New book on Permaculture Design

Permaculture Design A step-by-step guide

by Aranya

Permanent Publications 2012 Pbck; 191 pp

UK Permaculture teacher Aranya has produced a new book on Permaculture design. This handy field guide takes you step-by step through all the main skills required of the permaculture designer in one slim volume: observation; surveying mapping and surveying; the client interview; drawing up a design proposal, and how to implement it, and much more besides.

The same topics are covered in other Designer manuals, such as Patrick Whitefield’s Earth Care Manual, but this book covers each topic in more detail, with excellent graphics, photos and illustrations throughout.

The sections on surveying and mapping techniques are particularly clear and full of practical advice, including marking contours with an “A-Frame” and full details on measuring a site and making a base-map.

I could have done without the section at the end on “Designing zone zero zero” which strays into the territory of personal development- an entirely different subject- but I would certainly recommend it as a practical how-to guide for the student designer, and the the experienced will also find it a valuable addition to their knapsack. Also promises to be hugely valuable as a teaching tool.

Available from Permanent Publications.

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Growing Perennial Vegetables

Book Review

How to Grow Perennial Vegetables

Low-maintenance, low-impact vegetable gardening

by Martin Crawford

Forward by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall

Green Books 2012

ppbck 224pp

Martin Crawford is the director of the invaluable Agroforestry Research Trust in Dartington, Devon, and this is his second book, the previous one being the more general and comprehensive Creating a Forest Garden.

This more compact (and portable) manual provides a comprehensive guide to growing perennial vegetables in cool temperate climates.

The first chapter runs through the advantages of growing perennials rather than annual veg- they are less work, since once established they do not need to be started from seed again each year in prepared beds, but simply emerge in the spring when they are ready; they are better for the soil which is left undisturbed; and they are healthier- Crawford includes some useful and interesting tables on comparative nutritinal content of different vegetables, for example Good King Henry Chenapodium bonus-henricus has twice the potassium of carrots and twice the protein content of spinach- a benefit of the perennial’s larger and more established root-systems.

Chapter 2 gives instructions on growing perennials, including establishment, use as ground-covers and in the forest garden and under existing trees, and excellent examples with line drawings of suggested perennial polycultures. Also covered is aquatic perennials, such as Arrowheads Sagittaria spp. and even Water Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) -for its edible rhizomes.

There next follows a chapter on maintenance, including feeding, soil conditions, pest and disease management, harvesting and propogation. Tables of nitrogen fixing plants, shade-tolerance and mineral accumulators and included, also a box section on Mycorrhizal fungi.

The bulk of the book consists of a catalogue of vegetables A-Z: you will find here the commonly grown perennials such as Rhubarb, Globe Artichokes and Jerusalem Artichokes; well-known herbs such as salad burnet and chives; wild plants like nettles and ramsons; as well as plenty of suprises in lesser known plants such as Giant butterbur or Fuki- (Petasites japonicus) and Quamash (Indian Lilly- Camassia quamash). There is even a perennial wheat.

Giant butterbur on Orcas Island WA

With over a hundred listed in total this book is a delight and packed with information. Maybe Crawford’s enthusiasm might be slightly over-stated- his comment in the first chapter that “in basing our whole civilisation on short-lived plants [annuals] we may have been down a productive but nevertheless destructive cul-de-sac” seems a little over the top and an unnecessary selling point, since we are unlikely to ever substantially replace the world’s major crops with perennials; nonetheless, no-one has done more than Martin to demonstrate the viability of edible forest gardens in this part of the world and there is plenty enough inspiration in this volume to convince the most conventional four-part rotation vegetable gardener that perennials have great potential and should be taken more seriously.

Posted in book review, Forest Gardening, perennial vegetables, Permaculture | Leave a comment

Natural Building Workshops at Dancing Rabbit

Ziggy from Dancing Rabbit Eco-Village in Missouri asked me to post this re. building courses they are hosting next year:

In 2012, my partner April and I are actually building a new straw bale & timber frame home, and we’re hosting two natural building workshops to get people involved with the construction and to educate folks about alternative means of building. (No reciprocal roof this time, unfortunately!) In June of 2012, we are hosting a two week Timber Framing workshop with a pro timber framer, and will build and raise the entire timber frame of our home using hand tools during that course. Shortly afterwards, we’re putting on a 10 day Straw Bale Building workshop, which will hopefully result in a fully baled building with a rough coat of lovely earthen plaster.

The Year of Mud is hosting two natural building workshops in 2012 at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage — check out their Timber Framing Workshop and Straw Bale Workshops!

Posted in Courses, Green Building | Leave a comment

The Rational Optimist on Crop Circles and other Scientific Heresies

New on Skepteco

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7 Billion Minds, 7 Billion Hearts

New on Skepteco:

7 Billion Minds, 7 Billion Hearts

Posted in Peak Oil, Population, Skepteco | Leave a comment

Skepteco: Peak Oil Personalities

I have just resurrected the Skepteco blog and put up a post on Colin Campbell’s forthcoming compilation Peak Oil Personalities in which I have a chapter about my own “Peak Oil journey”. Other contributors include Richard Heinberg, Jeremy Leggett, Michael Rupert, Jean Laherrere and Chris Skrebowski. I’ll be posting a full review when the book is published next month.

I am moving more in-depth discussions on peak oil, climate change, the fate of civilisation etc over to Skepteco. Zone 5 will continue as a permaculture/gardening blog. To begin with I’ll flag any new Skepteco posts here as well, so please do join me over there when you get a chance!

Skepteco still has a couple of great podcasts that I recorded with Christina, Michael and Eoin last year, one on Can Organic Farming Feed the World? and one of Genetic Engineering, so if you missed them when they first came out, please go and have a listen!

Posted in Peak Oil | 2 Comments

Apios Americana

Just harvested the first apios americana tubers.

Also known as the groundnut or potato bean this curious vegetable is a legume and shade- tolerant climber that produces strings of edible tubers up to about 2″ long:

I bought my original pea-sized tubers from the ART in Devon two years ago and grew them up a support made of reinforcing iron bar threaded through alcethene pipe and pushed into the ground; you can then easily tie wire mesh onto the hoops which stand about 2m high. The apios had been sorely neglected and were competing for both root space and space on the wire with a vigorous climbing berry. I didn’t harvest any last year, it is recommended to give them 2-3 years to get established- the tubers grow away and you can harvest at any time of the year, which is quite an advantage.

Oikos Tree Crops in the States supply larger varieties- but the cost of a plant passport to import them is expensive (which is why I havn’t done so yet.)

I saved most of the little tubers and ate about half a dozen of the larger ones- cooked for 15 minutes, tastes like potatoes with a nice nutty flavour. Quite exciting to finally get a small harvest of this promising crop- apparently with 15% protein content. Will definitely grow more next year and take more care of them! This might also be something that you could establish on the forest garden edge to climb into trees.

Posted in Food, Forest Gardening, Gardens | 4 Comments

ThinkorSwim censor Zone5!

On February 4th this year I wrote a post called Climate Change: Will the Real Skeptics Please Stand up?. A couple of weeks later, I offered the same post to John Gibbons who runs the climate change blog ThinkorSwim, after which there followed a lively discussion during which I was called a “Crypto-denialist” by John and he himself was criticized for publishing it. On returning from my holidays I was looking for the link to send to someone only to find the whole post and all the comments have disappeared: I’ve been censored!

I had only written couple of posts for ToS, which John had invited me be a guest author for on the basis of my having blogged about climate change and the urgent need to do something about it here on zone5.

Clearly as I investigated the issue more- particularly Al Gore’s film- my own views had changed considerably. I was well aware of the backlash I was likely to get were I to begin expressing doubts about the “party line” on climate change, and was in fact rather surprised John agreed to post it- that he did I felt was very much to his credit as an open-minded person -although his contribution to the comments showed him as anything but, as I have commented here.

Fortunately I had kept a copy of all but the last couple of comments which we will have to live without. I re-post them here in full for reference and as one of many examples that may be found of warmists trying to close down debate, resorting to ad hominem, and, most remarkably, claiming that science is on their side in cases when it clearly is not!

Incidentally, a short while after John had closed the debate down, he emailed me in an apparent attempt to persuade me that we should really be on the same side as “we both dislike dogma and ideology” and in support of this sent me, not science at all but a paper by Clive Hamilton, author of Requiem for a Species which I wrote a review of here:

Hamilton seems ambivalent himself about the relationship to of environmentalism and science, on the one hand promoting science as the only way we can know about our predicament, on the other hand arguing that the scientific-industrial revolution has lead to a disconnection from Nature which “led inexorably to a stronger orientation toward a personal self”. While this may be partly true, it seems that it is only same science that can lead us back. Instead, he hints that he would see a return to some kind of spirituality as for our salvation, seeing Gaia as fulfilling this need. Confusingly he asks “If our scientific understanding and technological control over the world allowed us to discard the gods, will the reassertion of Nature’s power see us turn again to the sacred for protection? Will the late surge of militant atheism come to be seen as a Homeric burst of pride before the fall?” Surely reverting to religion or superstition is the last thing to protect us!

Like many others in the environmental movement, Hamilton- and perhaps Gibbons- feel that it is not science that counts here, but rather the need to return to some kind of Gaia-worshiping- and Gaia-fearing- religion: as carbon emitters we are all sinners and unless we undergo the penance of relinquishing much if not all of the benefits of the modern world then the Great Mother will wreak climate chaos on us in recompense.

Finally, I should say however that Gibbons does an admirable job of promoting nuclear power and as such puts himself very much at odds with the majority of Greens. This much at least we do indeed share in common.

Here are the missing comments from that SinkorSwim post: Continue reading

Posted in climate change, Science and Rationaltiy | 6 Comments

American Odyssey Part 2: Permaculture in the Pacific North West

Living mushrooms for sale in the Ferry Terminal Building, San Francisco:

After two weeks of driving it was a relief to bring the car back and get onto the train to Seattle. Amtrak’s Coastal Starlight is considered one of the great scenic train journey’s in the world. Leaving in the evening, it was stunning to wake up and see the early morning light across the plains of southern Oregon.

Volcanoes seen from the train

No shortage of forests in these parts:

Portland had been on the list but in the end I couldn’t spare the time to stop over. This was all I got to see of the city as the train passed through:

A grey and blustery Seattle awaits:

A “P-Patch” community garden brightening up Seattle:

Oregon grape Mahonia Aquifolium in the sculpture park


and the Tango!

After a day looking round the very modern city of Seattle I took a trip into a more primitive lifestyle at Feral Farm, about an hour and a half east from Mount Vernon. Here Matt VanBoven and his friends combine perennial gardens with…roadkill deer. The roadkill- not only deer but that what the fare while I was there- is collected and processed by the residents of Feral farm, the skins tanned, the meat made into jerky or served up in delicious stews. There is a great commentary on Matt from a previous visitor here, with a great photo of Matt and the deer.

There was much discussion of the imminent collapse of the modern world and survival strategies that would be needed thereafter. Matt admitted one of the great drawbacks would be the likely decline of the availability of roadkill post-collapse, and mentioned something about getting a bow-and-arrow (though he didn’t mention how he would manage without the neighbors’ freezer).

Matt was a mine of information about local plants and ecology, and his garden full of fruit. This part of Washington seemed to be berry heaven and new discoveries for me included the Thimbleberry rubus parviflorus:

These are a exquisite- melt in your mouth!

Salmonberries rubus spectabilis are also good- another new one for me:

Matt counting the rings of a giant Douglas Fir

Beneath a giant Western Red Cedar:

In the Forest Garden at Feral Farm

Common Milkweed Asclepias syriaca-something I haven’t yet managed to propagate myself

Pokeweed phytolacca americana- something I am growing successfully, often considered just a weed in the US.

Mat had built some really col mini-cabins, this one with cordwood masonry:

In the Northern Cascades:

As in Yosemite unprecedented late snow- we met folks who were skiing here:

Primeval forest:

Oyster mushrooms:

From Feral Farm I traveled to Anacortes with my guide and local permaculture networker Kelda who had arranged for me to visit the famous Bullock Brothers on Orcas Island. We arrived just at the start of the three week Permaculture Design course. Here Sam Bullock gives the students a tour of the farm:

The Bullock’s extensive permaculture nursery:

The Bullocks became famous some 30 years ago after an appearance on the Cool Temperate episode of Mollison’s Global Gardener series, where they demonstrate the results of grafting apple cultivars onto the wild apples growing in their area. Here is Sam Bullock showing something similar:

Although there was no end of fascinating things to see at the Bullocks’ the most impressive to me was their veggie gardens- one beautiful well-kept and productive garden after another serving the three Bullock families and interns.

Elecampane planted as companion mineral accumulator with apple trees:

Amazing chinampas: a “chinampa” is a mini peninsular or “tongue” extending into a lake or pond providing more edge for growing plants which may thereby need little or no irrigation. A Mexican word, chinampas are used there for growing crops. The Bullocks have constructed lakes and wetlands and dredged up mud to make islands and chinampas on which they have planted willows and fruit trees:

Lots of bamboos:

Giant perennial vegetable called “Fhuki” from Japan:

I was asked to give a presentation on forest gardens in Ireland, which I was pleased to do to the new permaculture students, but was rather embarrassed as one slide after another showed plants that, while fairly unknown outside permaculture circles at home, are commonly found in the forests in the Pacific North West, including Salal Gaultheria Shallon

japanese wineberries, siberian purslane, pokeweed phytolacca americana

Doug Bullock giving a talk on permaculture history:

View from Orcas twards Vancouver Island:

After a short stay on Orcas I travel back to Seattle and catch another Washington State Ferry to Vashon Island. Puget Sound is eery and atmospheric in the fog:

On Vashon I stayed with friends and past Permaculture students Bob and Jen who live on a wonderful farm run by the local Montessori school.

Bob inspects the tomatillos:

Bob and Jen pick Basil:

Jen, Jamie and Whitney harvest garlic:

Scorzonera and salsify:

Bob takes me around the forests on the island

Our English Ivy is considered a real invasive exotic here- quite a pest in the woods!

There are quite a few smallholdings and farms within a few miles on this idyllic rural island- which has all the peace of west Cork but is just a short ferry ride away from the huge market of Seattle. This is a farm we visited nearby where they were growing wheat on a small scale:

A previous owner had planted hundreds of fruit and nut trees on Bob and Jen’s farm some thirty years ago, including Turkish Hazel:

I spent most of my time picking cherries

which were sold to Molly Moos’ Ice-cream Parlor in Seattle:

Taking the water taxi back to town:

Mount Rainier dominates the landscape from the train heading back to San Francisco:

Panoramic views of San Francisco from Bernal Heights:

The Madrone Tree Arbutus menziesii, native to the Pacific NW and related to our own Strawberry Tree Arbutus Unedo but with much larger fruits:

Leaving the west coast behind the final stop on the American Odyssey was Upstate New York where I visited Christina and Michael near Warwick. Seems there could always be a job for me there pulling pints of Guiness!

A short hike along part of the Appalachian Trail. This is actually in New Jersey:

Very different forest ecology compared to the west coast, mainly deciduous with maples and oaks. Another permaculture plant eleagnis umbellata is common here.

American Balddernut Staphylea trifolia growing in the hedgerow. Inside the bladder-like sacs are small but tasty nuts:

A visit to Sister’s Hill Farm where owner Dave shows us his rotating root-crop washer:

Solar powered tomatoes!

Sister’s Hill is run with the help of interns and volunteers and runs as a CSA- Community Supported Agriculture- shareholders take a share of whatever is in season each week:

Drying onions:

Wine tasting and tour of vineyard nearby:

Details of vine-pruning on a display board:

Last stop: Manhattan. The Empire State Building:

View from the top with the Statue of Liberty a speck in the top right-hand corner:

Haven in the urban jungle- Central Park:

Times Square:

Posted in Forest Gardening, Permaculture, Tools and technology | 1 Comment

GMOrganic a Love Story

Great little video featuring Pam and Raoul in Davis California:

GMOrganic: A Botanical Love Story from News21 Berkeley 2011 on Vimeo.

Posted in Food, Genetic Engineering | 13 Comments