Currently viewing the category: "Film"
Nude Nuns With Big Guns

Nude Nuns With Big Guns

Where to start with a film with the title like Nude Nuns With Big Guns, well it does what it says on the title.

In a remote area near a desert Nuns are drugged and forced into working naked in a drugs factory by corrupt Priest, one of the Nun’s called Sister Sarah is handed over to a biker gang and forced to work as a prostitute. She is kept in a drugged up state and after a customer leaves her at death’s door, she reveals that God has ordered her to seek vengeance on those that got her in that state.

So she arms herself with some guns and goes after the people who badly wronged her.

The acting is not the best in the world but with a film with this title what do you expect.

There is loads of female nudity, plenty of violence and certainly worth watching for that alone.


The other day I watched a rather poor film called Welcome To The Jungle, about two couples looking for Michael Clark Rockefeller who went missing in New Guinea in 1961 hoping to make some money out of it.

All the shots are as if taken by one of the four very annoying people, the film is slow and incredibly dull, the four main characters have zero redeeming qualities. Do yourselves a favour and avoid this film.


The other day I watched a delightful film called Tremors 4 The Legend Begins which is set around 100 years before the original Tremors film and in the same town, during the wild west days.

The giant worms known as Grapoids attack and eat some miners in the town’s silver mine, which cause most of the towns folk to leave, the remainder and the mine’s owner played by the same actor who played the gun nut in the original and is an ancestor of his decide to fight to save the town and mine.

The film like it’s predecessors is a comedy with plenty of laugh out loud moments and certainly worth seeing.


Stag Night of the DeadThe other day I watched a rather good Zombie film called Stag Night of the Dead, set in the so called United Kingdom where Zombies exist in secret.

A group of men and a stripper on a stag due go to a disused military base to play a game called Zomball which is a involves shooting Zombies with a laser gun that stuns them for 5 minutes

But as in all these films something goes wrong and the Zombies go on a rampage.

This is a humourous film with it’s fair share of gore, and I would certainly recommend it.

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