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Egyptians await election results
Egyptians await election results
After a week marked by street protests, Egypt's electoral commission has said it will announce the presidential election results on Sunday. Supporters of Muslim Brotherhood have camped inside Cairo's Tahrir Square fearing the military rulers might temper with the final results, while rival rallies have been organised in suppport of former prime minister Ahmed Shafik. Al Jazeera's Jamal Elshayyal reports from Cairo. Related article

26/11 Mumbai terror attacks: Who is Abu Hamza? - NewsX
26/11 Mumbai terror attacks: Who is Abu Hamza? - NewsX
The name of Sayed Zabiuddin Ansari alias Abu Hamza alias Abu Jindal first surfaced in connection with an arms haul in Aurangabad in 2006. He is also believed to have had a hand in the 2006 Mumbai train blasts, was allegedly one of six Lashkar-e-Taiba handlers of the terrorists who attacked Mumbai on November 26, 2008 and has played a role in many other terror attacks all over the country, including an alleged plot to assassinate Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi.Ajmal Kasab, the lone terrorist arrested during the Mumbai attack, has said in his deposition before a special court that a person by the name of Abu Jindal had tutored the 10 terrorists on how to speak Hindi. Ansari is 30 years old. He belongs to the Georai area of Beed district in Maharashtra and has trained at the Indian Technical Institute in Beed. He has an Interpol red corner notice against him, which lists him as speaking Hindi, Urdu and English. For more log on to www.alpha.newsx.com Related article

Turkish fighter jet shot down over Syria, 2 pilots' status unknown
Turkish fighter jet shot down over Syria, 2 pilots' status unknown
FULL STORY & UPDATES on.rt.com Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan could not bring any light to what happened to a military plane that was reportedly shot down by Syria, as he talked to media after the plane's disappearance. Erdogan did not confirm reports that Damascus had apologized for shooting down the plane. The PM also refrained from sharing any information about the fate of the two pilots, who were reported as rescued earlier. Further statements are expected after a security meeting. The plane crashed into or nearby Syrian territorial waters earlier today, according to reports. A missile fired by the Syrian defense system shattered it to pieces after which the jet plunged into the Mediterranean Sea. Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Watch RT LIVE on our website rt.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Related article

London Olympics 2012 False Flag Attack
London Olympics 2012 False Flag Attack
Looking at signs of preconditioning pointing towards a false flag attack at the Olympics in London this year. Follow me here www.twitter.com Please subscribe for more videos on these topics! Here is the list of articles I discuss in my video: www.dailymail.co.uk www.chinadaily.com.cn www.nytimes.com www.dailymail.co.uk www.nytimes.com Related article

Spain and Cyprus Request Bailouts From EU
Spain and Cyprus Request Bailouts From EU
Spain and Cyprus request bailouts from the European Union, Greece's Finance Minister resigns, and the head of Germany's central banks says the European Monetary Union is in "critical condition." All this ahead of Thursday's EU summit. Vincent Cignarella makes sense of the headlines on Mean Street. Photo: AP. Related article

euronews U talk - The chance of European intervention in Syria
euronews U talk - The chance of European intervention in Syria
www.euronews.com The question in this edition of U-talk comes from Marianne in France. "I'm Syrian-born French, and I'm worried about the fate of my country. I'm wondering if I can hope for political or military intervention by the European Union in Syria?" Responding to this question is Italian, Paolo Magri, Director of the ISPI (Institute of International Political Science) "The possibility of a European only military operation in Syria is extremely low. Not only for military and strategic reasons but also political and economic. "Strategic and military because, as we saw in Libya, the European military is not able to act alone without US technology, even in relatively simple scenarios such as Libya, so imagine in Syria. And for political and economic reasons, because Europe is focused on its own crisis. "As we've seen in recent elections it is difficult for a European politician to justify an expensive and difficult operation to his constituents, while this situation is serious, it is also considered remote, and far away. "What is conceivable is that Europe should pursue its policy of sanctions, economic sanctions, which were and are difficult for the Syrian regime, because Europe is the largest trading partner of Syria and its largest importer, the EU imports 95 percent of Syrian oil. "This could change if the Annan plan completely fails and if, following this, Russia and China decided to withdraw their vetoes. At that time there would probably be cause for a military <b>...</b> Related article

LIBYA EU MP Exposes "Humanitarian" War: Preplanned, Atrocity Lie, Illegal, Shreds UN Charter
LIBYA EU MP Exposes "Humanitarian" War: Preplanned, Atrocity Lie, Illegal, Shreds UN Charter
How To Go To Heaven: www.jesus-is-savior.com Video is on legitimacy of UN resolution for military action that violates UN charter. The UN charter says military intervention is legal if a state violates the peace & international security, none of which happened in Libya. In addition there is no international rule allowing military intervention for the protection of civilians. A proposed law like this should be examined & discussed before being approved as law but no rule like this presently exist. The EU MP adds there was no atrocity commited in Libya as we have found out from documents. Claims of 10000 dead Libyan as reported the evidence of this is not found. The former EU MP further adds that this was a preplanned aggression between France & Great Britain who signed an agreement in Nov 2, 2010 in which there was plans for war game, Southern Mistral, which mirrors events that took place in Libya on March 20, 2011. www.globalresearch.ca Obama's Bay of Pigs in Libya: Imperialist Aggression Shreds UN Charter by Dr. Webster G. Tarpley March 22, 2011 On March 19, US and British cruise missiles joined with French and other NATO combat aircraft in Operation Odyssey Dawn/Operation Ellamy, a neo-imperialist bombing attack under fake humanitarian cover against the sovereign state of Libya. Acting under UN Security Council resolution 1973, US naval forces in the Mediterranean on Saturday night local time fired 112 cruise missiles at targets which the Pentagon claimed were related <b>...</b> Related article

APA Awards 2009: Design for Health - Minneapolis, MN
APA Awards 2009: Design for Health - Minneapolis, MN
National Planning Excellence Award for Best Practices Design for Health Minnesota The Design for Health program integrates human health issues into planning and environmental design using innovative, practice-oriented tools. Design for Health has had two phases. The first phase, funded by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota, emphasized technical assistance to the 19 partner communities already funded by BCBS to incorporate active living and healthy-environment principles into urban plans. The second phase focuses on education and tool development. A number of tools including the website, www.designforhealth.net, technical assistance tools, research summaries, and health impact assessment tools are oriented to practitioners for every-day use. The combination of accessible online educational resources and one-on-one technical assistance — including having the Design for Health team review comprehensive plans — has provided multiple paths for learning about health issues. Design for Health leading the movement to incorporate health into planning and environmental design with a flexible yet targeted suite of tools and methods for assistance. From a comprehensive planning and implementation perspective, the partners created three active living plan elements, two public and community health elements, five bicycle and/or pedestrian mobility plans, two multi-modal plans, one zoning ordinance and land development manual, and seven comprehensive plans incorporating health <b>...</b> Related article

Drone surveillance in the US? Alex Jones says 'the whole world is in danger'
Drone surveillance in the US? Alex Jones says 'the whole world is in danger'
As the US plans to increase drone aircraft usage abroad, now law enforcement in the States is getting ready to adopt robotic planes back home for surveillance purposes. While drone usage is expected to be expanded in America by 2013, Infowar's Alex Jones says that in some states it has already been happening for years. Follow Lauren on Twitter at twitter.com Related article

Jet Escalation: 'Turkey probing Syrian anti-air defense'
Jet Escalation: 'Turkey probing Syrian anti-air defense'
Syrian air defenses have destroyed a Turkish fighter-jet, after it violated airspace in the country's north. Ankara however is now vowing 'decisive action' in response. Colin Cavell, an academic and Middle East specialist, talks to RT. He says the intrusion into Syrian airspace by a Turkish warplane, was no accident. READ MORE: on.rt.com Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Watch RT LIVE on our website rt.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Related article

Report from Jakarta on asylum-seeker tragedy
Report from Jakarta on asylum-seeker tragedy
As a massive search and rescue operation continues after an asylum-seeker boat overturned between Indonesia and the Australian territory of Christmas Island, correspondent Helen Brown reports from Jakarta on latest developments. Related article

Libyan P Minister Al Baghdadi Ali Al Mahmoudi news conference after talks with UN envoy July 26
Libyan P Minister Al Baghdadi Ali Al Mahmoudi news conference after talks with UN envoy July 26
Libyan P Minister Al Baghdadi Ali Al Mahmoudi news conference after talks with UN envoy, July, 26 2011 Related article

Crews Cede Ground to Northern Colorado Wildfire
Crews Cede Ground to Northern Colorado Wildfire
Firefighters have given up some ground to a wildfire in northern Colorado that has destroyed at least 191 homes. Crews near Fort Collins had to retreat for their safety, and the fire's containment slipped from 60 percent to 45 percent. (June 23) Subscribe to the Associated Press: bit.ly Download AP Mobile: www.ap.org Associated Press on Facebook: apne.ws Associated Press on Twitter: apne.ws Associated Press on Google+: bit.ly Related article

Egyptians await election results
Egyptians await election results
After a week marked by street protests, Egypt's electoral commission has said it will announce the presidential election results on Sunday. Supporters of Muslim Brotherhood have camped inside Cairo's Tahrir Square fearing the military rulers might temper with the final results, while rival rallies have been organised in suppport of former prime minister Ahmed Shafik. Al Jazeera's Jamal Elshayyal reports from Cairo. Related article

Turkish fighter jet shot down over Syria, 2 pilots' status unknown
Turkish fighter jet shot down over Syria, 2 pilots' status unknown
FULL STORY & UPDATES on.rt.com Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan could not bring any light to what happened to a military plane that was reportedly shot down by Syria, as he talked to media after the plane's disappearance. Erdogan did not confirm reports that Damascus had apologized for shooting down the plane. The PM also refrained from sharing any information about the fate of the two pilots, who were reported as rescued earlier. Further statements are expected after a security meeting. The plane crashed into or nearby Syrian territorial waters earlier today, according to reports. A missile fired by the Syrian defense system shattered it to pieces after which the jet plunged into the Mediterranean Sea. Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Watch RT LIVE on our website rt.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Related article