Quotes taken from. 1)Encyclopedia Americana, 2)Pope John Paul II, 3)The new Catholic encyc...
published: 08 Jun 2011
author: swlovesvegans
Quotes taken from. 1)Encyclopedia Americana, 2)Pope John Paul II, 3)The new Catholic encyclopedia 4)Catholic scholars Karl Rahner and Herbert Vorgrimler's Theological Dictionary 5)The Illustrated Bible dictionary 6) New Catholic encyclopedia 7)Catholic encyclopedia 8) Historian Arther Weigall "Paganism in Our Christianity
Non-Catholic Groups: Sedevacantism
References: 1. Matthew 16:18 (Douay-Rheims Bible) 2. Vatican I, Fourth Session: "Firs...
published: 22 Feb 2010
author: SeptemberCatholic18
Non-Catholic Groups: Sedevacantism
References: 1. Matthew 16:18 (Douay-Rheims Bible) 2. Vatican I, Fourth Session: "First Dogmatic Constitution on the Church of Christ," 2:5 (18 July 1870) 3. Vatican I, Fourth Session: "First Dogmatic Constitution on the Church of Christ," 2:3 (18 July 1870) 4. St. Robert Bellarmine, "De Romano Pontifice," Book II, Chapter 30 5. "Heresy," The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 7. (1910) 6. Fr. Alphonsus M. Sutton, FFI, STD, "Current Errors and Their Refutation," Christ in the World, N.3 (1995), p. 258 7. Eric John, The Popes: A Concise Biographical History (1964, repr., Harrison, NY: Roman Catholic Books, 1994), p. 253 8. Eric John, The Popes: A Concise Biographical History (1964, repr., Harrison, NY: Roman Catholic Books, 1994), p. 115 9. The Council of Constantinople, Session III (680-681) 10. Dogmatic Works of St. Alphonsus Maria de Ligouri (Turin, 1848), vol. VIII, p. 720. 11. Pope Paul IV, Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio (1559) 12. De Fide, Disp. X, Sec. VI, N. 16 13. Matthew 7:15 (Douay-Rheims Bible) 14. "Pope Liberius." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 9. (1910) Please visit these channels: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com Apologetics Against Sedevacantism: scripturecatholic.xanga.com catholiclegate.blogspot.com http www.catholic-legate.com www.amazon.com
Historical Proclamation Of The Christian Trinity Pt. 7 Quoting Early Church Fathers
9.] [AD 185-250] Origen - On First Principles 1:4:2 Catholic Encyclopedia - www.newadvent....
published: 30 Apr 2009
author: Bingolly1
Historical Proclamation Of The Christian Trinity Pt. 7 Quoting Early Church Fathers
9.] [AD 185-250] Origen - On First Principles 1:4:2 Catholic Encyclopedia - www.newadvent.org Origen -On First Principles 4:27; 4:28 Catholic Encyclopedia - www.newadvent.org 10.] [ AD 213-270] Gregory Thaumaturgus -Declaration of Faith - Catholic Encyclopedia - www.newadvent.org 11.] [AD 200-258] Cyprian Carthage - The Writings of Cyprian Vol. I; Treatise III - On the Unity of the Church [6] page 382. page 422 pdf Cyprian - The Writings of Cyprian Vol. I; Treatise III - To Jubaianus, Concerning The Baptism Of Heretics. [5] page 263. page 303 pdf, Cyprian - ibid, [18] page 270. page 310 Cyprian - The Writings of Cyprian Vol. I; Treatise III - Firmilian, Bishop Of Caesarea In Cappodocia, To Cyprian Against The Letter Of Stephen. [9] page 285. page 325 pdf Cyprian - ibid, [10] page 292. page 332 pdf THE EPISTLES OF S, CYPRIAN, BISHOP OF CARTHAGE AND MARTYR, WITH THE COUNCIL OF CARTHAGE ON THE BAPTISM OF HERETICS; TO WHICH THE ADDED, THE EXTANT WORKS OF S. PACIAN, BISHOP OF BARCELONA.JAMES PARKER & CO., OXFORD, AND 377, STRAND, LONDON; AND RIVINGTONS, LONDON, OXFORD, AND CAMBRIDGE. 1868. 12.] [AD 325-389] Gregory Nazianzen - Arianzus in Asia Minor Orations 33 Against The Arians, and Concerning Himself. Catholic Encyclopedia www.newadvent.org 13.] [AD 310-403] Epiphanius - Cyprus Against the Heresies of the Panarians 73, 34. 14.] [AD 374-397] Ambrose of Milan To Gratian, On the Christian Faith 4:8 Catholic Encyclopedia - www.newadvent.org 15.] [AD 354-430] Augustine of Hippo <b>...</b>
Children Book Review: Our Sunday Visitor's Catholic Encyclopedia for Children by Ann Ball, Julian...
www.ChildrenBookMix.com This is a book review of Our Sunday Visitor's Catholic Encyclo...
published: 16 May 2012
author: ChildrenBookMix
Children Book Review: Our Sunday Visitor's Catholic Encyclopedia for Children by Ann Ball, Julian...
www.ChildrenBookMix.com This is a book review of Our Sunday Visitor's Catholic Encyclopedia for Children by Ann Ball, Julianne M. Will, Kevin Davidson.
In this video I show from the Bible and the Qur'an that Ishmael is the primary son of ...
published: 19 Sep 2011
author: Converted2Islam
In this video I show from the Bible and the Qur'an that Ishmael is the primary son of the Abrahamic Promise and Covenant of God. In addition I clear up Jewish and Christian misconceptions about Ishmael and I answer their objections to him. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON ANCIENT MARRIAGE CUSTOMS IN THE MIDDLE EAST: According to Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible, "There does not seem to have been any inferiority in the position of the concubine as compared with that of the wife, nor was any idea of illegitimacy, in our sense of the word, connected with her children." Hastings, James. Dictionary of The Bible. p. 292. Look up Ismael in the New Catholic Encyclopedia: "Ismael (Ishmael), son of Abraham, Abraham's firstborn . . ." New Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol 7, p. 690. Jacob M. Myers, professor at Lutheran Theological Seminary and acknowledged Old Testament scholar, comments in his Invitation to the Old Testament: Archaeological discoveries help us to fill in the details of the biblical narrative and to explain many of the otherwise obscure references and strange customs that were commonplace in Abraham's world and time. For instance, the whole series of practices relating to the birth of Ishmael and the subsequent treatment of Hagar, his mother . . . all are now known to have been normal everyday occurrences regulated by law. A Nuzi marriage contract provides that a childless wife may take a woman of the country and marry her to her husband to obtain progeny. But she may not <b>...</b>
Answers to Questions from a Sedevacantist (1/4)
PART 2: www.youtube.com TABLE OF CONTENTS: Question 1: Why have none of the post-Vatican I...
published: 09 Mar 2010
author: SeptemberCatholic18
Answers to Questions from a Sedevacantist (1/4)
PART 2: www.youtube.com TABLE OF CONTENTS: Question 1: Why have none of the post-Vatican II claimants take this oath? (0:28) Question 2: Why did Pope Paul VI give away the tierra signifying the pope's authority? (1:09) Question 3: Why do you not claim that Vatican II is infallible? (3:37) Question 4: Why havent the post-conciliar popes claimed to be infallible? (5:09) Question 5: Why hasn't the post-conciliar Church invoked infallibility? (6:51) Question 6: Does the Church's silence in regards to the salvation dogma equivicate to their approbation of universal salvation? (7:27) Question 7: How is it impossible that Joseph Ratzinger could be an anti-pope? (8:01) Question 8: In the history of the Church, have there been men pretending to be pope, but were really invalid? If so, did most of the Catholic world believe him to be the pope? If yes again, then why is this impossible now? (8:38) Question 9: Have any of the past anti-popes been heretics? (9:48) Question 10: Would it have been easier for the Catholic faithful to identify these men as anti-popes if they were heretics, or would it have been just as difficult? (9:52) SOURCES: 1. quod.lib.umich.edu 2. The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 14. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1912 3. photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net 4. hphotos-snc3.fbcdn.net 5. "Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Guide and Tour Book," page 26 6. "In view of the pastoral nature of the Council, it avoided any extraordinary statements of dogmas <b>...</b>
Calvinism: How deep does the rabbit hole go?
Proverbs 6:17-19 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 An h...
published: 16 Jan 2011
author: TheCozmikTruth
Calvinism: How deep does the rabbit hole go?
Proverbs 6:17-19 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. [11:12:24 AM] Queeny: books.google.com page 197-198 The Catholic encyclopedia: an international work of reference on the constitution, doctrine, discipline, and history of the Catholic Church, Volume 3 The Catholic Encyclopedia: An International Work of Reference on the Constitution, Doctrine, Discipline, and History of the Catholic Church, Charles George Herbermann, Knights of Columbus. Catholic Truth Committee, Charles George Herbermann, Edward Aloysius Pace, Condé Bénoist Pallen, Thomas Joseph Shahan, John Joseph Wynne, [Encyclopedia Press, 1913], pp. 197-198 JOHN CALVIN SAID: "Many people have accused me of such ferocious cruelty that (they allege) I would like to kill again the man I have destroyed. Not only am I indifferent to their comments, but I rejoice in the fact that they spit in my face." books.google.com www.authonomy.com Calvin, Defensio orthoxae fidei (1554) at 46-47 Refutatio [Defensio]. Calvini Opera Vol.8, at 516 askthephysicist.com Feel free to unsubscribe.
COGNITIVE DISSONANCE: Bingolly1 CONTRADICTS His Own Church AGAIN! - City Of Seven Hills
Watch Bingolly1's video here: www.youtube.com Bingolly1 likes to say that Ellen G. Whi...
published: 14 Mar 2012
author: rusda2
COGNITIVE DISSONANCE: Bingolly1 CONTRADICTS His Own Church AGAIN! - City Of Seven Hills
Watch Bingolly1's video here: www.youtube.com Bingolly1 likes to say that Ellen G. White contradicts the bible & contradicts the SDA church. He has many videos up that make this claim. However, this is very hypocritical because Bingolly1 contradicts his own church teachings on a regular basis, thus he is guilty of what he accuses EGW of. The ROMAN CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA states the following: " It is WITHIN the CITY of ROME, called the city of seven hills, that the ENTIRE AREA of Vatican State proper IS NOW CONFINED. By treaty with the Italian Government certain other properties apart from the Vatican State are considered as territorial parts of the state of Vatican City. Since the founding of the Church there by St. Peter, the city of Rome has been the center of Christendom. The city itself is the diocese of the pope as bishop of Rome." Source: The Catholic Encyclopedia, edited by Robert C. Broderick, Imprimatur of the Most Reverend William E. Cousins, Archbishop of Milwaukee, Nihil Obstat of the Reverend Richard J. Sklba, published by Thomas Nelson Publishers, copyright 1976, entry on Rome, pg. 529. Thus we can see that our friend Bingolly1, because of his baby-ness in his Catholicity contradicts his own church through ignorance of what his church teaches on this subject. Unless Bingolly1's credentials match those of the quoted authorities in his catholic church, and they do not, then Bingolly1 is not safe to listen to on any subject within catholicism, as he has proven <b>...</b>
Answers to Questions from a Sedevacantist (2/4)
PART 3: www.youtube.com TABLE OF CONTENTS: Question 11: Where are all the problems coming ...
published: 09 Mar 2010
author: SeptemberCatholic18
Answers to Questions from a Sedevacantist (2/4)
PART 3: www.youtube.com TABLE OF CONTENTS: Question 11: Where are all the problems coming from if it is not due to the vacancy of the apostolic See or the reign of an anti-pope? (0:04) Question 12: Who has the legitimate power to correct these doctrinal, liturgical, and disciplinary problems? Why hasn't it been done? (0:47) Question 13: Does the Holy Ghost use Protestant churches as a means of salvation? (1:48) Question 14: Are the Jews able to obtain salvation without conversion? (2:37) Question 15: Is the Old Covenant still valid? (3:32) Question 16: Are the Eastern schismatics holy? (6:31) Question 17: Are the Eastern schismatics' pastors true and legitimate pastors in the Church of Christ? (7:11) Question 18: Are they to be esteemed? (7:54) Question 19: Do they have a mission from Christ to teach, to rule, and to sanctify souls? (8:05) Question 20: Are Muslims on the way to salvation without prior conversion to the Catholic faith? (8:18) SOURCES: 1. "Many baptized heretics have been educated in their erroneous beliefs. Their case is altogether different from that of those who have voluntarily renounced the Faith. They accept what they believe to be the Divine revelation. Such as these belong to the Church in desire, for they are at heart anxious to fulfill God's will in their regard. In virtue of their baptism and good will, they may be in a state of grace. They belong to the soul of the Church, though they are not united to the visible body. As such they are members <b>...</b>
In this video I show from the Bible and the Qur'an that Ishmael is the primary son of ...
published: 22 Oct 2011
author: Islamtv24X7
In this video I show from the Bible and the Qur'an that Ishmael is the primary son of the Abrahamic Promise and Covenant of God. In addition I clear up Jewish and Christian misconceptions about Ishmael and I answer their objections to him. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON ANCIENT MARRIAGE CUSTOMS IN THE MIDDLE EAST: According to Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible, "There does not seem to have been any inferiority in the position of the concubine as compared with that of the wife, nor was any idea of illegitimacy, in our sense of the word, connected with her children." Hastings, James. Dictionary of The Bible. p. 292. Look up Ismael in the New Catholic Encyclopedia: "Ismael (Ishmael), son of Abraham, Abraham's firstborn . . ." New Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol 7, p. 690. Jacob M. Myers, professor at Lutheran Theological Seminary and acknowledged Old Testament scholar, comments in his Invitation to the Old Testament: Archaeological discoveries help us to fill in the details of the biblical narrative and to explain many of the otherwise obscure references and strange customs that were commonplace in Abraham's world and time. For instance, the whole series of practices relating to the birth of Ishmael and the subsequent treatment of Hagar, his mother . . . all are now known to have been normal everyday occurrences regulated by law. A Nuzi marriage contract provides that a childless wife may take a woman of the country and marry her to her husband to obtain progeny. But she may not <b>...</b>
Confessions of the Catholic Church
This video was inspired by a comment posted on youtube by a Catholic concerning Islam. Thi...
published: 17 May 2009
author: saladinswarrior
Confessions of the Catholic Church
This video was inspired by a comment posted on youtube by a Catholic concerning Islam. This is a segment talken from the lecture entitled " The Amazing Quran " by Dr. Gary Miller (who embraced Islam and took the name Abdul Ahad Omar) In this lecture he quotes the New Catholic Encyclopedia as well as a leading Catholic intellectual. For proof that Islam is the truth visit my playlist: "Proofs that Islam is the Truth:Quran & Science,Prophecies" or watch: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
What is Holy Saturday and the Easter Vilgil?
What Is Holy Saturday?: Holy Saturday is the final day of Lent, of Holy Week, and of the E...
published: 22 Apr 2011
author: scabious2
What is Holy Saturday and the Easter Vilgil?
What Is Holy Saturday?: Holy Saturday is the final day of Lent, of Holy Week, and of the Easter Triduum, the three days (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday) immediately preceding Easter, during which Christians commemorate the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ and prepare for His Resurrection. When Is Holy Saturday?: The Saturday before Easter Sunday; see When Is Holy Saturday? for the date this year. The History of Holy Saturday: Also known as the Easter Vigil (a name more properly applied to the Mass on Holy Saturday night), Holy Saturday has had a long and varied history. As the Catholic Encyclopedia notes, "in the early Church this was the only Saturday on which fasting was permitted." Fasting is a sign of penance, but on Good Friday, Christ paid with His own Blood the debt of our sins. Thus, for many centuries, Christians regarded both Saturday and Sunday, the day of Christ's Resurrection, as days on which fasting was forbidden. (That practice is still reflected in the Lenten disciplines of the Eastern Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches, which lighten their fasts slightly on Saturdays and Sundays.) By the second century, Christians had begun to observe a total fast (no food of any kind) for 40 hours before Easter, which meant that the entire day of Holy Saturday was a day of fasting. No Mass for Holy Saturday: As on Good Friday, there is no Mass offered for Holy Saturday. The Easter Vigil Mass, which takes place after sundown on Holy Saturday, properly <b>...</b>
The Catholic League and France's Wars of Religion
My Renaissance & Reformation college class group project presentation. The background ...
published: 14 Feb 2012
author: SincerelyAmanda
The Catholic League and France's Wars of Religion
My Renaissance & Reformation college class group project presentation. The background music is "Ricercare del primi toni" by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-1594), and performed by Chicago Chamber Brass. SOURCES CONSULTED Henry William Carless Davis and Sir George Norman Clark, "Europe from 800 to 1789" (University of California: Dial Press, 1930). The Catholic Encyclopedia, newadvent.org De Lamar Jensen, "Reformation Europe: Age of Reform and Revolution", 2nd ed. (Lexington, MA: DC and Heath Company, 1992). Fordham University, the Jesuit University of New York. www.fordham.edu Ann W. Ramsey, "Liturgy, politics, and salvation: The Catholic League in Paris and the Nature of Catholic Reform, 1540-1630" (Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 1999). James Harvey Robinson, "The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day", (Hanover: History Dept. Hanover University, 1999). JP Sommerville, "Henry IV, Louis XIII and Richelieu: France in the Early Seventeenth Century," History Department, University of Wisconsin. faculty.history.wisc.edu [Last accessed February 14, 2012] JP Sommerville, "Jean Bodin and Absolutism," History Department, University of Wisconsin. faculty.history.wisc.edu [Last accessed February 14, 2012]
Blessed Candles
*prayer when lighting a Blessed Candle starts @2.10 I got in touch with the subject of Ble...
published: 23 Apr 2012
author: 832existentialiste
Blessed Candles
*prayer when lighting a Blessed Candle starts @2.10 I got in touch with the subject of Blessed Candles for the third time, two days ago, that was when a friend in the US relayed how his neighbor's house got struck by lightning just a few hours earlier and withal, sent a link on the aforesaid subject. The first and second instances happened the previous week or so namely: videos watched---with regard to the Three Days of Darkness after seeing it favorited by a YT friend and another video I watched as per my own liking entitled Exorcist's Story -- Full Documentary (video no longer available, account terminated) wherein Adam Blai (psychologist w/ Peritus in Demonology and Exorcism) in one scene has given a Blessed Candle for protection to a woman demonically oppressed---brought about by her dabbling with divination specifically that of rhabdomancy. What is a Sacramental: Sacramentals are sacred signs instituted by the Church. They prepare men to receive the fruit of the Sacraments and sanctify different circumstances of life. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, S.1677). One of the most remarkable effects of sacramentals is the virtue to drive away evil spirits whose mysterious and baleful operations affect sometimes the physical activity of man. To combat this occult power the Church has recourse to exorcism, and sacramentals. (The Catholic Encylopedia, 1913, VXIII, p. 293) Another effect is the delivery of the soul from sin and the penalties thereof. Thus in the blessing of <b>...</b>
Constantine Catholics and Christians
Startling facts from the Catholic Encyclopedia about Constantine and our churches' con...
published: 25 Aug 2009
author: samechaleph
Constantine Catholics and Christians
Startling facts from the Catholic Encyclopedia about Constantine and our churches' connection to the Catholic system of worshipping on Sunday instead of Sabbath.
Crux Fidelis/Pange Lingua - Good Friday (Gregorian chant)
(Liber Usualis, p. 742) In a certain sense it is a bit abnormal to listen to Gregorian cha...
published: 21 Mar 2008
author: solesmes78
Crux Fidelis/Pange Lingua - Good Friday (Gregorian chant)
(Liber Usualis, p. 742) In a certain sense it is a bit abnormal to listen to Gregorian chant outside of its Liturgical context but I am hoping that those who listen to this will come to appreciate and hopefully love the Catholic Church and the Sacred Liturgy. Catholic Encyclopedia www.newadvent.org
Calvinists; Keith'truth' on Sola Scriptura and St. Cyril of Jerusalem
Sources/Recommended Reading: Catechetical Lectures, St. Cyril of Jerusalem. From Nicene an...
published: 30 Sep 2010
author: Theologica37
Calvinists; Keith'truth' on Sola Scriptura and St. Cyril of Jerusalem
Sources/Recommended Reading: Catechetical Lectures, St. Cyril of Jerusalem. From Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Second Series, Vol. 7. "St. Cyril of Jerusalem." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 4.
Anima Christi MV
This well-known prayer dates its origin from the first half of the fourteenth century and ...
published: 29 Jan 2007
author: mhcaillesrn
Anima Christi MV
This well-known prayer dates its origin from the first half of the fourteenth century and was enriched with indulgences by Pope John XXII in the year 1330. Source: Catholic Encyclopedia
Tridentine Latin Mass: Last Sunday after Pentecost (1/8)
[Part 1 of 8] Missa Cantata, or sung Low Mass, offered on the Last Sunday after Pentecost ...
published: 22 Dec 2006
author: protradition
Tridentine Latin Mass: Last Sunday after Pentecost (1/8)
[Part 1 of 8] Missa Cantata, or sung Low Mass, offered on the Last Sunday after Pentecost at the Roman Catholic Parish of St. Nicholas of Chardonnet in Paris, France. This is the Eucharistic liturgy of the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church celebrated according to the 1962 Roman Missal (Missale Romanum), also commonly referred to as the Tridentine Rite, or Tridentine Mass, or Tridentine Latin Mass, or Old Latin Mass, or classical Latin Mass, or Traditional Latin Mass (TLM). This same Mass may be viewed or downloaded on Google as one full-length video: video.google.com A "missa cantata" is an approved form of celebration of the Traditional Roman Rite of Mass which serves as a compromise between a Low Mass (which involves no music or incense, by definition) and a Solemn High Mass (which has strict instructions and requirements for celebration that cannot be met in many parishes). For more information, please read this fine article in the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia: www.newadvent.org The texts of the Latin prayers, and English translations of the same, which are common to every Traditional Latin Mass can be found here: www.sacred-texts.com
Tridentine Latin Mass: Last Sunday after Pentecost (2/8)
[Part 2 of 8] Missa Cantata, or sung Low Mass, offered on the Last Sunday after Pentecost ...
published: 22 Dec 2006
author: protradition
Tridentine Latin Mass: Last Sunday after Pentecost (2/8)
[Part 2 of 8] Missa Cantata, or sung Low Mass, offered on the Last Sunday after Pentecost at the Roman Catholic Parish of St. Nicholas of Chardonnet in Paris, France. This is the Eucharistic liturgy of the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church celebrated according to the 1962 Roman Missal (Missale Romanum), also commonly referred to as the Tridentine Rite, or Tridentine Mass, or Tridentine Latin Mass, or Old Latin Mass, or classical Latin Mass, or Traditional Latin Mass (TLM). This same Mass may be viewed or downloaded on Google as one full-length video: video.google.com A "missa cantata" is an approved form of celebration of the Traditional Roman Rite of Mass which serves as a compromise between a Low Mass (which involves no music or incense, by definition) and a Solemn High Mass (which has strict instructions and requirements for celebration that cannot be met in many parishes). For more information, please read this fine article in the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia: www.newadvent.org The texts of the Latin prayers, and English translations of the same, which are common to every Traditional Latin Mass can be found here: www.sacred-texts.com
Tridentine Latin Mass: Last Sunday after Pentecost (3/8)
[Part 3 of 8] Missa Cantata, or sung Low Mass, offered on the Last Sunday after Pentecost ...
published: 22 Dec 2006
author: protradition
Tridentine Latin Mass: Last Sunday after Pentecost (3/8)
[Part 3 of 8] Missa Cantata, or sung Low Mass, offered on the Last Sunday after Pentecost at the Roman Catholic Parish of St. Nicholas of Chardonnet in Paris, France. This is the Eucharistic liturgy of the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church celebrated according to the 1962 Roman Missal (Missale Romanum), also commonly referred to as the Tridentine Rite, or Tridentine Mass, or Tridentine Latin Mass, or Old Latin Mass, or classical Latin Mass, or Traditional Latin Mass (TLM). This same Mass may be viewed or downloaded on Google as one full-length video: video.google.com A "missa cantata" is an approved form of celebration of the Traditional Roman Rite of Mass which serves as a compromise between a Low Mass (which involves no music or incense, by definition) and a Solemn High Mass (which has strict instructions and requirements for celebration that cannot be met in many parishes). For more information, please read this fine article in the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia: www.newadvent.org The texts of the Latin prayers, and English translations of the same, which are common to every Traditional Latin Mass can be found here: www.sacred-texts.com
La negra historia de LA IGLESIA CATÓLICA
Una parte prominente de Babilonia la Grande es la Iglesia Católica Romana. Esa igle...
published: 12 Mar 2011
author: ReasoningHch17
La negra historia de LA IGLESIA CATÓLICA
Una parte prominente de Babilonia la Grande es la Iglesia Católica Romana. Esa iglesia es gobernada por el papa de Roma y alega que cada papa es sucesor del apóstol Pedro. A continuación se dan algunos datos que se han publicado acerca de estos supuestos sucesores: Formoso (891-896): "Nueve meses después de su muerte, el cuerpo de Formoso fue desenterrado de la cripta papal y se hizo que el cadáver compareciera para juicio ante un concilio 'cadavérico' presidido por Esteban [el nuevo papa]. Al papa difunto se le acusó de ambición desmesurada por el puesto papal, y todos sus decretos fueron declarados inválidos. [...] Se desvistió al cadáver de las vestiduras pontificias; se le amputaron los dedos de la mano derecha".—New Catholic Encyclopedia. Esteban VI (896-897): "Pocos meses después [del juicio del cadáver de Formoso] una reacción violenta terminó el pontificado del papa Esteban; fue privado de la insignia pontificia, encarcelado y estrangulado".—New Catholic Encyclopedia. Sergio III (904-911): "Sus dos predecesores inmediatos [...] fueron estrangulados en prisión. [...] En Roma lo apoyó la familia de Teofilacto, por una de cuyas hijas, Marozia, parece que tuvo un hijo (más tarde el papa Juan XI)".—New Catholic Encyclopedia. Esteban VII (928-931): "En los últimos años de su pontificado, el papa Juan X [...] había incurrido en la ira de Marozia, la Donna Senatrix de Roma, y fue encarcelado y asesinado. Marozia entonces confirió el papado al papa León VI, quien murió <b>...</b>