Insatiable lust for murder
Greedy for desire
No sorrow stops my inclination
An inner burning fire
The war within my pulsing brain
Keeps me separated
From those who never understand
Blind and desecrated
Red eyes are watching you
Immaculated cruel
You earn what you desever
No chance for your rebirth
It's just a battleground
For dissapointed hounds
My scorn will be your fate
That's what hell can create
The laughter of the useless man
Seems to me like promises
I raped and loved with silent pleasure
Not just in fantasies
I know there's nothing I can do
To kill the beast of thunder
They fed me with their inspirations
Escort me to the abbatoir
Red eyes are watching you
Immaculated cruel
You earn what you desever
No chance for your rebirth
It's just a battleground
For dissapointed hounds
My scorn will be your fate
That's what hell can create
Stripped of all my dignity
Thoughts of suicide
No conscience and no regret
Anger form the skies
The wall of silence starts to fall
I'm gonna go with pride
Piece by piece the truth reborn
Death to my delight
Red eyes are watching you
Immaculated cruel
You earn what you desever
No chance for your rebirth
It's just a battleground
For dissapointed hounds
My scorn will be your fate
My vacant art just imitate
A vacant nameless life
The knowledge of the victory
With vervent demonized
I'll bring up all my biggest guns
For those who never mind
Submission and duplicity
Don't want to lose my stripes
Warwhoops sounds from far beyond
In duration of my sense
My urges are revealed
The trade of war it makes me tense
Abilities to a man
Not firing a shot
Repentence of my inner soul
Can't help me to forget
Warlike Conspiracy
Nobody hears my inner voice
Imploring to his grace
I turn my servile face to god
But his face was turned away
My comrades diving hand in hand
The bullets struck 'em down
I followed them without a fear
The mating call of war
Warlike Conspiracy
My vacant art just imitate
A vacant nameless life
The knowledge of the victory
With vervent demonized
My comrades diving hand in hand
The bullets struck 'em down
I followed them without a fear
Blessed to taste a life of sin
My mind in constant pain
The piece that's always left behind
Just a morbid game
Taking your reverse
Open up your eyes
Your intact world will be destroyed
My short breath is by your side
There's nothing I can do
To stop me now
Wanted dead
The final sacrifice
Wanted dead
To preserve my reign
Who will write my story down
My emptiness to fill
The ocean of my hopeless thoughts
My hand for you to feed
Emotions blazed on fire
Segments of my life
The smile that's on my twisted face
Another sign that lies
There's nothing you could do
To stop me now
Wanted dead
The final sacrifice
Wanted dead
To preserve my reign
It's never been too late
Just to ease the pain
Caught between your legs
Suffering the dead
Reign upon your world
I've never sworn the oath
The secrets kept so long
I'll tell you now
Blessed to taste a life of sin
My mind in constant pain
The piece that's always left behind
It's just a morbid game
Taking your reverse
Open up your eyes
Your intact world will be destroyed
My short breath is by your side
There's nothing you can do
To stop me now
Wanted dead
The final sacrifice
Wanted dead
To preserve my reign
Wanted dead
Wanted dead
On your knees
Praying at the burial ground
Mistrustful eyes of intimacy
Pointing the way to the other side
You hear the screams of a million souls
Unguarded and left to their own resouces
Where time turned into a frozen block
And even the water of life
You will die!
Wander in the valley
As you reach for the sky
With hollow shells of faded dreams
Time bomb ticking has just begun
To make reprisals on what I have done
Like grains of sand that fall from my hand
The fate I feel is drawing near
Shackles in my brain losing so fast
Waiting to unfold
Mummified bodies
Elixer of life wasting away
Perpetual glares of those who are delivered
Entombed in the debris of honour and blood
A sinful voice that prophesied
Death becomes easy just close your eyes
Incantation of freedom so urgent and true
The malediction of a wicked breed
Total exhibition by political supreme
They look away and keep restrained cause money doesn't smell
Don't wanna hear the cries, forever damned in hell
Mind decapitation
TV Strangulation
Insane misdeeds without a trace
Nobody sees your smiling face
Visual Buggery
Barbarically electrified by terror and by pain
Consuming the irreverance, enjoyment for the brain
Depravation of a brutish world where death is still refined
Improving the occasion, corroded from inside
Mind decapitation
TV Strangulation
Insane misdeeds without a trace
Nobody sees your smiling face
Visual Buggery
You lock the doors, still breathing hot
With penchant for decease
Fingers crawling to the place
Where the serpent live
Incinerated feelings, unscrupulously dumped
Fingers crawling to the gun
To seal your morbid fate
Mind decapitation
TV Strangulation
Insane misdeeds without a trace
Nobody sees your smiling face
Eine Klingel ohne Namen, nirgends registriert
finstere Gestalten wohin man sieht
Am Tage noch da haben sie Versicherungen vertickt
doch in der Nacht werden sie zu Monstern
fernab von Frau und Kind
Auf der Suche nach frischem Fleisch
wie Wölfe im Schafspelz zu allem bereit
Leichen pflastern euren Weg
Im Angesicht des Todesvom Goldrausch gelenkt
Reichtum und Wahnsinn, veränderte Werte
von Habgier geprägt, Mafiageschäfte
Mit Luxuslimousinen durchs Revier
und wer nicht spurt wird eliminiert
Auf der Suche nach...
Doch irgendwann werden Jäger zu Gejagten
aus Herrenmenschen werden Sklaven
Eure Schreie verhallen ungehört
denn der Tod wirft seine Schatten voraus
It's time to die
Death stands behind the door
Satan sends his warriors
Demons break out of hell
Shrill cries
Angel dies
Shrill cries
Outbreak of evil
With swords and axes
They fight hard
In a massacre
They feel the hot smart
Shrill cries
Angel dies
Shrill cries
Outbreak of evil
Jesus cries
None can survive
People will destroy
Souls like hell
Where demons make a toy
Shrill cries
Angel dies
Shrill cries
Outbreak of evil
Shrill cries
Angel dies
Shrill cries
Outbreak of evil
Jesus cries
Shrill cries
Angel dies
Shrill cries
Stunted growth of emotions
Incurable confused
Gazing at her reflections
Mentally abused
You kill the one you love
At the first opportunity
Wistful resolution
Carnal property
The wolf and the lamb
Marauding in the night
Unsuspecting bags never pray
The truth a broken spine
And life will never change
The wolf and the lamb
Drifting in sea of blood
Shivered to the bone
Accusing words don't reach my ear
Request for death is done
Sitting on a throne of genocide
Our master regal and glory
Subject for suppressions land
Fairness find no place to expand
All his soldiers di to live
In labyrints of death
Buring temples in town of spell
Prepared for damnation to hell
Young blood envoyed
From endless starlight
Behats in right season
For ending the treason
Betrayed, forgotten and alone
Our mighty child is born
You confirm me by oath with magic signs
Possesses from your masterhs brightness
You bring me forms of ever open eyes
Token erect of thorny thigh
In his tyrannical lust
He kills and tortured all who sreams
"In god we trust"
Raise the merciless fight
Against a wird might
Come on, lets overthrow only chance
Change of sovereign is our deliverance
Insanity holds me tight
The lowest forms of my life
Fortification and gleam
To start the fire in me
Breaking all the rules
To bread my fear through you
Wrath is all you can see
Murder in the first degree
The enemy inside
I'm gonna lose my mind
The enemy inside
Waiting for the crime
Why have you been so blind
No religion feeds my mind
If blood runs warm and red
I'll leave you when you're dead
All promises I'll break
Every smile is just a fake
You're waiting for my caress
Incubation of your ashes
The enemy inside
I'm gonna lose my mind
The enemy inside
Waiting for the crime
The enemy inside
The enemy inside
Why have you been so blind
No religion feeds my mind
If blood runs warm and red
I'll leave you when you're dead
All promises I'll break
Every smile is just a fake
You're waiting for my caress
Incubation of your ashes
Tell me what you want to be
Your dream is my reality
Messing around with a gun
Can't undo what I've done
Can't undo what I've done
Reaching for the sky
Somebody's help to respite
Uncontrolled satisfaction
Response to your reaction
The enemy inside
I'm gonna lose my mind
The enemy inside
The enemy inside
The enemy inside
The enemy inside
The enemy inside
Waiting for the crime
Company of heaven has sent us a chosen apostle
To the treasure of the damned
Blessing no longer be poured the mystical lord
Covered with rich headdress
He will proceed his way over the line
Furious as tiger
Once the tower rocked and cracked beneath its lash
Caught inextinguishable fire
Conqueror - Conqueror - Conqueror
The lord of host gave ear into his sing
Intolerable blackness helms him
Only the lightning from his hand that sits
When usurping tyrants fall
An unsullied maid baffles his seductions and his ire
Pines in the poison
Compassion is the vice of kings
Stamp down the wrelched weakConqueror - Conqueror - Conqueror
You are not of the slaves that perish
Pity them not
Tear down that lying spectre of centuries
Vices and virtues words
We'll hide in a smash of sorrow
You shall fear
Let your rites be rightly performed
With joy and beauty
Conqueror - Conqueror - Conqueror
Source and seed of misanthropy
Is the age of inquisition
Where kings and queens got the power
To lay down immoral religions
Pursuit of innocent flesh
Shredding of their blood
Plundering and robbing
A thousand natural lusts
Hypnotised by the smell of death
Stiff walking to the stake
Amusement, tar and feathers
You are gonna loose your faith
Delivered from the hell's great fear
Spirits lost in gloom
Seek them in their dread abode
Tarred and feathered
Beautiful red-haired ladies
They got put in the pillory
Skinned alive or stoned to death
Broken on the wheel
Sanguinary with arms across
The king watched the scenery
Exorcised and quartered
In the shambles of sinHypnotised by the smell of death
Stiff walking to the stake
Amusement, tar and feathers
You are gonna loose your faith
Delivered from the hell's great fear
Spirits lost in gloom
Seek them in their dread abode
Tarred and feathered
Hypnotised by the smell of death
Stiff walking to the stake
Amusement, tar and feathers
You are gonna loose your faith
Delivered from the hell's great fear
Spirits lost in gloom
Seek them in their dread abode
Tarred and feathered
Tarred and feathered
Tarred and feathered
Armed and ready I sit in a room
Vanishing power
A sting in my arm
Blood pours on the floor
Final hour
The one that got me out of the grave
Always there
Don't know what he's aiming at
Do not dare
Never regain...
Tapping the vein
Darkness all around me
I can't see
A door that's never really open
Not for me
The shock of recognition now
I will die
Mind distortion weird thoughts
Tell me why...I'm going insane...
Tapping the vein
Still got my gun my only friend
Through it all
Can't pull the trigger no final shot
Can't you hear my call?
Venomous poison lethal liquid
Pumping through my veins
Physical destruction
Psychic interruption
Dying brain
Never regain...
Tapping the vein
Well everybody's heard about the bird
Bird bird bird
Bird is the word
Don't you know about the bird
Well everybody knows that the bird is a word
Bird bird bird bird is a word
Say your little prayer to god every day
And you will not burn in hell
You think the way you live you life is right
But I think it is not
Your mind's fucked up by serving
Some one you don't know
You don't if it's real
If you really wanna bop then find
Some one and bop until the end of timeJesus
Say your prayers to god every day
And you all will burn in hell
The lies they tell you won't come true
And in the end you simply die
They curse the day
When I was born
Mentally deranged
Fits of raving madness
Immolate beyond the grave
Celebrate and enjoy
The thrusts with my knife
The way you feel
Is the way you will die
You think you're dead
But you're just skinned alive
I hear you cry
But slow and sure
Your skin will be my toy
Death becomes
Second nature to me
My heart expands with joy
Celebrate and enjoy
The thrusts with my knife
The way you feel
Is the way you will die
You think you're dead
But you're just skinned alive
Liquidation and supreme sacrifice
Deeply afflicted faces
Appetising body odour
Anguish but rest in pieces
Celebrate and enjoy
The thrusts with my knife
The way you feel
Is the way you will die
You think you're dead
But you're just skinned alive
They want stop to carry on a ruthless exploitation
They want to see him die, blood and despoliation
Rescue operation
A drop in the bucket
Armed and seasoned
But we'll never give up
Hopeless deliverance
We'll fight to the end
Stick at nothing
Because silence is consent
From the depth he rises,
Tracked and harpooned
Compassion in his eyes,
Death is coming soon
Rescue operation
A drop in the bucket
Armed and seasoned
But we'll never give up
Hopeless deliverance
We'll fight to the end
Stick at nothing
Because silence is consent
Rescue operation
A drop in the bucket
Armed and seasoned
But we'll never give up
Hopeless deliverance
We'll fight to the end
Stick at nothing
Because silence is consentMysterious voices like setting up a wail
Songs of pain and sorrow that sounds from far away
Murderous, predatory, scrupulous, SCUM
Rescue operation
A drop in the bucket
Armed and seasoned
But we'll never give up
Hopeless deliverance
We'll fight to the end
Stick at nothing
Because silence is consent
Good-natured giants
The masters of the sea
Telling us a story
The faith of Moby Dick
I saw your face in the crowd
Impressed so deep inside my heart
Nothing gonna stop me now
Seduce this little whore
Your soul was dipped in venom
Your dignity with angel's words
Sweetness of your dirty love
That makes me feel so good
Refracting the light of my dreams
Darkening the sun of my hopes
Like silhouette of dissimulation
Like a shadow of damnation
Riding on a train I cannot control
Through all the pain, through all the sorrow
It's just the passion I demand
It's just the road that never endsRefracting the light of my dreams
Darkening the sun of my hopes
Like silhouette of dissimulation
Like a shadow of damnation
You are acting on your playground
To see me creep and crawl
God-awful my dependence
Upon this greedy soul
Lacerated by your passion
The devil seems to be with you
Secret wishes, satisfaction
Emotions of a fool
Refracting the light of my dreams
Darkening the sun of my hopes
Like silhouette of dissimulation
Like a shadow of damnation
Like a shadow of damnation
Like a shadow of damnation
Like a shadow of damnation
Do you see
All the dreg of humanity
Rank and file
That looks at me
Creeping out of gloomy holes
Like dirty lousy rats
Soiling up this peaceful place
With all their rotten shit
Every inch
Holding in contempt
The dignity of man
Coloured whipping boys
Victimised by their foolish hate
Defenceless like a toy
When they go to their fateScum
Marching off
With the flags of lies
Get their ashes hauled
In a dreadful fight
Unscrupulous rapes
Beyond the grave
Embodies ghastly sights
Signed by cowardice
Precursors of the menace
Admonition of the death
Obscurity and secret force
What are these symbols standing for?
Gomorrah, mother of harlotry
Gomorrah, ascendancy forever
An insidious looking creature
Beneath the frantic fault
Ready to be delivered
The son of our lord
Gomorrah, abomination of the earth
Gomorrah, wrath and fornicationHe is crying with a resentful voice
Like a roaring lion
Sin city will burn he has no choice
They have to pay the price
Gomorrah, noisome grievous sore
Gomorrah, judgement of the whore
And their dead bodies
Shall lie in the streets
Where also our lord
Was crucified and killed
Gomorrah, downfall is near
Gomorrah, they didn't realise
Gomorrah, the have to disappear
Gomorrah, blessed are the dead
Honour the fallen heroes
See their last resting place
Perished in the battle of nations
Where they found eternal peace
Do you know the use of their decorations?
Awarded for patriotism
They left their life in fire
But don't know even why
Remember the fallen
Remember the fallen
To the command of despotic dictators
They marched to fight in a senseless war
Most of them were just puppets and children
The battle was lost before it beganBrotherly in heart and hand
Know that they never come back
With combined effort
And the believe in god
Their duty only as cannon fodder
Kamikaze as living bombs
Driven into the open knife
Deceitful and malicious
Remember the fallen
Remember the fallen
Their tormented souls will never rest
To pay us back for their innocent death
No quarter shed our proud blood
Retaliation on the warpath
Martydom and servitude
Psychosis of a rabid sickless brood
Esoteric dreams a foreign man
Nocturnal flush, frenzied and rude
Buried in a nameless grave
Stand up again the world to save
The fear of darkness and of death
An ormament wedge
Sigh by prophecy
Bestial thought
Drive me in corupt
Hungry belussions
Inseparable huminilty
So man I came with lance and sword
Lead once more the legions of lord
Thrill with lissome lust of light
Come careing out of the night
Ascent to the virceous circle
In an era of fright and terror
A holy document
Hold in hands of unknown
Eradication, opulence
And parish noise
Mephisto the oppressor
Makes me so I like to feel
But I cant believe its true
The day when I arrive the paradies
I flog my horse to the hills of violation
Return in my cenotaph to
The smell of death is all around
Cold violence we adore
The daily deads, man for breakfast
Shall life renew these bodies of the truth
Abused visions and shattered dreams
From this pain and misery
Just pray to summon up the dead
Condemned to the capital punishment
You rule the world
You drink their blood
Betray their souls
You think you've
Nothing to regret
Wounds are bleeding fresh
Illusions of freedom
The symbols of your destiny
Prophesies of blasphemies
The reverance that died within
They are creeping upon you
Hatred venom seeping through
You want to be the master's blast
Ain't no promises that will last
Feel increasing mindless pain
To the epicentre of my hate
You rule the world
You drink their blood
Betray their souls
You think you've
Nothing to regret
Wounds are bleeding fresh
Illusions of freedom
The symbols of your destiny
You rule the world
You drink their blood
Betray their souls
You think you've
Nothing to regret
Wounds are bleeding fresh
Illusions of freedom
The symbols of your destiny
Your touch is like a snakebite kiss
Your love is like a boon
A leader in my haggard dreams
Emotions of a fool
No way out
I'm spoiling you with my prurience
My sadness disappears
The way you told me bedside stories
Still pleasant to my ears
A willing and addictive girl
Wide open legs so tempting
The gleaming of her greedy eyes
Seduced me to come back
Your touch was like a snakebite kiss
Your love was like a boon
The leader in my haggard dreams
Secluded by generalities
No eyes saw them before
Exiled and damned from birth till death
Rejected by their parents
Locked up as beasts
No clergy brought their souls to bless
Never ending pain
In the hour of their death
Driven to their tomb
By never healing wounds
Nobody perceived the cries
No famine got appeased
In hospitals of infanticide
Killers camouflaged
As harmless pediatrist
Children found no place to hide
Never ending pain
In the hour of their death
Driven to their tomb
By never healing woundsNever ending pain
In the hour of their death
Driven to their tomb
By never healing wounds
With excrements soiled bodies
Starved by malnutrition
Whooping cough and AIDS disease
Now the regime is overthrown
Memorials are raised
But hopes to survive will freeze
Never ending pain
In the hour of their death
Driven to their tomb
By never healing wounds
Give me a sign that you exist
At the threshold of entrance
I'm filled with hopes and yearning
To find a way beyond the death
Condemned to leave this awful world
Don't try to stop me I'm resolute
To commit suicide
You'll see the murder in my eyes
Something whispering in my ears
"Come on take my hand"
Rising up to the other side
Recovered from the badCondemned to leave this awful world
Don't try to stop me I'm resolute
To commit suicide
You'll see the murder in my eyes
Locked up in a hidden room
I have to pay the price
Carried away by the end of the light
Wonderful to die
Condemned to leave this awful world
Don't try to stop me I'm resolute
To commit suicide
You'll see the murder in my eyes
you know there is a reason
why you never shouldn't trust
as their fury got released
undertaking blast
jumping on a mine
can't find refuge
your reign can now begin
ignoring your triumph
summon up the dead
tormening nightmares
revealed my darkest fear
dancing with the devil
see the staring eyes of rage
violence is just a friend
walking on the right way
jumping on a mine
jumping on a mine
can't find refuge
your reign can now begin
ignoring your triumph
summon up the dead
tormening nightmares
revealed my darkest fear
shellshock shades of darkness
valiant demise
i see my rent remains
'cause my cerebrations still alive
jumping on a mine
jumping on a mine
can't find refuge
your reign can now begin
ignoring your triumph
summon up the dead
tormening nightmares
revealed my darkest fear
There is a voice without a sound
I'm sure that killers are all around
United fools bewitched by words
These weapons take control
Unjustifiable vindication
Irreparable devastation
Now the seals forever broken
Captured all the miseries
So take my hand I'll be your guide
Bloodstains on the desert ground
One the battlefield of wrath
Who starts the war machine?
Face the fact
The final act
I wanna set your spirit free
Take this pain
Buried by hate
Disguise the evil
Lay down the law
I crawl into your tortured brain
Can't reciprocate your humanity
There is no escape from religious states
No final heal for mordancy
You never will release the wrath
Forever locked behind the walls
I'll leave you where you need to go
Awake the beast under the snow
An endless nightmare can't you see
That buried all humanity
You cannot fight the enemy
Who starts the war machine?
Face the fact
The final act
I wanna set your spirit free
Take this pain
Buried by hate
Disguise the evil
Lay down the law
There is a voice without a sound
I'm sure that killers are all around
United fools bewitched by words
These weapons take control
Unjustifiable vindication
Irreparable devastation
Now the seals forever broken
Captured all the miseries
So take my hand I'll be your guide
Bloodstains on the desert ground
One the battlefield of wrath
Who starts the war machine?
Face the fact
The final act
I wanna set your spirit free
Take this pain
Buried by hate
Disguise the evil
Lay down the law
Lay down the law
Wars are raging
Under their command
Like a locust plague
Descends upon the land
Sanguinary breeding bad blood
Silent mortified
Man eating crowd
Warning of the end
None can hear the sound
On the day when nature strikes back
Into perdition
Destroyed and defiled
As on a proving ground
infected atomised
Polluted world
Fire spreads at lightning speed
Silent mortified
Man eating crowd
Warning of the end
None can hear the sound
On the day when nature strikes back
Into perditionExterminations
Dying nations
The multitude
They didn't realise
The day when nature takes revenge
Silent mortified
Man eating crowd
Warning of the end
None can hear the sound
On the day when nature strikes back
Into perdition
Wars were raging
Humanoid serpents
Caused by the wasteland
The day when nature takes revenge
Silent mortified
Man eating crowd
Warning of the end
None can hear the sound
On the day when nature strikes back
Into perdition
Into perdition
Into perdition
I'm a powerkeg, ready to explode
Never admit defeat in the last resort
You better run to set you free
Because my bloodlust jerks my mind to kill
Don't search for help under attack
I bite like a dog perfidious like a rat
My eyes are blind, uncertain way to go
No force on earth can stop me now
Infected victims lumbering you way
You go right off the track, nobody escape
Pugnacious like a beast
Confessions in the dark
I want to hear your plaintive screams
That sound's so nice in my wildest dreams
I will never separate the sheep from the goats
Just want to see everyone in hell to roastInfected victims lumbering you way
You go right off the track, nobody escape
Pugnacious like a beast
Confessions in the dark
What is the use of your cry for help
Nobody hears the screams when you get scared
I can't explain how good it feels
But the day will come when I have to leave
Infected victims lumbering you way
You go right off the track, nobody escape
Pugnacious like a beast
Confessions in the dark
I was granted no quarter
Because you forgot the rules
The words I said are
Sure to come true
Your empty promises
Treacherous and blind
Your deceitful lies call
The war back to my mind
I learnt a way to survive
The enemy to neutralise
They got no reason
Hunting season
I want to set the world on fire
Like a savage beast - A final desire
I burn my boats surrounded by danger
A soldier in hiding kicked out like a stranger
I learnt a way to survive
The enemy to neutralise
They got no reason
Hunting seasonI avail every chance
It's a pleasure for me
To slay one by one
To fight for liberty
Once a lieutenant in higher service
Now I'm nothing
A man without mercy
I learnt a way to survive
The enemy to neutralise
They got no reason
Hunting season
I want to set the world on fire
Like a savage beast - A final desire
I burn my boats surrounded by danger
A soldier in hiding kicked out like a stranger
I learnt a way to survive
The enemy to neutralise
They got no reason
Hunting season
You try to fly with broken wings
You take off high to avoid the death
Gathering of minds
Gathering of minds
Diseased thoughts, you get scared
Declining years, nuclearised
Gathering of minds
Gathering of mindsPut up a fierce resistance
To the slow decay in you
When you fall into the black hole
Your body and your soul
Vitalities are atrophied
Hopes that fade away
Worthless gets your life
Like driving up foliage
Gathering of minds
Gathering of minds
Gathering of minds
Gathering of minds
You go your way, you are not alone
And ending is your thorny road
Under the seal of secrecy
Nobody will come to know the truth
Inpore with impeccability
Heinous deeds coming soon
Freaks of nature
Push matters to extreme
Freaks of nature
Resolute to defeat
Shady and envenomed
Feeble human monsters
Born to be exhibits
Deplorable strangeness
Devoted and obedient
For fear of being whipped
In a state of negativity
There is no retreat
Freaks of nature
Push matters to extreme
Freaks of nature
Resolute to defeatThey abuse before their master
The freak show can begin
Their sun is set they have to suffer
Death is deliverance
Thirst for revenge they flock together
With clubs, knives and all their weapons
To fight for rights and dignity
Slave driver is killed the freaks are freed
Freaks of nature
Push matters to extreme
Freaks of nature
Resolute to defeat
Freaks of nature
Push matters to extreme
Freaks of nature
Resolute to defeat
She is searching for
A secret love affair
She hopes to find it
On the street
Do not care about the
Words of moralisers
Immaculate conception
Should it be
She can't control her
Abnormal inclination
But she found a congenial fellow
Fellows in misery
Fellows in misery
Rutting suitors are
Standing around
They'll go along with
Whatever she wants
But she prefers a cooch to eat
She likes to feel a butterfly queen
She can't control her
Abnormal inclination
But she found a congenial fellow
Fellows in misery
Fellows in miseryThey get down to practice
Their ferocious games
These little ladies are going insane
Taking the chance and feeling so nice
Ecstasy, maltreated bodies brutalised by spite
She can't control her
Abnormal inclination
But she found a congenial fellow
Fellows in misery
Fellows in misery
She can't control her
Abnormal inclination
But she found a congenial fellow
Fellows in misery
Fellows in misery
Arena filled with screaming crowd
In ecstasy they cry
Paid money for a pleasant show
Want to see him die
The matador in shining dress
Intent to prove his courage
Drove by rejoicing mass
It boils his pulsing blood
Exhibition bouts under the star of law
Men make pleasure in hanging gore
Cruelty to animals crime that won't get punished
Creatures treated as rubbish
With direct stabs into living flesh
To agonise the bull
No way out the fronts are clear
Take offensive jab it though
On and on ride to the fall
In danger of his life
Wounded find no place to hide
Death will soon arrive
Exhibition bouts under the star of law
Men make pleasure in hanging gore
Cruelty to animals crime that won't get punished
Creatures treated as rubbishBlood soaks and stains the parched ground
The slaughter to inaugurate
Duel between man and beast
Their eyes are filled with hate... hate... hate
He restrained fierce at the eleventh hour
Till death blows save his soul
No right to exist lamentation is law
His flesh served up a grub
Now finds piece in a better world
Where man and beast are one
Arena was filled with screaming crowd
He is dead and they are gone
Exhibition bouts under the star of law
Men make pleasure in hanging gore
Cruelty to animals crime that won't get punished
Creature treated as rubbish
From the dawn of time we came
To find the place of promise
Moving silently down
Through war disabled centuries
Living many secret lives
Unrecognised by human eyes
Struggling to reach the aim
To dwell in perpetuality
We are the messengers
Of inmost thought
Our words of confession
Fall away to nought
Domination of the universe
Contains our vital interests
Swift coursing blood of our veins
Cured the grieving pains
When the few who remain
Will battle to the last
For enchanted lands
Take charge of reign
Leave behind the past
Early history in our hands
Living in the land of promise
Beyond the other worldOur mission is done
Fear neither men nor fates
Pray for disease
But escape your soul
Duration of 100 lives
Get the worlds undoing
Because no one ever knows
We are among you
From the dawn of time we came
To find the place of promise
Moving silently down
Through war disabled centuries
Living many secret lives
Unrecognised by human eyes
Struggling to reach the aim
To dwell in perpetuality
Your big brown eyes look sharp
Beneath your neck
I feel myself getting hard
Spread your crack
Hellfire and damnation
You sweat blood
You feel yourself well served
No you're not
Eat me!
Eat me!
Number one in your face
Number two on your cans
Orgasmic rush of lust
Rip off my pantsEat me!
Come on taste my candy cream
Do the cannibal for me
Built like a brick shithouse
Eat me!
Come on eat me!
Eat me!
(2:55)(Cover: Tank)
Get down six feet under
I wish she would, your fat blanket mother
She growls and roars like thunder
A mouth so big, the eighth world wonders
She wants me to throw her daughter away
And pick her up instead...
Don't walk away (Don't walk away)
Don't walk away (Don't walk away)
Yes another cunning plot, to get me under her covers
Dior stockings and nothing on top
She ain't like a normal mother
I wish I was a million miles away
So I can't hear her say...
Don't walk away (Don't walk away)
Don't walk away (Don't walk away)Don't don't walk away
Don't don't walk away
Don't don't walk away
When will this dreadful nightmare end?
I really don't want another
That fat blanket woman drives me round and bend
How can you get lower when hell is in the gutter
I wish I was a million miles away
So I can't hear her say...
Don't walk away (Don't walk away)
Don't walk away (Don't walk away)
Don't walk away (Don't walk away)
Don't walk away (Don't walk away)
Fear neither men nor fates
No laughter of the folk
No power of the heaven
Desolation of the earth
Worship blood and fire
Worship swords and spears
Damn them who have pity
Kill them who have tears
Delight in slaying
Delight in slaying
Find ecstasy in vengeance
The joy of life and death
Raise yourself in pride
With courage and success
Pity not the fallen
You have never known
These evil ones shall cast away
Strike down them hard and low
Delight in slaying
Delight in slaying
Delight in slaying
DelightDespise also the cowards
The liars and the fools
They are the slaves that perish
They are the stupid brood
Delight in slaying
Delight in slaying
I am the god of war
Supreme and terrible one
My judgements true and righteous
Mourning will come
I am the flame that burns
In every heart of man
Revealed are all the secrets
Reborn are all the saints
Delight in slaying
Delight in slaying
Delight in slaying
Delight in slaying
Delight in slaying
Euthanasia or amnesty
Takes you off the ground
Embrace your hopes
And pray to them
When your smile turns upside down
Silent noise in sleepless nights
Freeze your mind and blood
Think about your morbid life
Is there any god?
No postponement
Death by the law
At zero hour
Stops your beating heart
Your days are numbered
Your fate is sealed
When the bell rings twelve o'clock
Waiting for the message
No governor's reprieve
These guys just doing their jobNo postponement
Death by the law
At zero hour
Stops your beating heart
You have to live on charity
Not die a natural death
That brings your life so close
Of your own wrongful act
Come on man
It's time to go
Deliverance not so far
TV covered
Millions wait
Tonight you are the star
Belonging to an alliance
For better or for worse
Disloyalty gets punished
If you tear down the wall
Your strength of will, built on sand
Pootprints on your face
No dream and no reality
Will save you from yourself
No dream and no reality
Will save you from yourself
Code Red...
Discriminated without permission
Against the chosed one
Who was your bother hand in hand
When the war began
Infecting total facism
To a crawling wimp
They let you run the gauntlet
And worship their defeat
They let you run the gauntlet
And worship their defeat
Code Red...
Exasperated defamations
Barbarian rebirth
Mobilized the inner beast
Indulge your natural curse
Reclaiming of your dignity
Privacy lost in cries
Unheard, pounding screams of hate
At the wall of lies
Unheard, pounding screams of hate
At the wall of lies
Nuclear warheads are ready to fight
Total destruction the only might
We are all suicide, without brain
People are running and dying in pain
Burst command til war!
The overkill is near
Nobody feel the heavy fear
Thousand megatons dynamite
Wait to kill one life
Burst command til war!
We live our life in grieved desire
Our hopeless is getting higher
You cry for freedom, but nobody hear you
The end of the world is true
Burst command til war!
War, war, war
Burst command til war
Burst command til war
Nuclear warheads are ready to fight
Total destruction the only might
We are all suicide, without brain
People are running and dying in pain
Burst command til war!
The overkill is near
Nobody feel the heavy fear
Thousand megatons dynamite
Wait to kill one life
Burst command til war!
We live our life in grieved desire
Our hopeless is getting higher
You cry for freedom, but nobody hear you
The end of the world is trueBurst command til war!
War, war, war
Burst command til war
Burst command til war
Mankind can be bind
But not the words of god
Idioms are free and flourish
Ulmight 'cause sensible
Mistress of all cults
Cursed is your body
Until all severed end nears
Angels force be immortal
In presence of all the true
Stars grow in lonely nights
When the watcher rise
Intelligence awake to harmony
Barious terrible fears
Borrow symbolic mystery
Spiteful eyes in face of beaty
Monarchist is orbain
Prestige get paralyse
Business of false doctrine
Nothing is impossible
Wonders of technology
We got plastic surgery
Organ trading is of use
Unavoidable the abuse
Need some lungs and need some hearts
Searching for new body parts
Body parts
Bodies damaged after a crash
Transplanting skin to your flesh
That's no minor injury
This is plastic surgeryRich and infamous bastard
You got a chance to survive
Replacing your diseased parts
Recover and stay alive
Body parts
Life is what you wanna buy
Unknown victims have to die
New organs is what you need
Nothing justified the deed
Business of false doctrine
Everything is possible
Wonders of technology
Because we got plastic surgery
Stalking down the enemy
These haunting memories
The evil men are killing blindly
Erased of human waste
It's frozen in their face
Traumatic minds enslaved
Screams that never reached my ears
Until the death redeems
Lost salvation
Lunatic fringe
Freedom's slave
Subliminal deceit
Blood, blood on your lips
Measure my faith
Come on to die with me
Blood, blood on your lips
You're falling down
Into a pitiless sleep
My systematic procedure
Within my concious mind
Can't wash away the crimson stains
No tears that save my eyes
Passion for the flesh
I know that never dies
The devils that surround me
Never asking why
All I see
The multitudes of death
Blood, blood on your lips
Measure my faith
Come on to die with me
Blood, blood on your lips
You're falling down
Into a pitiless sleep
Blood - Die with me
Blood - On your lips
I am the chosen one
Your dad and your lovely mum
I'll offer my secrets for you
My physical lust
This is for me and you
Searching to find the truth
No reason for you to cry
We'll find the paradise
Blood on your lips
Lost salvation
Lunatic fringe
Freedom's slave
Subliminal deceit
Blood, blood on your lips
Measure my faith
Come on to die with me
Blood, blood on your lips
You're falling down
Into a pitiless sleep
Blood - on your lips
Blood - Die with me
Born to die in a game
Where there is no return
Try to find a pleasant means of death
All your life you have learnt
Tortured by the world till you
Draw your final breath
Terror, hate
Murder, rape
Through your life trying hard
To find out what it means
Those who know all have lost their mind
Through their eyes we can see
That nothing's to obscene
Empty shells, nothing there
Just bodies left behind
Terror, hate
Murder, rape
In this nightmare life time
You're better off dead
Pain and warfare, sex-crime
You're better off dead
Broken dreams devastated
By your will to live
Ruined by malignance and decay
We're betrayed until
There is nothing more to give
Praying for a final peace
To be there in our gravesTerror, hate
Murder, rape
In this nightmare life time
You're better off dead
Pain and warfare, sex-crime
You're better off dead
Terror, hate
Murder, rape
In this nightmare life time
You're better off dead
Pain and warfare, sex-crime
You're better off dead
In this nightmare life time
You're better off dead
Pain and warfare, sex-crime
You're better off dead
Better off dead
Product of my breeding
Inauspicious shapes
Formed by depravity
Abnegation of my past
Resigning, ireful
Watching the depopulation
Danger, impotence
Envelope the world with fear
Unnatural decay
Disclose the human need
Ptomaine, cremation
Baptism of fire we'll not survive
Abject and spirited
Getting excessive with results
Dislike a normal life
Excruciating waste awayResigning, ireful
Watching the depopulation
Danger, impotence
Envelope the world with fear
Unnatural decay
Disclose the human need
Ptomaine, cremation
Baptism of fire we'll not survive
Symptoms of pathogenia
Depropotionate your body
Incurable disfigurement
Bones decompose alive
Resigning, ireful
Watching the depopulation
Danger, impotence
Envelope the world with fear
Unnatural decay
Disclose the human need
Ptomaine, cremation
Baptism of fire we'll not survive
Return to biogenetics
Turn over a new leaf
To form a vicious circle
Till end of time
We've been called to defend our freedom
Our grief has turned to anger
We've seen the decency of loving people
Deliver them from foreign danger
We'll never rest
We'll not relent
Until the day you get condemned
Axis of evil
Must be opposed
Axis of evil
Justice to come
Strike 'em down for God and liberty
To stand in a mindless world of hate
In the name of all humanity
Before the growing life decays
We will not fail
We will not tire
Rebellion to the godless crime
Axis of evil
Must be opposed
Axis of evil
Justice will come
A faithful world behind the war
Nothing remains but endless peace
That's what we'll always fighting for
The bad will fall at least
We should be proud of our glory
Because of our past
The time is right to realize
We'll standing to the last
We've been called to defend our freedom
Our grief has turned to anger
We've seen the decency of loving people
Deliver them from foreign danger
We will not fail
We will not tire
Rebellion to the godless crime
Axis of evil
Must be opposed
Axis of evil
Justice will come
Axis of evil
Axis of evil
Justice will come
Er liess nicht auf sich warten
War doch abzusehen
Der Krieg kam über Nacht
Was wird mit uns geschehen
Inflation des Geldes
Wir opfern unser Pferd
Wir haben kaum zu fressen
Denn Gold ist nichts mehr wert
Spielt nicht mit dem Tod
Der Krieg ist nicht mehr weit
Vernichtet eure Waffen
Lernt aus der Vergangenheit
Die Wochenschau bringt es an den Tag
Der Feind kommt immer näher
Holt aus zum Gegenschlag
Setzt sich hart zur Wehr
Bombem fallen vom Himmel
Verzehren unser Blut
Angst erfüllt die Seelen
Furcht schlägt um in Wut
Spielt nicht mit dem Tod
Der Krieg ist nicht mehr weit
Vernichtet eure Waffen
Lernt aus der Vergangenheit
Tod ! Krieg ! Waffen !
Lernt aus der Vergangenheit
Evakuierung der Menschen
Es gibt kein Zurück
Millionen wurden getötet
Sie rannten ins Unglück
Das Ende war gekommen
Keine Chance zu fliehen
Wer hat den Krieg gewonnen
Wir fragen uns nach dem Sinn
Tod ! Krieg ! Waffen !
Lernt aus der Vergangenheit
We've drudged many decades to live free from care
The war began it was enough to drive us to despair
A time when bread was more worth than pure gold
We missed the warmness saved us from the wintry cold
No trade with death
No trade with arms
Dispense the war
Learn from the past
Slogans to hold out till end dreams ramble to the sky
Evacuated far away we left everything behind
Fifty hundredweight bombs dashed us to the ground
When military air raids stormed the land abound
No trade with death
No trade with arms
Dispense the war
Learn from the past
Political tyranny exercised by morbid despots
Bombardment of fire wasn't win but loss
Corpses buried under ruins and debris
No more war the solution all the nation need
No trade with death
No trade with arms
Dispense the war
Learn from the past
[Cover : Venom]
Living, running
Out on the streets at night
Searching, hoping
For the right connection because I
Need it, want it
You know I've got to have it
Takes me higher
Than anything I know
Need a shot to see me through the day
Want a lot I've got to get away
I live my life
Like there is no tomorrow
Take no chances
I'm drowning
All my sorrows because I
Need it, want it
You know I've got to have
Takes me higher
Than anything I know
Need a shot
To see me through the day
Want a lot I've got to get away
I've got to go
Laughing, crying
Every night and day
I know
You know
That I'm a different man because I
Need it, want it
You know I've got to have
Takes me higher
Than anything I know
Need a shot to see me through the day
Want a lot I've got to get away
(Cover : šdo Jurgens)
Operation >>Ranch Hand
Spray down the death
Down on their farms
Assault against the population
Suppress by military arms
Only you prevent the forest
Legalise the war
They are deprived of their power
Eradication without law
Agent Orange
Agent Orange
Agent Orange
A fire that doesn't burn
All the marks erased long ago
Scars are healed up
Cancer creeps into their innocent souls
Memorials of flesh and blood
Have survived unlawfully punished
Poisoned till the end of their lives
Physical deformity
What medicine will help?
Still births will rise
Agent Orange
Agent Orange
Agent Orange
A fire that doesn't burnGrieved weak hearts are crying
Waiting for the end
In this condition they are dying
Newborns of the damned
Preserved in test tubes for generations
Vicious circle of transmission
There's no way for reparations
Must live with chemical agent called
Agent Orange
Agent Orange
Agent Orange
A fire that doesn't burn
Agent Orange... burn
Agent Orange... burn
Agent Orange... burn
(Cover : Motrhead)
If you like to gamble I tell you I'm your man
You win some, lose some, it's all the same to me
The pleasure is to play it makes no difference what you say
In a shaky lead the only card I need
Is the ace of spades
Ace of spades
Playing like a high roller dancing with the devil
Knowing it could blow, it's all a game to me
7 or 11 snake eyes watching you
Double up or quit devils take a split
Ace of spades
Ace of spades
You know I'm going to lose
And gambling is for fools
But that's the way I like it baby
I don't want to live forever
And don't forget the joker
Pushing up the ante I know you got to see me
Read them and weep the dead man's hand again
I see it in your eyes take one look and die
The only thing you see you know it's gonna be
The ace of spades
Often you wake up by nocturnal emissions
But you feel no pleasure, no real satisfaction
Dreams mislead you with blanishment
You can't spend it on sweets or touch it, my friend
They divide you for yourself pollution
Have a hard-on for yourself and your bad illusions
Proceed to action with a snatch to crawl
You know you have to do it now
You consider your obnoxious misdeeds
Get a kick out of fruits you would like to greed
A place of joy, put yourself out of misery
A one night stand for the sake of variety
A vaginal victim, unable to resist
Discover your ass sweep off your feet
Don't hink twice and jump at the chance
Don't harass yourself, screw for deliverance
I feel a rifle bullet bore into my head
A sudden impact shot that stops my pulsing blood
I see the glory shining light of paradise
And insincerities, forever left behind
'Til death do us unite
I see the mournful flowers fading on my grave
And all my friends are crying to god my soul to save
Hateful faces spitting on my last resting place
And all my foes are praying for hell my mind to take
I hear the echos of your prayers and your lies
Your falseness and your greed mendacious sorry sights
My hopes are buried by my broken dignity
Still god will bless and curse us all
Witch, bitch, no sleep in Sodom
God, shock, last night for Satan
Spell, Hell, this fight is blind
Metal war, Sodom
Wildfire, Sodom
Blood lust, Sodom
Witching metal
Cries, crime, cross over Sodom
Fight, might, dust to dust
Sinner, winner, this fight is blind
Metal war, Sodom
Wildfire, Sodom
Blood lust, Sodom
Witching metal
War, law, slave of Sodom
Lust, gods, unholy times
Night, light, this fight is might
Metal war, Sodom
Wildfire, Sodom
Blood lust, Sodom
Witching metal
Wildfire Sodom
We are, we are
Release the breeding ground of my hate
The planet shakes from my atomic weight
I am the enemy I want to see you fall
Every move you make is under my control
To all the prayers in this world
My cries will leave this mud unheard
Born unwanted
No bless
Destroy it
Soul contraband
Soul contraband
Life and love is hidden from my eyes
Lost in the paradise of sacrifice
Millions follow and millions lost
Lay down to die without a final sound
Watch a broken nation die
Words of wisdom are denied
Presumption of death
A pulse
You ll never understand
Soul contraband
Soul contraband
Soul contraband
I am your destiny
Get up from your knees
Scream for your soul
There is no more hope
Caught in my rage
There is a storm
At the horizon
Dark death knell call you
To the throat of the glowing hell
Lights of exist become extinct
And you read the epitaph of your grave
You are the chosen messenger of hell
Come execute your instruction with spell
You got magic power to all
In league with Satan for holy ghosts fall
Love to drink the blood of the slut
Adore the bestial rite
Eat virgin's heart, warm and sweet
Destroy the unborn holy meat
You are the chosen messenger of hell
Come execute your instruction with spell
You got your magic power to all
In league with Satan for holy ghosts fall
The sepulchral voice
Mysterious groans torment your mind
The shadow of evil make you blind
A funeral song out of the burial place
Damned you to hell through the human race
You are the chosen messenger of hell
Come execute your instruction with spell
You got your magic power to all
In league with Satan for holy ghosts fall
Mother's little freckled boy
His father's pride
The little beauty, sweet beloved
The sunshine of their lives
There's something in the air tonight
Little boy
Send greetings to the other side
Little boy
Resting by your teddy's side
Sleeping without guilt
With magic in your mind
No war inside your dreams
Gonna see the life below
Little boy
Dead means when you touch the ground
Little boy
No God will pray the world to leave
Little boy
'Cause [Incomprehensible] the one who did
Little boy
The truth with dirt in its face
Bubble in his hair
Innocence of babyhood
Never really care
I let you go, leave me alone
Little boy
My work is done, now it's your turn
Little boy
I can't look back, just say good bye
Little boy
Appeared to me so shining bright
Little boy
There's something in the air tonight
Little boy
Send greetings to the other side
Little boy
Don't believe it can't be true
Little boy
I put my faith and trust in you
Little boy
How many ears need a man
To hear the people cry
How many times a man must look
Before he see the sky
How many years a mountain needs
Before it washed to the sea
How many times some people need
Dark night, nothing to see
Invisible hand is in front of me
Scared to death there's some one near
Scared to move but you can't stay here
You know me, evil eye
You know me, prepare to die
You know me, the snakebites kiss
Devil's grip, the iron fist
Flying horse don't make a sound
Flying hooves don't touch the ground
Walk in circles, lose your tracks
Can't go on but you can't go back
You know me, evil eye
You know me, prepare to die
You know me, the snakebites kiss
Devil's grip, the iron fist
Moon eclipse and you know why
Ghost rider in the sky
Beast of evil, devil's hound
Tooth and claw, they pull you down
You know me, evil eye
You know me, prepare to die
[Incomprehensible], the snakebites kiss
Sudden gleams arise the sky
Rulers of the global fire
Death in perpetuity
To contaminate the clean
Spiteful anger
Devotion carved in stone
There is no
Darkened skies above
Can't push my face into the ground
Trapped and collapsed internal parts
Watch the fading blood red lights
Avert from moon and stars
Thrashing the tomb
To reveal what is inside
Rotten corpses
Leaving crucified
They sleep the wrath of aeons
Life that drowned in fire
With ghosts and the ancient stones
Leave the sentenced fate behind
Haunt the dreams in endless wars
Praying for the day of doom
Never find somebody's lap
To die into
Sudden gleams arise the sky
Rulers of the global fire
Death in perpetuity
To contaminate the clean
This is the dark side of humanity
To liberate treacherous insanity
You can't ignore the truth behind
That followed us until the end of time
You see the stars and the night is done
You see the death and the life is gone
Confused by the rules who'll take control
There is no God
The sacred halls of truth
That bitterness on youth
I heard the whispered tales
Of glory and of death
Of immortality into their destiny
We fight the holy fire
While feeding Satan's flames
Genocide, elimination
Demented minds
Genocide, extermination
Tortured lives
Sitting on a time bomb with a primitive design
Wish we got the spirit and the power to survive
The final day is close to us, the right to live refused
We gonna wake 'em up to kill the multitude
No revolution set us free to break the line
Answers lost before somebody asking why
Just one bullet left for perpetual sleep
Locked up in a cage, kicked away the key
The sacred halls of truth
That bitterness on youth
I heard the whispered tales
Of glory and of death
Of immortality into their destiny
We fight the holy fire
While feeding Satan's flames
Genocide, elimination
Demented minds
Genocide, extermination
Tortured lives
The sacred halls of truth
That bitterness on youth
I heard the whispered tales
Of glory and of death
Of immortality into their destiny
We fight the holy fire
While feeding Satan's flames
Genocide, elimination
Demented minds
Genocide, extermination
Authorized to kill, fuming with rage
Urged by sexual instinct
Absorbed massacre, casualties
No chance to get away
Bloodthirstiness, dismemberment
Pathological satisfaction
Stimulated thoughts, increased wantonness
Until redeemed climax
Time will come to balance the account
Send you legally to hell
Electric chair is reserved sure enough
Your death struggle rings the bell
Brutal rapes, child mistreated
Unscrupulous crimes
Greed of flesh, naked skin
There is no relent
Wince bodies, torn genitals
Stamped by sadism
Chasted newborns, attractive females
Indescribable ecstasies
Time will come to balance the account
Send you legally to hell
Electric chair is reserved sure enough
Your death struggle rings the bell
Intimate kisses, secret wishes
With corporal beings
Ardent love, shameless intercourse
Just make sure it moves
Unmerciful disfigurement, a fleshy joy
Heart warming death
Coursing of souls, suck up the blood
Totally insane
Authorized to kill, fuming with rage
Urged by sexual instinct
Bloodthirstiness, dismemberment
Pathological satisfaction, satisfaction, satisfaction
Time will come to balance the account
Send you legally to hell
Electric chair is reserved sure enough
An almost dark vault
There meet the maniacs
Burning, flickering candles
Smell of blood and death
Please the favor of the black
Earthly joys at midnight
In the horror creep and crawl
No one knows what's wrong or right
Terror comes as an invasion
And the pain pulls you down
The ceremony can begin
The supper to the evil
Crowned with thorns black rose
Crucified to the rites of fall
Tarred and feathered
Black holy relics offered
The ram in priestly form
Says the mass in black and blood
Terror comes as an invasion
And the pain pulls you down
Blasphemy of the sacrament
To the glory of the dark
Virgin dance and chanting
Wear the burning mark
The rising of the corpse begins
Through prayer oath and howl
They rip to pieces what doesn't fly
They strike with naked fist
Terror comes as an invasion
And the pain pulls you down
Terror comes as an invasion
And the pain pulls you down
Morgens um acht
Mitten in der Nacht
Es klingelt an der T?r
Noch halb im Koma
Das glaubt mir keiner
Da will jemand was von mir
Ich mach mal offen
Was seh ich denn da
'Ne junge Braut nee sogar zwei
Sie wolln die frohe Botschaft verk?nden
Mit einer Mark bin ich dabei
Der Wachturm ist die Offenbarung
F?r all die Gotteskinder
Packt ihn weg es hat keinen Zweck
Meine Pornos sind mir lieber
Ich lass sie in die Wohnung
Wollt ihr was trinken
'N Kaffee oder Bier
Nein danke wir wollen dich nu bekehren
Nur deshalb sind wir hier
Wir haben geh”rt
Du bist ein gottloser Mensch
Jehova wird dir verzeihn
Es ist sein Wille und sein Wille geschehe
Wir waschen deine Seele rein
Was f?r Quatsch
Leck mich am Arsch
Der Wachturm ist die Offenbarung
F?r all die Gotteskinder
Packt ihn weg es hat keinen Zweck
Meine Pornos sind mir lieberFeuer
Und Schwefel
Ist nah
Sie sagen: "Du bist dem Satan verfallen
Und balt kommt das Ende der Welt
Wir k”nnen dir helfen
Komm mit uns und opfere dein Geld"
H”rt mal M„dels
Ich schlag euch was for
Denn der Quatsch geht mich auf die Eier
Wir trink'n erstmal einen
Ihr zieht euch aus
Und wir machen 'nen flotten Drei
Komm wir fucken
Komm fir fucken
Der Wachturm
Born in bad relationships
Growing up in gutters to learn the tricks
At daggers drawn with all the laws
Don't know what the rules are for
Unwanted youth
Unwanted youth
Rebellion to society
Searching for a war
Unwanted youth
Unwanted youth
Cowards of the revolution
Burn them to the bone
Just your breathing call up the enemies
To the battleground in dusty streets
If you will get the upper hand
To save your right that you demand
Unwanted youth
Unwanted youth
Rebellion to society
Searching for a war
Unwanted youth
Unwanted youth
Cowards of the revolution
Burn them to the bone
Crime on rise the gun is your toy
Starting to blast you believe in your way
Fighting with your own insanity
Between the devil and the deep sea
Who promised you it would be easy
Just follow me and you will see
The shattered dreams of an intact world
That seems so empty and absurdUnwanted youth
Unwanted youth
Rebellion to society
Searching for a war
Unwanted youth
Unwanted youth
Cowards of the revolution
Burn them to the bone
Born in bad relationships
Growing up in gutters to learn the tricks
At daggers drawn with all the laws
Don't know what the rules are for
Unwanted youth
Unwanted youth
Rebellion to society
Searching for a war
Unwanted youth
Unwanted youth
Cowards of the revolution
Burn them to the bone
Unwanted youth
Unwanted youth
Rebellion to society
Searching for a war
Unwanted youth
Unwanted youth
Cowards of the revolution
Burn them to the bone
Raging generals, serious games
They don't know what is really going on
Like a clever move in a game of chess
To make an enemy of the world
They stick at nothing
You better give yourself up
Can't stop to see you suffering
Time for your blood to spill
Unbury the hatchet
Kick the mighty from their seats
Unbury the hatchet
And exalt them of low degree
Wartime comrades, sure of victory
With the threat of an air attack
To strike down the despotical tyrant
Who measures his strength with god
They stick at nothing
You better give yourself up
Can't stop to see you suffering
Time for your blood to spillUnbury the hatchet
Kick the mighty from their seats
Unbury the hatchet
And exalt them of low degree
Unbury the hatchet
Kick the mighty from their seats
Unbury the hatchet
And exalt them of low degree
Stirred up aggression
We'll not be defeated
It's hard enough for me to say
According to martial law
We shot them down
There will be hell to pay
Unbury the hatchet
Kick the mighty from their seats
Unbury the hatchet
And exalt them of low degree
Unbury the hatchet
Unbury the hatchet
There will be hell to pay
Turned on the radio
Sounded like a disco
Musta turned the dial for a couple of miles
But I couldn't find no rock 'n roll
This computerised crap ain't getting me off
Everywhere I go the kids wanna rock
London to L.A.
Talking about the New Wave
For a couple of bucks you get a weird haircut
And waste your life away
Around the world or around the block
Everywhere I go the kids wanna rock
Get me my D.J.
I got something he's gotta play
Wanna hear it I can't wait
So turn it up, turn it up...
Kick down the barricades
Listen what the kids say
From time to time people change their minds
But the music is here to stay
I've seen it all from the bottom to the top
Everywhere I go the kids wanna rock
Around the world or around the block
Everywhere I go the kids wanna rock
Everywhere I go the kids wanna rock
Awaking when the sky turns red
Spilling blood upon my face
The evil takes control
I'll follow your advice
Now I'll rape
I'll slash
I'll dominate
I will degrade
The silent calls of solitude
Believe me that I just want you
When I feel you deep inside
Waiting for decline
Now I'll pray
I'll love
I'll disappear
I will demand
You! Outside the truth
Open your veins
Try to seduce
Passion can't wait
Kiss of decay
You will see
Lords of Depravity
Without a doubt I find refuge
Anomalie or is it you
Exploring pleasures of my sin
Your death is all I see
Now I'll hate
I'll die
I will revile
I will reborn
You! Outside the truth
Open your veins
Try to seduce
Passion can't wait
Kiss of decay
You will see
Lords of Depravity
The cover of darkness no longer conceals
An approaching enemy
There are many ways to kick some ass
With updated technology
You will always get on your knees
In the war you're gonna fight
Prevent agreements between nations
No democracy but more genocide
Keep your eyes open your under control
There is something that's over the top
Penetration and power sends bullets of lead
Inside your body to do the job
Shellfire defense
Pray to god that he will take you in his hands
Shellfire defense
You wish to get the final shot
That makes your nightmare end
Eliminate the threat and minimise the risk
Supremacy against the attacks
New weapons in front of fighting troops
They get no chance for shooting back
Who gave you the criminal passions?
Inclinations to kill
Retribution demand victims
No matter what you feel
Keep your eyes open your under control
There is something that's over the top
Penetration and power sends bullets of lead
Inside your body to do the jobShellfire defense
Pray to god that he will take you in his hands
Shellfire defense
You wish to get the final shot
That makes your nightmare end
Shellfire defense
Pray to god that he will take you in his hands
Shellfire defense
You wish to get the final shot
That makes your nightmare end
Long vanished is the age of blows with a club
Wholesale murder guarantee
Soldiers within the meaning of law
Decimate the dregs of society
Where's man's dignity and human nature?
Disarmament and combination
Fit in with the needs of present
Peace not revelation
Keep your eyes open your under control
There is something that's over the top
Penetration and power sends bullets of lead
Inside your body to do the job
Shellfire defense
Pray to god that he will take you in his hands
Shellfire defense
You wish to get the final shot
That makes your nightmare end
(Dedicated To : Tom's Dad, who died too early)
Your soul disappears in eyes of blue
With dignity and lonely lust
The moon is shining bright to you
Angels adore your mortal dust
Welcome to the paradise
Great master's hands will rise
To bring you to the holy place
Eternal life for a human race
Flesh to your bones
Everlasting fortune
You are born
With flowers of gold
Give credence to heaven
Believe in god
Your spirit was willing but your flesh was weak
Don't wanna leave the world of lies
They're standing around when you go to sleep
And give you no chance to say goodbye
Welcome to the paradise
Great master's hands will rise
To bring you to the holy place
Eternal life for a human race
Flesh to your bones
Everlasting fortune
You are born
With flowers of gold
Give credence to heaven
Believe in godResurrection
Flesh to your bones
Everlasting fortune
You are born
With flowers of gold
Give credence to heaven
Believe in god
Flesh to your bones
Everlasting fortune
You are born
With flowers of gold
Give credence to heaven
Believe in god
Now you go through a time of revival
Wisdom from above
A kingdom where you find your idol
Worship, liberty and love
Now you go through a time of revival
Wisdom from above
A kingdom where you find your idol
Worship, liberty and love
Flesh to your bones
Everlasting fortune
You are born
With flowers of gold
Give credence to heaven
Believe in god
At the back of beyond
Where time stands still
In a paradise of love and hate
Like pack of hounds
Invading the land
Girls sell their bodies
Like hot cakes
Unscrupulous deals
With human flesh
To live the life of Riley
Behaving like bulls
In a China chop
Pots of money but nothing to pay
One step over the line
Diseased by genital desire
One step over the line
Out of the frying pan
And into the firePerverse bents
Clever camouflage
Holidays of infanticide
Mistress of lust
Sold down the river
Exploited and eaten alive
One step over the line
Diseased by genital desire
One step over the line
Out of the frying pan
And into the fire
Once bitten twice shy
She takes you for a ride
The money she needs to survive
Death defying
Sexual act
Welcome to the club where you die
My attitudes
Will leave you paralyzed
Sadistic thoughts
That you will never realize my God
Don't wake me from this dream
Yell of rage
You can't escape
You gonna pay the price
No captures
Caught between the lines
No captures
Inated proud
It's just a fight to cover
All your hopes
Praise me in the name of endless wars
Don't wake me from this dream
Not secure
Around the world
I am the one
Who'll bring you down
I will descent
Until I reach the end
No captures
Caught between the lines
No captures
This is my kiss
Within a bite
Brings darkness to your light
Help me to say the promised word good-bye
Don't wake me from this dream
I despise
You recognize
Close your eyes
The order to die
No captures
No captures
I despise
You recognize
Close your eyes
The order to die
Nothing but
A pack of lies
Nothing but
No captures
No captures
No captures
Flames of red they escape the fire
The battle rages on, violation of minds
Wiped out everyone who will stand in their path
Replacing the life by the foul stench of death
Corpses of the wicked
Wide-spreading grief and terror
The sacred rise above
Seeking to the ground
Deadringers, warmongers, hypochrists
Masquerade in blood
Like a new-born that squalls as it takes the first breath
He cries to the war because he ain't got no brain
Mounted on horseback the devil in man
This white livered general, this killing friend
Corpses of the wicked
Wide-spreading grief and terror
The sacred rise above
Seeking to the ground
Deadringers, warmongers, hypochrists
Masquerade in blood
With brutal destruction they scatter their bombs
Don't care about children who'll scream and burn
The shadows of murderer will cover the light
Producing the face that nevermore smile
Corpses of the wicked
Wide-spreading grief and terror
The sacred rise above
Seeking to the ground
Deadringers, warmongers, hypochrists
Masquerade in blood
This vulture will desecrated
By arrogance and deadly hatred
Their names are standing for the wrong direction
In a time when god gives no more protection
Corpses of the wicked
Wide-spreading grief and terror
The sacred rise above
Seeking to the ground
Deadringers, warmongers, hypochrists
Masquerade in blood
Camp duc lap calm before the storm
They fight with drowsiness
Rubbed their eyes must stay awake
Stared into the darkness
Disastrous noise from far behind
Imminent attack splits their minds
Forces proceed to counter thrust
Without doubt they will rush
Moon cast a shadow menace comes near
Formed as an aeroplane
Take up weapons to defend the boundary line
Do not want to loose the reign
Disastrous noise from far behind
Imminent attack splits their minds
Forces proceed to counter thrust
Without doubt they will rush
Night into day when flare bombs detonate to burn the sky
Our hostile positions are made out there is no place to hide
The AC-47 send their flames from all the barrels
6000 shots per minute to make a hill all level
Magic Dragon
Let sheets of fire hail down the base
Magic Dragon
A crucial test the enemy will never raise
Magic Dragon
Spit tracer bullets expose our hiding place
Magic Dragon
Iron monsters destroy with rage
Pilots circle their machines as eagles in the sky
Navigator tactical warfare they know the reason why
Because their orders are clear: Crush them to win the war
Magic Dragon
Let sheets of fire hail down the base
Magic Dragon
A crucial test the enemy will never raise
Magic Dragon
Spit tracer bullets expose our hiding place
Magic Dragon
Iron monsters destroy with rage
First squadron obey the command: Take off higher
No Vietcong can move in sustained fire
Orders are clear - Win the war
Magic Dragon
Let sheets of fire hail down the base
Magic Dragon
A crucial test the enemy will never raise
Magic Dragon
Spit tracer bullets expose our hiding place
Magic Dragon
Iron monsters destroy with rage
(Cover : The Anti Nowhere League)
Your life is not worth a days purchase
Malodorous flatulence wherever you go
Obese, sweaty and fattened
Like a swine in a prime of grease
Jabba the hut
Jabba the hut
Jabba the hut
Jabba the hut
You try to find a well shaped woman
But your body is a deterrence
This greedy boy escapes from reality
The girl takes the bull by the horns
Jabba the hut
Jabba the hut
Jabba the hut
Jabba the hutWobbling paleface, physical weakness
Smell of perspiration
Disgusting frame, overweight
Dreams of dissipation
Infamous deeds, you can't give up
But she is just a child
Tears of pain that drive you mad
Act of infanticide
Jabba the hut
Jabba the hut
Jabba the hut
Jabba the hut
Untouched victims decoyed with sweets
Reduced to silence or on the run
Too many lives passed your hand
Your life will pass my hand with the gun
Jabba the hut
Jabba the hut
Jabba the hut
Jabba the hut
Scour to find new ways of love
Denounce moralisers
Ethic without prohibition and laws
Give no credence to church
Satisfaction in the sign of crime
The meaning of my life
There is no sin all down the line
No repentance pay the price
Number one in the list of misdeeds
Persuade my sister
She shook and gasped in licentious greed
Turned by mutual whisper
Wrapped up in bewitched body shower
Forbidden fruits taste better
Primitive caress to burn out the power
Nymphomania dressed in leather
You take your virtues in a tow
And commit a sin
By defects in your character
You will always imagine
The number of all your virtues
Wipe out the stains and outrage
Realise your exceptional dreams
Incest grin and bear it
You take your virtues in a tow
And commit a sin
By defects in your character
You will always imagine
The number of all your virtues
Wipe out the stains and outrage
Realise your exceptional dreams
Incest grin and bear it
My inclination is a portrait of myself
When I look inside the broken glass
Enjoy sweetest lust and I am feeling well
Moral dilemma without wrath
Crave for you in ecstasy of my mind
Love you to the quick
Don't know what has happened to me
The condition of a bitch
You take your virtues in a tow
And commit a sin
By defects in your character
You will always imagine
The number of all your virtues
Wipe out the stains and outrage
Realise your exceptional dreams
Incest grin and bear it
no emotions to take your life
confrontation with the dead inside
wasted thousand centuries
now fighting for the endless peace
adrenaline control
forever fixed my soul
curse by my side
judgement in disguise
i am the war
never disarmed
i am the war
within my heart
i am the war
supreme command
i am the war
living on the edge
i am the war
i smell the rats of mendacity
napalm for your nudity
i practice what i preach my god
dehydration of your blood
adrenaline control
forever fixed my soul
curse by my side
judgement in disguise
i am the war
never disarmed
i am the war
within my heart
i am the war
supreme command
i am the war
living on the edge
i am the war
i cannot build but i can destroy
insanity concealed
all the structures have been lost
totally decease
i am the war
never disarmed
i am the war
within my heart
i am the war
supreme command
i am the war
living on the edge
infected by unnatural aggression
driven by abnormal death selection
no antibodies that fixed my mind
no teardrop dims my savage eyes
adrenaline control
forever fixed my soul
curse by my side
judgement in disguise
i am the war
never disarmed
i am the war
within my heart
i am the war
supreme command
i am the war
living on the edge
i am the war
i am the war...
A sudden inspiration, a feeling so strong
Close about me to ride for a fall
My time is passing, my chance is getting low
Incredible hate my cure for tomorrow
I can't forget the day you tapped my vein
You said it's my problem and mine alone
You drew the curtain over me
I heard you laughing when you were gone
Ruled by insanity
I'm coming from behind
The only way
Deprivation of my courage to face life
Displaced by war neurosis
I'll struggle to my feet and fight
Devote my gun to its proper purpose
I can't forget the day you tapped my vein
You said it's my problem and mine alone
You drew the curtain over me
I heard you laughing when you were gone
Ruled by insanity
I'm coming from behind
The only wayUnder suspicion
You'll not escape
Be prepared for the worst
No matter where you hide
You'll come into my sight
You'll get what you deserve!
I'm waiting for the day we meet again
Enraged and full of anger
My rifled barrel shotgun
Say goodbye because I'm your saviour
I can't forget the day you tapped my vein
Now it's your problem and yours alone
I draw the curtain over you
You hear me laughing when I go
Ruled by insanity
I'm coming from behind
The only way
Under suspicion
You'll not escape
Be prepared for the worst
No matter where you hide
You'll come into my sight
You'll get what you deserve!
Living spaces, contaminated
By all the fatal scrap
They'll coming down, materialised
Enchanted by the grace of god
They'll keep their eyes on you
To turn around the fool
Separate the chaft from the wheat
To save you from decease
Escapism, the end of the road
Last judgement's last decree
Lost games, wrong aims
Blue planet only leased
They'll keep their eyes on you
To turn around the fool
Separate the chaft from the wheat
To save you from decease
Falling on the fields of honour
Falling on the fields of honour
Betrayed souls, ruined lives
Common graves, eradication
Waiting for the end of time
In the battle of annihilationThey'll keep their eyes on you
To turn around the fool
Separate the chaft from the wheat
To save you from decease
Falling on the fields of honour
Falling on the fields of honour
Living spaces, deserted
You've lost the chance you've got
Human race, transiency
A thing of the past
They'll keep their eyes on you
To turn around the fool
Separate the chaft from the wheat
To save you from decease
Falling on the fields of honour
Falling on the fields of honour
Falling on the fields of honour
Falling on the fields of honour
From the dawn of time we came
To find the place of promise
Moving silently down
Through war disabled centuries
Living many secret lives
Unrecognised by human eyes
Struggling to reach the aim
To dwell in perpetuality
We are the messengers
Of inmost thought
Our words of confession
Fall away to nought
Domination of the universe
Contains our vital interests
Swift coursing blood of our veins
Cured the grieving pains
When the few who remain
Will battle to the last
For enchanted lands
Take charge of reign
Leave behind the past
Early history in our hands
Living in the land of promise
Beyond the other world
Our mission is done
Fear neither men nor fates
Pray for disease
But escape your soul
Duration of 100 lives
Get the worlds undoing
Because no one ever knows
We are among you
From the dawn of time we came
To find the place of promise
Moving silently down
Through war disabled centuries
Living many secret lives
Unrecognised by human eyes
Struggling to reach the aim
To dwell in perpetuality
You can't ignore the warning signs
Strategies of hidden lies
You can't replace the truth by guns
Escape from all the wrath
Murder and ritual washing
Triumph of incredulity
This hate is forged in sacred fire
Disguised behind the holy war
Platoon leader's battlefield
To bring 'em democratic law
Instinctive superstition
And praying
Revenge could be so sweet
Buried in the justice ground
Buried in the justice ground
You can't ignore the warning signs
Buried in the justice ground
Buried in the justice ground
Still waiting for deliverance
To stop the evil on the march
Insanity within our dreams
It's peace until eternity
Of freedom
Extinguished optimism
The anger
The hunger
Morphine to hold the fire
You can't replace the truth by guns
Buried in the justice ground
Buried to stop the evil on the march
Buried in the justice ground
Ich sah sie in einem Versandhauskatalog
Es war Liebe auf den ersten Blick
Ein M„dschen zum kuscheln und lieben
Und nur ganz allein f?r mich
Bin der ersten Mann in ihrem Leben
Mein Wunsch geht in Erf?llung
Kann es nicht erwarten
Sie endlich auszupakken
Ich nenn sie stumme Ursel
Weil sie nicht reden kann
Doch ihr Schweigen
Bring mein Blut in Wallung
Ihr Schweigen macht mich an
Jeden Tag denk ich an sie
Ich werd es ihr beweisen
Und blas die luft in sie hinein
Um sie wieder zu besteigen
Hab soviel Zeit damit verbracht
Mich selber zu beflecken
Doch die Moral hat mir gesagt
Etwas Neues zu entdekken
Ich nenn sie stumme Ursel
Weil sie nicht reden kann
Doch ihr Schweigen
Bring mein Blut in Wallung
Ihr Schweigen macht mich an
Manchmal hab ich das Verlangen
Nach W„rme und nach Liebe
Die wilden Spiele meine Tr„ume
Die kannst du mir nicht bieten
Warum kannst du denn nicht so sein
Wie all die sch”nen Frauen
Die ich so sehr begehre
Die mir so sehr gefallenIch nenn sie stumme Ursel
Weil sie nicht reden kann
Doch ihr Schweigen
Bring mein Blut in Wallung
Ihr Schweigen macht mich an
Ich nenn sie Ursel
Mein Geist war willig
Mein FLeisch war schwach
Doch ich faáte endlich mut
Ich ging dorthin wo ich bezahl
F?r'n Weib aus Fleisch und Blut
Sie peitschte und sie qu„lte mich
Sie nannte mich ein Loser
"Hallo mein Freund hier ist mein Reich
Und mein Name der is Ursel"
Gepeinigt und entt„uscht
Von dieser alten Hure
Ich geh nach haus sie wartet schon
Mein stumme...
Meine Ursel
Meine stumme Ursel
Silent calls of solitude
Waiting for decline
Delivered from their passion
To spill the blood tonight
Laughing dead corruption
The truth is just a fake
Undying hate is buried
Into a nameless grave
Don't be afraid
Don't run away
Their past has been divided
Emperor's sacrifice
The dead will take the reign
Blessed by the guns
City of God
Crawling deep into your soul
A life that fades away
Balanced on the edge of scorn
For whom you gonna pray
Terror without pity
Insane and tearing minds
All wars could be forgotten
When life is so unkind
Don't be afraid
Don't run away
Their past has been divided
Emperor's sacrifice
The dead will take the reign
Blessed by the guns
City of God
Don't be afraid
Don't run away
Their past has been divided
Emperor's sacrifice
City of God
The dead will take the reign
Blessed by the guns
City of God
They want to see our castles burning
False religions from a wicked spell
Commit crimes in ice cold blood
The tortured souls to dwell
Born dead creatures live again
Paralyzed to kill themselves
Reality that disappears
Forever buried dreams
The hate is spreading far away
Or in the neighbourhood maybe
When even life's collapse begins
Just what we need
Bibles and guns
Seems like a monumental struggle
Of good and mighty evil
Everlasting devastation
Until the death redeemed
Born dead creatures live again
Paralyzed to kill themselves
Reality that disappears
Forever buried dreams
The hate is spreading far away
Or in the neighbourhood maybe
When even life's collapse begins
Just what we need
Bibles and guns
The debris covered our hope
To sleep the endless sleep
Peace no longer rest in my brain
My victim just for me
Born dead creatures live again
Paralyzed to kill themselves
Reality that disappears
Forever buried dreams
The hate is spreading far away
Or in the neighbourhood maybe
When even life's collapse begins
Just what we need
The hate is spreading far away
Or in the neighbourhood maybe
When even life's collapse begins
Just what we need
Bibles and guns
Bibles and guns
Bibles and guns
Bibles and guns
Oh great God, If you really exist
For many years, I am asking you why
Why are the innocent dead and the guilty alive?
Where is justice? Where is punishment
Something big is brewing
You can see it in my eyes
They burn with a beastly hatred
That will be realised
Why are the innocent dead?
Come on god, answer me
Why are the guilty alive?
Don't want to be deceived
They think they are above the law
They're trying to break my spine
Where is justice, where is punishment
Where is the human line
An eye for an eye
Inveterate despite
An eye for an eye
A one man war on crime
As I began to talk to god
I've even lost my mind
I only want to know one thing
What I've done, was it wrong or right
Why are the innocent dead?
Come on god, answer me
Why are the guilty alive?
Don't want to be deceivedThey think they are above the law
They're trying to break my spine
Where is justice, where is punishment
Where is the human line
An eye for an eye
Inveterate despite
An eye for an eye
A one man war on crime
An eye for an eye
Inveterate despite
An eye for an eye
A one man war on crime
A loving husband, devoted father
Till the day the mob opened the fire
Retaliation and vindictiveness
His only mission and ardent desire
Why are the innocent dead?
Come on god, answer me
Why are the guilty alive?
Don't want to be deceived
They think they are above the law
They're trying to break my spine
Where is justice, where is punishment
Where is the human line
An eye for an eye
An eye for an eye
In their unity demons enlogied god
Loose craftiness and scorn
Firesnakes reel around merkurs staff
Lightnings praise let glow in jows sing
Souls return to visit isolated graves
The moment came where circles angulars burn
Lights of darkness
Hour of witchcraft and sorcery
Heavenly shpere voice strike up
High magics memorial
Creators perfection
A fire that gives life to all animate
Leaded from will clear men
Initates exhault handsand your sorrow get allayed
Chains of agree let nature square
The key to astronomical leycle for you
Geniens wings move with mysterious voice
Twelve hours implorious
Percieve the strength of genien
And the personify virtue
Lights of darkness
Hour of witchcraft and sorcery
Heavenly shpere voice strike up
High magics memorial
Creators perfection
Carry gods message from one world to another
And the deed of eternal fire is done
Subbdue your bad attributes and
All phantomes of imagination
Understand the harmony of four elemental forces
Hierarchy of occultism lession
Ghosts would beware of great favour
I am that I am the flame
Hidden in a sacred ark
I am the unspoken name
And unbegotten spark
I am that ever goeth
Being myself the way
Supreme for creating words
None but I have ever heard
Emplorer of aeon
Plectren of primal paen
In the sea my father lies
Wept my waters lost forever
Where the waste of moe replieth
Naught nowhere and never
I will shine as he shone
Must go how he has gone
Fotrh from you and darksome cell
From deep abyss of hell
Coming to view the earth again
See if you can ease distempered brain
Fear and care doth pierce the soul
Hark, how angry furies howl
For the father and his son
Holy spirits are norm
Male femate quintessential one
Man being veiled in woman form
Glory and worship in the highest
Thou dove mankind that defiest
These my witness and woman
Shall dare the dark agian
Find no sacred ark to swim in
Nemorseless realm of rain
My body wear of empty clasp
Strong as a lion, sharp as an asp
Coat of the flock, I am gold and god
Flesh to thy bone, flow to thy rod
With hoofs of steel I race on the rocks
Through solstice stubborn to
The gallows are prepared for magic creatures
Hangmans are ready to burst their axes down
They want pull the hammer down to fair wemon
WITCHHAMMER torment bressed ladies
WITCHHAMMER greedy looked eyes
WITCHHAMMER burning souls
WITCHHAMMER malice rice
Lameing qui te in streets of black death
Terrible monsters, nasty gnomes and mean
The lewness of millions massed
Want pull the hammer down
WITCHHAMMER torment bressed ladies
WITCHHAMMER greedy looked eyes
WITCHHAMMER burning souls
WITCHHAMMER malice rice
Rites without law command by high priests
Execute is the sentence by churchs monarchy
Patriotic society liberate from human rubish
WITCHHAMMER torment bressed ladies
WITCHHAMMER greedy looked eyes
WITCHHAMMER burning souls
WITCHHAMMER malice rice
A queen so old as time
Secret beauty
Under female ruins
Whom she touched run cold
In buring regions
Of her empire
the thriumph about
Life and death
She teached you perversity
From birth til eternity
Every time we want to tug
Delivered the vibrating cleft
She slides to right and left
Feel her damp walls
Kneads you swollen balls
In wild orgies
She is enslaved to show
Damned and outlawed
Her open wound
Lewd and abnormal
She pleads for fuild of love
Hungry snd insatiable
Hot as fire of vulcano
She teached you perversity
From birth til eternity
Every time we want tug
Delivered the vibrating cleft
She slides to right and left
Feel her damp walls
Kneads you swollen balls
Dark deathknell call you to the throat of the
glowing hell lights of exist become extinet
and you read the epitaph of your grave
You are the chosen messenger of hell
Come execute your instruction with spell
You got magic power to all
in league with Satan for holy ghosts fall
Love to drink the blood of the slut
adore the bestial rite
eat the virgins heart warm and sweet
destroy the unborn holy meat
The Sepulchural Voice
mysterious groans torment your mind
the shadow of evil make you blind
a funeral song out of the burial place
damned you to hell from the human race
(Cover : Bryan Adams)
Turned on the radio
Sounded like a disco
Musta turned the dial for a couple of miles
But I couldn't find no rock 'n roll
This computerised crap ain't getting me off
Everywhere I go the kids wanna rock
London to L.A.
Talking about the New Wave
For a couple of bucks you get a weird haircut
And waste your life away
Around the world or around the block
Everywhere I go the kids wanna rock
Get me my D.J.
I got something he's gotta play
Wanna hear it I can't wait
So turn it up, turn it up...Kick down the barricades
Listen what the kids say
From time to time people change their minds
But the music is here to stay
I've seen it all from the bottom to the top
Everywhere I go the kids wanna rock
Around the world or around the block
Everywhere I go the kids wanna rock
Everywhere I go the kids wanna rock
Don't believe in rights
There is no such thing
Tearing up the garbage
With pain and suffering
Breaking rules is your desire
You got no sympathy
I'll put you in a wheelchair
That's your penalty
Nothing is secure
Nowhere is safe
Once you cross the line
I will break your spine
The crippler
Broadcast violence
The crippler
Prime time gladiator
The crippler
Bloodsport champion
The crippler
He will take you down
Shattering your kneecaps
The crowd begins to roar
They want more violence
This is a bloody war
Nothing is secure
Nowhere is safe
Once you cross the line
I will break your spineThe crippler
Broadcast violence
The crippler
Prime time gladiator
The crippler
Bloodsport champion
The crippler
He will take you down
Mutilated bodies
Crying out in vain
I will get the trophies
They will not regain
Once you cross the line
I will break your spine
The crippler
Broadcast violence
The crippler
Prime time gladiator
The crippler
Bloodsport champion
The crippler
He will take you down
Adrenaline is pumping
Better you than me
I'm gonna make you bleed
I like brutality
The crippler
Broadcast violence
The crippler
Prime time gladiator
The crippler
Bloodsport champion
The crippler
He will take you down
The crippler
Kicks to the genital
The crippler
Bigfoot in your face
The crippler
Pulling off your fingernails
The crippler
There is no better place
They curse the day
When I was born
Mentally deranged
Fits of raving madness
Immolate beyond the grave
Celebrate and enjoy
The thrusts with my knife
The way you feel
Is the way you will die
You think you're dead
But you're just skinned alive
I hear you cry
But slow and sure
Your skin will be my toy
Death becomes
Second nature to me
My heart expands with joyCelebrate and enjoy
The thrusts with my knife
The way you feel
Is the way you will die
You think you're dead
But you're just skinned alive
Liquidation and supreme sacrifice
Deeply afflicted faces
Appetising body odour
Anguish but rest in pieces
Celebrate and enjoy
The thrusts with my knife
The way you feel
Is the way you will die
You think you're dead
But you're just skinned alive
Life on earth for you to know
In peace you live in peace you will go
Behind the scenes of salvation
Nobody knows lust and temptation
The mass begins the spirit appears
The man in black nothing he fears
A fatal disguise is what you call holy
Where is god? I want you to show me.
In the name of the father the son
The holy spirit the show has begun
Thy kingdom come thy will be done
Hallowed be thy name
False celebration
Mental subordination
Go down on your knees
And pray for peace
Join the club of total devotion
Religious faith and social failure
Once you've been trapped
Death is your saviourIn the name of the father the son
The holy spirit the show has begun
Thy kingdom come thy will be done
Hallowed be thy name
False celebration
Mental subordination
In the name of the father the son
The holy spirit the show has begun
Thy kingdom come thy will be done
Hallowed be thy name
False celebration
Mental subordination
Exploitation of young
Consumer groups
Inspired to say yes
Debasement by
Your mad persuasion
Destroyed while you progress
Bullet in the head
Kick the bucket
Are you prepared?
There is a bullet in your head
To stop the way
You earn your bread
Cold blooded and mendacious
Selling of illusions
Ferocious without remorse
You give them a trip
Like there is no tomorrow
Don't care what H. will cause
Bullet in the head
Kick the bucket
Are you prepared?There is a bullet in your head
To stop the way
You earn your bread
Suffer the children
Coming to me
Enjoy the habit
The first is free
The best you can get
Between heaven and earth
Nothing ventured
Nothing gained
Bullet in the head
Kick the bucket
Are you prepared?
There is a bullet in your head
To stop the way
You earn your bread
The end of armistice
And universal peace
No suspension
Of hostilities
Prophecy of bad news
This is no fun
Come into your own
And take off your gun
The enemy behind
Like an awful drag
You'd better have eyes
In the back of your head
Move into position
Put up a good fight
Don't forget the sleeping pills
A kind of suicide
Forget the rules
Forget the odds
Protect your own
War is guts
Back to war
You will be wrapped up
In your assiduous work
Offer your service
To clean up the world
The hostile scum
If looks could kill
Contact with the enemy
That you will feel
Centered on you
Touch and go
Put up with the pain
Await the blow
Fix them for what
They've done to you
Don't fall into line
Don't care what you do
Forget the rules
Forget the odds
Protect your own
War is gutsBack to war
War of independence
Don't beat a retreat
Combative in
The seasoned league
You are sure
Of your success
Never shut the eyes
To the horrible facts
Revolution and cowardice
To get the might
Never let them
Out of your sight
When you fall on the field
They'll bring you home
To the peaceful place
Where you were born
Forget the rules
Forget the odds
Protect your own
War is guts
Back to war
Martydom and servitude
Psychosis of a rabid sickless brood
Esoteric dreams a foreign man
Nocturnal flush, frenzied and rude
Buried in a nameless grave
Stand up again the world to save
The fear of darkness and of death
An ormament wedge
Sigh by prophecy
Bestial thought
Drive me in corupt
Hungry belussions
Inseparable huminilty
So man I came with lance and sword
Lead once more the legions of lord
Thrill with lissome lust of light
Come careing out of the night
Ascent to the virceous circle
In an era of fright and terror
A holy document
Hold in hands of unknown
Eradication, opulence
And parish noise
Mephisto the oppressor
Makes me so I like to feel
But I cant believe its true
The day when I arrive the paradies
I flog my horse to the hills of violation
Return in my cenotaph to
Company of heaven has sent us a chosen apostle
To the treasure of the damned
Blessing no longer be poured the mystical lord
Covered with rich headdress
He will proceed his way over the line
Furious as tiger
Once the tower rocked and cracked beneath its lash
Caught inextinguishable fire
Conqueror - Conqueror - Conqueror
The lord of host gave ear into his sing
Intolerable blackness helms him
Only the lightning from his hand that sits
When usurping tyrants fall
An unsullied maid baffles his seductions and his ire
Pines in the poison
Compassion is the vice of kings
Stamp down the wrelched weakConqueror - Conqueror - Conqueror
You are not of the slaves that perish
Pity them not
Tear down that lying spectre of centuries
Vices and virtues words
We'll hide in a smash of sorrow
You shall fear
Let your rites be rightly performed
With joy and beauty
Conqueror - Conqueror - Conqueror
Command to Vietnam
Back into the jungles depth
Armed to the teeth
Cold blooded experienced
Mercenary paid to slaughter
Sector madness kill and destroy
Missing captive locked up
In contaminated camps
Only war of liberation
Let them gather fresh hope
Hostile crossfire finished eight lives
Bowels bury me alive
Green hell swallows a silhouette
I could get away
Persecution Mania, driven me mad
Persecution Mania, tremendous dreams
Persecution Mania, getting mentally ill
Persecution Mania, alarmed about my lifeThere are traps behind every line
The combat zone in trench and fire
I know the danger every step
The nerve gas falls in black and white
But slowly I near my destination
Lost is our war to do justice
The brothers of people shot and died
Persecution mania takes away my life
Persecution Mania, driven me mad
Persecution Mania, tremendous dreams
Persecution Mania, getting mentally ill
Persecution Mania, alarmed about my life
Something fierce
Something evil
Circles in the air
Run up the spiral staircase to annihilation
Deserted neglected into the dark
Devitalised souls cripple the planet in greed
Proceed until we are Absorbed in blood
Causing the premature burial of nature
With the spark to a powder keg
Pining up their toys on the shoulders of the nation
Turning death into universal heir
Make us die slowly
Nuclear winter
Clouds of dust will hide the sun forever
Nuclear winter
Blows straight into your heart
Nuclear winter
Day of tomorrow we'll go through
Make you testament
Nuclear winter
Luminaries become dall structures
Atmospheric cataclysm is the result
Epileptic doom of lacerated cannibals
Wrapped up the earth in a shroud
Eternal darkness artificial brightness
Exclusive possession of death
Defaced skulls of radiation
Mutilated past recognitionMake us die slowly
Nuclear winter
Clouds of dust will hide the sun forever
Nuclear winter
Blows straight into your heart
Nuclear winter
Day of tomorrow we'll go through
Make you testament
Nuclear winter
Slow death is what we can expect
Strike will have just this one effect
Condemned to capital punishment
By the nuclear sword of Damocles
Disappeared without leaving a trace
Mans dignity and grace
Infected by intruder organism
Changed into weak willed subjects
Ineradicable misanthropy
We stick to nothing
Instinct of self preservation
Spreading venereal disease
Gods of war and vengeance
Commander with good conscience
Use our soul for research
In favour of nuclear technology
Arrived at the end of the spiral staircase
At the doorstep to immortality
Not reached the destination of our dreams
Decided in the struggle for existence
Life has lost, death has won the game
The length of our longing
Shall be the strength of our glory
Damocles proud and mighty among men
Make us die slowly
Nuclear winter
Clouds of dust will hide the sun forever
Nuclear winter
Blows straight into your heart
Nuclear winter
Day of tomorrow we'll go through
Make you testament
Nuclear winter
We worship our abomination of desolation
With fire, blood, swords and reverence
See that hour blessed splendour in my name
War engines and battles of conquest are atheists
Glory in the highest heaven
Hear... My atonement
We will return to the victorious city
For a proof to the world
Support us, be ready to fly or to smite
Gimme the sign of silence after the adoration
Verily you shall not die but live on console
Caressed by magnificent beasts of women
Unassuaged of purpose, delivered from lust
Not hell's heart hath so noxious a shadeHear... My atonement
Behold the flame that burns in every heart of man
Therefore is the knowledge a core of every star
As brothers fight keen proud and royal
Law is the word of god enthroned as precious water
His enemies tribulated of ordeals, are mere liars
Despise also all cowards who dare not fight
Exhausted is help and hope of wisdom
There is no law... do what you will!!!
Don't be afraid of any man
No matter what his size
Just call on me, I will be there
And I will equalise
Peacemaker's law
Thumb-buster's draw
Peacemaker's law
A bad boys war
Don't shoot a man into his back
Ignore his warning signs
Give him a chance to turn around
Maybe you will decide
Peacemaker's law
Thumb-buster's draw
Peacemaker's law
A bad boys war
Never face the fact that you
Throw down the gauntlet to me
Your persuasion I don't care
My sight gives you the creepPeacemaker's law
Thumb-buster's draw
Peacemaker's law
A bad boys war
I'm not afraid of you my friend
No matter what your size
Just call to him in time of need
And he will equalise
Peacemaker's law
Thumb-buster's draw
Peacemaker's law
A bad boys war
Peacemaker's law
Peacemaker's law
A fateful day when you lost your mind
Pulsing blood but tour body won't die
They hold up the mirror to your face
New definitions to the human race
Preaching charity and mind over matter
Profit by your misadventure
Are you passed away when your lungs are breathing
Time to go when your heart is still beating
Conditioned by vivisection
Cannibalised, no resurrection
Butchers covered by snow-white coats
To save your life and morbid thoughts
Acceptance by forerunners of hell
They know how to do and they do it well
To suppress the lies and all the facts
The truth about your final breath
A fateful day when you lost your mind
Pulsing blood but tour body won't die
They hold up the mirror to your face
New definitions to the human race
Preaching charity and mind over matter
Profit by your misadventure
Are you passed away when your lungs are breathing
Time to go when your heart is still beating
20.1 Wachturm
Es klingelt an der T?r
Noch halb im Koma
Das glaubt mir keiner
Da will jemand was von mir
Ich mach mal offen
Was seh ich denn da
'Ne junge Braut nee sogar zwei
Sie wolln die frohe Botschaft verk?nden
Mit einer Mark bin ich dabei
Der Wachturm ist die Offenbarung
F?r all die Gotteskinder
Packt ihn weg es hat keinen Zweck
Meine Pornos sind mir lieber
Ich lass sie in die Wohnung
Wollt ihr was trinken
'N Kaffee oder Bier
Nein danke wir wollen dich nu bekehren
Nur deshalb sind wir hier
Wir haben geh”rt
Du bist ein gottloser Mensch
Jehova wird dir verzeihn
Es ist sein Wille und sein Wille geschehe
Wir waschen deine Seele rein
Was f?r Quatsch
Leck mich am ArschDer Wachturm ist die Offenbarung
F?r all die Gotteskinder
Packt ihn weg es hat keinen Zweck
Meine Pornos sind mir lieber
Und Schwefel
Ist nah
Sie sagen: "Du bist dem Satan verfallen
Und balt kommt das Ende der Welt
Wir k”nnen dir helfen
Komm mit uns und opfere dein Geld"
H”rt mal M„dels
Ich schlag euch was for
Denn der Quatsch geht mich auf die Eier
Wir trink'n erstmal einen
Ihr zieht euch aus
Und wir machen 'nen flotten Drei
Komm wir fucken
Komm fir fucken
Der Wachturm
See the gun high velocity
Levelled to my heart
Magazine filled with hollow points
Bullets invented to slaughter
They activate the trigger
I get fired to the wall
Pain is pungent stops my life
Hear the last bell toll
Tired and red the ways I gonna die
Tired and red squirm, to plead to dry
Tired and red confirm by oath the death
Tired and red to my last breath
See the knife flash the sun
The knife that makes me run
Sharp and made of stainless steel
Not wholesome to feel
Stab me to the ground - Why?
Falling down to see the sky
My eyes are closed now day is night
Never wake to see the lightTired and red the ways I gonna die
Tired and red squirm, to plead to dry
Tired and red confirm by oath the death
Tired and red to my last breath
See the chair one thousand volts
Invite to sit down
With closed eyes and fettered limbs
Contacts decorate an iron crown
Overseer turns on the switch
Small sparks squirt out my head
High amperage my body shook
In the claws of death
Tired and red the ways I gonna die
Tired and red squirm, to plead to dry
Tired and red confirm by oath the death
Tired and red to my last breath
16 Millionen mal ins Hirn geschissen
Von Verderbtheit gebrandmarkt
Willig Žrsche zu k?ssen
Des Willens beraupt,
Unf„hig selber zu denken
Man sollte euch wirklich mal ein
Happy Weekend schenken
Stimulanz in Genitalbereich
Hat noch niemandem geschadet
Das verspreche ich euch
Ein bischen Spass in Genitalbereich
Wird auch euch nicht schaden
Ihr versteht es gleich
16 Millionen mal ins Hirn geschissen
Von Verderbtheit gebrandmarkt
Willig Žrsche zu k?ssen
Des Willens beraupt,
Unf„hig selber zu denken
Man sollte euch wirklich mal ein
Happy Weekend schenken
Stimulanz in Genitalbereich
Hat noch niemandem geschadet
Das verspreche ich euch
Eine sexs?chtige P”belrotte von sodomitern
H”rig bis ins Knochenmark
Rettet eure Hintern
Ich habs schon mal gesagt
Und wiederhole es gern
Wenn ihr v”geln wollt
Dann tun wir's vor den Augen des HerrnStimulanz in Genitalbereich
Hat noch niemandem geschadet
Das verspreche ich euch
Morturi te Salutant
Aseptische Hirntote im Kampf
Gegen das B”se
Seh ich euch, kommt mir die Galle hoch
Jetzt zeigt mir eure M”...
Stimulanz in Genitalbereich
Hat noch niemandem geschadet
Das verspreche ich euch
Ein bischen Spass in Genitalbereich
Wird auch euch nicht schaden
Ihr versteht es gleich
Behind the scenes of destiny
I adore you in this song for me
Call me within your holy house to dwell
Let me raise for myself in spell
Voluptuously dancing daughters of the night sky
Sing the rapturous love song with high
Let your sweet scented juice run
Waste away under the lashes of my whip
Bath in sin
Sadistic souls
Break their crust
Sodomy and lust
Carnal desire runs through my veins
Whipping boys and scapegoats cry in pain
Psychopathic terror during their sleep
My power asks why, my power is weak
Spineless bundles of my excess
Expurse of innocence and helplessness
In the perfumes of my secret orison
Fresh blood of children drops down on me
Bath in sin
Sadistic souls
Break their crust
Sodomy and lust
Madness, crime, disgrace, ptomaine
Excrements, contempt, violence, kill
Ordeals if a thousand deads congealed in gloom
Strike hard and deep, to hell with them master
Mighty prophet's stature shall surpass the stars
The passion is the smell of cremation
I spit on your crapulous creed curse them!
Sucking your giveth delight and bright glory
Strive ever to be more joyous to the death
Don't fear any god will deny you for this
Bath in sin
Sadistic souls
Break Their crust
They penetrate your skin
No more vitalities
Feeding your mind with fear
Smell of death is coming near
Squeezing out your blood
Life dragging through the mud
Dissection of your brain
Pumpin' up the lead
The suffocate my flame of life
Ceremonial desecration
Death is now so close to me
The sound of ripping fleash
No chance for your defense
Languishing hungry guns
Return the hellish sacred flame
Unyielding hateful wrath
No confidence in god
Another breed behind
They'll leave you where the others lie
The suffocate my flame of life
Ceremonial desecration
Death is now so close to me
Escape your destiny
The rhythm of your heart
No more salvation to go on
Trapped in an icecold blaze
Your carcass starts to mate
Love finds a graceful end
The devil incarnates
The suffocate my flame of life
Ceremonial desecration
Death is now so close to me
I detest the awful day when you was born
Your mind, your soul genetically deformed
The nature struck back with a fatal mistake
In witness whereof what hell can create
The darkside of the mocking curse
Fervent love your pet averse
Thousands blugeoned lifes
Dastardly cowardice
Cowardice - a freezing touch
Cowardice - bloody embrace
Innocent blood adorns your raping hands
Importunity and lewdness systematically planned
Predominant signs that we have to demoan
Are deeply engraved in yourself to go on
The darkside of the mocking curse
Fervent love your pet averse
Thousands blugeoned lifes
Dastardly cowardice
Cowardice - a freezing touch
Cowardice - bloody embrace
The crunch of the dawn
Victims were found
Salvation in their eyes
Instinctive urge
Tremendous search
Deranged and Paralyzed
Virginal flesh
Summon the death
Perception really numb
A horrible man
The beautiful maid
And then your purge is done
Dewey eyed trusting and kissing the rods
Offering hands to the snapping dogs
Praying for god everyday for his scorn
Why didn't your mother get killed before?
The darkside of the mocking curse
Fervent love your pet averse
Thousands blugeoned lifes
Dastardly cowardice
Cowardice - a freezing touch
Cowardice - bloody embrace
Slazing scents taint with blood
Signed his path of death
Trace him to the place of fright
Searching for his daily bread
When midnight comes around
Be warned because he is out of sight
What carnal secrets does he hide
His ruthless rage will come
Buried deep inside his mind
The rites of the saw began
The saw is the law
The saw is the law
Executed children
Laughing mothers by their side
Feel the pain of ripping flesh
Those who've died
Have paid the price
And drawn their final breath
What carnal secrets does he hide
His ruthless rage will come
Buried deep inside his mind
The rites of the saw began
The saw is the law
The saw is the lawThe saw is the law
The saw is the law
What carnal secrets did he hide
His worries of the flesh have come
With tears in his eyes and a gun in his hand
So ends the story of the chainsawman
The saw is the law
The saw is the law
The saw is the law
The saw is the law
The saw is the law
The saw is the law
The saw is the law
The law is the saw
The saw is the law
The law is the saw
Declaration of war by a madman
Offensive in blizzards and fog
Opening of the conflagration
Thrust to the hostile front
Snowed up Russian winter
There's nothing shining bright
Resistance in December
Against the deadly light
Carry the war into the enemy's camp
Vomiting fire - Infernal thunder
Pugnacity and national defense
Grim struggles hand to hand
Curtain of fire at the frontline
Capitulation and retreat out of this land
Snowed up Russian winter
There's nothing shining bright
Resistance in December
Against the deadly light
Carry the war into the enemy's camp
Vomiting fire - Infernal thunder
Carry the war into the enemy's camp
Vomiting fire - Infernal thunder
Arisen through their own fault by assumption of power
The end is immediately near
Red army struck back in triumphant advance
Madman lost the war and disappeared
Snow covered Russian winter
There's nothing shining bright
Resistance in December
Against the deadly light
Carry the war into the enemy's camp
Vomiting fire - Infernal thunder
Carry the war into the enemy's camp
Vomiting fire - Infernal thunder
Carry the war into the enemy's camp
Vomiting fire - Infernal thunder
They took the oath of allegiance
Responsible and proud
Sold their soul for native love
In war to stand their ground
Don't bury the hatchet
Get on with your fight
Snipe down the enemies
Put them out of action
Don't look back
The promised words we never forget
Capture the flag
Capture the flag
Departure to conquest the Hamburger Hill
At the risk of our life
Embitters resistance, deadly traps
Rapid fire - Got no chance to dive
Don't bury the hatchet
Get on with your fight
Snipe down the enemies
Put them out of action
Don't look back
The promised words we never forget
Capture the flag
Capture the flag
Hollow bangs and cries of pain
That filled the air with blood
Fleeing in the minefield reign
Encircled by the flank attacks
A game like Russian roulette
Who will survive?
The mine barrier in front of us
Overpowered in running fightArmour-piercing bullets
Slaughtered one by one
Two find a way to hide
The tables are turned
By hopeless defeats
Got the power, got the might
Don't bury the hatchet
Get on with your fight
Snipe down the enemies
Put them out of action
Don't look back
The promised words we never forget
Capture the flag
Capture the flag
Now twenty years later
Sitting by the beer
Remembrance comes awake
Talk about friends
That never came back
Fallen by the war's disgrace
Don't bury the hatchet
Get on with your fight
Snipe down the enemies
Put them out of action
Don't look back
The promised words we never forget
Capture the flag
Capture the flag
Capture the flag
Capture the flag
Far away from native lands
Operation "Desert Shield"
Prevent a war of conquest
Military blockades
Securing the peace
Fighting for aggressor's rest
Beware of this place
The anger is growing again
Your buds lying there
The symptoms are always the same
Concentration of armies
No diplomatic conversation
Belligerents and lack of self control
Interventions by embargoes
There is a crisis brewing
Wanna get the treasure of the soil
Beware of this place
The anger is growing again
Your buds lying there
The symptoms are always the sameBloodtrails - Effervesced till world war III
Bloodtrails - Suicide to kill the enemy
Bloodtrails - No reasons and no common sense
Bloodtrails - Call you to your end
We got orders and inner instruction
By bad educations
Corrupt might took possession of our souls
From land to land
To form new generations
Where shadows join hand
With their own living dead rules
Beware of this place
The anger is growing again
Your buds lying there
The symptoms are always the same
Bloodtrails - Effervesced till world war III
Bloodtrails - Suicide to kill the enemy
Bloodtrails - No reasons and no common sense
Bloodtrails - Call you to your end
Scour to find new ways of love
Denounce moralisers
Ethic without prohibition and laws
Give no credence to church
Satisfaction in the sign of crime
The meaning of my life
There is no sin all down the line
No repentance pay the price
Number one in the list of misdeeds
Persuade my sister
She shook and gasped in licentious greed
Turned by mutual whisper
Wrapped up in bewitched body shower
Forbidden fruits taste better
Primitive caress to burn out the power
Nymphomania dressed in leather
You take your virtues in a tow
And commit a sin
By defects in your character
You will always imagine
The number of all your virtues
Wipe out the stains and outrage
Realise your exceptional dreams
Incest grin and bear itYou take your virtues in a tow
And commit a sin
By defects in your character
You will always imagine
The number of all your virtues
Wipe out the stains and outrage
Realise your exceptional dreams
Incest grin and bear it
My inclination is a portrait of myself
When I look inside the broken glass
Enjoy sweetest lust and I am feeling well
Moral dilemma without wrath
Crave for you in ecstasy of my mind
Love you to the quick
Don't know what has happened to me
The condition of a bitch
You take your virtues in a tow
And commit a sin
By defects in your character
You will always imagine
The number of all your virtues
Wipe out the stains and outrage
Realise your exceptional dreams
Incest grin and bear it
The first time I've tasted blood
Saw the wide spread dying off
Incurable diseased and on the loose
Remember the atrocities
Stop the painful miseries
Waiting for the dead man's shoes
I need at last your private parts
To satisfy my fucking pride
Magnitude of my oppression
Without pity and compassion
No tenderness within my heart
From the cradle to the grave
A brand of wickedness
Nobody tried to shift my ground
I need at last your private parts
To satisfy my fucking pride
Sodomised, Sodomised
Sodomised, Sodomised
When I look into your face
I want you to deflorate
My heart fulfilled with love
Embodiment of my desire
To find your never ending fire
Agony form aboveI need at last your private parts
To satisfy my fucking pride
Sodomised, Sodomised
Sodomised, Sodomised
Decades of a hundred misconducts
Ain't got no chance to live
A life of intercourse and lust
My eyes reborn of pleasure
Firing squads, cursed forever
Sleep of the just
I need at last your private parts
To satisfy my fucking pride
Sodomised, Sodomised
Sodomised, Sodomised
mit stieleln hast du mich getreten
wie ein wolf auf mich gelaurert
ich war dir hilflos ausgeliefert
hast meine wÜrde mir geraubt
um gnade liessest du mich winseln
zu oft den tod mir prophezeit
niemals werd' ich den frieden finden
voller hass une leid
die peitsche musst' ich tÄglich spÜren
und auch den dolch in meinem leib
die spritzen die mich so shehr quÄlten
das gift in mir fÜr ale zeit
heute noch fÜhle ich die schmerzen
dein geist verfolgt mich tag und nacht
und niemals werd' ich frieden finden
ein krÜppel voller leid und hass
schwerter zu pflugscharen
verdunkelt hast du mir die augen
mein rÜckrat mir gebrochen
die wunden tief in meinem innern
werden niemals heilen
du bist die ausgeburt der hÖlle
gezeugt von denen die geschwiegen
und die, die all den wind gesÄt
werden sturm ernten
doch irgendwann werd' ich dich finden
egal wo du dich auch versteckst
du wirst vor mir zu kreeuze kriechen
dein blut, es wird mir schmecken
und erst wenn du begraben bist
in der erde der gerechtigkeit
dann erst kann ich frieden finden
I wanna be a rock'n roll star
I wanna be the one who plays an ace guitar
In every town i want to get my drinks for free
And thousand girls will cry when i have to leave
Hey, hey, hey rock'n roll star
I wanna be the one with preference to fuck
A heavy metal gentleman rising out of ruck
I am so nimble-fingered, rubbing strings so fast
Also between your maiden girlfriends legs
I'll surely never get reduced to penury
Like a poor wretch who's rock'n rolling in money
My childhood dreams, now reality
Until another bastard gets bigger than me
Show them that you are the master of carnal desire
Confusion in their hateful eyes when they call you a liar
You cannot supress the reflection of hate and rebirth
With all your strength of will to escape from this earth
Suicidal justice
Collective instinct of death
Suicidal Justice
A war of a man life to waste
This will the first and the last act
Inside your mind
It's useless to save yourself
And don't try to hide
You got a message to kill
From a higher place
The horrors of war
Switched off your brain
Take revenge!
You see them on hands an knees
When they crawl from their holes
You've never before seen a life
Fading so slow
This is the time to go
Come on kiss the ground
Castration of cowards
I can really safely say
That you're still alive
One thing they can't take away
Is your will to survive
I know I won't believe it
I know I won't believe it
They say that you cannot be found
This man is better off dead
They want to turn your head around
Turn your head around
Turn your head around
Turn your head around
How can they leave you lying there
Hiding from the lights?
They don't know and they couldn't scare
They'll be dead by tonight
I know I won't believe it
I know I won't believe it
They say that you cannot be found
This man is better off dead, better off dead
Someone's made a big mistake
I can't believe my ears
Just how long will this thing take
Give him days, months and years
I know I won't believe it
I know I won't believe it
They say that you cannot be found
This man is better off dead
They want to turn your head around
Turn your head around
Turn your head around
Turn your head around
Turn your head around
Turn your head around
Turn your head around
Turn your head around
Turn your, turn your
Turn your head around
Turn your, turn your
Turn your head around
Turn your, turn your
Turn your head around
Turn your, turn your
Turn your head around
Turn your, turn your
Turn your head around
Turn your, turn your
Turn your head around
In the desert plains
They ride
Two faced killers on the battle line
No defeat
One kind deed
And bullets to your brain
Here they wanna go to sleep
To wait the coming morrow
Looking for a lucky strike
Everlasting sorrow
Hearts of granite, eyes of steel
No faith appear to be within
Following the promised land
Unmerciless and grim
Against democrats
The good, the bad, and the ugly
Martial law
Covered up
Return good for evil
The cowboy conspiracy
Will find a wicked end
Meeting on the battleground
Under threat of death
Inseminate with hatred
Now the guns decide
Who broke the law
Surrender or fight
Blood on the ground
Lead in the air
The war has just begun
O.K. Corral
Side by side
To kill the dirty bunch
A brother murdered brutal
Ambushing yellow rats
Now they have to pay the price
Selected for revenge
Malicious and blind
No use to hide no place to run
Wendetta burns inside
Until his work is done
Arousing kiss of tempting pointed lips
Penetrating scuff-marked abiotic flesh
It clarifies my sceptic view of life
Sucks me in my darkest nights
Dissolving all my soul's extract
In my enraptured mind
A pathogen of cruellest dreams
Succumb to my desire
Snake of decay
Bloody stains
Through toxic veins
Mental impurification in progress
Teasing with these rattlesnakes
I'm saddle-sore through my ride of gore
Crucifixion of these rotting corpses
Shooting at the frontline
Spitting from the top
And on my way back
I will step the mob
I'm raped and caressed
Inside my head
Through toxic veins
The evil is inside
Trapped is my faith into you
Carnivorous ferocity
Disfigured chunks of flinching meat
The epidemic spreads with tremendous wrath
Decomposing fragmented carcass
Frenetically I fall for thee
Through toxic veins
My deadly elixir
I roam and seek
Embalmed and meek
Through toxic veins
Bad menace
Bloody taste
Hold him in a vicelike grip
Disordered life
A rabid dog
Blinded by deceit
Abhorrence of the paltry and human remains
Moronic sentiments are born to be expectorated
Immacualted beauties just a kind of blasphemy
And everything that moves is all the energy for him
The vice of killing
His soul was crippled in the past
The vice of killing
No therapy will never last
Change of heart
Inspired by the gloomy legends
Pouring out
Just an absurd gadget
Hungry thoughts
Malevolence incurably fused
'Cause the truth
Infested with immoral abuse
Abhorrence of the paltry and human remains
Moronic sentiments are born to be expectorated
Immacualted beauties just a kind of blasphemy
And everything that moves is all the energy for him
The vice of killing
His soul was crippled in the past
The vice of killing
No therapy will never last
Dreadful pain
Passed away
Just watching for another game
Segregated from
Psychotic morbid brain
Mischievous greeds
Strange desire
Craving for the victim's wine
Feasting on
Their despair
Unheard screams adorn his evil shrine
Abhorrence of the paltry and human remains
Moronic sentiments are born to be expectorated
Immacualted beauties just a kind of blasphemy
And everything that moves is all the energy for him
The vice of killing
His soul was crippled in the past
The vice of killing
Screams of pain dismembering the wind
Storms of corruption elevating my wings
Souls withered in my flameless frost
No difference between my hate and your love
Wearing a mask of a bad religion
Like self-inflicted injury
Feeling the tension in every way
Unadulterated victory
The art of killing poetry
Created by misanthropy
The secret abyss of strength within
Tearing the epidermis from your skin
Disseminated decay of my death
Silhouettes without extremities
Wearing a mask of a bad religion
Like self-inflicted injury
Feeling the tension in every way
Unadulterated victory
The art of killing poetry
To bring the dark upon the light
Created by misanthropy
Beneath the crimson tide
Wearing a mask of a bad religion
Like self-inflicted injury
Feeling the tension in every way
Unadulterated victory
The art of killing poetry
Created by misanthropy
The art of killing poetry
To bring the dark upon the light
Created by misanthropy
Tides of running blood upon my face
Caressing my soul like a sweet embrace
Passionate, secret and profound
Gleaming eyes of uncharitable love
Shuffling out of mental claws to find a resort
Champagne of desire still ozzing from my pores
I cannot resist the guileful brightness in your eyes
And your body with limbs that drags behind
Affectionated wantoness so give me your hand
Never weeping over victims never feeling so bad
Inflaming the wish to control your breath
Sequestration from life, conveyance to death
I know that I am guilty but devoutness diarized
God-awful desecration, psychotic homicide
Discovered is my preference for lacerated skin
I hope that rotten bodies don't get buried so deep
That's what an unknown killer diarized
My spirit is casting the pure part of the one
Who brings fatal calamities still before the dawn
I never before felt a kind of compunction
My life is inspired by endless temptation
The day when I'm snatched away from this ground
And veins are exhausted by my bleeding heart
I consider to reap now the fruits of death
Retire with pride to write down my adventures
She followed me trsutfully
But wondered where we'd go
I led her to the hidden place
That she had never seen before
Distinction of hatred
Finally revealed
The fears that you dread
Shattered are your screams
To this world where I am god
Drowned into the fire
I ll terminate your nest
And reach your demise
Pollutes the ground a rotten red
Hope will be no use
A styptic parasite
Caught to survive
Sovereign from hell
Deadly virus so impure
Styptic parasite
Unseen or in disguise
Thrashed and revealed
Evil spreading out of my soul
Result of endless years
Crying of denials
Craving your blood
Stillborn black dreams
See you tremble
When your hidden panic grows
Remain within the circle
Unspoken words of death
Reclaim my broken past
An evil thrives inside my soul
The darkest place I know
Like a styptic parasite
Caught to survive
Sovereign from hell
Deadly virus so impure
Styptic parasite
Unseen or in disguise
Thrashed and revealed
Evil spreading out of my soul
Deadly virus so impure
Result of endless years
The pain so deep inside
The pain so deep inside
Like a styptic parasite
Caught to survive
Sovereign from hell
Deadly virus so impure
Styptic parasite
Unseen or in disguise
Thrashed and revealed
Evil spreading out of my soul
With false security life passes through my eyes
Obliterated souls just memories remain
I am the adjuratory dance of the flames
Transforming into the holy shapes
I can't control the rage
Everlasting pain
No distracting foes
I'm gonna be your god
Storm raging up
I'm ready to set this world on fire
Storm raging up
Flaring up my hate
Rise and destroy
Rushing to the flash zone
Bombing of the black stone
Wearing the mask of eternal gloom
A radical conviction confirming to the doom
Cutting the throat of humanity
Replacing the boon by the dark agony
I can't control the rage
Everlasting pain
No distracting foes
I'm gonna be your god
Storm raging up
I'm ready to set this world on fire
Storm raging up
Flaring up my hate
Rise and destroy
Rushing to the flash zone
Bombing of the black stone
My love is buried somewhere underneath
Can't follow the rules of your society
Start the war for a thousand years
Into the glory arms of despiteful death
Removal of the grind
Wake up before you die
Stimulated sins
Absorbing through your skin
Storm raging up
I'm ready to set this world on fire
Storm raging up
Flaring up my hate
Storm raging up
The sons of the night
The god of the light
Escorted by a rolling thunder
There is no grace
There is no guilt
Enflamed by a human wonder
Looking through my eyes
And see the wisdom from above
Execution of my mind
And spiteful symbols all around
Born to be a man
Who has no nature and no name
Can't wait 'til death arise
Spiritual Demise
Lifeless dreams
Racial kings
Absorbing through my eyes
Godlike creatures
False god leaders
Fighting side by side
Looking through my eyes
And see the wisdom from above
Execution of my mind
And spiteful symbols all around
Born to be a man
Who has no nature and no name
Can't wait 'til death arise
Spiritual Demise
Give me the sign that I release
Like words of mystery
Invoking for the breeding madness
Eternal fleshly seed
This hate could fill my perverse heart
Erections now spill blood
This mortal dust that rides the wind
And fire born by sparks
Corrosive sins
Blanched my soul
That hell out of control
With open arms
A peaceful dusk
And satan takes me home
Looking through my eyes
And see the wisdom from above
Execution of my mind
And spiteful symbols all around
Born to be a man
Who has no nature and no name
Can't wait 'til death arise
Spiritual Demise
This hate could fill my perverse heart
Erections now spill blood
This mortal dust that rides the wind
Incubation of a mental disease
Transpiration of a spiteful liquid
Coming to terms with the devil
Threatening like the reaper in a saddle
You sow the seeds of discord
You'll reap the fruits of death
He learned to dominate the gamesmanship of war
An outrage, cynic for us all
You are a rusty nail in out coffin
The world's reminding exhibition
One man's meat is another one's posion
So kill yourself with tears of joy
We'll never accept to bite the dust like this
I'm quite prepared to use what everyone declines
I can't restrain myself
'Cause devils in my head tonight
Dullness in my eyes turns all the sunshine into rain
And I deceive myself that I could never fall again
I'm a politoximaniac
Dangerous and blind
A politoximaniac
The truth begins to bite
A politoximaniac
It's all that I can say
A politoximaniac
From birth 'til my decay
It's not a strong man's act to fall in ecsatasy
I like to have a bit of fun also with medecine
I blow my brain out of my head but I don't care
Searching for a secret flavour restless day by day
Sometimes I see reflections in the shade of god
One billion cokroaches are ready to attack
I can't believe my sense it's time to say goodbye
Delivered from the chains of subjection
Almighty his chivalry urge
Eriled in the crueltys clutch
Strenghed in the believe in himself
Growned with the charm of salomo
Halluzinations and mysterious
Drift him into an inconceivable war
He get stigmated in a holy war
Against apocalyptic mights
Nails claws in his own breast
Eyes so black as night
A red blazed aperture let see
Thee blood filled beating heart
He is an impetuous thundered god
His revenge get cruel
Hateful thought lead him
An almost intolerable sight
With a frightful weight
Demolish christian stamped bodies
Their tears and blood of
Deception and insidiousness
Doze away to the ground
Smash of imperium of
uncontroled religous expansion
Last furious warrior
Pursued by fire
Pack of hound behind him
Mankind hopeless fear
Impalement for destroy
Deadly, cold and grey
After carnage is over grinded bones
Covered the endless battlefield
Broken is the residence
Triumph about innocents boast him
Only unseen nocturnal things let remember
And you know who he is
He is an impetuous thundered god
Ashes to dust behind his ways
Urged by unveiled damnation
Mankind hopeless fear
Inpalement for destroy
Self inflicted inner strain
Copulated with insanity and hate
My hunger got materialized
Underestimated spite
Throats and faces circumvented
Externally altered and disfigured
Trapped within this lurid nightmare
But I want to keep you by my side
Nothing counts more than blood
A pal remains so deathless
Never turn your back to god
Nothing counts more than blood
Fouled up beyond all recognition
Slashed the pain to a higher position
Death will never frighten me
Contradictions seed to kill
Inconsistency with my religion
Can't decide my vic selection
The final captures can't elude
Above destructive attitudes
Nothing counts more than blood
A pal remains so deathless
Never turn your back to god
Nothing counts more than blood
Voices from the damned, I want to leave
When dreams begin to cease
Hear the sound of the marching man
At far beyond machine gun rang
You don't know what you're fighting for
The burning world reflects the war
Dead bodies served as rifle rest
And protection when the bullets blast
No retreat from hell's domain
When hunters become prey
Become prey
Nothing counts more than blood
A pal remains so deathless
Never turn your back to god
Decease is just an irony of fate
Multiple rites, I'm gonna lose my way
Paraphillac body control
To slay the phantom from my soul
You're gonna die
Unholy evil prophets rise
Fire's raining from the endless skies
Can you hear the final thunder roaring?
Napalm in the morning, napalm in the morning
Skin peeling off to drop your timid mask
You wish that death redeems you fast
Creation of the fire seems the perfect nude
Your carbonized torso just a part of you
You're gonna die
Unholy evil prophets rise
Fire's raining from the endless skies
Can you hear the final thunder roaring?
Napalm in the morning
Napalm in the morning
Napalm in the morning
The napalm in the morning
Charlie close to me
Smell of gasoline
Physically abused
See the hollow face
That burned down and raped
Your petition refused
Screaming for your life
Suffocation cries
Religions been lost
Dancing in the flames
That's your destiny
Surrendered to Gods
Unholy evil prophets rise
Fire's raining from the endless skies
Can you hear the final thunder roaring?
Napalm in the morning
You're gonna die
Unholy evil prophets rise
Fire's raining from the endless skies
Can you hear the final thunder roaring?
Napalm in the morning
Napalm in the morning
Napalm in the morning
Time bomb warrior
Flacking all around
Fighting back their lies
You're my soul insane
Blood stops feeding veins
God damn monkey's bite
Ashes dung the ground
Infuriate mauled
Recrudescence of wounds
There's no time to waste
Smash 'em without grace
Unnatural caresses of a man without remorse
He didn't realize the fact that love can't be commanded
Confusion and depravity, rituals of death
Memories linger in his brain; dreams in a bed of nails
Possessed by all the souvenirs
Possessed by crying children
Spreading madness like disease
Near death experience
Master of disguise
A dirty smile is integrate into killer's face
Bloodshot eyese stare resolutely, watch the victim's race
Welcome to the surgery; hearts will be removed
Raping to find satisfaction; posing like a dog
Hidden deep inside
When the flame of life grows cold and every lie is true
Ride the ings of sacrifice but never play the fool
Incarnation of the evil one; crushing skulls and bones
You don't belong to the human race
Inclination for the rock 'n' roll war
Under the flag of peace and law
Your native country to set it free
In the air, on land and on the sea
For their honor and their golden crown
Swing the judgments glory hammer down
The patriot within their valiant heart
Keep 'em hungry for the liberty love
Hatred just a tool, the aggressors to control
Into the jungle's depth, into the desert storm
Caught between legions of hate
Caught beneath malefic eyes of fate
Seems that we are doomed to drown your hopes
Marching to the destiny, no attitudes to lie
Don't want to leave that battlefield without a sign
Engaged to the rifle by my side
They're fighting for you
They're dying for you
Keep your honor clean
You are the chosen one securing the world
Universal soldier to the bone
And for my brothers you'll get what you deserve
Down the bloody road to war
They're fighting for you
They're dying for you
Keep your honor clean
Out in the killin' fields
They're fighting for you
They're dying for you
Keep your honor clean
You hear the mine clicking under your feet
You know you have to go
You hear the trigger of a foreign gun
To bury all your hope
Ever pave the way for endless peace
Self-sacrificing 'til you have the world to leave
For the common people, honest generation
Just you can stop the human disintegration
They're fighting for you
They're dying for you
Keep your honor clean
Out in the killin' fields
Als Knabe stand er vor dem Spiegel
berauscht vom Duft der ersten Liebe
es waren diese Träume da
er spürte, daß er anders war
Das erste Mal das ich es tu'vielleicht schaut mir ja jemand zuWas ich berühr so androgyn
das sollen auch die anderen sehen
Dort steht er hinter einem Baum
wie ein Scherenschnitt des Teufels
Kinder schließt die Augen zu
Mißachtet seine Worte
Wer ist der schönste im ganzen Land?
Bleibt stehen und schaut mir zu
Ihr könnt auch kommen mich zu berühren
wie ein Tier im Streichelzoo
Eines Tages Gummizelle
nackt und hinter Gittern
Ein Schild auf dem geschrieben steht
"Bitte nicht mehr füttern"
Wer hat Angst vor dem bösen Wolf
Wer fürchtet sich im Dunkeln
Doch seid gewarnt, ich komme wieder
Mit euch im Wald zu munkeln
This is the hour of the savage guns
Beyond the pale and beyond the sun
Ganged up with Jesse by the mating call of gold
Side by side fighting not changing the course
The code of law in the hand of the one
Who drags you to the hagning tree
Bloodhounds in the hands of those
Who will have to bleed
Hanging judge
He is the law
Hanging judge
You are in his claws
Hanging judge
The trapdoor will fall
Hanging judge
Bullets for breakfast and dust to breathe
To be on the point to strike down all the wimps
Killing the riders of the whistling pine
By each wardrum beat someone will die
The wild bunch riding wings of hawks
Red painted deserts where you broke the law
Your facedown life ain't so much of a pity
The awe of love pulled out by the roots
Just rolling thunder we found
Pregnant with the tears of shame
But never let 'em out
We shoot 'em down
We shoot 'em down, down
We shoot 'em down, down, down, down
Free fire zone with my m-16
Vendetta burns inside
Wiped out their lives for eyes unseen
Mercy chilled to the freezing point
To the war
Blind religion,clouded minds
Called by the name of war
222, body penetration
Before you hit the ground
We shoot 'em down
We shoot 'em down, down
We shoot 'em down, down, down, down
Free fire zone with my m-16
Vendetta burns inside
Wiped out their lives for eyes unseen
Mercy chilled to the freezing point
Free fire zone with my m-16
Vendetta burns inside
Wiped out their lives for eyes unseen
Mercy chilled to the freezing point
To the war
You are imploring to my aid
Machine gun fire scorn
Life corroded from inside
Remains in silent force
We shoot 'em down
We shoot 'em down, down
We shoot 'em down, down, down, down
Free fire zone with my m-16
Vendetta burns inside
Wiped out their lives for eyes unseen
Mercy chilled to the freezing point
Free fire zone with my m-16
Vendetta burns inside
Wiped out their lives for eyes unseen
Mercy chilled to the freezing point
Free fire zone with my m-16
Free fire zone with my m-16
Mercy chilled to the freezing point
Fire power in the hand of a madman
Hell is gonna burn
Crushing 'em down, pounding away
At the point of no return
Painful screams growing near
Metal cutting your breast
Laughing when you lose control
Pollution guarantee
Creeping and crawling why do you cry?
Pathetically prayers by your side
Caught beneath my blood erection
Lead injection
Assault attack, the rifle's blast
You are my soul insane
A product of a brutal world
Killing just a game
Hatred burns with desolation
Pleasure for the blood
This must be the dead man's day
The truth in crimson mud
Creeping and crawling why do you cry?
Pathetically prayers by your side
Caught beneath my blood erection
Lead injection
Creeping and crawling why do you cry?
Pathetically prayers by your side
Caught beneath my blood erection
Lead injection
Swinging the judgment's hammer down
Glory 'til the end
Now you wish you had a God
Evil in your brain
Bullets left the gun straight ahead
Awaiting your cancerous breath
Will touch you when you're still alive
And left you when you're dead
Creeping and crawling why do you cry?
Pathetically prayers by your side
Caught beneath my blood erection
Lead injection
Creeping and crawling why do you cry?
Pathetically prayers by your side
Caught beneath my blood erection
Aus ruinen auferstanden
Die haut verbrannt, die seele geschwärzt
Das blut der rache treibt ihn an
Die schreckensherrschaft auszumerzen
Pulverdampf trübt seine sicht
Nichts kann sich ihm entgegenstellen
Verdunkelt ist sein augenlicht
Erleuchtung kam mit jedem schuss
Er ist der stammesfürst der toten
Man sieht ihn durch den modder schleichen
Zu oft ist ihm der krieg begegnet
Von gottes gnade gab's kein zeichen
Das höllenfeuer wird nicht hungern
Erlabet sich an seinem fleische
Doch zieht er kraft aus diesem schmerz
Bereit für seine feinde
Gemeuchelt durch die schwere faust
Türmt sich ein berg aus sühneopfern
Gen himmel wo die schöpfung wohnt
Das böse wird unendlich
Es steigt empor, das flammenmeer
Weist ihm den weg in das verderben
Dorthin, wo schmerz das leben straft
Und auch der tod wird niemals sterben
Contempt of sanity
A domination of the beast
The end of you and me
Cruel die the least
Dark is the night for all
Deplorable we try to crawl
Hollow the dead we fear
Nescient why we are here
One man's meat is another man's poison
One's blind street leads another to reason
Dark alleys of the death seamed with corpses
Gore rotten beds of carred skin in tatters
Fractured minds, impure dead visions
Puking downwards with derision
Raping souls of carnivores
Soaking butchered to the core
Rupture the sluice of mental sewage
Don't she'd a tear down on bony pewage
Now you know how fetid death breathes
I'm leaving you in war and pieces
In war and pieces
In war and pieces
Dying creatures gonna burst asunder
About maltreated sobbing bodies I wander
Dark heaven lowering above us all
Angel of death, can't you hear my call
Blain on the head of selective retention
Splinters to remove the intolerably tension
The adumbration of mental plague
Broken eyes peer wide awake
Rupture the sluice of mental sewage
Don't she'd a tear down on bony pewage
Now you know how fetid death breathes
I'm leaving you in war and pieces
In war and pieces
In war and pieces
Die by my hand in the same dark prison
In your head you will keep the vision
Leave this live with shattered brain
Slightly driving you insane
In war and pieces
In war and pieces
In war and pieces
I wanna be a rock'n roll star
I wanna be the one who plays an ace guitar
In every town I want to get me drinks for free
And thousand girls will cry when I have to leave
Hey, Hey, Hey, rock'n'roll star
I wann abe the one with preference to fuck
A heavy metal gentleman rising out of ruck
I am so nimble fingered, rubbing strings so fast
Also between your maiden girlfriend's legs
I'll surely never get reduced to penury
Like a poor wretch who's rock'n'rolling in money
My childhood dreams, now reality
Originally performed by Simon & Garfunkel
Time, see what's become of me
While I looked around for my possibilities.
I was so hard to please.
Look around,
Leaves are brown,
And the sky is a hazy shade of winter.
Hear the Salvation Army band.
Down by the riverside's
Bound to be a better ride
Than what you've got planned.
Carry your cup in your hand.
And look around.
Leaves are brown.
And the sky is a hazy shade of winter.
Hang on to your hopes, my friend.
That's an easy thing to say,
But if your hopes should pass away
Simply pretend that you can build them again.
Look around,
The grass is high,
The fields are ripe,
It's the springtime of my life.
Seasons change with the scenery;
Weaving time in a tapestry.
Won't you stop and remember me
At any convenient time?
Funny how my memory skips
Looking over manuscripts
Of unpublished rhyme.
Drinking my vodka and lime,
I look around,
Leaves are brown,
War drags them to the very end
The blushing sun has turned to red
Death slumbers
In dawn's blue light
In the sea of blood
For evil to be made
Hell is burning
From the dungeons
Of emotions
Apprehension death
Scars of misery
God bless you, the nations heart
A bond closer than brothers
With a rifle in your gracious hand
You ll leave the shadows of the dead
One by one
One by one
They took their souls and cut their wings
Considering all their energy
War hungry
Bullets eating flesh
Can't kill the
Spirit of a man
That's hidden from their eyes
Heaven's caving
Intimidate deforming
Ever lastingly caught
The sin to the holy sky
God bless you, the nations heart
A bond closer than brothers
With a rifle in your gracious hand
You ll leave the shadows of the dead
God bless you
One by one
God bless you
One by one
God bless you, the nations heart
With a rifle in your gracious hand
God bless you, the nations heart
A bond closer than brothers
With a rifle in your gracious hand
You ll leave the shadows of the dead
God bless you
One by one
God bless you
One by one
They've gone to sleep lain down the fight
Carry the weight of the land to the sky
The holy ground sacred by their blood
Helmets resting on the guns butt
We'll always be one step ahead
Discovering our relentless pride
Decadence, your state of being
There s more than evil in their minds
God bless you
One by one
God bless you
es wird nie mehr so sein wie es frÜher einmal war
der zauber ist verflogen denn sie ist nicht mehr da
nur sie war fÜr mich immer eine kleine sÜnde wert
doch sie wollte nur das eine und ich hab's zu spÄt gemerkt
une eines tages stand geschrieben in einem pornoheft
"gisela, 40 stark behaart sucht nicht nur herren von welt
auch du mein freund, der dieses liest
kennst du schon das paradies?
wenn nicht, dann komm zu isela, denn ich bin immer fÜr dich da"
"ich weiss du magst gern kaviar
ich weiss du liebst den sekt
bei mir bekommst du alles
auf einem silbernen tablett
was immer du auch denkst von mir
ich glaube du hast recht
was immer du von mir verlangst
New age rebellion - anarchy
Intoxicated with injustice of law
Sneaking lifes - mental decay
Practice subversive dirty deeds
No acts of grace - stand up and fight
You are their slave but never questioned why
Born on your knees - don't give a shit
You are remote controlled but who is to blame
Fuck the police
Blaze of anger - deaf and blind
The enemy that overshadows us all
Out of control - disrotted minds
The final judgement and the final day will come
Too much pressure - too much power
Until the point of no return
Interwar period - martial games
To find out
What they try to ignore
Eternal lies - vision of change
When the dreams of freedom awake
Methods of greed - bleeding hearts
An easy target for the one with the gun
Empty promises - better left unsaid
Illusions shattered by mendacity and hate
Supremacy - hungry to kill
Sexual urge
Unleashed energy
Repressed for so many years
No more continence
Dreams of smashing
Let ablaze this dark abyss
The fruits of my life
So fully developed
Burned up to a crisp
Hatred turns to apathy
But now the beggar changed into a king
I cannot hear the frozen screams
My mind feels so much flattered
I taste the blood so warm and sweet
A mournful desirous charade
Playing with my sensual toy
I see it down below
My fingers touched the creature's neck
Seduced me to move on
My plans get true without repent
For whom I shed a tear?
You have to pay the righteous price
Feigned death throes
Feigned death throes
Your feigned death throes deceived me
Your false dead eyes released me
Although your blood still flows
It's only feigned death throes
I tear you and you'll like it
I drink you 'til you're weak
Death itself with ugly face
Through pores of bloody skin
Feigned death throes
Feigned death throes
Engrained misanthropy
Sowed the seeds of death
When hatred amplifies your pain
I am the one who pulls the string
There's no way left for you to win
I knew you would not stay
Your feigned death throes deceived me
Your false dead eyes released me
Although your blood still flows
It's only feigned death throes
I tear you and you'll like it
I drink you 'til you're weak
Death itself with ugly face
Through pores of bloody skin
Feigned death throes
With feverish eyes I stare
Through shadows in the moor
You don't know what you'll have to bear
I'm standing there alone
'Til someone comes along
A loaded pistol in my hand
Split second in despair
So you planned a fake
While you heard your bones all break
Arise this glory day
I will survive I will defeat
Destroy the man that I've become
Feigned death throes
In a realm governed by gods scorn
Absorbed in solitudes deep
Where men and beast are one
Deads disturbed in eternal peace
There is a town of curse
Crueltys bleeding place
Dreadful illumation of lust
Squat behind the gates of proscription
A memorial that never somebody forget
Once by god created and destroyed
Meaned is the majesty town SODOM
Known in all world by reason of force
Fall of majesty town
SODOM and gomorrah
Fire bring it down
Fall of majesty town
A holy place
Deprived by crown
You are residents of evils kingdom
Raise swords in name of satan
Burn all crucifixion
Symbols of wrong oath
Drive lemdness and let em learn the crime
Kill and hate all these which loved you
Use arms of agony and grieve
Follow your leader with incence obedience
Because only known the battles upshot
A memorial that never somebody forget
Once by god created and destroyed
Meaned is the majesty town SODOM
Known in all world by reason of force
Fall of majesty town
SODOM and gomorrah
Fire bring it down
Fall of majesty town
A holy place
Deprived by crown
The revence came from exception strong power
An indescrible vandalism action
Disperse the place in innumerable bloodspots
Death is unruly and everywhere
Smell of becahed flesh
Controls the occorrence
Feel hudder of hideous inferno
Pray: your thie will be done...
A twilight was in my mind
Fulfilled of suspended bare foreboding
Great erhaulted forms of life
Touched me by my nightmare
Feel the inflamed impression in my soul
Appeared that i get blessed
Trustful eyes look up to me
Bring they harm in my exsist
Terrible things revelated the curse
A petual attemp to blasphemic cruelty
Revelated me to that what I am
I hear it, feel it the weird...
Grasp the sneep tamed snake
Drink fertite poison without ingure
Men spotless and pure heart
True secret as grave
Master of earth and all on it
No reason to vespair
Ready to fo though hell
Always known the fate
Morbid addication to pain
Talk to me in a prophetic sound
I am choosen to saw the true
That have rage as no earthly calamity
Looking for the centre of labyrinth
But its known in my unconscious mind
Escape to myself coined of envy
No reason to bespair
Ready to go through hell
Always know the fate
Morbid addication to pain
Fortify at a namn abness of deep
Intinite space of human existence
Broken is my lords foul work
Burst rebellious shouts of deads
All accurse by...
I put my money in the suitcase
And headed for the big race
I felt a chill on my backbone
As I hung up the telephone
Stone cold sober and stone cold sweat
Running down the back of my neck
To lose means trouble, to win it means double
And I got me a heavy bet
Cold, cold sweat
They say chances on the outside
Are looking very [Incomprehensible]
I've been so lucky on the inside
I feel I'm going to live
Stone cold sober and stone cold sweat
Running down the back of my neck
Take a little money, fast enough to lose
And I got me a heavy bet
Cold, cold sweat
I've got me a whole month's wages
I haven't seen that much in ages
I might spend it in stages
And move out to Las Vegas
Stone cold sober and stone cold sweat
Running down the back of my neck
To lose means trouble, to win it means double
And I got me a heavy bet
Cold, cold sweat
I put my money in the suitcase
They say chances on the outside
I got a whole month's wages
Stone cold sober and stone cold sweat
We praise the Savior
Observe the ten commandments
Confess our sins
For time immortal
Man's mind gets inspired
By gift and faculty divine
Blind superstition
Religious liberty
Mitigate our sorrows
Living in a world of dreams
Don't fear the true
Image of a God
Infant Jesus was crucified
A memorial for our future
Our atrocity is now forgiven
Because he has done his penance
Hear me, people of sighing
Sorrow of pain and regret
Left to the dead and dying
You, that not know me as yet
Christ passion, Christ passion
Christ passion
Medieval extravagance of Christianity
Foundation in all cult mysteries
Holy customs and wholesale hysteria
Creeds to transcendental
Defecation of human nature
Devour them up with blindness
They are fool adore in all clergy
And mindful in the grace of God
Christ passion, Christ passion
Christ passion
Mortal way of life
Rapture of the earth
Lift up your heads
In the day of his wrath
Mortal way of life
Rapture of the earth
Lift up your heads
In the day of his wrath
In the worst hour of life
Looking into the eyes of death
Extreme unction nears
Intensive incense is befooled
He gives you unimaginable joy
Certainty and faith
To find unutterable peace
Demand no sacrifice
Christ passion, Christ passion
Christ passion
Expect no wonders, celestial child
He will behold your repentance
His prophet revealed to the wise
The great mystery of God
Persecution of Christians in blasphemy
Born by the scum of evil
Almighty father knows no thirst for revenge
Praise the Savior on all saints' day
Christ passion, Christ passion
I feel like someone's watching me
Don't know where the enemy is
The night brings bad dreams to my mind
Maybe the girl that's by my side
Potential killers extremely mauled
Machine gun fire all around
Into the eye of a hurricane
The ultimate end
I got no power to survive
Empty thoughts of suicide
Psychotic wounds that never heal
You put the crown of thorns on me
Cowards in the grip of fear
A fox the chicken disappear
Creation of the lifeless rules, no return
All my heroes fighting legions
Crucified in flames, cannon fodder
Rivers of red, Russian roulette
Gambling hypocrites, cannon fodder
No scream will ever intimidate
Upon the dark side of a man
Walk among the bursting grenades
Ghosts of Vietnam penetrate
Burning towns up over there
Teaching freedom death parade
Snipers pointing accurate
Living on the edge
All my heroes fighting legions
Crucified in flames, cannon fodder
Rivers of red, Russian roulette
Gambling hypocrites, cannon fodder
I feel like someone's watching me
Don't know where the enemy is
The night brings bad dreams to my mind
Maybe the girl that's by my side
Potential killers extremely mauled
Machine gun fire all around
Into the eye of a hurricane
The ultimate end
All my heroes fighting legions
Crucified in flames, cannon fodder
Rivers of red, Russian roulette
Gambling hypocrites, cannon fodder
All my heroes fighting legions
Crucified in flames, cannon fodder
Rivers of red, Russian roulette
Mankind can be bind
But not the words of god
Idioms are free and flourish
Ulmight 'cause sensible
Mistress of all cults
Cursed is your body
Until all severed end nears
Angels force be immortal
In presence of all the true
Stars grow in lonely nights
When the watcher rise
Intelligence awake to harmony
Barious terrible fears
Borrow symbolic mystery
Spiteful eyes in face of beaty
Monarchist is orbain
Slashing the wantoness, grudging deeds
With hearts that have no right to beat
Whispering echoes forcasting my fate
From heaven to hell I spirit away
The shadow of wathers haunting my soul
Replacing my life for a handful of gold
The slings and the fetters of outrageous foes
Peremptory baseness where glory once shone
Losing the ground at the end of the light
Beheading myself no more power to fight
Horror beyond the unnatural fear
Reflection of lies so threatening near
Apathetic servants of the mighty evil
Rushing demise, blind decision
Exhaustion of my will
Habitual turning
Lifeless objects, peaceful symbols
Book burning
The scriptures of freedom devoured by fire
Flushes of anger immortal desire
Appeal to the gods is ceasing unheard
Lamentations sounded imploring absurd
My rage unleashed and my glare is reborn
Sunshine removed by a cold winterstorm
Deliver me god from this treacherous crowd
These crystal nights bring the life to nought
Losing the ground at the end of the light
Beheading myself no more power to fight
Horror beyond the unnatural fear
Reflection of lies so threatening near
Apathetic servants of the mighty evil
Rushing demise, blind decision
Exhaustion of my will
Habitual turning
Lifeless objects, peaceful symbols
Bombenhagel, bombenhagel
Bombenhagel, bombenhagel
Bombenhagel, bombenhagel
Bombenhagel, bombenhagel
As we heard the threatening sirens
Warned against the bombing raid
We cowered in a shelter
They left us to our fate
Bombenhagel, bombenhagel
Bombenhagel, bombenhagel
Stukas dived to bring its mortal dread
Bombs fell down as rain
Explosions shook the ground
Debris is buried the dead again
Bombenhagel, bombenhagel
Bombenhagel, bombenhagel
Waiting for the painful decision
Senseless action of Germans on and on
Only suicides delivered is from suffering
What does the future have in store
Bombenhagel, bombenhagel
Black metal is the game I play
'Cause no one show me the right way
I am a bloody Antichrist, only believe in bad
Spit at the church, evil I get
Rites of death return to Hell
I am Satan's child, attack you with spell
I turn the cross upside down
And read Satanic Bible with fucking crown
My life begins at midnight twelve
Masturbate to kill myself
Rites of death return to Hell
I am Satan's child, attack with spell
I love to drink my own blood
My sin is my life in a war with God
I talk to the demons night tonight
Make love and black masses in a dark shadow light
Rites of death return to Hell
I am Satan's child, attack you with spell
Seems like dead men want to leave their graves
Point to anything they love to hate
Broken skulls reflection all around
Execution, blood beneath the walls
Aggressive jungle war
Breaking through the lines
According to your evil rites
Your death will be methodic
Gonna lose my way among the weirdcong
Machine gun fire chain reaction
Shredded brains among the weirdcong
Among the weirdcong
Among the weirdcong
Antipathy to the gloating face
Ddissection 'til your soul will leave again
Impact shock absorbs my energy
Bullets cutting through the rotten meat
Aggressive jungle war
Breaking through the lines
According to your evil rites
Your death will be methodic
Gonna lose my way among the weirdcong
Machine gun fire chain reaction
Shredded brains among the weirdcong
Among the weirdcong
Among the weirdcong
Your death will be methodic
Gonna lose my way among the weirdcong
Machine gun fire chain reaction
Shredded brains among the weirdcong
Emotions died, extinguished deep inside
Impurity made blood turns into wine
When I saw my friends impaled to death
Dishonored and condemned their strength
Aggressive jungle war
Breaking through the lines
According to your evil rites
Your death will be methodic
Gonna lose my way among the weirdcong
Machine gun fire chain reaction
Shredded brains among the weirdcong
Among the weirdcong
Among the weirdcong
Among the weirdcong
Among the weirdcong
I'm just a prowling maverick
And detriment to health
Cutthroat competition
Desultory to myself
Scary vulgarism
Unfathomable cursed
Perpetuate my memories
Incombustible words
Addicted to abstinence
Protruberant intestines
Exhilerated sight
Notorious dinginess
Coming from behind
I put you to the sword
Gasp your vomit out
You'll never reach the shore
Defigured like a scrag
Scary vulgarism
Unfathomable cursed
Perpetuate my memories
Incombustible words
Addicted to abstinence
Protruberant intestines
Exhilerated sight
Notorious dinginess
Coming from behind
I put you to the sword
Gasp your vomit out
You'll never reach the shore
Defigured like a scrag
Scary vulgarism
Unfathomable cursed
Perpetuate my memories
Incombustible words
Heinous and destructive
Balanced on the edge
Rancerously cutting
He's dangerous and sledge