Hosea, by Dr. James C. Howell
"Hosea: Love That Endures" Purpose: To help us examine Hosea's comparison of...
published: 11 Jun 2009
author: MyersParkMethodist
The Prophet Hosea, by Dr. James C. Howell
"Hosea: Love That Endures" Purpose: To help us examine Hosea's comparison of God's love with human love. Bible references: Hosea 1:1-3, 3:1-2, 6:4-6, 11:1-4 and 8-9.

Brooke Fraser - Hosea's Wife
Hosea's Wife by Brooke Fraser I just spoke silence with the seeker next to me She had ...
published: 24 Apr 2009
author: Riku000lala
Brooke Fraser - Hosea's Wife
Hosea's Wife by Brooke Fraser I just spoke silence with the seeker next to me She had a heart with hesitant, halting speech That turned to mine and asked belligerently "What do I live for?" I see the scars of searches everywhere I go From hearts to wars to literature to radio There's a question like a shame no one will show "What do I live for?" We are Hosea's wife We are squandering this life Using people like ladders and words like knives [CHORUS] If we've eyes to see If we've ears to hear To find it in our hearts and mouths The word that saves is near Shed that shallow skin Come and live again Leave all you were before To believe is to begin There is truth in little corners of our lives There are hints of it in songs and children's eyes It's familiar, like an ancient lullaby What do I live for? We are Hosea's wife We are squandering this life Using bodies like money and truth like lies [CHORUS] [Bridge] We are more than dust That means something That means something We are more than just Blood and emotions Inklings and notions Atoms on oceans

Ravi Zacharias Sermon on Hosea Part 1 of 2
Brother Ravi Zacharias with an excellent sermon on the Bible book of Hosea. I took this vi...
published: 25 Nov 2008
author: IchtusDeogloria
Ravi Zacharias Sermon on Hosea Part 1 of 2
Brother Ravi Zacharias with an excellent sermon on the Bible book of Hosea. I took this video fragment from a video on the Dutch Hour of Power/Crystal Cathedral web site. JESUS IS LORD!!

Banned College Lecture! US False Education Exposed, Hosea 4:6: My People Die From Lack Of Knowledge
America is a country that lies to their children and hides the fact we live under evil eli...
published: 19 Jun 2011
author: KnowTheTruthTV
Banned College Lecture! US False Education Exposed, Hosea 4:6: My People Die From Lack Of Knowledge
America is a country that lies to their children and hides the fact we live under evil elite families(WHO CONTROL OUR MONEY THROUGH ILLEGAL FEDERAL RESERVE) who own everything and have a monopoly on our economy...they also destroyed our farmers(WE MUST BRING BACK FARMERS BCUZ THEIR IS NOT ENOUGH JOBS FOR EVERYBODY) and the elite spit in our ancestors and our face by saying we are in debt after they stole all the money and gold...WAKE UP AMERICA!! WE HAVE BEEN LIED TO AND WE ARE NOT IN DEBT!!! .....The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP Amoco and Chevron Texaco); in tandem with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays and other European old money behemoths. But their monopoly over the global economy does not end at the edge of the oil patch. But their monopoly over the global economy does not end at the edge of the oil patch. According to company 10K filings to the SEC, the Four Horsemen of Banking are among the top ten stock holders of virtually every Fortune 500 corporation. So who then are the stockholders in these money center banks? CPA Thomas D. Schauf corroborates McCallister's claims, adding that ten banks control all twelve Federal Reserve Bank branches. He names NM Rothschild of London, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Israel Moses <b>...</b>

Coach Bobby Hosea's BIG HITTS Training Academy
In association with Xenith, Coach Bobby Hosea breaks down the fundamentals of proper tackl...
published: 20 May 2011
author: XenithChannel
Coach Bobby Hosea's BIG HITTS Training Academy
In association with Xenith, Coach Bobby Hosea breaks down the fundamentals of proper tackling technique in the game of football.

Actor Hosea Chanchez of CW11 "The Game"
Actor Hosea Chanchez star player in CW in "The Game"...
published: 09 Apr 2008
author: wpix
Actor Hosea Chanchez of CW11 "The Game"
Actor Hosea Chanchez star player in CW in "The Game"

Pooch Hall & Hosea Chanchez - Mother's Day
Pooch Hall shares with us how meaningful Mother's Day will always be to him. Hosea Cha...
published: 08 May 2009
author: TheCWSource
Pooch Hall & Hosea Chanchez - Mother's Day
Pooch Hall shares with us how meaningful Mother's Day will always be to him. Hosea Chanchez talks about how being brothers is also a good part of celebrating Mother's Day. Produced by: Catalina Walsh Property of Tribune Interactive

Hosea Gear try saving hit against Waikato
www.rugbydump.com for more of Gear in action....
published: 24 Aug 2010
author: rugbydump2010
Hosea Gear try saving hit against Waikato
www.rugbydump.com for more of Gear in action.

10000 Dead Fish Missouri (Zephaniah Hosea Prophecy)
"Hosea Prophecy" Theologian Paul Begley of Indiana first book explores the proph...
published: 08 Jun 2012
author: paulbegley34
10000 Dead Fish Missouri (Zephaniah Hosea Prophecy)
"Hosea Prophecy" Theologian Paul Begley of Indiana first book explores the prophecy of the last days dead birds, fish and cows www.paulbegleyprophecy.com and http

Last week 'The Game' star Hosea Chanchez had the internet ablaze with his spoof vi...
published: 25 Aug 2011
Last week 'The Game' star Hosea Chanchez had the internet ablaze with his spoof video 'Booty Shotz' - - this time an extended version of the video is out, and it's just as hilarious as the first!!! Cameos from Jason Weaver, Rodney Jerkins! It's pretty fucking hilarious! Look out for Dysfunctional Friends to be released this Fall! The video is promotional for Dysfunctional Friends movie that is coming out this Fall! Hosea plays a hasbeen rapper, and Jason plays his best friend who is accused of ruining Hosea's character, Jamal, career with this video! Watch the whole thing!

Hosea Chanchez - Malik on "The Game" - Part 1
Jason C. sat down with Hosea Chanchez on the set of The Game and found out which part Hose...
published: 19 Nov 2007
author: TheCWSource
Hosea Chanchez - Malik on "The Game" - Part 1
Jason C. sat down with Hosea Chanchez on the set of The Game and found out which part Hosea initially auditioned for, if he's as much of a mama's boy as Malik, and what's next for Malik and Renee's on-and-off romance. There are a few minor spoilers in this interview, so consider yourself warned!

The Hosea Love Story: Part Three
The Tender Love of God (Hosea 2:14-23) Hosea shows tender love to his adulterous wife. Ami...
published: 11 Mar 2012
author: IBCvoice
The Hosea Love Story: Part Three
The Tender Love of God (Hosea 2:14-23) Hosea shows tender love to his adulterous wife. Amidst her wayward heart he awaits for Gomer to return, alluring her back to himself, and speaking tenderly. It is almost scandalous how much God continues to love us despite our adultery. He does not abandon us, he puts his arms around us, and longs for us to come home. Will we allow him to forgive us when we've strayed? Join us at Irving Bible Church throughout the Season of Lent, (or here on youtube), as we unpack the story of Hosea and learn of the love that although undeserved, sets us free. Each Sunday we will release the next video in this six part series. We hope it finds you drawn into the story of Hosea and into the story of God. www.irvingbible.org Listen to the sermon here: www.irvingbible.org To read the complete story: www.biblegateway.com Written by: Rachael Currie and Josh Read Director: Josh Read Producer: Rachael Currie Editor: Josh Read Hosea Character: Doug Hale Gomer Character: Kameron Douglas Police Officer: Stuart Todd Whitworth Cinematographer: Cody Dulock Production Designer: Rachael Currie Music: Raein by Olafur Arnalds After Effects: Cody Dulock www.youtube.com www.rachaelcurrie.com http