Recent Posts の裏側 – WordCamp Tokyo 2011

I’ve had an amazing time in Japan during my visit for WordCamp Tokyo 2011. Thanks to everyone who came to see the presentation and made me feel so welcome! Download the PDF – の裏側 (Behind the Scenes of

ConvergeSouth 2011

Thanks to everyone for visiting my WordPress for Business Sites presentation at ConvergeSouth 2011. Here are the slides with links to the resources we talked about. More

Errors when upgrading WordPress via FTP

Some server configurations, typically running Pure-FTPd, have trouble updating WordPress via FTP. When doing an upgrade or a plugin install things may start fine but fail in the middle. It’s a bummer during an update since your site is also … More

Working On

Screenshot of the VaultPress homepage Disaster happens. Things go wrong. Aliens attack. Enter VaultPress.


John Ford is meticulously handcrafting the web, one line of code at a time.

His programming magic started in 1998 and he has been demystifying the web ever since.

Want to catch John away from his computer? Good luck!