
Coming Up on Sunday March 4th!
Coming Up on Sunday March 4th!
This is a tease for the March 4th edition of Game On! Watch live at twit.tv. PST / PDT, Pacific Time (US) 6:00p Sun, Mar 4 2012 CST / CDT, Central Time (US) 8:00p Sun, Mar 4 2012 EST / EDT, Eastern Time (US) 9:00p Sun, Mar 4 2012 SYDNEY, Australia 1:00p Mon, Mar 5 2012 TOKYO, Japan 11:00a Mon, Mar 5 2012 UTC / GMT, Universal / Greenwich Time 2:00a Mon, Mar 5 2012 Twitter: www.twitter.com Subscribe in iTunes: itunes.apple.com Visit our subreddit: www.reddit.com

First motovlog of 2012 [EST - Eastern Standard Time]
First motovlog of 2012 [EST - Eastern Standard Time]
Welcome to 2012 guys! I posted this video at 12:01 so, for my time zone, this should have been the first video of the new year! All signs point to this year being the best yet so hopefully that stays true for a lot of ya and I cant wait to see what this year brings!

NewRevRadio Show Tonite @ 8PM Eastern Time (12/21/2011)
NewRevRadio Show Tonite @ 8PM Eastern Time (12/21/2011)
NewRevRadio Show Wednesday, December 21, 2011 (tonite) at 8 PM Eastern Time/7PM Central Time. The astronomers are supposed to go to work starting today, as the visibility window begins opening wider and wider now that Earth has reached outside orbit position to the heavy-mass object about to start moving back into the Leo Constellation. Earthplay will give us his update on what is going on around the world in the earth change department. Andy Russ will bring us up to date on what the govt is doing with the new 1031 Bill that threatens to allow US Citizens to be treated as enemy combatants just for the suspicion of being a domestic terrorist. Causic will give us the update from his think tank groups before we get to the listener questions. NewRevRadio Link: www.newrevradio.com NewRevRadio Chat: www.newrevradio.com NewRevRadio Archives: www.malikstravel.com Earthplay Website: earthplay101.webs.com Andrew Russ Attorney at Law Website: www.deaconjohn614.com Research Link List: 2012forum.com Download Paltalk Messenger (free): www.paltalk.com Terrals Research Group www.paltalk.com Susan on Rev Radio Show: www.4shared.com Make your own Videos (easy): www.screencast-o-matic.com

Eastern Standard Time - The Lee Thompson Ska Orchestra (Studio Track)
Eastern Standard Time - The Lee Thompson Ska Orchestra (Studio Track)
We are privileged to bring you the news that a Full Ska Orchestra Studio Album is in the works, and to let you hear a track from it in full. Straight from band leader Lee Thompson himself... Here is The Ska Orchestra's studio mix of Eastern Standard Time. A 60's ska classic, from the time zone of Jamaica. A Don Drummond bouncy instrumental antheme. Here recorded at The Iron Works Brighton in 2011 by Ska's latest dancehall agents. 00 11's. Lee & Bedders along with Terry Edwards, Louis Vause, Kev, Jack, Sheamus, and The Steve's. 14 tracks have been recorded in two sessions. It's now October 2011 and the album has reached Mixing stages. Lee Thompson reports being Blown Away by the sounds. More news on the progress of this project from MIS online on this channle and in the free email news fanzines available from www.mis-online.net soon.

8/18/2011 -- Dutchsinse on Project Camelot radio ... tonight ! -- 4pm PT / 6pm CT / 7pm ET
8/18/2011 -- Dutchsinse on Project Camelot radio ... tonight ! -- 4pm PT / 6pm CT / 7pm ET
www.projectcamelotportal.com tune it at 4pm Pacific time 6pm Central time / 7pm Eastern time. Midnight GMT here's a link to my blog post on the event: www.dutchsinse.com

Open for Questions: Time zones in Indiana
Open for Questions: Time zones in Indiana
State Senator Lindel Hume addresses top questions concerning time zones in the State of Indiana as part of the Indiana Senate Democrat online question and answer session. Questions: "Why are we on Eastern Standard Time, not Central in most of Indiana? We should all be in the same time zone as Chicago, not New York. I would appreciate a referendum or vote!" Libby, Bloomington "There should be a state wide referendum on moving Indiana from the Eastern Time Zone to the Central Time Zone. This would enable the entire state of Indiana to be on Chicago time year round instead of being on New York time year round." Bruce D Ranger, Indianapolis "It appears that the Central Time coalition is gaining momentum, when can our legislature sponsor a bill that will allow our citizens a choice on this issue?" MorningGlory, Indianapolis

Minecraft Livestream at 7:00 PM CDT / 8:00 PM EDT!
Minecraft Livestream at 7:00 PM CDT / 8:00 PM EDT!
Mac's Scaredy Scoot video: www.youtube.com Livestream Link: www.youtube.com

Minecraft Livestream at 7:30 PM CDT / 8:30 PM EDT!
Minecraft Livestream at 7:30 PM CDT / 8:30 PM EDT!
Would You Rather? - www.youtube.com Livestream coming soon: www.youtube.com

Coming Up on Sunday March 18th!
Coming Up on Sunday March 18th!
This is a tease for the March 18th edition of Game On! Watch live at twit.tv. PST / PDT, Pacific Time (US) 6:00p Sun, Mar 18 2012 CST / CDT, Central Time (US) 8:00p Sun, Mar 18 2012 EST / EDT, Eastern Time (US) 9:00p Sun, Mar 18 2012 SYDNEY, Australia 1:00p Mon, Mar 19 2012 TOKYO, Japan 11:00a Mon, Mar 19 2012 UTC / GMT, Universal / Greenwich Time 2:00a Mon, Mar 19 2012 Twitter: www.twitter.com Subscribe in iTunes: itunes.apple.com Visit our subreddit: www.reddit.com

Eastern Standard Time - Eye Of The Storm
Eastern Standard Time - Eye Of The Storm
From "Tempus Fugit"

Faults in the East - New Madrid Fault Zone and Recent Virginia Earthquake - Understanding Risks
Faults in the East - New Madrid Fault Zone and Recent Virginia Earthquake - Understanding Risks
Thursday, March 29 2012 2253 Rayburn 10:00 to 11:00 AM The New Madrid and Wabash Valley seismic zones affect 8 states -- Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi and Alabama. A series of very large magnitude earthquakes and hundreds of aftershocks occurred in the New Madrid region in 1811 and 1812, causing havoc for the small population of the time. A magnitude 5.8 earthquake in the Central Virginia Seismic Zone in August of 2011 shook Mineral, Virginia and was felt over much of the Eastern United States. The earthquake shutdown the North Anna Nuclear Power Plant and caused damage in Virginia, Washington DC and beyond. Seismic zones in the East can generate significant earthquakes and tend to surprise people who are not accustomed to earthquakes. The briefing will discuss efforts to understand earthquakes in the East and to reduce risks to life, property and infrastructure. In Cooperation with the Congressional Hazards Caucus, co-chaired by Representative Zoe Lofgren and Senators Mary Landrieu, Lisa Murkowski and Ben Nelson Sponsored by the American Geosciences Institute and the Geological Society of America Moderator David Spears, Virginia State Geologist, Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy Speakers J. Wright Horton, Jr., US Geological Survey, National Center, Reston, Virginia Learning from the 2011 Virginia Earthquake Charles Langston, Director of the Center for Earthquake Research and Information, University of Memphis <b>...</b>

Alfred Live Sunday Feb 15th at 8 AM US/Eastern
Alfred Live Sunday Feb 15th at 8 AM US/Eastern
www.alfred.tv READ ME FIRST: I will be doing a live scheduled webcast on Sunday, February 15th at 8 AM US/Eastern to accommodate my UK/Ireland and International viewers. Please get viral and pass this announcement along to the friends in your social network. Tune in at www.alfred.tv I will be taking live calls via Skype, so add me to your Skype address book. My Skype address is: alfred.tv Use the link below for time zone conversion: www.alfred.tv Again, I am broadcasting from the US/Eastern time zone, 8 AM in the morning, my time - so do your time zone conversions! If you'd like to receive alerts to future stealthcasts (webcasts that are ONLY announced via Twitter), interesting articles as well as updates on my latest videos and scheduled webcasts, then please follow me on Twitter. www.twitter.com Bookmark the URL below to gain access to my live webcasts: www.alfred.tv If you'd like to Email me, use the link below www.alfred.tv Bookmark my home page, where the "My Content" node will give you access to 'Everything Alfred" www.Alfred.TV Please visit my sponsors www.SolidNutrition.com http Warm regards, Alfred www.Alfred.TV

Forza 4 Mountain Drift Meet
Forza 4 Mountain Drift Meet
READ DESCRIPTION FOR INFO ON OTHER MEETS Be sure to watch in 1080p! A mountain meet on three select tracks on Forza 4. Fujimi, The Alps, and Camino. Drifters gathered from the forzamotorsport.net forums to have some fun and show their appreciation for mountain side sliding. Song: "In for the kill" by La roux (Subsonik re edit) If anyone wants in on a new meet message me gt JST GRAVE do not send me a friend request list is full. Don't bother to post your gt here either I'm not gonna chase after you just send me a message if you want to hold a meet. I'm not guaranteeing you guys a vid unless it goes well. As a heads up I'm on eastern time zone.

Anonymous Message On How YOU Can Be A Part Of OpGlobalBlackout FACEBOOK ATTACK 12 AM EST USA
Anonymous Message On How YOU Can Be A Part Of OpGlobalBlackout FACEBOOK ATTACK 12 AM EST USA
JUNE 1st, 2012 (12 PM MIDNIGHT EASTERN STANDARD TIME UNITED STATES!!!) DOWNLOAD LOW ORBIT ION CANNON adf.ly OR HIGH ORBIT ION CANNON adf.ly TO browse anonymously go to adf.ly this will change your IP Hello. People of the world. We are anonymous. The time has come. An online War has begun between anonymous, the people, and the government of the united states. While SOPA and PIPA may be postponed from congress, this does not guarantee that our internet rights will be upheld. For those unaware, there is still ACTA or the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. You. The public. I have a proposal. Would you like to become part of the greatest internet protest and first official cyber war? Anonymous is in the hands of us all. It is time to take action. Operation global blackout is ongoing and everyone can be a part of it. In the description I have provided everything you will need. Our first target... Facebook... While it is true that facebook has at least 60000 servers... It is still possible to bring it down... Anonymous needs the help of the people... The people who want to take a stand against the government... The people who want to make a difference... This is what we must do... But first... you must ask yourself, are you truly apart of the anonymous consciousness? Do you fully grasp our ideas and understand what we are. If you do... Then one thing is clear... Together... We the people... We anonymous... Can make a change... We've already crashed CBS... Warner Brothers <b>...</b>

4/11/2012 -- 4.5M earthquake off EAST COAST USA -- 4.8 in southwest Utah = Craton pressure
4/11/2012 -- 4.5M earthquake off EAST COAST USA -- 4.8 in southwest Utah = Craton pressure
website post with the data, screenshots, and links you will need to stay up to date on this global earthquake development: sincedutch.wordpress.com The time to be aware and alert is NOW --- pressure along the north american craton has built to the point of release.. we're now seeing multiple 4.0M and borderline 6.0M off the west coast USA. Shelter, food, water, transportation, communication, and self defense. Have your plans , and be prepared JUST IN CASE. Between the severe weather, and earthquake threat ... I cannot stress this enough --- don't be scared BE PREPARED ! ==dutch==

neal bangia [READ DESCRIPTION!!!] neal bangia Kisses and Worships, with pure adoration, Jenilee's Be
neal bangia [READ DESCRIPTION!!!] neal bangia Kisses and Worships, with pure adoration, Jenilee's Be
And so, here he is again: neal bangia, one terrifico love 'em and love 'em again kind of romeo, who, not too long ago, was just a nobody, but who, thanks to the advent of youtube, has ascended the ladder of polite society by progressing through its rank and file in order to now emerge as a world-renowned, world-class, mega porn star! This time, he graces us all with a video of him in the act of kissing and worshipping Jenilee's absolutely beautiful, stunning and (oh so) delectable feet! This video is definitely one to conserve for all time in a time capsule and to chronicle in the annals of human sexuality and in the history books, so here are the vital statistics pertaining to where and when this marvellous and majestic event took place: - it took place in and around the city of Montréal of the province of Québec of the nation of Canada on the North American continent of Planet Earth; - if reckoned according to the North American Eastern Standard Time time zone of Planet Earth, the moment of the event would be Monday April 11, anno Domini 2011, 20:38 ; - if reckoned according to the North American Eastern Daylight Saving Time time zone of Planet Earth, the moment of the event would be Monday April 11, anno Domini 2011, 21:38 ; - if reckoned according to the Coordinated Universal Time time zone of Planet Earth, the moment of the event would be Tuesday April 12, anno Domini 2011, 01:38; - the time zone in effect at the moment of the event was the North American Daylight <b>...</b>

Sunrise From Space
Sunrise From Space
On Saturday, August 27, 2011, NASA astronaut will point an HD camera out a window of the International Space Station Cupola to film one of the sixteen sunrises he sees each day, and describe what he sees. Which sunrise and which window is up to YOU. How's that work? Simply Retweet @Astro_Ron, and be sure to include your location and the hashtag #SunSpace between now and 8:00 am Eastern Time, Friday, August 26th. A sunrise in the location time zone with the most Tweets will be the one Ron films with his HD camera the next day. Sometime Friday afternoon, Ron will Tweet the "winning" location/timezone. On the 27th, Earth bound humans can share the experience of watching the sunrise with him and with each other, then compare notes.

TSN: Reporting On Winnipeg's NHL Club Staying In SE Division For One Season: 05/17/11
TSN: Reporting On Winnipeg's NHL Club Staying In SE Division For One Season: 05/17/11
Speculation has been rampant for some time about the details surrounding the NHL's possible return to Winnipeg. What would the relocated team be called? How would the uniforms look? When would the first home game be? With buzz picking up this week that the owners of the Atlanta Thrashers are in talks to sell their franchise to Winnipeg-based True North Sports and Entertainment, a lot of hockey fans are already wondering what division the Jets/Moose/whatever would play in next season if the sale and subsequent move go through. Here are a few ideas, based on various reports, Twitter chatter and our own research. As an aid, consult this map of current NHL team locations. A Winnipeg team would, of course, be horribly misplaced in the Southeast Division — Atlanta's current home. The easiest fix seems to be a three-stepper: move Winnipeg from the Southeast to the Northwest (with Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton and Colorado), move Minnesota from the Northwest to the Central (with Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis and Columbus) and move Nashville from the Central to the Southeast (with Washington, Tampa Bay, Carolina and Florida). This plan preserves the 15-15 balance of teams between the Eastern and Western Conferences (Winnipeg/Atlanta shifts from the East to the West, Nashville from the West to the East, and Minnesota stays in the West). It also increases the number of Canadian-based teams in the Northwest to four, adding fuel to the existing blaze of hockey-hotbed rivalries in that <b>...</b>

Revive Megaman Legends 3!
Revive Megaman Legends 3!
Appologies for the long video, but I wanted to get all I could into one take. We can only do so much as fans, but every voice counts!!! -If you Tweet MML related put #Dash3. As of yesterday in Japan #Dash3 is number one most trended topic in the whole country. -Sign this petition www.petitiononline.com -Like this FB page and tell others to like it www.facebook.com -Join www.capcom-unity.com, go here www.capcom-unity.com and vote up EVERY MML3 revival suggestion (click the tab on the left side of the suggestion). And finally if you REALLY want to go out of your way and show your support, read the following put together by Dashe and Protodude of Legends-Station.com Mission Statement: Capcom's gone and done us, and all of their fans, a grave injustice by not at least releasing the Prototype Version and using that to truly gauge whether there was consumer interest in the project. In return, we're going to prove to them the opposite. There is a LOT of interest and a major potential audience for these games. And we're going to do it with class. It's a known fact that Capcom, or at least CoA, has a soft spot for fanart, even if it isn't exactly the best fanart in the world. It also takes a much shorter amount of time to look at a picture than it does to read a rant. First mission will be to draw something for Capcom and mail it their way. Absolutely no inflammatory/hate art or mail will be tolerated. Jam pack it with as much Legends love as you can fit in it, too. If you'd <b>...</b>

OBCA 2nd National Convention Media Hype
OBCA 2nd National Convention Media Hype
INVITATION FOR THE SECOND OBCA CONVENTION-2011Nashville, Tennessee June 10-12 Dear Bhutanese Brothers and Sisters, The Organization of Bhutanese Communities in America (OBCA) is holding its Second National Convention from June 10-12, 2011 at Nashville, Tennessee. I, on behalf of the Second National Convention Organizing Committee of OBCA, would like to INVITE all Bhutanese brothers and sisters living in different parts of the United States, representatives of all Bhutanese Community organizations and media to participate at this June Convention. For information and management about the Convention, please contact the following persons located in different regions of the United States: Eastern Time Zone: Padam Bharati (Connecticut) 860-247-0434 Shiva Adhikari (New Hampshire) 603-820-0972 Hasta Pradhan (North Carolina) 704-307-1762 Bhim Subedi (Pennsylvania) 814-480-8205 LB Basnet (New Jersey) 908-282-1043 Tara Dhungana (Ohio) 814-480-8205 DS Ghalley (Virginia) 571358-0369 Hari Dhakal (Massachusetts) 617-412-8258/508-791-3902 Manoj Rai (Florida) 904-514-6107 DJ Khaling (Georgia) 770-912-9286 Kishore Chuwan (New York)518-256-8450 Central Time Zone: Yam Kharel (Tennessee) 615-720-6455 Kumar Gurung(Nebraska)402-812-5616 Parashar Dahal (Iowa) 515-210-0373 DB Rai (Texas) 832-665-3984 Mountain Time Zone: Hari Upreti (Colorado) 720-427- 7880 Pacific Time Zone Manorath Khanal, (Arizona) 623-204-9601, Mani Gurung (Arizona) 518-256-8450 All participants are requested to make their <b>...</b>

ELE Radio Show Tonite 6PM ET/5PM CT
ELE Radio Show Tonite 6PM ET/5PM CT
ELE Radio Show Tonite at 6PM Eastern Time / 5PM Central Time with Tim from Freedomslips.com on the Revolution Radio Network. Tonight we discuss changes to the ELE Threat Assessment Chart relating to the Solar Threat that appears focused on the October 17, 2011 ELEnin dwarf star proximity to Earth, when the photon saturation level will reach maximum and threaten Earth magnetosphere. Those wanting to donate to support my ongoing ELEnin Investigation Campaign can do so through Paypal using the terralcroft@hotmail.com email address to help keep my internet connection up and running. Radio Station Link: www.freedomslips.com Radio Show Link List: 2012forum.com Safe Zone Map: i29.photobucket.com Threat Assessment Chart: i29.photobucket.com JPL ELEnin Orbit Diagram: ssd.jpl.nasa.gov Paltalk Messenger: www.paltalk.com Terral's Dwarf Star Research Room www.paltalk.com