Hippoidea is a superfamily of decapod crustaceans known as sand crabs, mole crabs, or sand fleas.
Hippoids are adapted to burrowing into sandy beaches, a habit they share with raninid crabs, and the parallel evolution of the two groups is striking. The whole body is almost ovoid, the first pereiopods have no claws, and the telson is long, none of which are seen in related groups. Unlike most other decapods, sand crabs cannot walk; instead, they use their legs to dig into the sand. Members of the family Hippidae beat their uropods to swim.
Apart from the polar regions, hippoids can be found on beaches throughout the world. Larvae of one species have also been found in Antarctic waters, despite the lack of suitable sandy beaches in the Antarctic.
Alongside hermit crabs and allies (Paguroidea), squat lobsters and allies (Galatheoidea) and the hairy stone crab (Lomis hirta, Lomisoidea), Hippoidea is one of the four groups that make up the infraorder Anomura. Of the four, Hippoidea is thought to be the most basal, with the other three groups being more closely related to each other than to Hippoidea.
(David Barratt/Bill Clift/Carl L. Marsh)
anybody ever had a dream
wouldn't wake up
and lose it over me
anybody ever stole a scene
wouldn't need to
if the could only be
strangely serene
facing the shakedown
nobody ever ran the race
and came out
the same as they went in
nobody in a sacred place
need leave it
if they could only bring
some sense of grace for time
to lay down
hold this terrifying love
a charm against the cold
do this and think of me
and let the world unfold
spaced out in spacetown
i know you've been
shaping up for the shakedown
so let me in
we live and learn or crash and burn
this is spacetown
we're living in spacetown
everybody in the neighbourhood
wouldn't move on
if they could only see
everybody for the common good
shout something
apart from look at me
just watch the screen
when the mirror breaks down
you with all that you could own
are trying to be true
and wait so patiently
for a bolt from out the blue
show me something i can use
a stone that i can throw
or shall i turn away