Monsanto Company: Committed to Sustainable Agriculture, Committed to Farmers
Monsanto Company: Committed to Sustainable Agriculture, Committed to Farmers
If there were one word to explain what Monsanto is about, it would have to be farmers. Billions of people depend on what farmers do. And so will billions more. In the new few decades, farmers will have to grow as much food as they have in the past 10000 years -- combined. It's our purpose to help farmers do exactly that. To produce more food. To conserve resources, like soil and water. And to improve lives. That's sustainable agriculture. And that's what Monsanto is all about.
In Our Backyard - The Monsanto corporation - FULL - CC -
In Our Backyard - The Monsanto corporation - FULL - CC -
The company that made "agent orange" and "nutrisweet." Monsanto is a multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation. Started by selling saccharin to Coca-Cola, it is now the world's leading producer of the herbicide glyphosate, marketed as "Roundup". Monsanto is also the leading producer of genetically engineered (GE) seed; it provides the technology in 90% of the genetically engineered seeds used in the US market. It is headquartered in Creve Coeur, Missouri. Agracetus, owned by Monsanto, exclusively produces Roundup Ready soybean seed for the commercial market. In 2005, it finalized the purchase of Seminis Inc, making it the world's largest conventional seed company. Monsanto's development and marketing of genetically engineered seed and bovine growth hormone, as well as its aggressive litigation, political lobbying practices, seed commercialization practices and "strong-arming" of the seed industry have made the company controversial around the world and a primary target of the alter-globalization movement and environmental activists. As a result of its business strategies and licensing agreements, Monsanto came under investigation by the US Justice Department in 2009.
Monsanto = Genetically Modified Humans!
Monsanto = Genetically Modified Humans!
he Monsanto Company (NYSE: MON) is a US-based multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation. It is the world's leading producer of the herbicide glyphosate, marketed as "Roundup". Monsanto is also the leading producer of genetically engineered (GE) seed; it provides the technology in 90% of the genetically engineered seeds used in the US market.[2] It is headquartered in Creve Coeur, Missouri.[3] Agracetus, owned by Monsanto, exclusively produces Roundup Ready soybean seed for the commercial market. In 2005, it finalized purchase of Seminis Inc, making it the world's largest conventional seed company. Monsanto's development and marketing of genetically engineered seed and bovine growth hormone, as well as its aggressive litigation, political lobbying practices, seed commercialization practices and "strong-arming" of the seed industry[4] have made the company controversial around the world and a primary target of the alter-globalization movement and environmental activists. As a result of its business strategies and licensing agreements, Monsanto came under investigation by the US Justice Department in 2009.[4][5] Monsanto was founded in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1901, by John Francis Queeny, a 30-year veteran of the pharmaceutical industry. He funded the start-up with his own money and capital from a soft drink distributor, and gave the company his wife's maiden name. His father in law was Emmanuel Mendes de Monsanto, wealthy financier of a sugar company active in <b>...</b>
Bill Gates on GMO Toxic foods, vaccines and Bought Monsanto Hazard Radioactive Company NWO
Bill Gates on GMO Toxic foods, vaccines and Bought Monsanto Hazard Radioactive Company NWO
Bill Gates on GM foods, vaccines and Monsanto Nwo Puppet BILL GATES IS SLOWLY KILLING PEOPLE ON THE DOWN LOW LISTEN! !!!!!!!
Monsanto Patent for a Pig - Part 1/ 5 -The Plan To Depopulate the World
Monsanto Patent for a Pig - Part 1/ 5 -The Plan To Depopulate the World
Monsanto Patent for a Pig (Pt.2 of 5) www.youtube.com Monsanto Patent for a Pig (Pt.3 of 5) www.youtube.com Monsanto Patent for a Pig (Pt.4 of 5) www.youtube.com Monsanto Patent for a Pig (Pt.5 of 5. End) www.youtube.com The Future of Food [Full Length] www.youtube.com Monsanto Company, the world leader in Genetically Modified foods. This "mega" company now owns most of the world's seed. They (Monsanto) are seeking a patent on the actual pig. It's an astounding and dangerous claim. The world has allowed this company to basically own life! If you have not heard of the Monsanto Corporation and you eat food as all humans on earth, it would be worth your time to research what this company is doing to the world's food sources, supplies and what they have planned. Unless you live in one of the most remote parts of the globe, the odds are you eat foods that have Genetically Modified (from Monsanto Co.) products in them. People are ingesting GMOs these every day, without realizing it. Studies are linking the massive, almost pandemic levels of rare childhood cancers, to the direct increase in GM foods and fluoridated drinking water world wide! Below are very important links. They could very well be, one of the most important videos you can watch, especially if you have small children.
In Our Backyard (A Monsanto Introspective)
In Our Backyard (A Monsanto Introspective)
The focus of the piece is on a small village just east of St. Louis known as Sauget. Years ago this tiny area was incorporated as Monsanto. For those who remain unaware Monsanto Company was one of the leading chemical producers of the twentieth century and has been responsible for producing chemicals like DDT, an insecticide known to be carcinogenic. Agent Orange, a dioxin riddled chemical used as a defoliant in the Vietnam war. Still to this day in Vietnam we can see horrible genetic mutations, horrid skin conditions, and cancers attributed to the effects of Agent Orange. Also, Bovine Growth Hormones, which Monsanto continuously tries to keep under wraps, due to the fact it makes cows sick, thus their bacteria and the antibiotics they are pumped full of go right back into American milk. As a result BGH has been banned in Europe and Canada. Today Monsanto is an agricultural biotechnology company that is known for their genetically altering and patenting of various seed varieties, which are injected with a protein in order make the plants resistant to Roundup Weed Killer, one of Monsanto's best selling products. Solutia is currently Monsanto's chemical division, a subsidiary made years ago when the Monsanto name became tainted. Monsanto and Solutia have received an array of negative publicity, and we must question why. We also must question what good has Monsanto Company done for this world? There are two toxic dumping sites in Sauget known as superfund sites, in which <b>...</b>
The World According To Monsanto (Full Film)
The World According To Monsanto (Full Film)
There's nothing they are leaving untouched: the mustard, the okra, the bringe oil, the rice, the cauliflower. Once they have established the norm: that seed can be owned as their property, royalties can be collected. We will depend on them for every seed we grow of every crop we grow. If they control seed, they control food, they know it -- it's strategic. It's more powerful than bombs. It's more powerful than guns. This is the best way to control the populations of the world. The story starts in the White House, where Monsanto often got its way by exerting disproportionate influence over policymakers via the "revolving door". One example is Michael Taylor, who worked for Monsanto as an attorney before being appointed as deputy commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1991. While at the FDA, the authority that deals with all US food approvals, Taylor made crucial decisions that led to the approval of GE foods and crops. Then he returned to Monsanto, becoming the company's vice president for public policy. Thanks to these intimate links between Monsanto and government agencies, the US adopted GE foods and crops without proper testing, without consumer labeling and in spite of serious questions hanging over their safety. Not coincidentally, Monsanto supplies 90 percent of the GE seeds used by the US market. Monsanto's long arm stretched so far that, in the early nineties, the US Food and Drugs Agency even ignored warnings of their own scientists, who <b>...</b>
Occupy Activist addresses Monsanto shareholders' assembly (video 1 of 3)
Occupy Activist addresses Monsanto shareholders' assembly (video 1 of 3)
Adam Eidinger delivers 3 minute statement in favor of a GMO shareholder resolution at Monsanto's 2012 annual shareholder meeting. CEO Hugh Grant is also heard on this video. Also see: Video #2 - www.youtube.com Video #3 - www.youtube.com TRANSCRIPT @ occupy-monsanto.com
#Anon #NewZ #OPMONSANTO2012 In Effect.Monsanto Again a Target for Anonymous in 2012.
#Anon #NewZ #OPMONSANTO2012 In Effect.Monsanto Again a Target for Anonymous in 2012.
Copy and Spread Spawn plz. #Anon #NewZ #OPMONSANTO2012 In Effect.Monsanto Again a Target for Anonymous in 2012. We prove with this information following, that we own your servers, anytime we like. We Collected and posted many thousands of private dox from your corrupt vial company. Here is our proof: • Monsanto, Executive Summary: • The Monsanto Corporation is seeking our professional services to improve their Public Relations in Europe. Current media relations are not positive, and overall opinions of Genetically Modified Foods are negative. We plan to improve their PR by focusing on the health, ecological, and societal benefits of Genetically modified organisms. Another major facet to our plan is lobbying both the US and European governments to encourage importing GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS, and relieving strong labelling restrictions. • • Situation Analysis: • - In 2007, 34% of Europeans would like to know more information about GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS. • - In 2008, 58% of respondents declared neutral or lack of opinion to GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS. • - In 2009, 85% of United States crops were GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS. • • Goal: • Address concerns and educate consumers and farmers on the value of genetically modified organisms. • • Objectives: • - Improve Monsanto's media coverage and recognisability to European citizens. • - Position GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMSs as a potential answer to the immediate crisis of overpopulation. • - Link <b>...</b>
#Anon #NewZ Monsanto Worst Company of 2011 Declaration Posted on Reuters Yahoo Etc
#Anon #NewZ Monsanto Worst Company of 2011 Declaration Posted on Reuters Yahoo Etc
#Anon #NewZ Monsanto Worst Company of 2011 Declaration Posted on Reuters Yahoo Etc Thx to AnonDebZ theintelhub.com naturalsociety.com It is truly a revolutionary time in the fight against GMOs and Monsanto. Following the enormous success of an article entitled Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Corn Fields receiving over 80000 shares, we awarded Monsanto with the Worst Company of 2011 award. After releasing the article to over 5500 mainstream publications nationwide, it wasn't long before top mainstream media outlets began hosting the article that openly discusses the many ways in which Monsanto is threatening your health as well as the environment. Some of the mainstream publications that hosted the release include Reuters, Yahoo, and CNBC. Yahoo alone is the 4th largest website worldwide according to Alexa, and receives a whopping 67604000 visitors per day. The fact that these publications are hosting such powerful content means that readers worldwide are learning about the actions of Monsanto and the overall effects of genetically modified ingredients. At the time of writing, typing "Monsanto Declared Worst Company of 2011 by Naturalsociety" generates around 2000 results — many of which are mainstream reports on the release that were released as recently as 2PM EST yesterday (December 6, 2011). The world is truly beginning to realize the dangers of GMOs, as well as the environment implications of Monsanto's actions. This is truly evident when you view the entirety of <b>...</b>
Monsanto Company Invests in Developing New Technologies for
Monsanto Company Invests in Developing New Technologies for
Monsanto Company Invests in Developing New Technologies for Wheat with Acquisition of WestBred Business Monsanto Company announced on July 14 that it is expanding its seeds and traits portfolio to include wheat. The company has acquired the assets of WestBred, LLC, a Montana-based company that specializes in wheat germplasm, the crop's seed genetic material. The company does not expect the acquisition to be accretive to earnings until the middle to latter part of the next decade, will bolster the future growth of Monsanto's seeds and traits platform and allow farmers to benefit from the company's experience in drought-, disease- and pest-tolerance innovations. Available video includes general views of wheat harvest, mature grain and green winter wheat field.
Q&A; - Monsanto Annual Shareholders Meeting (video 2 of 3)
Q&A; - Monsanto Annual Shareholders Meeting (video 2 of 3)
Adam Eidinger asks Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant how much money the corporation intends to spend on fighting GMO labeling. Also see: Video #1 - www.youtube.com Video #3 - www.youtube.com TRANSCRIPT @ occupy-monsanto.com
#Anon #NewZ GMO Foods - YOUR MONSANTO KILLER FOOD Pushed by USA GOV. Anonymous released personal information and documents stolen from agricultural chemical and biotechnology company Monsanto as the Senate discusses a committee to address cyber-security issues. The hacking group Anonymous has struck again, this time releasing documents it said it stole from the network of giant biotechnology and agricultural seed company Monsanto in retribution for alleged corporate misconduct. The hacking collective posted information it stole last month on 2500 Monsanto employees and associates, the group announced July 13. Anonymous also launched a distributed denial-of-service attack on Monsanto's international Websites, forcing the company to shut down the sites for approximately three days. The group claimed it spent two months attacking the Monsanto network to access hundreds of pages of documents that it contends reveal "Monsanto's corrupt, unethical, and downright evil business practices." In the process, the group accessed three mail servers and released sensitive personal information, including full names, addresses, phone numbers "and exactly where they work," Anonymous wrote on text-sharing site Pastebin. The list also included contact details for media outlets as well as other agricultural companies. The group also promised to post a wiki providing all the information, including articles and emails, "in a more centralized and stable environment," similar to what it did with <b>...</b>
#Anon #Newz Proof Monsanto has Bought The Senate Yet Again in a Bold Move
#Anon #Newz Proof Monsanto has Bought The Senate Yet Again in a Bold Move
#Anon #Newz Proof Monsanto has Bought The Senate Yet Again in a Bold Move Monsanto, Dow Gene-Modified Crops to Get Faster US Reviews Follow us on twitter @Anonymouse01 twitter.com www.businessweek.com Monsanto Co. (MON) and Dow Chemical Co. (DOW) will get speedier government reviews for some of their newest genetically modified crops under a plan to cut approval times in half, the US Department of Agriculture said. Monsanto soybeans that tolerate applications of the herbicide dicamba and a Dow soybean engineered to tolerate 2,4-D are among a dozen petitions that will get the faster reviews, the USDA said on its website. The agency plans to decide whether to approve the crops in 13 to 16 months after public comment begins, down from a current average of 3 years. The move to speed biotech approvals comes as seed-makers develop new technologies aimed at slowing the spread of so- called superweeds that are no longer killed by Monsanto's Roundup herbicide. Half of the 12 plants designated for faster review by the USDA are herbicide-tolerant crops made by Monsanto, Dow, DuPont Co., Bayer AG (BAYN) and BASF AG. "Farmers needs technology right now to help them with issues such as weed resistance," Kenda Resler-Friend, a spokeswoman for Midland, Michigan-based Dow, said today in a telephone interview. "The USDA realizes that the longer farmers have to wait, the longer the weeds are going to get a head start." Weeds that resist glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, or that <b>...</b>
the patent , monsanto evil company , killing us slow with gmo , death of food in usa
the patent , monsanto evil company , killing us slow with gmo , death of food in usa
the patent , monsanto evil company , killing us slow with gmo , death of food in usa DISTINGUISH YOURSELF with "PAYDAY MONSANTO"TRACKS!! www.cdbaby.com itunes.apple.com www.soundclick.com FACEBOOK like page www.facebook.com FREE DOWNLOADS
Monsanto Means End of Life.......
Monsanto Means End of Life.......
People i have to keep showing the world , how serious this case is , it brings us ALL in serious Danger if we let them continue with what they are doing , its not only just a corporation who is after profit , its a well thought out plan to depopulate the planet , we don't know about it but the elite has decided to misuse their power and just try to accomplish it.....total madness if you ask me , they are endangering them self and their Kids too.....we have people in power who are mentally absolutely NOT capable to run our lives........we got to take action and do whatever we CAN do to prevent the biggest disaster ever..........mass extinction of Plant life , Animals , Insects and Humanity.......they are buissy in USA , Brazil , India , Argentinia , Hawai etc etc same counts for the Oil, Fish and Logging Corporations.......they must STOP ! NOW ! We are the consumers we can have a tremendous influence...........We have to stop all plans from Rome....... Monsanto abuses yet another farmer (Nelson Farms, Amernia ND.).Please go to their website to learn more and to please donate to help their huge legal bills for their continuing fight against Monsanto, thank you. Nelson Farms website: www.nelsonfarm.net This video also lists the FDA, EPA, and Government officials who were/are also top Monsanto personnel (starting at 2:27 in video), This is the most blatant criminal conflicts of interest I have ever seen but main stream media refuses to inform the people. P1) Monsanto Patent <b>...</b>
#Anon #Newz AntiSec Dumps Monsanto Hacked Data on the Web Links Below
#Anon #Newz AntiSec Dumps Monsanto Hacked Data on the Web Links Below
#Anon #Newz AntiSec Dumps Monsanto Hacked Data on the Web Links Below news.cnet.com Link to Info Hacked: pastebin.com Anonymous continued its ongoing attack on agricultural biotech giant Monsanto today by publishing an outdated database of the company's material. This is the newest in a barrage of strikes from hackers aligned with Anonymous who operate under the "AntiSec" banner. In a statement posted with the database on a Pastebin site, the hacktivist group wrote it was aware that exposing the database would not do much harm to Monsanto but warned it would continue to target the company for what it sees as wrong. "Your continued attack on the worlds food supply, as well as the health of those who eat it, has earned you our full attention," wrote AntiSec. "Your crimes against humanity are too many to name on one page." Anonymous' battle with Monsanto began last July when the hackers disrupted the company's Web site and then released data on about 2500 individuals involved in the agriculture industry. According to Monsanto, 10 percent of this information was related to current and former Monsanto employees. Monsanto was one of seven companies that supplied the US military with Agent Orange during the Vietnam War and for a while made bovine growth hormones. Now it focuses on making genetically engineered seeds and pesticides. AntiSec says the reason for the attacks is to protest the company's lawsuits against organic dairy farmers for stating on labels that their products <b>...</b>
Monsanto - Bovine Growth Hormones, GMO Food and Pig Patent Applications
Monsanto - Bovine Growth Hormones, GMO Food and Pig Patent Applications
In the 1950s, 1 in 33 died from cancer. Today, 1 in 3 die from cancer. The Monsanto Company, a United States-based multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation, is the world's leading producer of the herbicide glyphosate, marketed as "Roundup." Monsanto is also the leading producer of genetically engineered seed, holding 70-100% market share for various crops. Monsanto's development and marketing of genetically engineered seed and bovine growth hormone, as well as its aggressive litigation and political lobbying practices have affected agriculture worldwide. Monsanto pig patent applications were published in February 2005 at the World Intellectual Property Organisation in Geneva. Monsanto is seeking patents not only on methods of breeding, but on actual breeding herds of pigs as well as the offspring that result. What are you going to do about it? Additional Information: Monsanto Declared Worst Company of 2011: www.organicconsumers.org Publicly funded GMO research in India exposed as fraud to secretly sneak in Monsanto seeds www.naturalnews.com
India Suing Monsanto for Biopiracy
India Suing Monsanto for Biopiracy
BANGALORE, India — The National Biodiversity Authority of India (NBA) is filing suit against the multinational conglomerate Monsanto Company. The case revolves around the development of the genetically-modified eggplant species Bt Brinjal, according to the Environmental Support Group (ESG), a non-governmental organization based in Bangalore. The NBA states that Monsanto and its associated companies violated the Biological Diversity Act, which controls the use of natural resources and the maintenance of healthy ecosystems in India. The act requires anyone interested in altering plants for agricultural use to obtain approval from the NBA, state biodiversity boards and local biodiversity management committees prior to research or product development. According to ESG, these laws were instated to ensure the protection of biodiversity and prevent environmental destruction due to theft, contamination, misuse or overuse of natural resources. "Clearly aware of these laws that were fully in operation when Monsanto and its collaborators initiated research in developing Bt Brinjal in 2005," states an official press release from ESG, "[Monsanto and its associates] deliberately chose to sidestep conformance with this critical legislation." Such violations require criminal prosecution in India's courts. ESG filed a violation complaint against Monsanto at the Karnataka Biodiversity Board in February 2010, calling the actions of the biotechnology corporation biopiracy and demanding an <b>...</b>
The History of Monsanto.mp4
The History of Monsanto.mp4
A short summary on the evil Monsanto company
Morgan Stanley Adjusted Its 2012, 2013 EPS Estimates For Monsanto Co
Morgan Stanley Adjusted Its 2012, 2013 EPS Estimates For Monsanto Co
Morgan Stanley adjusted its 2012 and 2013 EPS estimates for Monsanto Company (NYSE:MON) and maintained its overweight rating and $77 price target. The bank sees 2012 EPS of $3.40, up from $3.30 per share, and 2013 EPS of $3.99, down from $4.10 per share. Monsanto has a potential upside of 20.3% based on a current price of $67.5 and an average consensus analyst price target of $81.2.
MONSANTO Worst of 2011? S&P; Warns EU! Japan's Radioactive Baby Milk?
MONSANTO Worst of 2011? S&P; Warns EU! Japan's Radioactive Baby Milk?
My commentary on the effects of GMOs from companies like Monsantos, S&P warning Euro zone countries of a downgrade over debt, Iran shooting down a US spy drone and trace radiation being found in Japanese baby milk. S&P Warns of Broad EU Downgrade Over Debt Crisis www.cnbc.com Germany, France Call For Common Corporate, Financial Taxes For Eurozone www.rttnews.com Iran claims to have brought down US spy drone; US-led forces acknowledge UAV went missing in western Afghanistan news.yahoo.com Correction: IRAN did not shoot down the spy drone, it crashed! www.cnn.com Iran recovers secret CIA spy drone The craft, a RQ-170 Sentinel drone rt.com The Pentagon Denies Iran Shot Down a Drone www.theatlanticwire.com Russia says US criticism of vote "unacceptable" www.reuters.com Monsanto Boosts Q1 Outlook; Reaffirms 2012 View www.rttnews.com Monsanto Declared Worst Company of 2011 by NaturalSociety Biotech Giant Voted www.sacbee.com GMO and Weedkillers naturalsociety.com Environmental Sciences Europe www.enveurope.com Radiation traces found in Japanese baby formula www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jzxqBS4NYVgB-9xD0nJOm8nI1_IA?docId=5afc9f701da94e259f2f64ea7aaf58d0 Seattle welfare recipient lives in million-dollar home news.yahoo.com Detroit in a hostile takeover bid? www.cbsnews.com Flint's EM Mike Brown fires seven at city hall www.abc12.com