
Bank Bailouts Explained
Bank Bailouts Explained
The story of the bank bailouts, and what we've gotten so far in return. by Omid Malekan www.omidmalekan.com @malekanoms

Exposed: Fed Bailout of Big Banks Dwarfs TARP (What Occupy Wall Street is About)
Exposed: Fed Bailout of Big Banks Dwarfs TARP (What Occupy Wall Street is About)
The Federal Reserve gave banks a much larger bailout than the infamous TARP. A Bloomberg report with the details is broken down by Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks. Cenk also explains the relevance to the Occupy Wall Street movement. www.bloomberg.com Subscribe to The Young Turks: bit.ly The Largest Online New Show in the World. Google+: www.gplus.to Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com

Curt Schilling Wants Government Bailout
Curt Schilling Wants Government Bailout
Former Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling has made harsh comments about government bailouts while playing up personal responsibility in the past. Now he's singing a different tune because his video game company 38 Studios is struggling and Rhode Island taxpayers could be on the hook for over $112 million dollars. The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur explains. Read more at Deadspin.com from Barry Petchesky: deadspin.com Subscribe to The Young Turks: bit.ly Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: www.current.com The Largest Online New Show in the World. Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com

Markets Trade Flat After Spain Officially Asks For A Bailout
Markets Trade Flat After Spain Officially Asks For A Bailout
www.inthemoneystocks.com This morning, the S&P 500 Index e-mini futures (ES-M2) are trading higher before the opening bell by 2.50 points to 1275.50 per contract. Surprisingly, this small bounce comes as the Spanish Treasury Minister Cristobal Monotoro asked for a bailout for the Spanish banks. Is Spain turning into the next Greece, Ireland, and Portugal? Later today, the G7 will hold an emergency conference call to try and figure out a game plan for the European Union.

Spanish Bailout Funds Expected to Target Banks
Spanish Bailout Funds Expected to Target Banks
June 8 (Bloomberg) -- Nick Kounis, head of macroeconomic research at ABN Amro NV, talks about the prospect of an aid package being devised for Spain this weekend. He speaks from Amsterdam with Caroline Hyde on Bloomberg Television's "The Pulse." (Source: Bloomberg)

Romney Economics: Bankruptcy and Bailouts at GST Steel
Romney Economics: Bankruptcy and Bailouts at GST Steel
Learn more: www.romneyeconomics.com Kansas City's GST Steel had been making steel rods for 105 years when Romney and his partners took control in 1993. They cut corners and extracted profit from the business at every turn, placing it deeply in debt. When the company eventually declared bankruptcy, workers not only lost their jobs but were denied their full pensions and health insurance, and the government was forced to step in and provide a bailout.

Life or Debt: 'Greece must escape bailout prison'
Life or Debt: 'Greece must escape bailout prison'
The Greek Parliament is set to approve the country's new international bailout deal later today as more protests, against austerity measures in return for rescue funds, are planned. Athens received a second bailout this year. Combined with its first rescue package, the country stands to receive over 172 billion euros in loans from eurozone countries and the IMF. But Greece's creditors claim the country's most recent austerity measures could be 'accident prone'. Experts say the country may fail to lower its debt burden to the specified targets, later requiring more rescue loans. Greece is in its fifth year of recession, and many believe it needs to recover before debt reduction plans can have much effect. For more on this, we're joined by Attorney and Professor of Constitutional law, George Katroungalos, live from Athens. RT on Twitter twitter.com RT on Facebook www.facebook.com

Reporter Matt Taibbi Says Fraud and Bailouts Are the Secrets to Bank of America's Success
Reporter Matt Taibbi Says Fraud and Bailouts Are the Secrets to Bank of America's Success
democracynow.org - In his new article, "Bank of America: Too Crooked to Fail," Rolling Stone reporter Matt Taibbi chronicles the remarkable history of the rise of Bank of America -- an institution he says has defrauded "everyone from investors and insurers to homeowners and the unemployed." Taibbi describes how the Bush and Obama administrations have repeatedly propped up the financial institution, which received a $45 billion taxpayer bailout in 2008. Bank of America has also received billions in what could be described as shadow bailouts. The bank now owns more than 12 percent of the nation's bank deposits and 17 percent of all home mortgages. Towatch the complete daily, independent news hour, read the transcript, download the podcast, and for Democracy Now! interviews with Matt Taibbi and the US financial crisis, please visit www.democracynow.org. FOLLOW DEMOCRACY NOW! ONLINE Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: @democracynow Subscribe on YouTube: www.youtube.com Listen on SoundCloud: www.soundcloud.com Daily Email News Digest: www.democracynow.org Please consider supporting independent media by making a donation to Democracy Now! today, visit www.democracynow.org

Reality Check: Politicans Railing Against Bailouts, Then Taking Campaign Contributions
Reality Check: Politicans Railing Against Bailouts, Then Taking Campaign Contributions
Ben Swann takes a look at a report by Bloomberg of 10 Tea Party-backed freshman Congressman who are accepting campaign contributions from bailed out banks. Plus we look at how President Obama has done the same thing.

DMP Eurozone Bailout Hearing.wmv
DMP Eurozone Bailout Hearing.wmv
This hearing of the Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology Subcommittee examines the Federal Reserve's assistance to the Eurozone and the impact of that assistance on the US monetary system and the dollar. It was held on Tuesday, March 27, at 10:00 am in Room 2128 of the Rayburn House Office Building. Witnesses: · William Dudley, President & CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of New York · Steven B. Kamin, Director, Division of International Finance, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

"26 TRILLION Dollars In Bank Bailouts! That's Not Including TARP!" Alan Grayson
"26 TRILLION Dollars In Bank Bailouts! That's Not Including TARP!" Alan Grayson
November 28, 2011 CURRENT TV Keith Olbermann MOXNews.com

Bailout Sellout: 'Germany desperate to chop Greek gangreen'
Bailout Sellout: 'Germany desperate to chop Greek gangreen'
Germany's finance minister has declared that promises aren't enough anymore, saying that Greece must now implement reforms to prove it's not a bottomless pit. John Laughland, of the Institute of Democracy and Cooperation in Paris, says there are more radical plans currently being drawn up by the Germans... RT on Twitter twitter.com RT on Facebook www.facebook.com

Second Greek bailout a charade?
Second Greek bailout a charade?
On Tuesday, the Eurozone finance ministers settled on a 130-billion-euro bailout for Greece. According to reports, the bailout was necessary to avert a default and the move comes after the Greek government cut thousands of public jobs which lead to many angry Greeks taking to the streets in protest. The deal is supposed to cut Greece's debt to GDP to 120.5 percent by 2020 which many critics are saying is pointless. Here is the latest on the Greek bailout. Like us and/or follow us: twitter.com www.facebook.com

Federal Reserve Secret 600 billion Bailout to Europe
Federal Reserve Secret 600 billion Bailout to Europe
US USA ben bernanke ron paul barack obama congress federal reserve european banks bailouts on christmas day secret billion Dollar bailout 600 billions trillions trillion bail out Lies fraud conspiracy scam economic collapse printing money loans gerald celente economy politics fed hyperinflation devaluation europes bailed european union euro united states of america bailing bails

Engdahl: Greek bailout terms remind of Hitler
Engdahl: Greek bailout terms remind of Hitler
German Chancellor Angela Merkel is urging her lawmakers to support the new rescue package for Greece. This despite worries that Athens will need even more cash in the future, and suggestions from Germany's Interior Minister that it's time Greece left the Eurozone altogether. The 130-billion euro bailout was agreed in principle last week after months of tense discussions among the Eurozone leaders. Germany, as Europe's richest economy, has to contribute the majority towards it. But there is a sense of unease in Berlin that it will have to keep coughing up cash to prevent a Greek debt default. It's the second bailout in a little over 18 months would ensure Athens can pay its debtors for the time being. To discuss the possible outcome of this package,RT's joined by political analyst William Engdahl. RT on Twitter: twitter.com RT on Facebook: www.facebook.com

Greece's second bailout package draws thousands to protest
Greece's second bailout package draws thousands to protest
Greece's long-term economic outlook blew a sigh of relief on Tuesday. The Eurozone finance ministers agreed on a 130-billion-euro bailout for the country that has gone through waves of austerity measures. Although Greece was set to go into nonpayment next month, they have dodged default once again. Part of the default deal was to make more cuts to services for the Greek people and the move has received opposition from the citizens of the country. So are these bailouts just avoiding the inevitable? JA Myerson, independent journalist, gives us his take on the Eurozone crisis. Like us and/or follow us: twitter.com www.facebook.com

Pro-bailout parties weakened in Greece vote
Pro-bailout parties weakened in Greece vote
Greeks have voted heavily against austerity measures in Sunday's parliamentary poll. The country's two main political parties, both backers of the eurozone's stringent bailout scheme, suffered a dramatic fall in support. With no outright majority, the next government will most likely be a coalition. Al Jazeera's Barnaby Phillips reports from Athens.

Santa Claus Bailout Hearings
Santa Claus Bailout Hearings
C-SPAN coverage of Santa Claus asking Congress for a financial bailout of the North Pole - Present Giving Industry. If they dont approve his aid package, Christmas may be ruined.

euronews reporter - Bailout brings deficit of trust to Ireland
euronews reporter - Bailout brings deficit of trust to Ireland
www.euronews.com Across Ireland empty buildings stand testament to the legacy of the Celtic tiger. A legacy which included a spectacular economic boom and a bust which led to an EU-IMF bailout based on tough austerity measures. But is that bailout working? That question could soon be answered by the Irish people in a referendum on the EU Fiscal Treaty. How will that vote go? Like its banks and government, the Irish people have a deficit - but this time it is one of trust. Find us on: Youtube bit.ly Facebook www.facebook.com Twitter twitter.com