
Most of what I was linking to here I now do under the parent domain Please check that site out.

A long time ago I had the idea that every interest I wanted to share, or create a 'filter' for, should have it's own blog. I don't know where that silly idea came from as none of my projects really had much of an audience, nor was it all that fun. Perhaps I was caught up in all that niche blogging hype. Hype which creates lots and lots of blogs for Google but very little that humans actually want to read. Not that kelake is a pleasure to read.

I would still like to record the imagery I find but Moveabletype is not the easiest tool for publishing media other than text. Perhaps if I find another tool I will give it a try - for my own brand of fun.

Published: Sep. 18th, 2008. Categorized: Text.

Twelve (12) emerging best practice for adding user experience work to agile software development

I'm often asked "does user experience practice work with Agile development?" The short answer is: "of course it does!" If the user experience practice in your company was weak before Agile, Agile development isn't going to help things. If your user experience practice was strong before Agile, it'll remain strong after Agile, and evolve to adapt.

Published: Jul. 28th, 2008. Categorized: Text. Tagged: Agile, Design, Software, User experience

The User Experience Iceberg

Jesse James Garrett’s Elements of User Experience is a great illustration of the components required to create engaging and rewarding experiences. But, it can be too much information for clients to fully comprehend during a quick presentation. The analogy of The User Experience Iceberg is a great way to help your clients realize that visual design is only the “tip” of the iceberg.
The User Experience Iceberg

Published: Jul. 28th, 2008. Categorized: Text. Tagged: Design, User experience

Key differences between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is a buzzword introduced in 2003–04 which is commonly used to encompass various novel phenomena on the World Wide Web. Although largely a marketing term, some of the key attributes associated with Web 2.0 include the growth of social networks, bi–directional communication, various ‘glue’ technologies, and significant diversity in content types. We are not aware of a technical comparison between Web 1.0 and 2.0. While most of Web 2.0 runs on the same substrate as 1.0, there are some key differences. We capture those differences and their implications for technical work in this paper. Our goal is to identify the primary differences leading to the properties of interest in 2.0 to be characterized. We identify novel challenges due to the different structures of Web 2.0 sites, richer methods of user interaction, new technologies, and fundamentally different philosophy. Although a significant amount of past work can be reapplied, some critical thinking is needed for the networking community to analyze the challenges of this new and rapidly evolving environment.

Published: Jul. 28th, 2008. Categorized: Text. Tagged: Design, Marketing, Web

Excel art


most digital artists use sophisticated software to create works which would otherwise not be possible. while artist danielle aubert does create one-of-a-kind artworks, the software he use is rather low-tech. aubert produces some of his drawings with none other than microsoft excel, the software more typically used for spread sheets. aubert manipulates the program in ways that clearly show the software’s traits but from a new perspective.[design boom]

Danielle Aubert

Published: Jul. 28th, 2008. Categorized: Visual. Tagged: Art, Digital

Abstract film


I like this. film_080531_CENTURIA400_1120-01.jpg on Flickr

Published: Jul. 28th, 2008. Categorized: Visual. Tagged: Abstract, Film

The Desktop Wallpaper Project

Nice. Kitsune Noir - The Desktop Wallpaper Project. Via Swissmiss I think.

Published: Jul. 28th, 2008. Categorized: Visual. Tagged: Art, Wallpaper

Trans-Canada Airlines

Published: Jul. 14th, 2008. Categorized: Visual. Tagged: Canadair, Ephemera, Vintage

Page design timelapse

Published: Jul. 14th, 2008. Categorized: Visual. Tagged: Design, Video

Shneiderman's Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design

To improve the usability of an application it is important to have a well designed interface. Shneiderman's "Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design" are a guide to good interaction design.
Shneiderman's Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design

Published: Jul. 7th, 2008. Categorized: Text. Tagged: Interaction design, Interface design

Evolution of the mobile communication ecosystem

Francesco Cara, a design strategist at Nokia with a psychology background, looks at the evolution of mobile communication ecosystems.
Link: Evolution of the mobile communication ecosystem | LIFT conference

Published: Jul. 5th, 2008. Categorized: Visual. Tagged: Cellphone, Mobile, Mobilty, Nokia

The Great Awakening

But realising the emptiness of our activities leads to a focus on process rather than conclusion. You don't sacrifice the present for some kind of idealised future. The Bodhisattva, for example, takes a vow to liberate all sentient beings. But he or she doesn't then feel depressed because all beings are not liberated. The goal provides direction and we work towards it by focusing on one step at a time.
The Great Awakening - A Buddhist Social Theory

Published: Jun. 13th, 2008. Categorized: Text. Tagged: Process

Multiple Drafts Model

The Multiple Drafts model makes [the procedure of] "writing it down" in memory criterial for consciousness: that is what it is for the "given" to be "taken"... There is no reality of conscious experience independent of the effects of various vehicles of content on subsequent action (and hence, of course, on memory)."

Multiple Drafts Model

Published: Jun. 13th, 2008. Categorized: Text. Tagged: Cognitivism, Physicalist, Theory

Design is honest. Advertising is lying.


I feel the same. From Grandburo Online Store

Published: Jun. 12th, 2008. Categorized: Objects. Tagged: Advertising, Clothes, Design

ITC Franklin


New revision of Franklin Gothic, by David Berlow. ITC Franklin

Published: Jun. 12th, 2008. Categorized: Visual. Tagged: Typography

My five year old knows Basic

A friend of mine recently called to tell me that he suspected his seven-year-old daughter had a "learning problem.' Six months after purchasing a Commodore Vic-20 home computer he is worried because she just can't seem to grasp the Basic programming concepts of strings and arrays. I asked him what in the world would make him think that she could be capable of understanding a complex concept like that. He replied, "They're learning about computers in school aren't they?'

Poor kids, I can see it all now. In ten years we will be labeling children who cannot successfully and efficiently program in at least two machine languages "computing disabled.' With the current emphasis on computer literacy, many educators are pushing the fact that children should know as much about computers as possible, at the earliest possible age. A recent educational report speculated that 25 years from now children would need the equivalent of a Master's degree in computer science before they graduated high school.

My five year old knows Basic.

Published: Jun. 6th, 2008. Categorized: Text. Tagged: Computing, History, Programming

excel.jpg centuria.jpg taviscoburn-blog.jpg designt.jpg

External linkage

"Shao" means small. A glorified side-bar of links, Shao Kelake features off-the-cuff commentary, destinations, design inspiration, and objects of interest.

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