
See the full episode at video.pbs.org Rappel a wind turbine for a safety check with Yul Kwon and meet Randy Deputy, a technician who keeps this energy source running in this clip from AMERICA REVEALED. Four-part series airs Wednesdays, April 11- May 2 at 10/9c on PBS.

Wind energy in west Texas, Wind Turbines
Wind energy in west Texas, Wind Turbines
CBS Sunday Morning did a piece on west Texas and their Wind Turbines

windy wind farm
windy wind farm
test video of a windy day on a wind farm taken with 5D II and Contax zeiss 35-70mm lens

Green Fascism: Death by Wind Turbine
Green Fascism: Death by Wind Turbine
For decades they have been touted by green warriors and global warming believers as the lynch pin of their brave new utopian future. Now it seems that something is truly rotten in the state of Denmark, or the great state of Texas in this case. After years of searching, it appears that scientists have finally identified an actual cause of climate change... wind farms. Critics have previously cited industrial wind turbine farms as a massive blot on the landscape, as well as accusing them of causing environmental and economic damage. Reports of bird and bat mortality, local deforestation, as well as negative effects on peat bogs in the UK -- have all been cited in relation to the operation of wind turbines. Economic concerns include homes located near wind turbines losing significant value with some homes being impossible to sell and abandoned by their owners. Above all of this, the fact still remains that wind farms, like solar farms, cannot produce any significant amount of power required to feed the minimum base-load to electrify a small city. Supporters and green lobbyists for the wind industry claim that these damages are justified in order to move society off of fossil fuels. Despite their sketchy green credentials, industrial wind farms have still been awarded generous subsidies from governments in North America and Europe. But all these drawbacks pale in comparison to the latest bombshell to hit this once-celebrated symbol of Al Gore and the IPCC's new green <b>...</b>

Wind Turbine Tour
Wind Turbine Tour
Puget Sound Energy's Wild Horse Wind and Solar Facility features 149 wind turbines. This video tour takes you inside the 351-foot-tall wind turbines, giving a first hand look at how renewable energy works. Directions to the Wild Horse visitors' center can be found at PSE.com.

Large Wind Farms Increase Temperatures Near Ground
Large Wind Farms Increase Temperatures Near Ground
Large wind farms slightly increase temperatures near the ground as the turbines' rotor blades pull down warm air, according to researchers. Robert Lee Hotz has details on Lunch Break. Photo: Getty Images.

Wind Energy: Clean, Affordable, Renewable
Wind Energy: Clean, Affordable, Renewable
Since 2007, Duke Energy has invested more than $2.5 billion to build large-scale wind farms throughout the United States. Duke Energy Renewables, a commercial business unit of Charlotte, North Carolina-based Duke Energy, owns 15 large-scale wind farms throughout the United States. By 2013, the company's wind farms will be capable of producing enough zero-emission electricity to power more than a half-million homes. This nine-minute video explains Duke Energy Renewables' approach to developing wind power projects, and illustrates how landowners, customers and communities have benefitted by teaming up with us. Learn more at www.duke-energy.com/renewables

Energy 101: Wind Power
Energy 101: Wind Power
Our animated correspondent "Little Lee Patrick Sullivan" explains how the wind can be used to generate power, including where wind comes from, its history as a power source, how wind farms generate electricity and what's likely to be the first major offshore wind project in the US

Musselroe Wind Farm Project Update March 2012
Musselroe Wind Farm Project Update March 2012
A visual update on Hydro Tasmania's Musselroe Wind Farm, showing work completed up to March 2012. Lying south of the 40th parallel in the path of prevailing westerly winds, Tasmania has excellent resources for the generation of wind power. The Musselroe Wind Farm site is 100 kilometres north-east of Launceston and 20 kilometres north of Gladstone. It is an agricultural property owned by Hydro Tasmania. The Musselroe Wind Farm will have 56 wind turbines, with a generating capacity of 168 MW. The project includes the construction of a transmission line to connect the wind farm to the electricity grid at Derby. Wind has been monitored at the Musselroe site since the early 1980s. Data gathered suggests that the area's wind resource is world class.

16x9 - Water Wind Farm
16x9 - Water Wind Farm
It's a race to BLOW the competition out of the water. 16:9 shows you Canada's latest push in green energy. Carolyn Jarvis reports.

Wind Energy - Renewable Energy
Wind Energy - Renewable Energy
WINDENERGY.com - - Wind Energy - Renewable Energy, If you are looking for an Renewable Energy system we have Wind Energy Kits and Hybrid Wind Kits for your Renewable Energy home system. Alternative energy is an umbrella term that refers to any source of usable energy intended to replace fuel sources without the undesired consequences of the pollution. Common types of alternative energy are Wind, Solar, Hydro and other alt energy sources. WindEnergy7 is helping raise public awareness of the coming energy crunch while working on creative solutions to ease the inevitable transition. New energy sources like Solar Energy, Renewable Energy, Biomass Energy are all things that American's should embrace. Alternative energy news and information resources about renewable energy technologies. The purpose of this site is to provide a resource and to help Amereicans get off the grid as much as possible. Wind power, Wind power is the conversion of wind energy into a useful form of energy, such as using wind turbines to make electricity, windmills for mechanical power. Wind power by country shows Wind power in the United States has been steadily growing every year for well over a decade. Wind power can be an excellent complement to a solar power system. Here in Colorado, when the sun isn't shining, the wind is usually blowing, WindEnergy7 has the ideal Hybrid system to harvest both. The European Union installed 9616 megawatts of wind energy in 2011, or 21 percent of the bloc's new power <b>...</b>

Designing North America's first offshore wind farm
Designing North America's first offshore wind farm
Professor Habib Dagher is building the first offshore wind farm in North America that will float off the coast of Maine - a state that some consider to be the Saudi Arabia of wind power. Test models have performed well in the laboratory, but the farm's real turbines will need to stand up to the region's bleak weather. If they do work, experts believe that they can generate enough electricity to power the US four times over. Critics, however, worry that the cost of such a development will be passed on to consumers, as the US has no formal energy policy. Al Jazeera's John Terrett reports from Maine.

Inside Sheffield Wind Farm
Inside Sheffield Wind Farm
Watch in HD: youtu.be | VPIRG sponsored a field trip for a group of fifteen community members to tour the FirstWind Sheffield Wind Farm in Sheffield, Vermont. Filmed for March21st.ORG. A short recap of the field trip, made by Hillary Archer for the Gund Institute for Ecological Economics. Special thanks to FirstWind, VPIRG, Leah Marsters, Jon Erickson, Crea Lintilhac, and everyone who provided interviews including Adam Young, Kevin Cosgrove, and Josh Bagnato.

Africa's largest wind farm will blow fossil fuels away
Africa's largest wind farm will blow fossil fuels away
The remote and inaccessible region of Turkana in northern Kenya has some of the highest and most consistent wind speeds in the world. Now it is to be turned into Africa's biggest wind farm, which will provide over 20 percent of Kenya's power. Duration: 01:51

Coram Wind Farm Tour with S&C; Electric Company
Coram Wind Farm Tour with S&C; Electric Company
S&C procured and constructed the electrical systems needed to connect new wind turbines to the grid at the 104-MW Coram Wind Farm in Mojave, California, owned by Brookfield Renewable Energy Group and Coram California Development LLC. This video provides a tour of the wind farm while under construction, including views of the electrical systems constructed by S&C.

Wind Farm.mov
Wind Farm.mov
BP's 1000th wind turbine was erected at the Sherbino 2 wind farm in 2011. The wind farm - about 30 miles east of Fort Stockton, Texas - became fully operational in December 2011. It is part of the oil company's promise to spend $8 billion on renewable energy projects by 2015.

Wind Farm Auroras
Wind Farm Auroras
A brief and unexpected timelapse display occured on March 27th, 2012. I had been watching the plots and taking occasional images outside to see if the aurora was visible. Finally around 9:15pm local time... I had the faint green/red glow on the horizon. After a few more images I decided to head for a wind farm near my house west of Crofton, Nebraska to finally capture the Northern Lights with a foreground besides the trees in my yard! The aurora remained visible from 10pm to nearly 2am local time with brief periods of stronger activity including some colorful rays and beams. This timelapse covers the span from about 10pm to 1am before I decided to head home. All images were taken using a Canon Rebel T1i, using the kit lens at 18mm and f/3.5, 1600 iso for 30 seconds. You can see the wind mills move a couple times during the video as the stars swirl with Earth's rotation above and the curtain of aurora dances between. To see more go to www.intotherfd.com

Panoramic video of Wild Horse Wind Farm, Vantage WA
Panoramic video of Wild Horse Wind Farm, Vantage WA
This video was taken during a Puget Sound Mini road rally on August 28 2010 - From Issaquah WA to Wild Horse Wind Farm in Vantage WA. This video just pans back and forth to show the wind mills (turbines) at this facility. Each one is more than 300 feet tall and generates enough electricity for about 450 homes (1.8 to 2 megawatts each). The generators and the land are owned by Puget Sound Energy in WA.

Energy Answers: Blowing In The Wind? - 11.12.2011
Energy Answers: Blowing In The Wind? - 11.12.2011
Wind power is one of America's cleanest and most abundant energy resources. But it only works when the wind blows, making it less reliable than fossil fuels or nuclear power. Can wind power overcome its challenges and secure a place in a clean energy future? This week, energyNOW! looks at how the US is harnessing the power of the wind today, and what lies ahead for this renewable energy source. Capturing The Wind The biggest challenge facing wind energy is intermittency. Wind often blows strongest when power demand is lowest, and weakest when electricity is needed the most. Because today's power grid needs electricity to be consumed the moment it's generated, that means wind turbines send electricity to the grid half as often as an average coal plant. But what if wind farms could store the power that isn't needed right away and sell it later when demand is high? Correspondent Patty Kim visits a new battery storage system built alongside a wind farm in the heart of coal country. The Midwest's Wind Power Hub The Department of Energy says the potential for wind power is greatest in middle America, where strong, steady breezes blow across the prairie. But the wind farms built there often have to send their electricity across several states to find the homes and businesses that need it. So how can energy from small-town wind turbines reach big city power sockets? Correspondent Lee Patrick Sullivan goes inside the Midwest power grid's control room and meets the people <b>...</b>