PRI's Enrique Pena Nieto declares victory in Mexico presidential election
PRI's Enrique Pena Nieto declares victory in Mexico presidential election
Mexico's presidential race leader Enrique Pena Nieto declares victory after an official quick count showed him well ahead, saying his once long-dominant party would return to power. Related article

Turkish fighter jet shot down over Syria, 2 pilots' status unknown
Turkish fighter jet shot down over Syria, 2 pilots' status unknown
FULL STORY & UPDATES on.rt.com Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan could not bring any light to what happened to a military plane that was reportedly shot down by Syria, as he talked to media after the plane's disappearance. Erdogan did not confirm reports that Damascus had apologized for shooting down the plane. The PM also refrained from sharing any information about the fate of the two pilots, who were reported as rescued earlier. Further statements are expected after a security meeting. The plane crashed into or nearby Syrian territorial waters earlier today, according to reports. A missile fired by the Syrian defense system shattered it to pieces after which the jet plunged into the Mediterranean Sea. Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Watch RT LIVE on our website rt.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Related article

Attacks on Kenyan churches kill 17
Attacks on Kenyan churches kill 17
Reuters) - Masked assailants launched simultaneous gun and grenade raids on two churches in a Kenyan town on Sunday, killing at least 17 people in the worst attack in the country since Kenya sent troops into Somalia to crush al Shabaab militants. More than 60 people were wounded in the attacks in Garissa, the north Kenya town which has been used as a base for operations against al Qaeda-linked insurgents in Somalia. "This is the worst single attack since October, when our troops went into Somalia," national police spokesman Eric Kiraithe told Reuters. "It is the worst in terms of the numbers killed, the manner of execution, the anger behind it and the anguish it has aroused as well as the national impact it has had." There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attacks in Garissa, a largely Muslim town of 150000 with a significant ethnic Somali population. Police said they suspected al Shabaab sympathisers or bandits may have been behind the raids, but it was too early to say. In Somalia, al Shabaab declined to comment. White House spokesman Jay Carney said the United States "strongly condemned" the attacks at a time of transition in the country. Kenya is due to hold an election next March. Regional deputy police chief Philip Ndolo told Reuters from Garissa that seven attackers had hurled grenades into the Catholic Church and the African Inland Church (AIC) and then opened fire with assault rifles. They struck the churches, situated 3 km (two miles) apart, at <b>...</b> Related article

Heat wave blankets the US (June 2012)
Heat wave blankets the US (June 2012)
June 20th 2012 Summer brought 90-degree temperatures, setting record highs in Burlington, Vt., New York and Newark, NJ NBC's Anne Thompson reports. Related article

Shenzhou-9 astronauts return to Earth
Shenzhou-9 astronauts return to Earth
BEIJING—A Chinese space capsule with three astronauts aboard returned to Earth on Friday from a 13-day mission to an orbiting module that is a prototype for a future permanent station. The Shenzhou 9 parachuted to a landing on the grasslands of the country's sprawling Inner Mongolia region at about 10 am local time. China declared the mission to the Tiangong 1 module—the country's longest and most challenging space mission yet—a major stride for its ambitious space program. About an hour later, mission commander and veteran astronaut Jing Haipeng, 45, emerged from the re-entry capsule, followed by crew mates Liu Wang, 43, and 33-year-old Liu Yang, China's first female astronaut. Related article

Egypt's new president Mohammed Morsi sworn in
Egypt's new president Mohammed Morsi sworn in
Mohammed Morsi took the oath of office on Saturday to become Egypt's first freely elected President and its first head of state since Hosni Mubarak's overthrow last year. Related article

June 2012 Washington DC Derecho
June 2012 Washington DC Derecho
Video of the derecho storm complex that raced from Chicago to Washington DC and off the Atlantic coast on June 29, 2012 as it passed over Montgomery Village, Maryland at 10:15 pm. This storm system produced winds in excess of 70 mph, prolific lightning, and caused over 2 million people to lose power in the DC region for days. The storm is regarded as one of the most destructive and powerful non-tropical storms ever observed in the DC area. For more information, go to: en.wikipedia.org To see radar images of the derecho in its entirety from Iowa to the Atlantic Ocean, go to: www.youtube.com Related article

Fireworks Extravaganza Video: Hong Kong marks 15 years of Chinese rule
Fireworks Extravaganza Video: Hong Kong marks 15 years of Chinese rule
A spectacular fireworks display was staged over the Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong on Monday evening to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China. Sponsored by the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, the 23-minute fireworks spectacle began at 20:00 Monday, attracting large crowds of people. A handover ceremony was held on July 1, 1997, to mark China's resumption of the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong. Meanwhile, thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators have gathered on the streets of Hong Kong to protest against the 15th anniversary of Chinese rule. Chinese President Hu Jintao visited the city earlier, swearing in businessman CY Leung as the territory's new leader. According to different estimates, between 65000 and 400000 people gathered to protest against growing social gap and mounting real estate prices. Beijing has a "one country, two systems" policy with Hong Kong, where residents are allowed more political freedoms than the Chinese mainland. However, protesters complain that Hong Kong authorities loyal to Beijing only elect candidates chosen by the state. Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Watch RT LIVE on our website rt.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Related article

Fireworks Extravaganza Video: Hong Kong marks 15 years of Chinese rule
Fireworks Extravaganza Video: Hong Kong marks 15 years of Chinese rule
A spectacular fireworks display was staged over the Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong on Monday evening to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China. Sponsored by the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, the 23-minute fireworks spectacle began at 20:00 Monday, attracting large crowds of people. A handover ceremony was held on July 1, 1997, to mark China's resumption of the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong. Meanwhile, thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators have gathered on the streets of Hong Kong to protest against the 15th anniversary of Chinese rule. Chinese President Hu Jintao visited the city earlier, swearing in businessman CY Leung as the territory's new leader. According to different estimates, between 65000 and 400000 people gathered to protest against growing social gap and mounting real estate prices. Beijing has a "one country, two systems" policy with Hong Kong, where residents are allowed more political freedoms than the Chinese mainland. However, protesters complain that Hong Kong authorities loyal to Beijing only elect candidates chosen by the state. Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Watch RT LIVE on our website rt.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Related article

Orwellian Carbon Tax Fines Hit Australians
Orwellian Carbon Tax Fines Hit Australians
Praised by Barack Obama as a model for the world, Australia's highly unpopular carbon tax, set to take effect from July 1st, is set to be policed by laws which forbid business owners from criticizing it for causing price rises -- with thought criminals who do so under threat of being hit with huge fines of over $1 million dollars. "SHOPS and restaurants could face fines up to $1.1 million if waiters or sales staff wrongly blame the carbon tax for price rises or exaggerate the impact," reports the Daily Telegraph. According to ACCC deputy chairman Dr Michael Schaper, the warning applies, "to comments made by staff over the phone, on the shop floor or in meetings. It also covers advertising, product labels, websites, invoices, contracts and contract negotiations." This draconian measure will be enforced by teams of "carbon cops" who roam the streets conducting snap inspections of businesses to ensure they are not making any reference to the tax. The characterization of dissent against the carbon tax as a criminal offense exemplifies how the measure passed last year goes way beyond merely forcing Australia's top 500 companies to pay an extra $23.78 per each tonne of CO2 emitted. The system will be rolled into a carbon trading system by 2015. Not only will Australians be whacked with price rises on everything from energy to food, small business owners will also be intimidated into silence when they are forced to pay out more for key supplies. Energy prices across the country <b>...</b> Related article

Syrious Face-off: Annan's hopes for peace rest on Russia-US policy clash talks
Syrious Face-off: Annan's hopes for peace rest on Russia-US policy clash talks
The chief negotiator in the Syrian conflict says he's confident an upcoming meeting in Geneva will bear fruit. Kofi Annan has called the gathering of the world's most influential states, to find common ground on how to end hostilities in Syria. Moscow and Washington, however, have a chance to discuss the issue before the main talks as RT's Lucy Kafanov reports. Watch RT LIVE on our website rt.com Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Related article

Egypt's new president Mohammed Morsi sworn in
Egypt's new president Mohammed Morsi sworn in
Mohammed Morsi took the oath of office on Saturday to become Egypt's first freely elected President and its first head of state since Hosni Mubarak's overthrow last year. Related article

Path for Peace: Russia & West agree on transition government for Syria
Path for Peace: Russia & West agree on transition government for Syria
The worlds major world powers have agreed on a transitional roadmap for Syria, which they say will allow Syrians to determine their own future without outside interference. Following a crisis meeting in Geneva, Russia's Foreign Minister said the document contains no ultimatums and includes representatives from all sides of the political divide. RT's Yegor Piskunov sums up the outcome of the gathering. Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Watch RT LIVE on our website rt.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Related article

Bethlehem wins UNESCO heritage status
Bethlehem wins UNESCO heritage status
Large numbers of people flocked to the holy town of Bethlehem to celebrate the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization's acceptance to list the Church of Nativity as a world heritage site. Related article