
Embarrassing Bodies - Penis Size
Dr Christian met up with the University of Birmingham rugby team to do some myth busting o...
published: 07 Mar 2011
author: embarrassingillness
Embarrassing Bodies - Penis Size
Dr Christian met up with the University of Birmingham rugby team to do some myth busting over the controversial issue of penis size. Citing a condition called small penis syndrome, Dr Christian points out that many men worry about their penis size, which can have severe affects on their life, even when their penis is often perfectly normal. In an attempt to stop some of these willy worries Dr Christian got the rugby team to measure their penises and discovered some truth in the 'shower or grower' myth. Those rugby players with a smaller penis when flaccid tended to have more of an increase in size when erect. Dr Christian finally stressed the importance of using the right sized condoms. This new series explores the conditions and ailments that leave many of us a little red-faced and aims to de-stigmatise common complaints.

Man Pulling A Car With His Penis - Bulgaria's Got Talent + Subtitles
Man Pulling A Car With His Penis - Bulgaria's Got Talent + Subtitles -----------------...
published: 21 Mar 2012
author: gtanev1989
Man Pulling A Car With His Penis - Bulgaria's Got Talent + Subtitles
Man Pulling A Car With His Penis - Bulgaria's Got Talent + Subtitles --------------------------------------------------------------------- VISIT MY SITE: world-shopping.org READ THIS ARTICLE - yana.quazen.com

Is it a penis
follow me @SeanFades not my video...
published: 10 Oct 2007
author: funnyvids4yu
Is it a penis
follow me @SeanFades not my video

Penis, How To Touch
As a women, looking to learn how to touch his penis? Here Dr. Yvonne Fulbright, sexologist...
published: 25 Apr 2008
author: CherryTVcom
Penis, How To Touch
As a women, looking to learn how to touch his penis? Here Dr. Yvonne Fulbright, sexologist for Cherry TV, details all the various penis spots that are sensitive and the erogenous zones. Learn about the shaft, testicles (aka balls) and head of the penis and how to fondle his penis. www.youtube.com/cherrytvcom www.cherrytv.com Cherry TV, is sex talk for women and sex therapy in the real world -- feeling good about our sexual performance, sharing our awkward bedroom moments, sex how tos and tips and tricks, and help with relationships. "sex talk women" "girl talk" relationships, sex, "sexually active", "sex how to", "sex help"

How to measure your penis...WITHOUT CHEATING!!
HBO's Sex Inspector gives a hilarious but insightful lesson on the CORRECT way of meas...
published: 05 Sep 2007
author: MikesMashups
How to measure your penis...WITHOUT CHEATING!!
HBO's Sex Inspector gives a hilarious but insightful lesson on the CORRECT way of measuring your penis. Hi! I'm Michael Alvear, YouTube's new resident shagspert. You can see me on HBO, CBS and NBC giving sex and relationship advice to dateless girls like lonelygirl15, gay guys like williamsledd, hot girls like miaarose, angst-ridden women like Brookers, and whacky dudes like Smosh. In this funny advice series I'll be talking about men, women, flirting, seduction, hooking up, orgasm, low libido, Viagra, erectile dysfunction, affairs, and everything else you can think of. Maybe even guitars and rock bands, who knows? Stay tuned!

Embarrassing Bodies - Comparing Penis sizes
Dr Christian met up with the University of Birmingham rugby team to do some myth busting o...
published: 07 Mar 2011
author: embarrassingillness
Embarrassing Bodies - Comparing Penis sizes
Dr Christian met up with the University of Birmingham rugby team to do some myth busting over the controversial issue of penis size. Citing a condition called small penis syndrome, Dr Christian points out that many men worry about their penis size, which can have severe affects on their life, even when their penis is often perfectly normal. In an attempt to stop some of these willy worries Dr Christian got the rugby team to measure their penises and discovered some truth in the 'shower or grower' myth. Those rugby players with a smaller penis when flaccid tended to have more of an increase in size when erect. Dr Christian finally stressed the importance of using the right sized condoms. This new series explores the conditions and ailments that leave many of us a little red-faced and aims to de-stigmatise common complaints.

The Man with the World's Biggest Penis - Revisited
The man with the world's biggest dick has become the world's biggest dick. Watch P...
published: 25 Oct 2011
author: fatawesomefilms
The Man with the World's Biggest Penis - Revisited
The man with the world's biggest dick has become the world's biggest dick. Watch Part 1 - www.youtube.com aka. The Unexpected Downside of Having the World's Largest Penis on CRACKED.com. Fatawesome - Boston Comedy fatawesome.com http

CLICK TO TWEET THIS VIDEO! : clicktotweet.com ____ FACEBOOK: on.fb.me TWITTER: bit.ly YOUT...
published: 03 Jun 2011
author: RandomChineseGy
CLICK TO TWEET THIS VIDEO! : clicktotweet.com ____ FACEBOOK: on.fb.me TWITTER: bit.ly YOUTUBE: bit.ly ______ (music) Wounded - Kevin MacLeod - (incompetech.com) Music From: beatsroyaltyfree.com ______ MAN CUT OFF HIS PENIS MAN CUT OFF HIS PENIS MAN CUT OFF HIS PENIS.flv MAN CUT OFF HIS PENIS.flv

The Penis Push-Up Bra
My second YouTube channel: www.youtube.com Women have been using push-up bras for decades,...
published: 14 Apr 2011
author: wickydkewl
The Penis Push-Up Bra
My second YouTube channel: www.youtube.com Women have been using push-up bras for decades, so maybe it's only fair that guys can use them too... for their penises. Visit my personal blog: www.breaktheillusion.com Visit my fitness blog www.daveywaveyfitness.com Like me on facebook www.facebook.com Follow me on twitter: www.twitter.com Music - Kevin MacLeod: Montego & Itty Bitty 8 Bit

Penis Size by Country World Map
Like my Facebook www.facebook.com World Penis Map www.targetmap.com Other penis related ma...
published: 24 Mar 2011
author: DukePowell
Penis Size by Country World Map
Like my Facebook www.facebook.com World Penis Map www.targetmap.com Other penis related maps : www.targetmap.com Todays quote of the day. "Don't worry about life, you're not going to survive it anyway." Todays questions: what information would you want to see color coded on a world map. and how can you make use of the penis size world map. Email: dukepowellfamily@gmail.com Please subscribe to my second channel. Youtube.com/thedukepowellshow\ Song: Rude Boy Turn Dem things Down www.youtube.com Atist: CD Youtube.com/cdismusic

The little adventures of Penis and Vagina - Episode 1 - ANUS
This cartoon is about the adventures of a Penis and a Vagina. But it's not BIG adventu...
published: 09 Jun 2007
author: JhonathanCane
The little adventures of Penis and Vagina - Episode 1 - ANUS
This cartoon is about the adventures of a Penis and a Vagina. But it's not BIG adventures, it's little adventures...

Skitty Schit Skit- Penis Massage
don't massage your penis Check out my faceboook: www.facebook.com...
published: 17 Feb 2012
author: justinchon
Skitty Schit Skit- Penis Massage
don't massage your penis Check out my faceboook: www.facebook.com

Talking penis size with Mom!
My mom and I are very open with each other. I talk to her about a lot.. There really isn&#...
published: 02 Jul 2011
author: DannyNoriega
Talking penis size with Mom!
My mom and I are very open with each other. I talk to her about a lot.. There really isn't any subject that goes off limits with us, we were all talking about this together so I had to grab the camera for you guys ;)

The video for the school assembly has a clip with Zach's penis in it... what will he d...
published: 03 Apr 2012
author: TheDailyDaniel
The video for the school assembly has a clip with Zach's penis in it... what will he do?

NSFW! The Art Of The Accidental Penis [Pics] - Diggnation
"Though many things can be phallic, and at times some of us are more prone to see coc...
published: 08 May 2010
author: diggnation
NSFW! The Art Of The Accidental Penis [Pics] - Diggnation
"Though many things can be phallic, and at times some of us are more prone to see cock in things that don't necessarily look like wang, these below images leave little doubt of what they resemble. Short, long, wide, skinny, shriveled...these members here can be appreciated by all." So unfortunately un-Photoshopped (mostly)! Enjoy, perv.

Family Feud - "Your Penis"
A fast money round that goes from bad to worse. Long version. We asked 100 men, name a par...
published: 06 Oct 2010
author: atomicwedgietv
Family Feud - "Your Penis"
A fast money round that goes from bad to worse. Long version. We asked 100 men, name a part of your body that's bigger than it was when you were 16... Secile says... "your penis" :)

Barbed Cat Penis
For all species of the cat family, mating is painful. It's not the biting that hurts t...
published: 30 Dec 2008
author: NationalGeographic
Barbed Cat Penis
For all species of the cat family, mating is painful. It's not the biting that hurts the female, it's the male's penis, which is barbed with 100 tiny hooks.

Vasectomy, Penis Surgery PreOp® Patient Education
on.fb.me -NEW facebook page - it's cool! Patient Education Company Your doctor has rec...
published: 26 Feb 2011
author: PreOpcom
Vasectomy, Penis Surgery PreOp® Patient Education
on.fb.me -NEW facebook page - it's cool! Patient Education Company Your doctor has recommended that you undergo a Vasectomy. But what exactly does that mean? Vasectomy is a surgical procedure that serves as birth control by permanently cutting off the flow of sperm to the penis. In adult males, sperm is continually produced in the testicles, or testis. Both testicles are contained in the scrotum - a pouch of loose skin that hangs outside the body, below the penis. Young sperm mature and are stored in the epididymis, a small structure at the rear of each testicle. When the male experiences sexual climax, a pair of muscular tubes called the vas deferens transport sperm away from the epididymis. As the sperm moves towards the penis, it enters the seminal vesicle where it mixes with the seminal secretions. These are the fluids that make up the major component of the semen that finally reaches the penis and is ejaculated. The Vasectomy procedure prevents sperm cells from reaching the seminal vesicle by cutting both vas deferens near the testicles. But because the procedure does not interfere with the production of semen in the seminal vesicle, men who undergo a successful vasectomy are still able to ejaculate - though their semen will no longer contain sperm cells. So make sure that you ask your doctor to carefully explain the reasons behind this recommendation. Patient Education Company - pene, el pecho, la vagina, el pezón

Happy Hour: Penis Tattoo Leads To Permanent Erection
RT's Lauren Lyster and Jake Brewer with FissionStrategy.com join happy hour to talk ab...
published: 11 Jan 2012
author: TheAlyonaShow
Happy Hour: Penis Tattoo Leads To Permanent Erection
RT's Lauren Lyster and Jake Brewer with FissionStrategy.com join happy hour to talk about a man who got a tattoo on his penis, Rick Santorum from saying "blah people" to now people's "plives", the Academy Awards' new restrictions for documentaries, and a study that says you can actually die from a broken heart.

This is one of my favorite clips of my niece, Bailey. It was in one of my Christmas vlogs ...
published: 01 Sep 2011
author: psychosoprano
This is one of my favorite clips of my niece, Bailey. It was in one of my Christmas vlogs last year, and I decided to edit it out and re-post it because it's so hilarious. :) Here is the link to the original vlog - www.youtube.com

Penis Museum
The Phallological Museum in Iceland added it's first human penis. Cenk Uygur and Ana K...
published: 16 Apr 2011
author: TheYoungTurks
Penis Museum
The Phallological Museum in Iceland added it's first human penis. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss. Read more here at the Telegraph: www.telegraph.co.uk at the Subscribe: bit.ly TYT Mobile: bit.ly On Facebook: www.facebook.com On Twitter: twitter.com www.theyoungturks.com FREE Movies(!): www.netflix.com Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: www.examiner.com Read Cenk's Blog: www.huffingtonpost.com

Sexual Health Q&A;: Penis Size
Sexual health expert Dr. Catherine Hood answers a question about penis size in the company...
published: 01 Apr 2009
author: healthadvicechannel
Sexual Health Q&A;: Penis Size
Sexual health expert Dr. Catherine Hood answers a question about penis size in the company of Emma Howard.