
The Office - My Top 25 Funniest Lines
This is a collection of My Top 25 funniest lines from the english sitcom , The Office.. PS...
published: 04 Sep 2008
author: vijaywins85
The Office - My Top 25 Funniest Lines
This is a collection of My Top 25 funniest lines from the english sitcom , The Office.. PS : If you cannot find a line in the list you thought was obviously funny , it means that it was dumped in favour of a line that was less obvious, but more funny.

The Office - Christmas Goose
Dwight brings a dead goose into the office....
published: 12 Mar 2008
author: huluDotCom
The Office - Christmas Goose
Dwight brings a dead goose into the office.

The Office Values - Microsoft UK Training with David Brent 1
Part 1 of 4 of "The Office Values" the Microsoft UK Training videos featuring Da...
published: 09 Jul 2007
author: cpdgeneral
The Office Values - Microsoft UK Training with David Brent 1
Part 1 of 4 of "The Office Values" the Microsoft UK Training videos featuring David Brent (Ricky Gervais) and Stephen Merchant. Check my other videos for Parts 2, 3 and 4... Part 1: The Office Values... Part 2: The Office Values continued (with outakes at the end) Part 3: The Office Values: Realizing Potential Part 4: ...continued.

The Office is Closed
Steve Carell walks off "The Office," shutting down the show......
published: 07 Nov 2007
author: wgaamerica
The Office is Closed
Steve Carell walks off "The Office," shutting down the show...

The Office UK S01E01
"Downsize" --- Original air date: 9 July 2001. Watch episodes here: www.tv-links...
published: 04 Jan 2012
author: MelPullThePin
The Office UK S01E01
"Downsize" --- Original air date: 9 July 2001. Watch episodes here: www.tv-links.eu Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

The Great Office War
www.runawaybox.com Witness the biggest and greatest office confrontation ever!...
published: 16 Jun 2008
author: runawaybox
The Great Office War
www.runawaybox.com Witness the biggest and greatest office confrontation ever!

The Office - David Brent dances.
published: 07 Jul 2011
author: plumplard
The Office - David Brent dances.

A Night At The Office - Ricky Gervais
Stars from The Office and other stars talks about the amazing serie The Office. This was a...
published: 23 Jan 2011
author: TheFbiFilesRepeat
A Night At The Office - Ricky Gervais
Stars from The Office and other stars talks about the amazing serie The Office. This was aired in August 2009 on british tv, they showed the whole first series in one go, with interviews at the begining of every episode, ive put them all together.

FAMILY GUY - Brian's Emmy Vote - The Office
Looks like Brian will be voting for "The Office" for "Best Comedy Series&qu...;
published: 17 Aug 2009
author: WheresMyEmmy
FAMILY GUY - Brian's Emmy Vote - The Office
Looks like Brian will be voting for "The Office" for "Best Comedy Series"! What will Stewie think?

'The Office' Skit from the Emmys
published: 19 Sep 2011
author: DaireMagic
'The Office' Skit from the Emmys

The Office UK Dirty Bertie
published: 30 Aug 2009
author: BenTaylor20
The Office UK Dirty Bertie

Best Office Prank Ever
Questions about this prank? Visit cheeksdown.com . One night we walled off 11 senior offic...
published: 19 Aug 2007
author: cheeksdown
Best Office Prank Ever
Questions about this prank? Visit cheeksdown.com . One night we walled off 11 senior offices at work for a prank...people didn't know wtf to do the next day. this is 100% true.

How to Have Sex in the Office and Not Get Caught
Expand the description and view the text of the steps for this how-to video. Check out How...
published: 17 Apr 2009
author: Howcast
How to Have Sex in the Office and Not Get Caught
Expand the description and view the text of the steps for this how-to video. Check out Howcast for other do-it-yourself videos from Milkhouse and more videos in the General Office Life category. You can contribute too! Create your own DIY guide at www.howcast.com or produce your own Howcast spots with the Howcast Filmmakers Program at www.howcast.com Whatever your reason for getting it on in the workplace -- and, trust us, we don't want to know -- make sure it stays between you and your amour. To complete this How-To you will need: Easy-to-remove clothes A comfortable spot Wet wipes Step 1: Check for security cameras Make sure you know the location of all office security cameras so your little romp isn't caught on tape. Surveillance equipment is typically placed near entry and exit points and in rooms than contain merchandise or other valuables. But employers have been known to put cameras in employees' private offices. Tip: It's illegal to put cameras in restrooms, so that's usually a safe place. Step 2: Dress for sex-cess Dress for sex-cess, meaning clothes that go on and off quickly and don't wrinkle easily. Going commando saves a lot of time. Tip: Ladies, remove your lipstick so your partner doesn't become a marked man. Step 3: Look for privacy Choose an out-of-the way location that doesn't get much foot traffic. A closet with a locked door is an excellent option. Step 4: Fake a meeting If one of you has an office, record yourselves having a fake conference call, then <b>...</b>

Office Party
Oh, white people, you can be such try-hards! Go to www.recklesstortuga.com to see our late...
published: 22 Aug 2008
author: RecklessTortuga
Office Party
Oh, white people, you can be such try-hards! Go to www.recklesstortuga.com to see our latest videos uncensored and exclusive content!!! Directed & Edited by Jay Schnell Written by Lindsey Reckis & Eric Pumphrey Starring - Eric Pumphrey, Lindsey Reckis, Davan Firin, Angie Simms, Jeff Ulich, Jared Bell, Jake Moreno AD - Clark Huff

The Office: Dwight's greatest dream come true
Dwight explains to Jim what's going to happen now that he's going to replace Micha...
published: 12 Apr 2011
author: wilsontieu
The Office: Dwight's greatest dream come true
Dwight explains to Jim what's going to happen now that he's going to replace Michael as regional manager.

The Office - Planking (Season 8) FULL
The office planking scenes, with dwight finishing it. Season 8. I do not own this footage....
published: 26 Sep 2011
author: MrTrendyTv
The Office - Planking (Season 8) FULL
The office planking scenes, with dwight finishing it. Season 8. I do not own this footage.

Insane Office Escape (Biting Elbows Music Video for The Stampede)
Official music video for 'The Stampede' by Biting Elbows Album out now! iTunes goo...
published: 20 Sep 2011
author: bitingelbows
Insane Office Escape (Biting Elbows Music Video for The Stampede)
Official music video for 'The Stampede' by Biting Elbows Album out now! iTunes goo.gl facebook: www.facebook.com Directed and Edited by Ilya Naishuller - (ilya.nayshuller@bitingelbows.com) Shot by Sergei Valyaev and Ilya Naishuller Cast & Crew: Andrei Dementiev Ilya Kondratiev Garik Buldenkov Alexei Zamaraev Nikolay Sorin Misha 'Lemur' Belskii Kvataniya Lado Vlad Kaptur Valentin Fadeev Alex Mikerov Sergei Gevorgyan Arkady Riskin Nikita Lobov Yuri Zolotarev Victor Naishuller Dmitry Smirnov Alexander Melsitov Alexei Lukashov Denis Baratov Alexei Alekseev Andrei Agafonov Ashda Rushachi Natasha Koplouhaya Kamilla Belova Ekaterina Rodionova Nikolai Kostomarov Sergei Pleshkov Alexei Khruslov Anton Emelin (c) Biting Elbows 2011

Terry Tate Office Linebacker
Terry Tate Office Linebacker from the 2003 Superbowl For more Terry Tate videos check out ...
published: 23 Apr 2006
author: sirkomania
Terry Tate Office Linebacker
Terry Tate Office Linebacker from the 2003 Superbowl For more Terry Tate videos check out my videos!

Office Warfare - Nerf Gun
Tweet this video for us! bit.ly Facebook it to your friends! on.fb.me Website: www.finalcu...
published: 01 Jun 2011
author: FinalCutKing
Office Warfare - Nerf Gun
Tweet this video for us! bit.ly Facebook it to your friends! on.fb.me Website: www.finalcutking.com Don't touch Jimmy Wong's epic collection of Nerf guns in the office. Comment below and we are going to respond to the next 1000 comments (that's pretty darn insane!). Subscribe to FinalCutKing -- http Subscribe to the VFX Bro - www.youtube.com Subscribe to Jimmy Wong - www.youtube.com Thanks to The Fine Bros -- www.youtube.com RatedRR - www.youtube.com Erik Beck - www.youtube.com BryanStars -- www.youtube.com Stonebreakers10 - www.youtube.com Final Cut King Facebook Page -- www.facebook.com Other Nerf Gun tags: sniper time hasbro nerf mods war toys gun fight battle hack walkinghony productions honskilled backyard special effects blood gore headshot head shot killing spree foam darts air shoot firepower buzz bee vulcan longshot cats animals scooter shooting boom skinhead

Office prank gone wrong!
In this video, steve (one of our staff members) thinks that he is pranking a prospective e...
published: 20 Sep 2010
author: FunnyCrazyShit
Office prank gone wrong!
In this video, steve (one of our staff members) thinks that he is pranking a prospective employee by climbing into a hole in the wall to scare him. For more great videos visit funnycrazyshit.com But the prank goes wrong.....

Gareths fat bird problem
A deleted scene from The Office. Gareth asks Dawn for a womens perspective on his relation...
published: 11 Sep 2006
author: theoutlawdekepatton
Gareths fat bird problem
A deleted scene from The Office. Gareth asks Dawn for a womens perspective on his relationships. If this scene had made the cut it would probably be my favourite Gareth moment.

The Office - Steve Carell on Michael Scott (Paley Center Interview)
In this 2007 interview, the Office actor Steve Carell (Michael Scott) talks about his char...
published: 11 May 2009
author: paleycenter
The Office - Steve Carell on Michael Scott (Paley Center Interview)
In this 2007 interview, the Office actor Steve Carell (Michael Scott) talks about his character and the type of person he is.