
Inside the Fusion Reactor DIII D tokamak
Inside the Fusion Reactor DIII D tokamak
This video takes you inside the DIII D tokamak at General Atomics Lab in San Diego, California. NOTE: USE CLOSED CAPTIONING "CC" FOR INFO ON WHAT YOU ARE SEEING IN THE VIDEO. Normally the plasma inside this vessel is at a temperature greater then the core of the Sun. This video focuses on introducing some of the technology involved in fusion energy research.

Tokamak Overview
Tokamak Overview
This describes the main components of a Tokamak fusion reactor

ITER - TOKAMAK: fusion history in a nutshell
ITER - TOKAMAK: fusion history in a nutshell
The term tokamak is a transliteration of a Russian expression meaning toroidal chamber with magnetic coils. With ITER, a new chapter in the book of tokamak fusion research will be opened, a story that started some 80 years ago...

Tore Supra Tokamak
Tore Supra Tokamak
Plasma in the Tore Supra Tokamak, France. Plasma temperature 10^8 K (100 million kelvin), plasma density 1 bar. More info- www-drfc.cea.fr physicsweb.org

Plasma Physics Lab and the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor, 1989
Plasma Physics Lab and the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor, 1989
From the Princeton University Archives: Promotional video about the Plasma Physics Lab and the new Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR), with footage of the interior, machines, and scientists at work. This film is discussed in the audiovisual blog of the Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, which holds the archives of Princeton University. For more information or to comment on this film visit blogs.princeton.edu

Názorné vysvětlení principu zařízení pro jadernou fúzi -- tokamaku -- jako silného transformátoru. Popisky nejdůležitějších částí.

DIII-D tokamak simulation
DIII-D tokamak simulation
Simulation of a DIII-D Fusion Plasma by the MHD code NIMROD. DIII-D is the tokamak developed in the 1980s by General Atomics in San Diego, USA, as part of the ongoing effort to achieve magnetically confined fusion. Source- fusion.gat.com More info- en.wikipedia.org Star Power interactive simulator- fusion.gat.com

KSTAR (Korean Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research
KSTAR (Korean Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research
1. What is KSTAR (Korean Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research)? KSTAR, a tokamak-typed nuclear fusion reactor, is being developed by the researchers and scientists of NFRI, Korea, and will be the cornerstone of constructing a Korean fusion power plant. It was December 1995 when the construction of KSTAR started, and was completed in August 2007. KSTAR will conduct a variety of experiments and tests which materialize the fusion energy development. What is a Tokamak? It is a nuclear fusion device for confining ultra high temperature plasma using the magnetic field, which is served as an environment where nuclear fusion like the one of the Sun takes place.

Hell's Tokamak timeout
Hell's Tokamak timeout
This actually wasn't hard at all. I've timed it out at the side before, but it was a bit too easy so I've decided to go for the center.....got it in 1 attempt. Still, looking for 60 seconds straight into that spellcard reading the waves which still hide behind the suns WILL burn your eyes. All in all, I'd say that Utsuho is probably the easiest stage 6 boss, atleast on Lunatic. There are much harder cards in earlier stages.....Double Black Death Butterfly, BoWaP, ghost wheels, Cat Walk.....and the list goes on.

ITER: Tokamak, un petit soleil dans une grande bouteille (3)
ITER: Tokamak, un petit soleil dans une grande bouteille (3)
Plus de Videos sur wizdeo.com . 3ème volet de notre série consacrée à ITER. Après " La fusion pour quoi faire ? " et " La fusion, mode d'emploi ", nous voici au coeur de notre sujet. " Tokamak, un petit soleil dans une grande bouteille " nous invite à découvrir la machine ITER, cette installation hors norme aussi imposante que l'Arc de Triomphe et dont certains éléments sont aussi lourds qu'un Boeing 747 à pleine charge. Avec nous pour cette 3ème émission, des physiciens, des ingénieurs, des spécialistes des aima. (Droits réservés. Pour toute exploitation commerciale, veuillez nous contacter wizdeo.com )

JT-60 Tokamak
JT-60 Tokamak
View inside Japan's JT-60 Tokamak which currently holds the record for highest temperature attained by a plasma at 520 million K (half a billion degrees). It also appears to hold the record for the highest performance attained by a plasma (producing a power gain of 1.25) source- www.mext.go.jp More info- www-jt60.naka.jaea.go.jp en.wikipedia.org

6th Touhou M-1 Grand Prix: Tokamak Club [English Subs]
6th Touhou M-1 Grand Prix: Tokamak Club [English Subs]
For the references and stuff, read the notes in this description. Yeah sorry if I took some time for this, I was busy with college. Any mistakes, just leave a comment below, your help is greatly appreciated. [[NOTES]] *Tunguska event is a powerful explosion occurred in Russia on June 30, 1908. It is believed to be caused by an air burst of a large meteoroid about 1000 times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. This explosion has also caused effects similar to radioactive exposure (mutation etc.) *NISA stands for Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency. The censored word was "expose" which refers to exposure of contamination/radiation. But since it's censored, we can assume that Utsuho somehow asked the audience to strip and expose their body. *Rin called Utsuho "vengeful spirit" during their so-called practice. It seems to fit the literal meaning of Reiuji Utsuho. *When Utsuho said about her "stage name", it refers to her being a "woman of pleasure" or "oiran" (en.wikipedia.org Courtesans in the pleasure quarter were brought from all over the country and they used a special language (such as "-arinsu" used at the end of a sentence) to mask their original accent. *"Boin" means "vowel" in Japanese. Sounds similar to "boing" *Gateball is a sport similar to croquet. (en.wikipedia.org Sports like these are usually played by old people (stereotyped) because it doesn't involve much movement. *Utsuho with her shotacon action, said that the locals call her <b>...</b>

View inside ASDEX tokamak
View inside ASDEX tokamak
View inside the ASDEX upgrade tokamak (Axially Symmetric Divertor EXperiment) by the Max Planck Institute, Germany. Source- www.ipp.mpg.de More info- www.ipp.mpg.de Wiki- en.wikipedia.org

Capharnaüm - Tokamak Live
Capharnaüm - Tokamak Live
Video of Tokamak played live at STARS Festival in Sorel-Tracy, Quebec, Canada. This was the first gig with the new bass player, Stéphan Parrot. This is the opneing track of the show.

Inside the Tokamak Textor
Inside the Tokamak Textor
A view inside the TEXTOR (Tokamak Experiment for Technology Orientated Research), Institute for Plasma Physics, Germany. Source- www.fz-juelich.de

4th 東方M-1ぐらんぷり FINALS: Tokamak Club (English Subtitles)
4th 東方M-1ぐらんぷり FINALS: Tokamak Club (English Subtitles)
Translator: Sabino Editing/Subbing/etc: Furienify For those of you that have been on this ride with me - going all the way back to December - I can only say one thing about this video, in the words of ZUN: "How nostalgic." For the interested in relation to Backbeard-tan: img137.imageshack.us ^Original. It -is- BACKbeard, not that I have any idea why, and the typo is my slipup. img508.imageshack.us ^Ironic loli Backbeard-tan Enjoy!

Tokamak Reactor - Are You A Survivor?
Tokamak Reactor - Are You A Survivor?
TOKAMAK REACTOR, 06.03.2010 live at SectorEvolution, Dresden. FX_ROK - dr, electro, voc CTRL+DUB - bg, electro, voc www.myspace.com

Tokamak Cold Fusion - Nuclear Fusion The ITER Reactor - Aug 7 2010
Tokamak Cold Fusion - Nuclear Fusion The ITER Reactor - Aug 7 2010
- Tokamak Cold Fusion - "North Korea claims to have achieved nuclear fusion by building what it describes as a 'unique thermo-nuclear reaction device.' This announcement was met by skepticism on just about every news website this side of Saturn. Pyongyang claims its latest scientific breakthrough coincides

Tokamak NSTX @ PPPL + Stellarator core parts pictures
Tokamak NSTX @ PPPL + Stellarator core parts pictures
View of the tokamak. The work at princeton is called the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX). and then we could go see the next core - Stellarator parts, which I think they say needs funding. (pictures). and learned great word "Quasi-Axissymmetry" which is the shape of that stellarator core allowing for better natural plasma flow within. How many laymen, like me, know what is a stellarator? unless you been to the Open house day at the PPPL - Princeton Plasma Physics Lab , 2010 may1... all this time, i thought it was matter and anti-matter fusion that created plasma drives, now i find out they are only using triterium and deuterium