
Please Read This Post {important notes}

When you visit decor8 on Monday, July 28th you be automatically redirected to a new URL and a completely new decor8 blog. It looks nothing like this one, so please don't assume you are in the wrong place! :) I'm spending the day finishing up on last minute site details so I don't plan to blog again until Monday.

Please note:
comments left on this blog after 6am EST Saturday morning (7/26) will not move over to the new decor8, so please either comment today or wait until Monday.

It's time for change!
(clock from
Decoy Lab, $30)

And two final notes to share. First, we have a good conversation going here thanks to reader Pippa if you'd like to jump in with your thoughts. We're basically talking about art vs. craft, how taking a risk is defined, and other thoughts on this topic so please join us. It's a good one! Again... Comments left on this blog after 6am EST Saturday morning (7/26) will not be moved over to the new decor8, so please comment either today or wait until Monday. I wouldn't want your thoughts forever lost!

And finally, the Inspire Me! contest will wrap up at midnight tonight. All comments left until then will be considered for the giveaway so please make sure to enter if you haven't already. I'll post the winners on Monday so meet me back here in a few days to see if you've won and to visit the new decor8.

See you on Monday and have a lovely weekend... xo, Holly

(image from decoy lab, text/border added by decor8)
