
Classic Game Room HD - PS2 vs. ATARI 2600 console review
Classic Game Room HD - PS2 vs. ATARI 2600 console review
Classic Game Room was the FIRST classic video game review show on the Internet in 1999. Returning in 2008 with new episodes, Classic Game Room breaks out a review of the PLAYSTATION 2 PS2 VS. ATARI 2600 video computer system VCS. CGRHD takes a close look at the new PS2 Slim model compared to the smaller Atari 2600 Jr. The 2600 Junior (as it was known) was released in 1986 to a public hot for the NES, sadly it never received the recognition that it deserved. So which is better? In this versus console battle to the death these two juggernauts from different video gaming eras compete for the world championship of great video game consoles... right. What is incredible is that in the history of video games, the Atari 2600 was a landmark system that debuted in 1977. The PS2 was released to North America in October of 2000. Both were expensive when they came out, were huge and bulky and had only a few games available. But over time they developed a huge fan following that enjoyed their gameplay and graphics, and had literally thousands of games released for each system. Both the 2600 and Playstation 2 had smaller, more compact models released and both are more affordable today for collectors. Sadly there is no wood grained heavy sixer PS2. Check out all the Classic Game Room HD reviews for awesome arcade retro old school games vs. the newest brand new video games on the market for PS3 and Xbox 360. Classic Game Room was the original classic video game review show on the Internet <b>...</b>

60 Best Atari 8-bit games - Part 1
60 Best Atari 8-bit games - Part 1
60 of my favorite Atari 800 XL games 00:00 Panther 00:05 International Karate 00:10 Ninja 00:16 Karateka 00:22 World Karate Championship 00:28 Preliminary Monty 00:35 River Raid 00:41 Henry's House 00:46 Alley Cat 00:53 Bruce Lee 01:00 Rainbow Walker 01:05 The Great American Cross Country Road-Race 01:12 Pole Position 01:17 Electra Glide 01:24 Donkey Kong 01:30 Boulder Dash 01:36 Jet Set Willy 01:43 Boulder Dash 2 01:49 Alien Ambush 01:52 Bristles 01:57 Blue Max 02:01 Blue Max 2001 02:07 Archon 02:12 Archon 2 - Adept 02:18 Montezuma's Revenge 02:25 Frogger 02:29 Cave Lord 02:35 Bug Hunt 02:37 Chop Suey 02:42 Super Cobra 02:49 Donkey Kong Jr 02:56 Dropzone 03:02 Fire Chief 03:07 SWAT 03:13 Fort Apolcalypse 03:19 Ghostbusters 03:24 Ghost Chaser 03:30 Warhawk 03:35 Gyruss 03:41 James Bond 03:46 Zaxxon 03:51 Jungle Hunt 03:56 Satan's Hollow 04:00 Zybex 04:05 Keystone Kapers 04:10 The Last Starfighter 04:14 Pitstop 04:21 Miner 2049er 04:27 Moon Patrol 04:33 Mr. Do 04:39 Mr. Robot and his Robot Factory 04:45 Pastfinder 04:52 Pharaoh's Curse 04:58 Pitfall 05:03 Pitfall 2 05:08 Rescue on Fractalus 05:15 Crystal Castles 05:20 Caverns of Mars 05:25 Dimension X

Pole Position Commercial! (Atari)
Pole Position Commercial! (Atari)
**Attention** I do not own the rights to this spot, I include it on my channel purely for tribute, pleasure and for Atari fans everywhere. Xbox and Playstation commercials have got nuthin' on this old classic. Even the theme song rocks! ***UPDATE*** "HEYYYYYYYYYY!" guy and original lead singer credits for this spot go to Mike Ragogna. Check out his YouTube channel: www.youtube.com

ATARI 5200 - Angry Video Game Nerd - Cinemassacre.com
ATARI 5200 - Angry Video Game Nerd - Cinemassacre.com

Retro Hardware - Atari Jaguar
Retro Hardware - Atari Jaguar
Retro hardware takes you on a tour of all the best parts of vintage gaming. This time, Will tells us the tale of the Atari Jaguar, Atari's last venture into the hardware market. Creative Lead: Will Lu www.youtube.com Directed and shot by Aaron Umetani www.youtube.com Written by: Will Lu Edited by: Mike Schmidt Produced by: Channing Sargent www.youtube.com Are you JAMMIN' on TGS? www.thegamestation.tv http www.twitter.com retro hardware atari jaguar 64 bit graphics processing processor tom jerry 32 bit battlesphere battle sphere tempest 2000 doom 3d gameplay blue lightning demo demonstration jaguar cd motorola 68000 cpu lynx panther panasonic 3do the worst controller of all time iron soldier overlay aliens vs predator power drive rally avp super nintendo snes fx chip stunt drive metal head virtua fighter dentist shell 4play scatologic

1978 Atari Commercial
1978 Atari Commercial
don't watch tv tonight, play it! i'm pretty sure that's a famous baseball player and don knotts in the breakout sequence. this is was made 10 years before i was born so it's kinda before my time.

Atari ST Computer System Review - LGR
Atari ST Computer System Review - LGR
The Atari ST was introduced right before the Commodore Amiga in 1985. Popular with gamers, musicians and desktop publishers, the ST earned its right as one of the best 16-bit computers of its day. But is it still worth owning to a current collector of vintage computers? This is an overview of the history, hardware and software of the ST from the perspective of an American collector. How do the pros and cons stack up, and is it worth getting an ST over similar systems like the Amiga? Many thanks to Borin81 for the 1040STfm! www.youtube.com For lots of great info on the Atari ST and other Atari computers: www.atari.st www.atari.org Download the floppy transfer program: atari.8bitchip.info Get your LGR swag here! Help support the show and your own geek pride! www.cafepress.com Or just donate via PayPal: donate.thebasingers.com Follow LGR on Twitter: twitter.com Like LGR on the Book of Faces: www.facebook.com This video contains music by The Insider and Kevin MacLeod that is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license for commercial use. Those photos at the beginning are CC images sourced from Wikimedia.

Pitfall (Atari 2600) (How To Beat Home Video Games 2)
Pitfall (Atari 2600) (How To Beat Home Video Games 2)
Taken from the video: How To Beat Home Video Games - Vol. 2 The Hot New Games (Vestron, 1982) A graphicly stunning game! And now you know how to play this beauty! ;) :)

28c3: The Atari 2600 Video Computer System: The Ultimate Talk
28c3: The Atari 2600 Video Computer System: The Ultimate Talk
Download high quality version: bit.ly Description: events.ccc.de Sven Oliver ('SvOlli') Moll: The Atari 2600 Video Computer System: The Ultimate Talk The history, the hardware and how to write programs Going more retro than the Commodore C=64: The Atari 2600 VCS was the breakthrough for video games in your own living room. This lecture will cover a bit of the history on how it came to live, describes the hardware used and shows how to write your own code for it. The Atari 2600 Video Computer System (VCS for short) was the first wide-spread gaming console. It features 128 bytes of RAM, 4k bytes of addressable ROM. This was enough to keep it in production for more than 13 years. This lecture divides in three parts: The first part will cover the history on how it came to live. Learn why the Atari 2600 is technically half a Commodore creation. Learn why Motorola was really angry about that deal. Can you imagine on how the software was created, since there were no PCs or workstations available at this time? Get to view the probably first easter egg in the history of video games. The second part will provide an intern view of the chips used in the Atari 2600: the 6507 CPU, the 6532 RIOT (RAM-I/O-Timer) and the TIA (Television Interface Adapter). It will also show why "racing the beam" is so important. The third part will show how to write your own code. What registers you have and how to use them. Using emulators, the Harmony cartridge and a self-designed cart that will <b>...</b>

Collin's Lab: Atari Punk Console
Collin's Lab: Atari Punk Console
bit.ly A true classic for DIY synth makers & circuit benders, the Atari Punk Console can kick out some ear-catching square waves. It's easy to build and a lot of fun to play around with. It may be challenging to make traditional music with an APC, but hey - there's enough of that around already, right?

Sonic For Hire - Atari
Sonic For Hire - Atari
www.youtube.com Click here to watch Sonic For Hire: "Restart" (Season 4 Premiere) Sonic For Hire: Atari Sonic is scraping the bottom of the barrel. DIRECTOR'S CHANNEL: www.youtube.com Follow LowBrow Everywhere! Website lowbrowstudios.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO www.youtube.com FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE MMO & RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE ANIMATIONS & SHORTS, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: www.youtube.com TAGS: "Sonic For Hire" "Sonic the Hedgehog" yt:quality=high machinima gameplay commentary retro sonic the hedgehog miles prower tails lives robotnik dr eggman rings extra life game play mega drive sega knuckles Sonic For Hire Paperboy Punch Drunk toe jam and earl toejam 90s Metriod "how to" genesis nes nintendo entertainment system famicom Tetris ExciteBike 8-bit animation physics "season 4" "episode 14" "ep 14" "It's On" finale Atari

Classic Game Room HD - ATARI 7800 ProSystem review
Classic Game Room HD - ATARI 7800 ProSystem review
Watch in high definition! Classic Game Room HD reviews the Atari 7800 ProSystem from 1986! The Atari 7800 Pro System was originally supposed to be released in 1984 but was delayed due to the market in those years. After the success of the NES in 1985 the Atari was released in 1986 to an un-enthusiastic public. The Atari 7800 has an excellent variety of arcade games like Xevious, Ms. Pac Man and Robotron 2084. Numerous original Atari video games like Desert Falcon and Ballblazer are available for the system, as well as favorites like Choplifter, Mario Bros. and Donkey Kong. This hardware review features the Atari 7800 game console, the American Atari 7800 controller, the European Atari 7800 controller, the Atari 7800 instruction manual and an Atari catalog from 1986 called "Get the Atari Advantage!" The Atari 7800 is backwards compatible with Atari 2600 games and plays the library of 2600 classics like Yars Revenge and Berzerk! Classic Game Room loves the old Atari consoles and collects Atari gear. Check out CGRHD Atari 7800 reviews because Classic Game Room is an Atari 7800 reviewer reviewing Atari 7800 games. Learn a lot from CGR episodes like how to play Atari, how to hook up Atari and where to buy Atari games, hardware and accessories.

gAtari - Atari 2600 chipmusic project by cTrix @ Blip Festival Tokyo 2011
gAtari - Atari 2600 chipmusic project by cTrix @ Blip Festival Tokyo 2011
Artist at: www.facebook.com The "gAtari" was my excuse to do something a little silly after I discovered that the Atari 2600 was more limiting than I realized! (31 pitches, minimal waveforms and only 2 channels!) I needed an EQ which could take a high voltage and drop it down to line level (Boss bass EQ) plus a way to hold loops between tracks and parts (Boss delay). So rather than have it "DJ" style config, I thought I make something a little more creative. It uses my atari-x-mod converter software which compiles binary files for Atari. You can find a little video about it here: vimeo.com Big ups to Celsius / Trash80 / nf / Lazerbeat for the audio recording. Massive thankyou to sebastienvd81 & JDD3J for shooting additional video footage. Thanks to Wing / Celsius / Abrasive for their assistance and filming. Mega-thanks to Paul Slocum for the maco asm code for 2600 that I based my software around interfacing with :-) Come to Blip Festival Melbourne 2012! ps. You can download a similar set to the one I played here at at: www.freemusicarchive.org

50 Atari Jaguar Games
50 Atari Jaguar Games
Gameplay video of 50 Atari Jaguar games in action. It includes the good and the bad: Some of the best like Tempest 2000, AvP, Rayman, and Doom...and some of the worst like Checkered Flag, Kasumi Ninja, and Trevor McFur. No emulator was used...this was made with a real Atari Jaguar system, game cartridges, and CDs. Here is the list of games, along with their starting times: 1. Alien vs. Predator (0:00) 2. Atari Karts (0:12) 3. Attack of the Mutant Penguins (0:22) 4. Baldies (0:32) 5. BattleMorph (0:43) 6. BattleSphere (0:57) 7. Blue Lightning (1:06) 8. Breakout 2000 (1:16) 9. Brutal Sports Football (1:26) 10. Bubsy (1:37) 11. Cannon Fodder (1:48) 12. Checkered Flag (1:57) 13. Club Drive (2:06) 14. Cybermorph (2:14) 15. Defender 2000 (2:24) 16. Doom (2:33) 17. Dragon's Lair (2:43) 18. Evolution: Dino Dudes (2:53) 19. Fight For Life (3:03) 20. Flashback (3:13) 21. Highlander (3:23) 22. Hover Strike: Unconquered Lands (3:32) 23. Hyper Force (3:41) 24. Iron Soldier (3:50) 25. Kasumi Ninja (4:01) 26. Myst (4:13) 27. NBA Jam: Tournament Edition (4:23) 28. Pinball Fantasies (4:33) 29. Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure (4:43) 30. Power Drive Rally (4:53) 31. Primal Rage (5:03) 32. Protector: Special Edition (5:13) 33. Raiden (5:21) 34. Rayman (5:32) 35. Ruiner Pinball (5:43) 36. Skyhammer (5:54) 37. Super Burnout (6:03) 38. Supercross 3D (6:11) 39. Tempest 2000 (6:19) 40. Theme Park (6:31) 41. Trevor McFur in the Crescent Galaxy (6:41) 42. Troy Aikman NFL Football (6:51) 43. Ultra <b>...</b>

Classic Game Room - REALSPORTS VOLLEYBALL review for Atari 2600
Classic Game Room - REALSPORTS VOLLEYBALL review for Atari 2600
RealSports Volleyball review. Classic Game Room reviews REALSPORTS VOLLEYBALL for Atari 2600 from 1982. So real it has a setting sun and surf sounds! One or two player volleyball sports action on your Atari 2600 with the joystick controllers and two different game variants (which are pretty similar). CGR Realsports Volleyball video review features Realsports Volleyball gameplay from Atari 2600 upconverted into stunning HD.

Classic Game Room - ATARI LYNX console review
Classic Game Room - ATARI LYNX console review
Atari Lynx review. Classic Game Room reviews the ATARI LYNX handheld video game console which debuted in 1989! This is the Atari Lynx II and features stunning, powerful color graphics that eat six AA batteries in mere moments!

Atari Teenage Riot - "Black Flags" feat. Boots Riley/ Anonymous (Edit2!)
Atari Teenage Riot - "Black Flags" feat. Boots Riley/ Anonymous (Edit2!)
Go here to watch WIKILEAKS ANONYMOUS EDIT 3 ! youtu.be Atari Teenage Riot - "Black Flags" feat. Boots Riley/ Anonymous (Edit2!) WE WANT YOU TO BE IN THE CLIP - FOR EDIT 3 PLEASE FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS BELOW! All footage was supplied by fans and friends of Atari Teenage Riot and Anonymous concept: Atari Teenage Riot wants YOU to be in their viral video for "Black Flags." If you want to be in the video and show that you support the ideals mentioned above, please send us the following footage: · Take your mobile phone, webcam or any other camera and film yourself lip-synching the song soundcloud.com · Have a black flag in the background, or hold it while you're lip-syncing. (The black flag motif will link all images together. If you don't have one to hand, use a black T-shirt, pull it inside out, stick the arms into it...there you go.) · You can choose any location for it. If you want to do it at home, great. If you know a crazy location, do it there. (In front of your school or university? At a shopping mall? With your friends at a party?) · We will use fragments of all videos, which are sent in and ultimately add all of you to the official video. · If you want to support the idea but want to do so anonymously, you can cover your face. No problem. for more information please go to www.atari-teenage-riot.com

Classic Game Room HD - CHOPLIFTER! for Atari 7800 review
Classic Game Room HD - CHOPLIFTER! for Atari 7800 review
Classic Game Room HD reviews CHOPLIFTER! for Atari 7800 ProSystem! This side scrolling shmup style game mixed with a rescue mission has intentionally difficult shooting controls to challenge the gamer to dodge or fire at enemy aircraft and hot air balloons while saving hostages and transporting them back to a post office to be parcel posted home. Remember kids, when you rescue hostages from evil villains you have to use regular mail or Priority Mail, not media mail! Humans do not count as media. Choplifter was designed by Dan Gorlin and originally published by Broderbund. This version on Atari 7800 is not one of the better versions of this fun old school retro video game but still entertaining to revisit (it's my game from back in the day!). This CGRHD review of Choplifter has gameplay from the video game Choplifter on Atari 7800 from 1987 showing the helicopter shooting bad guys, landing on rescued hostages and saving them too! Too bad it doesn't have more than one level! The maximum score is 64. If you want a real score then get another version of Choplifter (like the Sega Master System version). Choplifter! should not be confused with Chopper Command from Activision, they are 2 different games.

Atari Teenage Riot - Revolution Action (Banned Version)
Atari Teenage Riot - Revolution Action (Banned Version)
Atari Teenage Riot's Revolution Action. A great video

Classic Game Room HD - ATARI 5200 Console review
Classic Game Room HD - ATARI 5200 Console review
Classic Game Room HD reviews the ATARI 5200 video game system from 1982, the successor to the Atari 2600. This is the 4 controller model which is the size of a container ship and uses the most absurd power/tv switcher hookup ever created. There are many things to loathe about this unique game console and one thing to love, its an ATARI!!! It plays hundreds of Atari 5200 game cartridges, many of which are slightly upgraded versions of popular Atari 2600 games like Missile Command, Vanguard and Space Invaders. Others are awesome games which look like early NES action games like Buck Rogers Planet of Zoom and The Dreadnaught Factor. There are some Atari 5200 exclusives as well. Collecting for the 5200 is not terribly expensive, even though the Atari 5200 is considered a commercial failure there are still many out there and they are such an amazing pain to own that people want to get rid of them. Collectors benefit from this as 5200 games and consoles on eBay are easy to find, but working controllers are not. The Achilles heel of the Atari 5200 is the terrible, analog, non-self-centering controller which is difficult to replace because of the keypad. You can buy refurbished Atari 5200 controllers or the expensive Wico aftermarket Atari 5200 controller if you are really ambitious. The fact is the Atari 5200 has some great games, is a joy to collect for and is so large that it demands respect. It looks like a Laserdisc player combined with a dishwasher and is hard to miss when <b>...</b>

ET Atari
ET Atari
Yep, the game that ruined Atari. A couple people thought it would be a funny idea to post a run of this so here it is. It's not the worst game I've ever played but it's up there. Couple runs were screwed up because the scientist and FBI agent can't be in the screen when the ship comes. Done decently fast also.