
Terror at the Opera (1987)
Terror scene from the 1987 movie "Opera", starring the spanish actress Chistina ...
published: 09 Oct 2011
author: Larromana3
Terror at the Opera (1987)
Terror scene from the 1987 movie "Opera", starring the spanish actress Chistina Marsillach.

OPERA (1987) Trailer for Dario Artento's super stylish gore filled giallo
This is the trailer for Dario Argento's OPERA. Be sure to visit our website at www.rev...
published: 13 Jan 2010
author: revokcom
OPERA (1987) Trailer for Dario Artento's super stylish gore filled giallo
This is the trailer for Dario Argento's OPERA. Be sure to visit our website at www.revok.com to check out more rare and hard-to-find DVDs and movie memorabilia. Any questions or comments? contact us direct at revok@revok.com A young opera singer (Betty) gets her big chance when the previous star of a production of Verdi's Macbeth is run over by a car. Convinced the opera is bad luck she accepts, and becomes the target (in Argento's unmistakable style) of a psychopath - a man she has been dreaming of since childhood.

Opera (Main Theme - Daemonia) - Terror At The Opera
Opera - main theme (from the original soundtrack) - Terror at the Opera by Dario Argento (...
published: 19 Apr 2011
author: Robillart15
Opera (Main Theme - Daemonia) - Terror At The Opera
Opera - main theme (from the original soundtrack) - Terror at the Opera by Dario Argento (1987). Soundtrack - Composed by Claudio Simonetti.

Terror at the Opera Trailer (Dario Argento, 1987)
Dario Argento's Opera is available on Arrow Video www.arrowfilms.co.uk...
published: 17 Aug 2010
author: ArrowVideoUK
Terror at the Opera Trailer (Dario Argento, 1987)
Dario Argento's Opera is available on Arrow Video www.arrowfilms.co.uk

Opera 1987 Cult Horror Movie
Opera 1987 Cult Horror Movie...
published: 10 Oct 2009
author: TrailerFood
Opera 1987 Cult Horror Movie
Opera 1987 Cult Horror Movie

Classic Horror Scene #4: Opera (1987)
published: 28 Mar 2010
author: lbhorrorReview
Classic Horror Scene #4: Opera (1987)

Dario Argento's Opera Trailer
Trailer for the 1987 film "Opera" or "Terror At The Opera". A young op...
published: 25 Apr 2010
author: frightism
Dario Argento's Opera Trailer
Trailer for the 1987 film "Opera" or "Terror At The Opera". A young opperata is stalked by a deranged fan bent on killing the people associated with her to claim her for himself.

Impending Terror - Terror At The Opera
Impeding Terror (Track 3 and/or 10 - from the original soundtrack) - Terror at the Opera b...
published: 19 Apr 2011
author: Robillart15
Impending Terror - Terror At The Opera
Impeding Terror (Track 3 and/or 10 - from the original soundtrack) - Terror at the Opera by Dario Argento (1987). Soundtrack - Composed by Claudio Simonetti.

Opera | Trailer | 1987 | Dario Argento | Terror at the Opera
A young opera singer (Betty) gets her big chance when the previous star of a production of...
published: 21 Jun 2012
author: CriterionDungeon
Opera | Trailer | 1987 | Dario Argento | Terror at the Opera
A young opera singer (Betty) gets her big chance when the previous star of a production of Verdi's Macbeth is run over by a car. Convinced the opera is bad luck she accepts, and becomes the target (in Argento's unmistakable style) of a psychopath - a man she has been dreaming of since childhood.

Opera (1987) | Week 41 | Tuesday
Review of Dario Argento's excellent giallo horror film "Opera" aka "Ter...
published: 25 Aug 2009
author: theReelDVDWatchers
Opera (1987) | Week 41 | Tuesday
Review of Dario Argento's excellent giallo horror film "Opera" aka "Terror at the Opera".

Claudio Simonetti - Crows
Unused soundtrack from Dario Argento's 1987 giallo "Terror At The Opera". Th...
published: 18 Jul 2011
author: TheNotoriousKAZ86
Claudio Simonetti - Crows
Unused soundtrack from Dario Argento's 1987 giallo "Terror At The Opera". The soundtrack is composed/performed by Claudio Simonetti.

Dario Argento's OPERA - Main Theme + Black Notes (Music by Bill Wyman and Terry Taylor)
The soundtrack to Dario Argento's OPERA (1987) aka TERROR AT THE OPERA is a bit differ...
published: 31 May 2012
author: FulciLives
Dario Argento's OPERA - Main Theme + Black Notes (Music by Bill Wyman and Terry Taylor)
The soundtrack to Dario Argento's OPERA (1987) aka TERROR AT THE OPERA is a bit different from most of his other films. The score is comprised of various music by a variety of artists. Two tracks were done by Bill Wyman and Terry Taylor. They previously did a track for Argento's PHENOMENA (1985) aka CREEPERS. Here for OPERA they provide the MAIN THEME and another track called BLACK NOTES. This video contains these two tracks. This was created using the OpenShot video editor in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS The video was uploaded at 720p (1280x720) with 320kbps AAC audio. The audio was ripped from the CD release.

Terror at the Opera - trailer
published: 22 Jul 2010
author: johnmatrix1
Terror at the Opera - trailer

Bill Wyman & Terry Taylor - black notes (1987)
Opera ost Opera 1987 also known as Terror at the opera. A Dario Argento film....
published: 22 Oct 2011
author: lamirrital
Bill Wyman & Terry Taylor - black notes (1987)
Opera ost Opera 1987 also known as Terror at the opera. A Dario Argento film.

Dario Argento's Opera (1987) - Subjective and Unconventional Camera Movement
Directed by Dario Argento. Story and Screenplay by Dario Argento. Written by Franco Ferrin...
published: 03 Jan 2011
author: PurpleGardenWalls
Dario Argento's Opera (1987) - Subjective and Unconventional Camera Movement
Directed by Dario Argento. Story and Screenplay by Dario Argento. Written by Franco Ferrini. Starring Cristina Marsillach, Ian Charleson, Urbano Barberini, Daria Nicolodi, Corilina Cataldi-Tassoni, Antonella Vitale, William McNamara... An aria of terror from the maestro of horror.

My Horror Movie Collection Part 3
Showing you guys my horror movie collection, last installment. Movies Reviewed: 1.Jacob...
published: 06 Nov 2011
author: immobilarity1
My Horror Movie Collection Part 3
Showing you guys my horror movie collection, last installment. Movies Reviewed: 1.Jacob's Ladder (1990) 2.Terror Train (1980) 3.Maniac (1980) 4.The Fog (1980) 5.Pieces (1983) 6.Henry:Portrait Of A Serial Killer (1986) 7.Toolbox Murders (2003) 8.He Knows You're Alone (1980) 9.The Hills Have Eyes (1977) 10.Opera (1987) 11.Deathdream (1972) 12.Sorority House Massacre (1986) 13.Midnight (1982) 14.The Exorcist III (1990)

80's Slasher Death Scenes pt.1
Got banned by Youtube, another try to keep my rights. First video including classic scenes...
published: 26 Feb 2012
author: ThrashIdolatry
80's Slasher Death Scenes pt.1
Got banned by Youtube, another try to keep my rights. First video including classic scenes from the best of 80s slasher movies. #1: Happy Birthday To Me (1981) A rad movie from the peak of slasher movies in 1981, often overlooked nowadays. If you liked this scene make sure to check out the Gym-scene from this movie as well. #2: The Burning (1981) One of the best of these summercamp-slashers in my opinion that can take on Friday the 13th or Sleepaway Camp without any problems. I chose this scene because the infamous Raft-scene is already uplaoded several times. #3: The Prowler (1981) Another overlooked gem from 1981 with special-effects from Tom Savini who worked also on The Burning. The gore here is so shockingly realistic for its time and the kills are beyond brutal. A must-see! #4: Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984) The first part of the countless that followed is the best one by far. It was also one of the first slasher that I watched so I always have a special feeling when I watch this. The movie is very nasty and has a dark atmosphere, be sure to check this out if you haven't already. #5: The Mutilator (1985) Rather unknown mid-80s flick with a lot of funny and bad acting but very brutal and gory death scenes. If you want some blood and somehow a trash-factor don't miss this forgotten 80's-flick. #6: Terror At The Opera (1987) Horrormaster Dario Argento did one of his best works on this movie which was also his most succesful. This scene has to be one of the most <b>...</b>

Terror na Ópera (Terror at the Opera)
Terror na Ópera (Terror at the Opera) - 1987 Legenda em Português BR Assista,...
published: 18 Jun 2012
author: CLKibr
Terror na Ópera (Terror at the Opera)
Terror na Ópera (Terror at the Opera) - 1987 Legenda em Português BR Assista, avalie, comente e recomende... Descrição: Uma maldição persegue a montagem da ópera 'Macbeth', de Verdi. Reforçando a lenda, no Scala de Milão corvos aparecem degolados, operários assassinados, holofotes caem na platéia. O principal alvo é a soprano Betty, substituta de Maria Cecova, morta durante os ensaios.

Opera (1987) Trailer Ingles
Trailer Ingles. Interesante opus de horror y violencia acerca de una joven diva que es ace...
published: 23 Aug 2009
author: trailer0boy
Opera (1987) Trailer Ingles
Trailer Ingles. Interesante opus de horror y violencia acerca de una joven diva que es acechada por un demente. Espléndido thriller con abundante derroche de sangre, un guión intrigante, una labor sobria de todos los actores y el acostumbrado trabajo de cámara al que Argento nos tiene acostumbrados. Una verdadera colección de imágenes que se añade al temario constante del autor: los infaltables motivos zoológicos (aquí los cuervos tendrán gran importancia) y la visión póstuma (como en CUATRO MOSCAS SOBRE TERCIOPELO GRIS).

Halloween Special 2008
Hope u guys enjoy it, i have some movie to show u all Here's the list The Phantom of t...
published: 31 Oct 2008
author: ClaudeJB9
Halloween Special 2008
Hope u guys enjoy it, i have some movie to show u all Here's the list The Phantom of the Opera(1925) The Invisible Man(1933) & The Phantom of the Opera(1943) Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3(1990) Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror(1981) Prom Night(1980) Opera(1987) The Prowler(1981) Maniac(1980) The Burning(1981) Terror Train(1980) Cannibal Holocaust (1980) Some i don't have: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari(1920) Nosferatu(1922)

Iron Maiden-10.Phantom Of The Opera-Cut (Troy,NY,USA 1987)
Iron Maiden - Arena, Troy, New York, US, Jan. 11, 1987, during the '' Somewhere in...
published: 23 Sep 2008
author: Ancutzamica1
Iron Maiden-10.Phantom Of The Opera-Cut (Troy,NY,USA 1987)
Iron Maiden - Arena, Troy, New York, US, Jan. 11, 1987, during the '' Somewhere in Time Tour'' 1986 -1987. Phantom Of The Opera (Harris) Bruce Dickinson:Vocals Steve Harris:Bass Dave Murray:Guitar Adrian Smith:Guitar Nicko McBrain:Drums [Lyrics] I've been looking so long for you now you won't get away from my grasp You've been living so long in hiding in hiding behind that false mask And you know and I know that you ain't got that long to last Your looks and your feelings are just the remains of your past Standing in the wings there you wait for the curtain to fall Knowing the terror and holding you have on us all I know that you're gonna scratch me and maim me and maul You know I'm helpless from your mesmerising cat call Keep your distance walk away don't take his bait Don't you stray, don't fade away Watch your step he's out to get you come what may Don't you stray from the narrow way I'm running and hiding in my dreams you're always there You're the Phantom of the Opera you're the devil you're just out to scare You damaged my mind and my soul it just floats through the air You haunt me you taunt me you torture me back at your lair ............................................................ This is a very long song that was done in sections. The middle part was totally separate but it fit in very well. It felt right to go from the slow part into the middle section. 'Phantom' is one of the best pieces I've ever written, and certainly one of the most enjoyable to play <b>...</b>

Beyond the Hell's Gate
"Beyond the Hell's Gate" by Cavaradossi87 Music: "Vidocq - Generique de...
published: 17 Feb 2011
author: Cavaradossi87
Beyond the Hell's Gate
"Beyond the Hell's Gate" by Cavaradossi87 Music: "Vidocq - Generique debut" (Vidocq soundrack) by Bruno Coulais. [2001; Ed. Virgin France SA / Gaumont] Poster & Paintings: "Alien Predators" (1987); "Terror at the Opera" (1988); "Les anges de l'apocalypse" 2003; "Tête de femme coiffée de cornes de bélier" (1853, by Jean-Léon Gérôme); Louis Ritman.