
Cryonics Part 1 story of cryogenic biostasis
Cryonics Part 1 story of cryogenic biostasis
http:www.cryonics.org for more information. A thought provoking video explaining what Cryonics is all about. Further review of Molecular nanotechnology and The Laws of accelerating returns www.youtube.com www.youtube.com

Discovery Channel Next Step : Cryogenics
Discovery Channel Next Step : Cryogenics
Episode from Next step on Discovery Channel explaining the cryogenic process and it's wide range of uses.

Cryogenics Pioneer Robert 'Bob' Ettinger Dies, Body Frozen Next to Mother, First and Second Wives
Cryogenics Pioneer Robert 'Bob' Ettinger Dies, Body Frozen Next to Mother, First and Second Wives
Ettinger's body is now being preserved alongside mother; first, second wives. For more on this story, click here: abcnews.go.com For the FULL 'GMA' Episode, click here: abcn.ws

Through the Wormhole- Cryogenic Preservation
Through the Wormhole- Cryogenic Preservation
ALL NEW episodes Wednesdays @ 10pm E/P | For more, visit science.discovery.com | Cryogenic freezing is a process that could successfully preserve a human body.

Cryogenic Treatment of Engine Parts
Cryogenic Treatment of Engine Parts
Here's a little info about how cryogenic freezing of engine and suspension parts can dramatically improve their life and durability. www.engine-machining.com (949) 631-6376

Air Force physicst, Erin PettyJohn, designs cryocoolers, little refrigerators that cool NASAs Hubble Space Telescope and ensure its camera can send images back to earth. For more information, see the National Defense Education Programs "Lab TV": ndep.us Check out more DoD videos at dodvclips.mil

Cryogenic Rocket Engine Forms Icicles
Cryogenic Rocket Engine Forms Icicles
Read more at www.nasa.gov

Phutureprimitive - Cryogenic Dreams
Phutureprimitive - Cryogenic Dreams
Phutureprimitive - Cryogenic Dreams - phutureprimitive.bandcamp.com Album: "Kinetik" Native Harmonix Records www.phutureprimitive.com Visuals - www.jasonmongue.com Album Art - www.androidjones.com

Cryonics Part 2 story of cryogenic biostasis
Cryonics Part 2 story of cryogenic biostasis
Cryonics A thought provoking video explaining what Cryonics is all about. To get more detailed information on Cryonics go to... www.cryonics.org www.americancryonics.org Further review of Molecular nanotechnology and The Laws of accelerating returns

Moon Easter Egg Full Tutorial :: Cryogenic Slumber Party and The Big Bang Theory
Moon Easter Egg Full Tutorial :: Cryogenic Slumber Party and The Big Bang Theory
Huge Credits towards iWesTCoastiN: (link below) www.youtube.com This video clears a few things up. It was made after this one: www.youtube.com Yes Richtofen is Edward. I know this now and the stone is in the middle of the golden rod. I made a few stroyline mistakes and I apologize for that. This is my first real in depth tutorial. I hope I got most of it :) Text Tutorial: 1. Play the Simon Says machine (below the receiving area) 2. Find the hacker tool in the science lab and hack the black button in the middle level. Hack the lit up computer terminals. Press all of the buttons on the second level at the same time 3. Have the drill breach tunnel 6. This happens by itself 4. Grab the hacker tool from the labs and use it in the receiving area on the flashing green node that says "tunnel 6" 5. Knife the orb in tunnel 6. This will not show up until it has been breached and cleared. 6. Follow the orb until the satellite and shoot the orb on top of the satellite with the "Wave Gun" 7. Follow the orb and continue to knife it until it reaches the triangular prism. 8. Fill up the vial with 25 souls by killing zombies near the vial. 9. Pull the lever on the right of the triangle that looks like a power switch. The pyramid will open when the switch is pressed. 10. Teleport back to area 51. Throw a grenade behind the crate by the right wall as soon as you arrive. Throw a Gursch device behind this same crate. If done correctly, hexagon plates shoud appear on the teleporter. 11 <b>...</b>

Launchpad: Cryogenics in Transportation
Launchpad: Cryogenics in Transportation
Explore the differences between science fiction and science fact related to cryogenics. See how NASA uses cold storage for liquid oxygen and hydrogen used to propel rockets and how this may be used in cars of the future.

Moon: Cryogenic Slumber Party and Big Bang Theory COMPLETE WALK THROUGH!
Moon: Cryogenic Slumber Party and Big Bang Theory COMPLETE WALK THROUGH!
We would like to share the complete guide to both parts of 'the' moon easter egg, Cryogenic Slumber Party (Awakening Samantha) and Big Bang Theory (World Collider). Step 1: When the power has been activated, you'll need to play a round of "Samantha Says" on the four computers in the outside area near the beginning. Step 2: Next, work your way to the labs. Here search for the "Hacker" nearby on one of the counters. Using the hacker, hack either one of the four red buttons along the wall. This will activate four switches nearby as well. You can locate them by searching for their green light that should be on by now. Step 3: Now you need to hack all four of these switches. Once this has been accomplished, the four buttons you found on the wall earlier must be pressed in less than 2-3 seconds. When done properly, they will stay lit. This will open up the round hole in the pyramid front graving. Of course you'll be needing this for another step. Step 4: When tunnel 6 has been breached, have someone hack the proper terminal from the Receiving Area so that the Digger leaves. Step 5: Go back safely to tunnel 6 and see that a Black Egg has appeared near the M16. Knife it and you'll see it moving around the room. Follow it since it will get stuck in various places. Knife it again and open doors for it until it flies up onto a dish on top of the spatial base. Step 6: Have someone use the Wave Gun on the tip of the Dish. This will cause the Egg to move again. Follow it through tunnel <b>...</b>

Black Ops Zombies: Moon - Cryogenic Slumber Party Easter Egg Achievement Tutorial! ALL STEPS! [HD]
Black Ops Zombies: Moon - Cryogenic Slumber Party Easter Egg Achievement Tutorial! ALL STEPS! [HD]
Hello everyone! This is my tutorial for the Cryogenic Slumber Party Easter Egg Achievement worth 75G on the new Black ops Zombies map "Moon". It is HEAPS of fun, and combined with the Big Bang Theory Achievement worth 100G, they make a very rewarding pair of achievements, both for your Gamerscore and for the In-Game rewards. If you have any questions, post them in the comments, and remember to leave a rating. BIG BANG THEORY: www.youtube.com I hope you have enjoyed the video! Please remember to leave a rating :D Have a nice day! - Waffles

Cryogenic Principles video sample
Cryogenic Principles video sample
Cryogenic Principles used in oil and gas production. Purchase this entire training DVD at: www.oilgasprod.com

Moon Easter Eggs Official Tutorial | Cryogenic Slumber party and Big bang Theory
Moon Easter Eggs Official Tutorial | Cryogenic Slumber party and Big bang Theory
Please enjoy! Contact me through- twitter.com www.facebook.com ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● Want to see me LIVE? Follow me on my Justin.Tv account www.justin.tv ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● Past Let's Plays below! Left4Dead with Veriydiagooru22- www.youtube.com Sly Cooper 2 Playthrough- www.youtube.com Infamous 2 Playthrough- www.youtube.com Homefront Playthrough- www.youtube.com ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● Companies I have or still work with: Machinima Respawn NGT TGN PTG Yeousch

Michael Jackson & Cryogenics
Michael Jackson & Cryogenics
Week 4 Part 6 Commentary of Dr. Conrad Murray Trial. This video further shows evidence that the body that is thought to be Michael Jackson could simply be a body double that was once frozen (cryogenics). There are many attaching elements like the overdose of propofol HAD to be injected AFTER DEATH and more! From the producers of the jaw-droppingly accurate documentary "Alive! Is Michael Jackson Really Dead?" www.MichaelJacksonINsider.com

Dream Lab - Cryogenic Suspension (Marco Torrence's Filmbient Trip)
Dream Lab - Cryogenic Suspension (Marco Torrence's Filmbient Trip)
Awesome robotic chill out mix. Reminds me of chilling at a place overlooking a scene.

Well, we did it! Come in here to see sam! Cryogenic slumber party completed!!!!

Black Ops: Zombies | Moon | Cryogenic Slumber Party Achievement
Black Ops: Zombies | Moon | Cryogenic Slumber Party Achievement
After countless attempts, my friends and I finally competed the slumber party achievement. A special thanks to my friends Bull3tSponge, Raven, and Chaos for helping me get this done. :) Here are the steps for completing this easter egg: Step One: - Turn on the power...pretty self-explanatory. Step Two: - Play "Samantha Says" on the computers outside of tunnel 6. - It's just like Simon Says; a pattern of colors will come up on the screens. You must repeat back the pattern by holding 'x' on the corresponding comps. - You're finished when the screens flash green four times. Step Three: - Find the Hacker on the second floor of the lab, on one of the desks. - You must hack one of the 4 red buttons on the wall. This costs 500 pts. - You have 60 seconds to locate and hack 4 panels throughout the lab. They will turn green and begin buzzing. These will not always be in the same place each time you try, but there seems to be at least one on each floor. - Then, go back to the 4 red buttons and activate all 4 by quickly holding 'X' on each. Step Four: - Wait for the excavator to breach tunnel 6. This will be announced overhead. - Get the Hacker device, and go back to the starting room. - The corresponding terminal for tunnel 6 will light up green. You must hack this terminal once the tunnel has been breached Step Five: - A ball will appear near the M16. - Knife the ball through the tunnel until it ends up on the satellite outside. - Shoot the ball with the Wave Gun. Step Six: - The <b>...</b>