Abd Al-Ilah Al-Shami was killed by Al-Assad in Homs-Syria 25.02.2012.mp4
Abd Al-Ilah Al-Shami was killed by Al-Assad in Homs-Syria 25.02.2012.mp4
Interview du Comité Médiatique avec le cheikh Abou Abd Al Ilah Ahmed 1-4
Interview du Comité Médiatique avec le cheikh Abou Abd Al Ilah Ahmed 1-4
Interview du Comité Médiatique avec le cheikh Abou Abd Al Ilah Ahmed [Le Président du Comité Politique dAl Qaida au Maghreb Islamique] FLLUJAH ISLAMIC FORUMS منتديات الفلوجة الاسلامية www.al-faloja.info
The Tricks Of Ali Hasan al-Halabi Exposed by Abdul-ilah Lahmami
The Tricks Of Ali Hasan al-Halabi Exposed by Abdul-ilah Lahmami
+18 Fadi Abdul Ilah Al Omar is The first martyr In Homs On Tuesday 10/4/2012
+18 Fadi Abdul Ilah Al Omar is The first martyr In Homs On Tuesday 10/4/2012
Fadi Abdul Ilah Al Omar is The first martyr In Homs On Tuesday 04/10/2012 He Was Killed by a bullet from Assad sniper in the neighborhood of Jouret Shiyah ... He was assassinated After the expiration of the Opportunity Of The UN envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan, this indicates that Bashar Assad will not stop killing in Syria ,would not withdraw His tanks from the cities, will not stop His military operations and bombing of cities as long as there is a revolution in Syria .... So we ask the international community to Be Serious With The Syrian Issue And To Support The Free Syrian Army With All Types Of Necessary Weapons To Be Able To Rescue The Syrian People
Abdul ilah El Hayfi عبدالاله الحيفي
Abdul ilah El Hayfi عبدالاله الحيفي
عبدالاله الحيفي Kur' an ve ilmi hakikatler uluslararası sempozyumu
Abdul-ilah El Hayfi - Fethullah gülen kimdir
Abdul-ilah El Hayfi - Fethullah gülen kimdir
Interview du Comité Médiatique avec le cheikh Abou Abd Al Ilah Ahmed 3-4
Interview du Comité Médiatique avec le cheikh Abou Abd Al Ilah Ahmed 3-4
Interview du Comité Médiatique avec le cheikh Abou Abd Al Ilah Ahmed [Le Président du Comité Politique dAl Qaida au Maghreb Islamique] FLLUJAH ISLAMIC FORUMS منتديات الفلوجة الاسلامية www.al-faloja.info
Interview du Comité Médiatique avec le cheikh Abou Abd Al Ilah Ahmed 4-4
Interview du Comité Médiatique avec le cheikh Abou Abd Al Ilah Ahmed 4-4
Interview du Comité Médiatique avec le cheikh Abou Abd Al Ilah Ahmed [Le Président du Comité Politique dAl Qaida au Maghreb Islamique] FLLUJAH ISLAMIC FORUMS منتديات الفلوجة الاسلامية www.al-faloja.info
+18 Fadi Abdul Ilah Al Omar is The first martyr In Homs On Tuesday 1042012.FLV
+18 Fadi Abdul Ilah Al Omar is The first martyr In Homs On Tuesday 1042012.FLV
ALGERIA DELLYS Abdel ilah Ben Kiran Sur Alhiwar Party 2 4 الحكومة الجزائرية الإلكترونية
ALGERIA DELLYS Abdel ilah Ben Kiran Sur Alhiwar Party 2 4 الحكومة الجزائرية الإلكترونية
Interview du Comité Médiatique avec le cheikh Abou Abd Al Ilah Ahmed 2-4
Interview du Comité Médiatique avec le cheikh Abou Abd Al Ilah Ahmed 2-4
Interview du Comité Médiatique avec le cheikh Abou Abd Al Ilah Ahmed [Le Président du Comité Politique dAl Qaida au Maghreb Islamique] FLLUJAH ISLAMIC FORUMS منتديات الفلوجة الاسلامية www.al-faloja.info
ALGERIA DELLYS Abdel ilah Ben Kiran Sur Alhiwar Party 1 4 الحكومة الجزائرية الإلكترونية
ALGERIA DELLYS Abdel ilah Ben Kiran Sur Alhiwar Party 1 4 الحكومة الجزائرية الإلكترونية
Siria, Homs el mártir Abdul Ilah Al Shami asesinado por las bandas de Al Asad 25/02/2012
Siria, Homs el mártir Abdul Ilah Al Shami asesinado por las bandas de Al Asad 25/02/2012
www.facebook.com Siria, Homs el mártir Abdul Ilah Al Shami asesinado por las bandas de Al Asad 25/02/2012
ALGERIA DELLYS Abdel ilah Ben Kiran Sur Alhiwar Party 3 4 الحكومة الجزائرية الإلكترونية
ALGERIA DELLYS Abdel ilah Ben Kiran Sur Alhiwar Party 3 4 الحكومة الجزائرية الإلكترونية
premier interview de abdel ilah ben kirane le chef du gouvernement marocain.flv
premier interview de abdel ilah ben kirane le chef du gouvernement marocain.flv
premier interview de abdel ilah ben kirane le chef du gouvernement marocainأول لقاء صحافي للسيد عبد الالاه بن كيران رئيس الحكومة المغربية الجديد
عبدالإله يسوق السيارة Abdul ilah Driving a car
عبدالإله يسوق السيارة Abdul ilah Driving a car
عبدالإله عمره 4 سنوات يقود السيارة
Syria Qadsaia martirul Abdul Ilah Talal Al Mohammad.flv 06.01
Syria Qadsaia martirul Abdul Ilah Talal Al Mohammad.flv 06.01
Syria Qadsaia martirul Abdul Ilah Talal AL Mohammad ucis cu brutalitate de gloantele fortelor de ordine syriene doar pentru faptul ca este de religie musulmana si zicea Nu exista alta divinitate decat dumnezeu!
Middle East 2007- The Arab-Israeli Conflict: What Is The Way Forward?
Middle East 2007- The Arab-Israeli Conflict: What Is The Way Forward?
www.weforum.org 20.05.2007 Plenary Session The Arab-Israeli Conflict What Is the Way Forward? 2007 has seen both hope with the Mecca Agreement and the relaunch of the Arab Peace Initiative, and then disappointment with a lack of progress on the peace process and the outbreak of renewed violence. 1) What are the implications of the current situation in Gaza? What are the risks of escalation and how can they be addressed? 2) How can the domestic circumstances in each of the two main parties be overcome to find a way forward? 3) What does the Arab Peace Initiative offer the region? Brian Baird, Congressman from Washington (Democrat), 3rd District, USA Saeb Erekat, Head, Negotiations Department, PLO, Palestinian National Authority, Palestinian Territories; Global Agenda Council on the Future of the Middle East Abdul Ilah Al Khatib Amre Moussa, Secretary-General, League of Arab States, Cairo; Global Agenda Council on the Future of the Middle East Marc Otte, European Union Special Representative to the Middle East Peace Process, Council of the European Union, Brussels Shimon Peres, Vice-Prime Minister of Israel Christopher Shays Moderated by Nik Gowing, Main Presenter, BBC World News, United Kingdom; Global Agenda Council on Global Governance