Monday, July 02, 2012

Jack of All Trades

This rather rare children's book of poetry and lithographic illustrations relating to various kinds of employment - some quite unusual - was first published in Fleet St in London in 1900. Text by JJ Bell. Illustrations by C Robinson.

Jack of All Trades 1900 by JJ Bell + illustr. by C. Robinson (rotated + cropped) a

Jack of All Trades - Title Page

Jack of All Trades 1900 by JJ Bell + illustr. by C. Robinson (phrenologist) (cropped)
The Phrenologist
Little Johannes jumped over his bed,
Little Johannes arrived on his head.
Oh, what a thump!
Oh, what a bump!
Big as a plum, and nearly as red!

"Call the phrenologist!" somebody said.

The great man came! Oh, wasn't he wise,
With a pair of blue spectacles over his eyes?

He felt the boy's head with finger and thumb:
he stopped at the bump, and remarked, "Ha, Hum!"
Oh, wasn't he wise?
He said that Johannes -if nothing went wrong-
Would likely do something before very long!

And this is the end of my beautiful song.
But, wasn't he wise?

bitonal lithographic caricature of crying bookseller
The Bookseller
Bookseller, Bookseller, why do you weep?
Because I must sell my books far too cheap.

Bookseller, Bookseller, why do you grin?
Because an old lady is just coming in.

Bookseller, Bookseller, why all this joy?
Because she requires a nice book for a boy.

Bookseller, Bookseller, why do you cough?
Ahem! Well, the discount forgot to come off.

Bookseller, Bookseller, why are you gay?
Beause it's my best of business to-day.

Bookseller, Bookseller, why are you mad?
Because the half-sovereign I changed her is bad.

colour book illustration of fully-laden station porter
The Railway Porter
Porter, Porter, do not lag-
Take this heavy Gladstone-bag,
Take this big portmanteau, and
Take this bird-cage in your hand-
(Mind the bird!)- and, wait a minute,
Take this case with china in it-
(Do be careful!)- and. I say,
Take these parcels-yes, but stay-
Take yon gun-case painted yellow,
With the golf-clubs and the umbrello!

Just three seconds now remain-
We must run to catch the train.

Thank you, Porter for your trouble,
I must really tip you double ...
Here's a penny!

Jack of All Trades 1900 by JJ Bell + illustr. by C. Robinson (hosier) (cropped)
The Hosier
The Hosier sells me a pair of new hose
To wear when I go out a-biking,
And the hosier tells me--and surely he knows--
The effect will be lovely and striking.

I have asked our kind artist to sketch for this book
Myself and my bike and my hose.
You may not like the page at the very first look--
But, believe me, the charm of it grows!

Jack of All Trades 1900 by JJ Bell + illustr. by C. Robinson (shoemaker) (cropped)
The Shoemaker
I called upon the Shoemaker,
To buy a pair of pumps.
"I want them nice and strong," said I;
"I live in Glasgow, where the sky
"Sends down the rain in lumps."

The shoemaker, he tweaked his chin,
And seemed to think a few.
At last he said: "Good, Sir, I fear
"You'll have to get an engineer
"To make those pumps for you."

Jack of All Trades 1900 by JJ Bell + illustr. by C. Robinson (tobacconist) (cropped)
The Tobacconist
All day these two bad boys were missed--
They'd been to the Tobacconist!
Of cigarettes they smoked a lot,
And now they wish that they had not.

How sad they make their mother look!
How coud they so displease her?
Behold the pale-faced Ebenezer!

Their Pa puts down his Kipling book,
To each says, "Follow me, Sir!"
Exit the moaning Habakkuk,
The groaning Ebenezer!

Jack of All Trades 1900 by JJ Bell + illustr. by C. Robinson (cyclist) (cropped)
The Cyclist
I'd rather be a cyclist
Than any other beast.
For tho' he slays he never stays
Upon the slain to feast.

It's pleasant to remember,
While lying on the stones,
How, tho' you're dead, you needn't dread
That he will pick your bones.

He comes! You fall!! He's gone! - that's all!!
He doesn't mind the least.
Oh! I'd rather be a cyclist
Than any other beast!

caricature lithographic book illustration of a photographer
The Photographer
The man who takes my photograph,
Tries very hard to make me laugh-
The naughty man! he makes me sad.
He taps his box, and says: "My dear,
"I've got a little bird in here!"
Oh, such a fib is awful bad!

He says, if I look nice and gay,
The little bird will come my way
In less than half-a-minute.
I know quite well, although he knocks
And whistles at his likeness box,
There's not a dicky in it.

Below a cloth he hides his head-
(He's sorry for the things he's said,
The naughty man! to make me laugh.)
But when he's feeling good again,
He comes all smiling from his den,
And squirts a funny ball, and then-
Why, then he's got my photograph!

illustration of trade worker (UK = turncock)
The Turncock*
The Turncock thinks he is a Toff!
He turns the water on and off.
But should he have a nice tall hat
For such a little thing as that?
Indeed, I think it would be well
If Turncocks were not quite so swell.
A plain cloth cap at eighteenpence
Would save the city some expense-
And I, who only wear a pot,
Would be contented with my lot.

[*I hope your Papa is not a Turncock]

Jack of All Trades 1900 by JJ Bell + illustr. by C. Robinson (poet) (cropped)
The Poet
The poet is poor, as a rule,
And frequently suffers from hunger.
If you feel you could write sweet poems all night,
I think it's a sign
That you ought to confine
Your attention to some-
Thing great and become--
Well, say, a Fishmonger.

Jack of All Trades 1900 by JJ Bell + illustr. by C. Robinson (plumber) (cropped)
The Plumber
Oh, Mister Plumber, do you know
Where naughty, careless, tradesman go?

You come to set the water right--
To make the taps all safe and tight.

You came to us at half-past nine;
At two you went away to dine.

You came again just after three;
At five you toddled home for tea.

You did some work, I must confess:
Our house was in a dreadful mess.

You sent us in your little bill--
Although the taps are leaking still.

Oh, Mister Plumber, do you know
Where naughty, careless tradesmen go?

20th century caricature lithographic illustration called 'artist'
There are two kinds of Artists,
And each has got an aim:
The one he paints for pennies,
The other -- does the same.

Jack of All Trades 1900 by JJ Bell + illustr. by C. Robinson (cropped)
Jack of All Trades - Frontispiece

All of the images here have been auto-colour balanced (something I don't usually do). That made quite a significant change to the appearance of the illustrations and, needless to say, I - and a few others I showed - believe it was for the better. The lithographs have been cropped from the full page layout and I'll add the original double page poem-and-illustration scans to flickr (and put a [the] link [is now] ::HERE::) in a day or so.

Categorised as juvenile fiction, 'Jack of all Trades', by JJ Bell & Chas Robinson, was published by John Lane in London in 1900. The sixty four page book, with oatmeal cover^, contains some thirty lithographs, most bi-tonal. In passing, I noted a copy (2nd Ed.) sold for £450 a few years ago, so it has some traction in the market place.

Chas (Charles) Robinson (1870-1937) was the elder brother of illustrator, W Heath Robinson, famous for his elaborate and wacky machine cartoons*. Chas attended Highbury School of Art and also apprenticed as a printer. He left a solid and versatile body of work from his forty-odd year career (see: Books + Writers list & Wikipedia).

Journalist and author, JJ (John Joy) Bell (1871-1834), was best known for his Wee MacGreegor series, a collection of humorous observations of Glasgow life that began as periodic newspaper articles. The appeal wasn't sustained. "His tendency to depict winsome characters and sentimental plot lines was [..] out of step with the darker realism of the inter-war "Glasgow School" of writing. However, Bell's nostalgic but wryly-humorous autobiographical work of the early 1930s restored his popularity." [see: The Glasgow Story: 1 & 2]

The book images appear here thanks to Shelly Cohen and Tanya Schramm. (Shelly kindly made contact and scanned the book and Tanya has owned the book all her life) THANK YOU!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Hanabusa Manga

18th century woodblock prints after designs by Itchô Hanabusa,
from a 3-volume series called (approx.) The Butterfly Picture Books

Eiichi Butterfly Book - Bk2 - m

Eiichi Butterfly Book - 16

Eiichi Butterfly Book - Book One

Eiichi Butterfly Book - Book One k

Eiichi Butterfly Book - Book One a

Eiichi Butterfly Book - Book One b

Eiichi Butterfly Book - Bk2 - k

Eiichi Butterfly Book - Bk2 - g

Eiichi Butterfly Book - 14

Eiichi Butterfly Book - 11

Eiichi Butterfly Book

Eiichi Butterfly Book - Bk2 - c

Eiichi Butterfly Book - 8

Eiichi Butterfly Book - 1

Eiichi Butterfly Book - 2

Eiichi Butterfly Book - 4

The National Diet Library of Japan presents the 3 book series, 'The Butterfly Picture Books' (~1778), containing over 60 woodblock illustrations by Suzuki Rinsho after designs by Itcho Hanabusa, who died over fifty years before this series was published by Yamashiroya Sahei. [choose a volume, then click the large button, top-left, bearing the kanji characters, サムネイル一覧, for thumbnail layout]

That final image above is the only one featuring an actual butterfly, so perhaps the title is more metaphorical than literal in nature : I presume some of the monster-types and other weird characters belong to the classical mythology and folklore, about which I know next to nothing. I just enjoy the unique illustration style and unusual designs. [mythology | deities | creatures]

I'll let that paragraph immediately above stand, but I've also discovered slender reports of a couple of other tropes running through this series. Beyond Hanabusa's sketching scenes of everyday life, - which was actually a novel subject for painting in Japan around 1600, believe it or not - some of the depicted absurdities probably relate to characters and musicians from theatrical street performance, and a few of the illustrations reference the Sino-Japanese tradition of the Lion Dance or Shishi-mai.

Itcho Hanabusa "was a Japanese painter, calligrapher, and haiku poet. He originally trained in the Kano style, under Kano Yasunobu, but ultimately rejected that style and became a literati (bunjin). He was also known as Hishikawa Wao and by a number of other art-names". [source]
And from the (stellar!) British Museum Prints Database : "Hanabusa Itcho (英一蝶) (painter/draughtsman; Japanese; Male; 1652 - 1724) -- an unusual artist, originally from the Kano school, who was active in Edo for a comparatively short period from the end of the seventeenth century to the beginning of the eighteenth century. Said to have combined the Tosa and ukiyoe styles of painting."
Previously: Japan.

I may also owe Will a nod of thanks for nudging this area of the world back onto my radar screen, one way or another.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

County Map Title Page Letterforms

In addition to being US (and Canadian!) title pages from county map and atlas books,  the images below were selected for their wonderful 19th century decorative lettering. Many of these works were created in Philadelphia, the printing capital of the world for a few decades up to start of the 20th century.

The images themselves were sourced from the magnificent David Rumsey Map Collection and have been background cleaned to varying, but significant, extents. Click through to much larger versions, but the source site has enormous MrSid^ (.sid)* image files available for download.

title page typography 19th c.
Atlas Of Auglaize County Ohio From Records & Original Surveys. Drawn & Compiled By H.G. Howland, C.E. Illustrations By H.G. Howland & A. Keller. Published By Robt. Sutton, Philadelphia. 1880. Assistants. R.M. Zuver, S.H. Royce, A.W. Campbell ... A.H. Sanborn, R.S.McCartney. Engraved by Wm. Bracher, 27 So. Sixth St. Phila. Oldach & Mergenthaler, Binders Philad. Printed by F. Bourquin, 31 So. Sixth St. Phil.

letterform headings
Titus' atlas of Hamilton Co., Ohio from actual surveys by R.H. Harrison, C.E. Assisted by Geo. E. Warner, A. Leavenworth, J.E. Sherman, L.C. Warner & R.T. Higgins, to which is added a township map of the state of Ohio. Also an outline & railroad map of the United States. Published by C.O. Titus. 320 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, 1869. Assistants T.F. Pratt, Cyrus Haven, H. Turner, G.P. Stevenson, J.H. Hall, D.B. Titus, G.M. Stevenson. Engd. by Worley & Bracher, 320 Chestnut St., Phila. Printed by F. Bourquin, 320 Chestnut St., Phila. Entered ... 1869 by C.O. Titus ... Pennsylvania.

county map typographic forms
Plat Book Of Columbia County Wisconsin. Drawn from actual Surveys and the County records by C.M. Foote & J.W. Henion, Surveyors And Draughtsmen. Published By C.M. Foote & Co. 309 Nicollet Avenue. Minneapolis, Minn. 1890. Eng. by Wm. Bracher, 27 So. 6th St. Philad. Printed by F. Bourquin, 31 So. Sixth St. Phila.

title page letters and headings
An atlas of the State of New York, containing a map of the State and of the several counties ... under the superintendance & direction of Simeon DeWitt, Surveyor General, pursuant to an Act of the Legislature, and also the physical geography of the State & of the several counties & statistical tables of the same, by David H. Burr. (with) View on the Hudson near Fishkill. New York, published by David H. Burr. 1829. Engravd. by Rawdon, Clark & Co. Albany & Rawdon, Wright & Co., New York.

elegant title page fonts
Atlas Of Schuyler County, New York. From actual Surveys by and under the direction of Beach Nichols, Published by Pomeroy, Whitman & Co. 31 So. Sixth St. Philadelphia, 1874. Entered ... 1874 by A. Pomeroy & Co. ... Washington. Engd. by Worley & Bracher, 31 So. Sixth St. Philada. Printed by F. Bourquin, 31 So. Sixth St. Philada.

type forms
Atlas Of Steuben County, New York. From actual Surveys and Official Records Compiled & Published By D.G. Beers & Co. 31 So. Sixth St. Philadelphia. 1873. D.G. Beers. W.C. Kewen. W. Upton. Entered ... 1873 by D.G. Beers & Co. ... Washington D.C. Engraved by Worley & Bracher, 31 S. 6th St. Phila. Printed by Fred. Bourquin, 31 S. 6th St. Phila. Entered ... 1873 by D.G. Beers & Co. ... Washington D.C.

elaborate title lettering
Atlas of Westchester County, New York. From actual surveys and official records by G.W. Bromley & Co., Civil Engineers. Published by Geo. W. & Walter S. Bromley. 243 Broadway, New York. 1881. Engraved by A.H. Mueller, 530 Locust St., Phila. Printed by F. Bourquin, 31 So. 6th St., Phila. Entered ... 1881, by G.W. Bromley & Co. ... Washington.

sweet title fonts in old map books
New Topographical Atlas of Jefferson Co. New York From Actual Surveys By S.N. & D.G. Beers And Assistants. C.K. Stone, Publisher, Philadelphia. 1864. Entered ... 1864 by C.K. Stone ... Pennsylvania.

title fonts, map books
Atlas Of Montgomery And Fulton Counties, New York. From actual Surveys by and under the direction of B. Nichols. Assisted by H.B. Stranahan, W.A. Sherman, H. Loomer, P.A. Cunningham And S.W. Fosdick. Published By J. Jay Stranahan & Beach Nichols, 95 Maiden Lane, New York. 1868. Assistants, W.W. Richie, E.J. Sherwood. Assistants, T. Guernsey, N. Vroman. Entered ... Stranahan & Nichols in the year 1868 ... New York.

title page typography
Atlas And History Of Androscoggin County, Maine. From actual Surveys, drawn and Published By Sanford Everts & Co. 31 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia, 1873. E.F. Sanford, W.P. Everts. Assistants: C.T. Leggett, Jas. A. Edgerly, J.D. Wolcott, A. Landon, N. Geo. Colby, J.P. Edwards, C.H. Edwards, A.H. Harlow, A.D. Roe. Entered ... 1873 by Sanford & Everts ... Washington. Printed by Fred. Bourquin, 29 & 31 So. 6th St. Phila. Engd. by Worley & Bracher, 31 So. Sixth St. Phila.

title page letter forms
Bridgens' Atlas Of Lancaster Co., Penna. From actual Surveys by H.F. Bridgens and Assistants, Published By D.S. Bare, Lancaster, Pa. Engraved & Printed at Jas. McGuigan's Lithc. Estabnt. S.E. Cor. Third & Dock Sts. Philada. Entered ... 1864, by H.F. Bridgens ... Penna.

title page heading fonts
Atlas Of The County Of Montgomery and the State of Pennsylvania From actual surveys & official records, Compiled & Published By G.M. Hopkins & Co. 320 Walnut St, Philadelphia. 1871. Assistant Surveyors: H.W. Hopkins, W.S. MacCormac, Edward Vansciver, Weston R. Smith, Samuel Huff, Robert Foust, L. Cunningham. Assistant Publishers: Richard Clark, M.S. Converse, S.T.C. Bell, L.J. Richards, J.C. Martin, W.G. Carter, Isaac Borneman, James Wilson, A.R. Whipple. Engraved by Edward Busch, 320 Walnut St. F. Bourquin Lith 104 Hudson St. Phila. Entered ... 1871, by G.M. Hopkins ... Washington, D.C.

map book typographic styles
Township Map Of Berks County Pennsylvania from actual Surveys By L. Fagan, Philadelphia 1862. Published By H.F. Bridgens. Thos. S. Wagner's Lith. 38 Hudson St. Philada. Entered ... 1862 by H.F. Bridgens ... Penna.

elaborate type forms in headings
Atlas Of Franklin County Pennsylvania From actual Surveys under the direction of D.G. Beers. Published by Pomeroy & Beers, 320 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. 1868. Engraved by Worley & Bracher, 320 Chestnut St. Phila. Printed by Fred. Bourquin, 320 Chestnut St. Phila. Entered ... 1867 by Pomeroy & Beers ... Pennsylvania.

book title page fonts
An Illustrated Historical Atlas Map Of Daviess County, Ky. Carefully Compiled from Personal Examinations and Surveys. Published by Leo McDonough & Co. 1876.

beautiful capital letters : map book titles
An Illustrated Historical Atlas Of LaPorte Co. Indiana. Compiled Drawn & Published from Personal Examinations & Surveys by Higgins, Belden & Co. Lakeside Building Corner Clark & Adams Sts. Chicago. 1874. Ed Blue Del.

map book title lettering
Atlas Of Wayne Co. Indiana From actual Surveys by D.J. Lake, C.E. assisted by G.P. Sanford & F.A. Gould. To which is added A Map Of The State Of Indiana also An Outline And Rail Road Map Of The United States. Assistant, A. Hall. Published by Griffing, Stevenson & Co. 31 South 6th St. Philadelphia. 1874. Eng'd. by Worley & Bracher, 31 So. 6th St. Philadelphia. Printed by Fred. Bourquin, 31 South 6th St. Philada.

writing fonts for headings
Historical Atlas Map Of Marion & Linn Counties Oregon. Compiled, Drawn And Published From Personal Examinations And Actual Surveys By Edgar Williams & Co. San Francisco, California. 1878.

19th c. heading typography
Atlas Of Rutland Co. Vermont. From actual Surveys by and under the direction of F.W. Beers, assisted by F.W. Fulmer & others. Published By F.W. Beers, A.D. Ellis & G.G. Soule, 95 Maiden Lane, New York. 1869. Assistants W.T. Comstock, A.M., H.D. Whitman, A.J. Bingham, G.H. Jones. Entered ... 1869 by Beers, Ellis & Soule ... New York. Engd. by Worley & Bracher, 320 Chestnut St. Philada. Printed by James McGuigan, Cor. 3d & Dock Sts. Phila.

map book title page lettering
Atlas of the city and county of San Francisco from actual surveys and official records. Compiled and published by Wm. P. Humphreys & Co., A.B. Holcombe, W.C. Kewen. Eng. by Worley & Bracher ... Phila, Pa. Printed by F. Bourquin ... Phila, Pa. 1876.

decorative letters in map books
Historical atlas map of Santa Clara County, California. Compiled, drawn and published from personal examinations and surveys by Thompson & West, San Francisco, Cala. 1876. Thos. Hunter Pr. Phil. N. Friend, Engr. Philad. C.L. Smith, Del.

illinois map book lettering heading
Atlas of Whiteside Co. and the State of Illinois To Which Is Added An Atlas Of The United States, Maps of The Hemispheres &c. &c. &c. Warner & Beers. Publishers 62 & 64 West Lake Street, Chicago. 1872. Union Lith. & Printg. Co. Chicago. Assistants: Jos. H. Cox, W.H. Bishop, G.R. Hoffman, L.W. Wight, A.D. Miner, E.C. Moore ... H.R. Belden, John I. Moore, Chas. H. Sharp, R.T. Higgins, Wm. H. Beers, Frank W. Rorh. Entered ... 1872 by Warner & Beers ... Washington D.C.

Canadian map book decorative heading letters
Atlas Of Saint John City And County, New Brunswick. Compiled and Drawn From Official Plans and Actual Surveys By F.B. Roe & N. Geo. Colby. Assisted By J.C. Allison And Others, Published By Roe & Colby, St. John N.B. 1875. Engd. by Worley & Bracher, 31 South Sixth St. Philada. Printed by F. Bourquin, 31 South Sixth St. Philada.

The title pages above come from searching around the David Rumsey Historical Map Collection site with various search terms like 'title page' and 'county', as best as I remember. It is a staggeringly fabulous and easily navigable site and, as I think I've said before, the gold standard for large scale hosting of cultural material.

Coincidentally, a new batch of more than 1800 map and map-related material was uploaded to the David Rumsey site just this week. I haven't actually had a look through the new stocks as yet: that place is so addictive, I need to pace myself.

I owe the Rumsey site such compliments when I consider how many posts over the last nearly-7 years it has inspired and/or populated.

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