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All content for January 2012:

5th Jan 2012
As they say, a fool and his money are soon parted.  So, fool that I am, the day it came out at Amazon I went and bought a copy of Richard Murphy's "The Courageous State " (I wouldn't bother, but it's worth buying from Amazon if you do want it as it upsets him and some of his fans to have to do business via tax avoiders).  At least it was a Kindle version so no trees died to sate my curiosity, though if they had I suppose it might have had its uses (appropriately enough for Murphy I seem to recall from RAF Cadet camps in my youth that they had some printed...
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2nd Jan 2012
Yesterday I suggested that Grant Shapps and others ought to read Herbert Spencer's "The Sins of Legislators" about the folly of overburdensome legislation in regard to his proposal to create an imprisonable offence of subletting your council house. However there's a more important issue in that great essay (touched on also in his Social Statics) about housing.  No doubt most of my readers will be at least passing familiar with the work of Charles Booth who mapped out the extent of squalor in London's Victorian urban slums.  From the horrors of his report...
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2nd Jan 2012
So, there's this big hoo-ha that Subletting council houses could become criminal offence with the possibility, so either the Guardian or Grant Shapps, it's not clear which, that "penalties could include fines and possibly imprisonment" because "the rules were too weak". What a load of nonsense.  It's a breach of a contract.  If your contracts are too full of holes, people are going to find them and exploit them.  Just tighten up your contracts and enforce them.  Nobody else gets to put people in cages over a breach of contract.  Only if you are a government with a monopoly of violence can you...
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1st Jan 2012
Since lots of other people appear to be doing something similar, I thought I'd take a look at my top eleven postings from twenty eleven.  It's been an on and off year with some months having little blogging at all.  I've been hovering around the 200 mark in the Wikio UK Politics blog rankings most of the year.  It's my usual eclectic mix of stories: In at 11 we have a post from October 2011, International relations: the problem's in the name, I did while feeling frustrated about an essay on one of my modules.  I was frustrated that, as an anarchist, we focus on inter-NATIONAL relations and...
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