Embracery is the attempt to influence a juror corruptly to give his or her verdict in favour of one side or the other in a trial, by promise, persuasions, entreaties, money, entertainments and the like.
In English law, it was an offence both at common law and by statute, punishable by fine and imprisonment. As a statutory offence it dates back to 1360. The offence is complete, whether any verdict has been given or not, and whether the verdict is in accordance with the weight of evidence or otherwise. The person making the attempt, and any juryman who consents, are equally punishable.
The legal term "embracery" comes from the Old Fr. embraseour, an embracer, i.e., one who excites or instigates, literally one who sets on fire, from embraser, to kindle a fire. This is unrelated to the common word "embrace", i.e., to hold or clasp in the arms, which is from French embracer, from Latin bracchia, arms.
The false verdict of a jury, whether occasioned by embracery or otherwise, was formerly considered criminal, and jurors were severely punished, being proceeded against by writ of attaint. The Juries Act 1825, in abolishing writs of attaint, made a special exemption as regards jurors guilty of embracery (s.61). Prosecution for the offence has been so extremely rare that when a case occurred in 1891 it was stated that no precedent could be found for the indictment. The defendant was fined £200, afterwards reduced to £100.
Lo siento mucho, su sobre azul ya llegó
no llore tanto,la culpa es suya, usted bostezó.
Es una vergûenza para esta empresa
desocúpeme la mesa, ya no aguanto su torpeza.
Empresaurio... Empresaurio... firma el pacto luego.
Empresaurio... Empresaurio
Atención personal, el sistema cambiará...
desde hoy ya no pueden más pensar,
eso quita tiempo para laburar,
se aguantarán las ganas de orinar,
entrarán mas temprano, y mas tarde se irán.
Podría ser mi suegro, su casa mi hogar,
mas yo no lo merezco, su raza es sin igual.
Empresaurio... dale más, dame más, suda más, quiero más.
Empresauirio... firma el pacto luego.
Empresaurio... contratado estás.
No nos pague mas... Empresaurio,
empecé a tomar... Empresaurio.
Es usted muy bueno... si lo necesita tome mi dinero,
a usted le sirve más... usted lo invertirá.
Confío en su habilidad.
Desde tiempo atrás todo sigue igual
no creas que ha cambiado el sistema feudal,
el empresaurio es el dueño del feudo
y sus vasallos empleados.
Como abeja reina mi proyecto he de forjar,
para eso zanganos me van a trabajar.
A trabajar, trabajar... tu trabajo dá dignidad
A trabajar, trabajar... me gano el pan del día
A trabajar, trabajar... el puesto hay que cuidar
A trabajar, trabajar !