
Biggest Difference Between SHIA ( shite ) and SUNNI (Muslims) - yemen muslims hamtramck islam Allah
Biggest Difference Between SHIA ( shite ) and SUNNI (Muslims) - yemen muslims hamtramck islam Allah
Shias talk the talk Now, they beat themselves say how Much We hate Ahl Albayt and dont support Ali(R). But where were these shias when Ali(R) needed them? They were no where to be found. Shias were just hypocrites who wanted to instigate and cause fitnah between Ali(R) and Muawiyah(R). Lets see what Ali(R) says in Shia Books, the famous Nahjul Balagha which is a book of around 241 sermons of ALi(R) SERMON 25 WHAT ALI(r) said about His Shias I have been informed that Busr has overpowered Yemen. By Allah, I have begun thinking about these people that they would shortly snatch away the whole country through their unity on their wrong and your disunity (from your own right), and separation, your disobedience of your Imam in matters of right and their obedience to their leader in matters of wrong, their fulfilment of the trust in favour of their master and your betrayal, their good work in their cities and your mischief. Even if I give you charge of a wooden bowl I fear you would run away with its handle. O' my Allah they are disgusted of me and I am disgusted of them. They are weary of me and I am weary of them. Change them for me with better ones and change me for them with worse one. O' my Allah melt their hearts as salt melts in water. By Allah I wish I had only a thousand horsemen of Banu Firas ibn Ghanm (as the poet says): If you call them the horsemen would come to you like the summer cloud. SERMON 27 How strange! How strange! By Allah my heart sinks to see the unity of <b>...</b>

Dr Zakir Naik Sunni,Shia,Shafi,Wahaabi,Hanafi Are Muslims confused by pakipowerboy
Dr Zakir Naik Sunni,Shia,Shafi,Wahaabi,Hanafi Are Muslims confused by pakipowerboy
a good answer of a non muslim sister by DR Zakir Naik

Obama Is A Sunni Muslim
Obama Is A Sunni Muslim
Hon. James David Manning, PhD interviews Avi Lipkin about Barack Hussein (The Long Legged Mack Daddy) Obama planning to destroy Israel. Recorded on 12 September 2011. Go to atlah.org for more information.

3D Dialogue: Shia and Sunni Muslims
3D Dialogue: Shia and Sunni Muslims
Jesse Hirsh host of 3D Dialogue speaks with both Imam Hamid Slimi from the International Muslims Organization and Imam Syed Muhammad Rizvi from the Ja'ffari Islamic Centre about the differences and commonalities between Shia and Sunni Muslims as well as the war in Iraq.

Shia or Sunni Muslims? Dr Zakir Naik
Shia or Sunni Muslims? Dr Zakir Naik
Dr Zakir Naik tell about different type of sects present nowadays has nothing to do with being True Muslims. This question was raised in an Exclusive Open Question and Answer Session titled 'Ask Dr. Zakir' @ Peace Conference 2009 , shown on Peace TV.

Intelligent Sunni Muslim Convert to Christianity
Intelligent Sunni Muslim Convert to Christianity
- tags Islam convert muslim converts reverts shahada canadian christian catholic accepts christianity islam testimony journey to


Fake Sunni Muslims Part 3
Fake Sunni Muslims Part 3
There are two sunni Muslims by the name of Musa and Akeem Haleem and they have created videos attacking the Nation of Islam to please their arab slave masters that they worship. The sunni Muslims sect have too many SKELETONS in their closet for them to be pointing the finger at the Nation of Islaam or any other strong Nubian Muslims that their arab masters do not approve of. This series of "FAKE SUNNI MUSLIMS" has been designed to expose the corruption and false teachings of the "sunni sect" which Prophet Muhammad knew nothing about because this sect was created AFTER his death. This sect have fallen of the sirataal mustaqiym (the straight path) and distorted the teachings of Al Islaam. It is important to highlight that the information in this series "FAKE SUNNI MUSLIMS" is not designed to destroy Islaam because Islaam cannot be destroyed, it is from The Source (ALLAH) that upholds the universe; this series only points out the errors, mistakes, man-made innovation, bida, racism among the sunni sect in hopes to help present Pure Islaam as taught in Al Qur'aan. The pale arab of the sunni sect have fabricated a hadiyth stating that Prophet Muhammad married a 6 year old girl and had sex with her at the age of 9 to consummate the marriage. This is ridiculous, its not only blasphemous, its an attack on Rasuwl Allah (The Messenger of Allah). None of Allahs Holy Prophets would never marry nor have sex with some little baby girl and you have a lot of ignorant brain washed sunni <b>...</b>

Shia or Sunni Muslim? Dr Zakir Naik (Urdu)
Shia or Sunni Muslim? Dr Zakir Naik (Urdu)
Ten Days International Islamic Peace Conference 2008 held in India at Mumbai ( Somaiya Ground ). Public talk given by Dr. Zakir Naik dealing with the subject "' Muhammad (SAW) Ka Zikr Mukhtalif Mazhabi Kitaabon Mein ". As Live shown on Peace TV.

Iran war on sunni muslim world
Iran war on sunni muslim world
All credits goes to orignal uploader Egyptian Cleric Hassan Abu Al-Ashbal; Iran produces nuclear warheads to be used against Sunnis in the middle east. With deep insight he explains how Iran is using its agents and militias in the region to further the agenda of the Safavid regime and obtain undisputed regional hegemony.


Sunni Muslim Saves NY Jewish Couple
Sunni Muslim Saves NY Jewish Couple
Sunni Muslim Saves NY Jewish Couple

Faisal Malick - Former Sunni Muslim with Sid Roth (1/3)
Faisal Malick - Former Sunni Muslim with Sid Roth (1/3)
Part 1. Faisal Malick on "It's Supernatural!" with Sid Roth, giving a brief summary of his background as a Sunni Muslim and his conversion to Christianity after hearing God speak directly to him.

NASEEHATH anas moulavi malayalam islamic speech 2010 sunni muslim kerala salafi
NASEEHATH anas moulavi malayalam islamic speech 2010 sunni muslim kerala salafi
GUNAKAMSHA(naseeha) speech by anas moulavi

New Muslim (Brother Converted to Islam at Sunni Ijtema 2011)
New Muslim (Brother Converted to Islam at Sunni Ijtema 2011)
Brother Muhammad Noor accepting Islam under the hands of Ameere Sunni Dawate Islami at UK Annual Ijtema in Preston, Noor Hall, Noor St - May 2011 Watch New MuslimExclusive interview on www.youtube.com

Turkish Young Ex Muslim Explains Christian Faith...Testimony
Turkish Young Ex Muslim Explains Christian Faith...Testimony
Testimony of a young Muslim turn to Jesus Christ

History of Shia Sunni Munazra debates Destructive for Unity of Muslim Ummah :Dr Tahir ul Qadri
History of Shia Sunni Munazra debates Destructive for Unity of Muslim Ummah :Dr Tahir ul Qadri

Shiai and Sunni Islam Explained
Shiai and Sunni Islam Explained
Up to 90% of all Muslims follow the Sunni tradition, making it the largest branch of Islam. The name Sunni comes from the Arabic sunnah, meaning the custom or example of the prophet Muhammad. By the 10th century, Muslim theology was codified into the Sunni tradition. But even before that time, there were splinter groups, and the largest of these was the Shia tradition. "Shia" comes from the Arabic phrase shi'at 'Ali, which means the partisans of Ali. Ali was the son-in-law and cousin of Muhammad, and Shias believe that he was the prophet's rightful successor. Ali ruled as the fourth caliph (leader) after Muhammad, but he was assassinated in 661. The matter of leadership evolved into the Shia institution of the Imamate, a spiritual leader followers considered chosen by God. Ali was the first of the 12 most important Imams, and Shias regularly visit the shrines of the Imams. Sunnis have Imams too, but these men are more like prayer leaders and scholars, and they don't hold the same religious or political authority as Shia imams. Shia also interpret some verses of the Quran (the holy book of Islam) differently than do Sunnis. Suffering and martyrdom are idealized more in Shia tradition than Sunni, and the sects hold varying views on divine justice and free will. Shia'ism has its own call to prayer, prayer forms, and ritual practices as well.