Angry Beasts
by Laurel Crown...
published: 30 Jul 2011
author: ONEyounger
Angry Beasts
by Laurel Crown
Fibonazi on Wikipedia
The famous online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, gets a lot of bad press for the way it works, a...
published: 08 Jan 2011
author: FibonaziProductions
Fibonazi on Wikipedia
The famous online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, gets a lot of bad press for the way it works, and this is something that bothers me. It's very commonly overlooked that vandalism on wikipedia is almost always deleted within the next day, just the mere existence of vandals on wikipedia - though there are of course vandals on every website - is enough to make people suspicious of it. In this video, I defend wikipedia, talk about why it's a good website and why you shouldn't judge it so hastily. Feel free to discuss the matter with me on the comments section, or send me a private message, either is fine. The matter is very open to interpretation. Credit to Google images and Wikipedia itself for supplying the images used in this video.
Qu'est-ce que Wikipédia ? Par Wikimédia
Wikimedia, en français écrit Wikimédia, est une marque de la Wikimedi...
published: 06 Aug 2009
author: Flo2sTV
Qu'est-ce que Wikipédia ? Par Wikimédia
Wikimedia, en français écrit Wikimédia, est une marque de la Wikimedia Foundation et le nom qui chapeaute les projets que soutient cette fondation, le projet en ligne Wikipédia mais aussi les projets frères : Wiktionary, Wikiquote, Wikibooks, Wikimedia Commons, Wikisource, Wikispecies, Wikinews et Wikiversity, développés grâce au logiciel MediaWiki. La Wikimedia Foundation (en français fondation Wikimédia) est une fondation de droit américain (501c) créée en juin 2003 par Jimmy Wales, fondateur de Wikipédia.
Golfinho Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. Ir para: navegaç&at...;
published: 07 Jul 2012
author: marc21sorrentino
Golfinho Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. Ir para: navegação, pesquisa Nota: Para outros significados, veja Golfinho (desambiguação). Golfinhos Classificação científica Reino: Animalia Filo: Chordata Classe: Mammalia Ordem: Cetacea Subordem: Odontoceti Família: Delphinidae Gray, 1821 Géneros Ver texto A Wikispecies tem informações sobre: Golfinho Golfinhos e sua treinadora no Aquário do Zoológico de Barcelona Os golfinhos ou delfins são animais cetáceos pertencentes à família Delphinidae. São perfeitamente adaptados para viver no ambiente aquático, sendo que existem 37 espécies conhecidas de golfinhos dentre os de água salgada e água doce. A espécie mais comum é a Delphinus delphis. São nadadores privilegiados, às vezes, saltam até cinco metros acima da água, podem nadar a uma velocidade de até 40 km/he mergulhar a grandes profundidades. Sua alimentação consiste basicamente de peixes e lulas. Podem viver de 25 a 30 anos e dão à luz um filhote de cada vez. Vivem em grupos, são animais sociáveis, tanto entre eles, como com outros animais e humanos. Sua excelente inteligência é motivo de muitos estudos por parte dos cientistas. Em cativeiro é possível treiná-los para executarem grande variedade de tarefas, algumas de grande complexidade. São extremamente brincalhões, pois nenhum animal, exceto o homem, tem uma variedade tão grande de comportamentos que não estejam diretamente ligados às atividades biológicas básicas, como alimentação e reprodução. Possuem o <b>...</b>
смешной Корова смеется - КРАВА
Корова делает
published: 24 Apr 2012
author: Domain4sale
смешной Корова смеется - КРАВА
Корова делает лам смеха Говедата първоначално са идентифицирани от Карл Линей като три отделни вида - Bos taurus (европейско домашно говедо, включително и подобните му от Африка и Азия), Bos indicus (зебу) и изчезналия Bos primigenius (див европейски тур. Днес се счита, че туровете са предшественици на европейските говеда и зебутата, и все по-често трите форми се определят като подвидове на един вид, Bos primigenius (съответно Bos primigenius taurus, Bos primigenius indicus и Bos primigenius primigenius). Систематиката на домашните говеда се усложнява от възможността да се кръстостват успешно със сродни видове. Съществуват хибридни индивиди и дори породи, получени от кръстоски на европейски говеда не само със зебу, но и с други животни от род Говеда, като як, бантенг и гаур. Възможна е дори хибридизация с някой от двата вида бизони, които обикновено не се включват в род Говеда. В същото време домашните говеда не могат да се кръстосват с някои по-отдалечени представители на подсемейството на говедата, като кафърския и домашния бивол. Хибридният произход на някои форми на домашното говедо не очевиден. Например, генетични изследвания показват, че породата Лулу джудже, единствените говеда без гърбица в Непал, са хибрид на европейско говедо, зебу и як.[1] Първоначално турът, предполагаемият предшественик на домашните говеда, е разпространен в Европа, Северна Африка и голяма част от Азия. В историческо време ареалът му е ограничен до част от Европа, като последният известен <b>...</b>
Why College Is So Expensive
An AcademicReviser video on the cost of college is discussed by Ana Kasparian and Jayar Ja...
published: 13 Sep 2011
author: tytuniversity
Why College Is So Expensive
An AcademicReviser video on the cost of college is discussed by Ana Kasparian and Jayar Jackson on TYT University. Watch more AcademicReviser here: www.youtube.com
www.nasa.gov 2012วันสิ้นโลก 20...
published: 10 Mar 2012
author: poot159ifyNASA
www.nasa.gov 2012วันสิ้นโลก 2013โลกแตก 2013วันโลกแตกจริงหรือ 2012วันสิ้นโลก เลื่อน คำทำนาย ไปชาติหน้าแล้วP2 ระวัง !! ภัยพิบัติจากลัทธิก่อการร้ายโลกแตก ปล้นทรัพย์ 2013โลกแตก ..youtu.be NASA poot159ify NASA 2012โลกแตก 2013วันโลกแตก 2012วันสิ้นโลก เลื่อน คำทำนาย ไปชาติหน้าแล้ว ระวัง !! ภัยพิบัติจากลัทธิก่อการร้ายโลกแตก ปล้นทรัพย์ 2012โลกแตก ... 2013โลกแตก 2013วันโลกแตก 2012วันสิ้นโลก เลื่อน คำทำนาย ไป 5พันล้านปีแล้ว คำ เตือน ระวัง !! ภัยพิบัติจากลัทธิก่อการร้ายโลกแตก ปล้นทรัพย์ ... ที - อัปโหลดโดย poot159ify 2013โลกแตก 2013โลกแตก คำทำนาย NASA????? ติดตามการเผยแผ่พุทธวจน โดย พระอาจารย์คึกฤทธิ์ โสตฺถิผโล ได้ที่ www.buddhakos.org ... 14 ก.พ. 2012 - 13 นาที - อัปโหลดโดย poot159ify พระพุทธเจ้าพยากรณ์วันสิ้นโลก ติดตามการเผยแผ่พุทธวจน โดย พระอาจารย์คึกฤทธิ์ โสตฺถิ ผโล ได้ที่ http ... พระพุทธเจ้าพยากรณ์วันสิ้นโลก ติดตามการเผยแผ่พุทธวจน โดย พระอาจารย์คึกฤทธิ์ โสตฺถิ ผโล ได้ที่ www.buddhakos.org ... 2013โลกแตก 2013วันโลกแตก พายุสุริยะ 2013โลกแตก 2013วันโลกแตก พายุสุริยะ ติดตามการเผยแผ่พุทธวจน โดย พระอาจารย์คึกฤทธิ์ โสตฺถิผโล ได้ที่ ... 2012 วันสิ้นโลก หลอกลวง ล้าน% โลกาวินาศ น้ำท่วมโลก โลกแตก แกนโลกพลิก กลับขั้ว คำทำนาย 21ธันวาคม 2555 เด็กชายปลาบู่ ปฏิทินชาวมายา มายัน ... 2013โลกแตก 2013วันโลกแตก 2012วันสิ้นโลก เลื่อน คำทำนาย ไปชาติหน้าแล้วP2 ระวัง !! ภัยพิบัติจากลัทธิก่อการร้ายโลกแตก ปล้นทรัพย์ 2013โลกแตก ... 2012โลกแตก 2013วันโลกแตก 2012วันสิ้นโลก เลื่อน คำทำนาย ไปชาติหน้าแล้ว ระวัง !! ภัยพิบัติจากลัทธิก่อการร้ายโลกแตก ปล้นทรัพย์ 2012โลกแตก ... 2013โลกแตก 2013วันโลกแตก 2012วันสิ้น <b>...</b>
published: 26 Jan 2009
author: pubquercusaliseda
Silverfish *Lepisma saccharina*
Lepisma saccharina (commonly called the fishmoth, urban silverfish or just the silverfish)...
published: 11 Feb 2008
author: MRCAB
Silverfish *Lepisma saccharina*
Lepisma saccharina (commonly called the fishmoth, urban silverfish or just the silverfish) is a small, wingless insect typically measuring from half to one inch (12--25 mm). Its common name derives from the animal's silvery blue color, combined with the fish-like appearance of its movements, while the scientific name indicates the silverfish's diet of carbohydrates such as sugar or starches. It belongs to the basal insect order Thysanura, and the species is estimated to have existed for over 300 million years, originating in the Paleozoic Era.[1] Often misidentified as a silverfish is the house centipede, another house-dwelling arthropod that exhibits rapid, fluid movement. en.wikipedia.org
Trailer - Species [MgM] - (IgorFilmesTrailers)
Sinopse em Inglês: When a beautiful human-alien hybrid (Natasha Henstridge) escapes ...
published: 20 Aug 2009
author: IgorFilmesTrailers
Trailer - Species [MgM] - (IgorFilmesTrailers)
Sinopse em Inglês: When a beautiful human-alien hybrid (Natasha Henstridge) escapes from observation, scientist XavierFitch (Ben Kingsley) dispatches a crew of experts to find her before she is able to fulfill her horrific purpose: to mate with unsuspecting men and produce offspring that could destroy mankind. As her deadly biological clock ticks rapidly, Fitch and his team are hurled into a desperate battle in which the fate of humanity itself hangs in the balance! Starring: Natasha Henstridge Ben Kingsley Michael Madsen Alfred Molina Forest Whitaker Marg Helgenberger Director: Roger Donaldson TM & © 2000-2009 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.