STOPCRUSH.ORG Global Unity Against Animal Crush Video
STOPCRUSH.ORG Global Unity Against Animal Crush Video
Thanks Tom Duerden of Tom Tom Productions for the new video! "This message is from the team at stopcrush.org. Considering that most animals do not have the capacity to voice their distress in human language, we thought that this message, on their behalf, would be appropriate to send out to citizens all over the world. For those who do not realize, animal crush video does indeed, exist. The videos generally feature, but do not limit themselves to, small live animals, such as kittens, puppies, mice and bunnies being slowly tortured in the most horrific ways imaginable. They are burned alive, cut with pruning sheers, nailed to the floor, skinned alive, beaten, stabbed and most often, they have their limbs crushed and broken, just to invoke more screams of agony. The majority of these videos share a common theme, the animals are incrementally crushed by scantily clad women in high heels. Those who purchase these videos, view them for sexual gratification. Basically speaking, the animal crush interest is an atypical sexual arousal toward the the horrific torture and distress of another life-form. The sick, twisted, prurient animal crush industry has become increasingly popular all over the world. It will continue to escalate the degradation of our society if nothing is done to curtail the sadistic underground industry. It is not as difficult as one might believe, to find websites that house animal crush video on the internet. Some mask themselves within pornography websites <b>...</b>
STOPCRUSH.ORG: Global Unity Against Animal Crush Video
STOPCRUSH.ORG: Global Unity Against Animal Crush Video
"This message is from the team at stopcrush.org. Considering that most animals do not have the capacity to voice their distress in human language, we thought that this message, on their behalf, would be appropriate to send out to citizens all over the world. For those who do not realize, animal crush video does indeed, exist. The videos generally feature, but do not limit themselves to, small live animals, such as kittens, puppies, mice and bunnies being slowly tortured in the most horrific ways imaginable. They are burned alive, cut with pruning sheers, nailed to the floor, skinned alive, beaten, stabbed and most often, they have their limbs crushed and broken, just to invoke more screams of agony. The majority of these videos share a common theme, the animals are incrementally crushed by scantily clad women in high heels. Those who purchase these videos, view them for sexual gratification. Basically speaking, the animal crush interest is an atypical sexual arousal toward the the horrific torture and distress of another life-form. The sick, twisted, prurient animal crush industry has become increasingly popular all over the world. It will continue to escalate the degradation of our society if nothing is done to curtail the sadistic underground industry. It is not as difficult as one might believe, to find websites that house animal crush video on the internet. Some mask themselves within pornography websites where minors can access these materials with the click of a <b>...</b>
(Spanish Version) STOPCRUSH.ORG: Global Unity Against Animal Crush Video
(Spanish Version) STOPCRUSH.ORG: Global Unity Against Animal Crush Video
Este es un mensaje del equipo de stop crush.org. Dado que los animales no pueden expresar sus angustias en el lenguaje humano, hemos pensado difundir este mensaje en su nombre a los ciudadanos de todo el mundo. Para quien no lo sepa, existe una horrible realidad, los crush videos. "Crush" quiere decir "aplastar". En estos videos se ven pequeños animales vivos, como gatitos, perritos, ratones y conejos, torturados lentamente de las peores maneras que se puedan imaginar. Los queman vivos, los cortan con afiladas tijeras podaderas, los clavan al suelo, los despellejan vivos, les pegan, los acuchillan y muy a menudo los aplastan rompiéndole las patas sólo para provocar más gritos de agonía. La mayoría de estos videos tiene un tema en común: los animales son paulatinamente aplastados por mujeres semidesnudas con tacones altos. Quien compra estos videos lo hace para obtener una gratificación sexual. Básicamente, el interés por ver animales aplastados se rádica en una excitación sexual morbosa alimentada por terribles escenas de tortura y angustia de otro ser vivo. La morbosa industria del crush, del aplastamiento de animales, ha ido aumentando su popularidad en todo el mundo y seguirá a degradar la sociedad en la que vivimos si no se adoptarán medidas oportunas para contrarrestar esta industria sádica y clandestina. No es difícil encontrar en Internet sitios web que tengan videos crush. Algunos se esconden en sitios de pornografía donde incluso menores pueden verlos con un <b>...</b>
TYT Extended Clip - November 5th, 2010
TYT Extended Clip - November 5th, 2010
New TYT Network channels: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com New TYT Facebook Page(!): www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com www.theyoungturks.com DISCOUNTS: www.theyoungturks.com FREE Movies(!): www.netflix.com Note: The above two links are for TYT sponsors. Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: www.examiner.com TYT Network (new WTF?! channel): www.youtube.com Check Out TYT Interviews www.youtube.com
Google I/O 2010 - Ignite Google I/O
Google I/O 2010 - Ignite Google I/O
Google I/O 2010 - Ignite Google I/O Tech Talks Brady Forrest, Krissy Clark, Ben Huh, Matt Harding, Clay Johnson, Bradley Vickers, Aaron Koblin, Michael Van Riper, Anne Veling, James Young Ignite captures the best of geek culture in a series of five-minute speed presentations. Each speaker gets 20 slides that auto-advance after 15 seconds. Check out last year's Ignite Google I/O. For all I/O 2010 sessions, please go to code.google.com/events/io/2010/sessions.html
United States v. Stevens: The Supreme Court's Decision Invalidating the Crush Video Statute
United States v. Stevens: The Supreme Court's Decision Invalidating the Crush Video Statute
United States v. Stevens: The Supreme Court's Decision Invalidating the Crush Video Statute - mars-5:hrs05JUD2141_100526 - Rayburn 2141 - Committee on the Judiciary - 2010-05-26 - Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security. I am pleased to welcome you today to this hearing before the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security about the Supreme Court's recent decision in United States v. Stevens. In the late 1990's, Congress was made aware of a growing market for videotapes and still photographs depicting typically small animals being slowly crushed to death. These depictions are commonly referred to as crush videos. Much of the material features women inflicting torture with their bare feet or while wearing highheel shoes. The depictions often appeal to people with a very specific sexual fetish who find them sexually arousing. Even in States where harming the animal in such ways itself violated State laws prohibiting cruelty to animals, prosecutors still had difficulty obtaining convictions for animal cruelty. For instance, the faces of individuals inflicting the torture often were not shown in the videos, and the locations, times and dates of the acts could not be ascertained from the depictions themselves. Defendants were therefore able to successfully assert as a defense that the State could not prove its jurisdiction over the place where the acts occurred or that the actions took place within the statute of limitations.
An Evening of David Foster Wallace
An Evening of David Foster Wallace
The Harry Ransom Center commemorated the opening of the David Foster Wallace archive with readings of Wallace's work by writers and actors on September 14, 2010. Readers include Wayne Alan Brenner, Elizabeth Crane, LB Deyo, Doug Dorst, Owen Egerton, Chris Gibson, Kurt Hildebrand, Shannon McCormick and Jake Silverstein shared selections of Wallace's fiction, essays, and correspondence. Wallace's archive is housed at the Ransom Center. The program was co-sponsored by American Short Fiction and Salvage Vanguard Theater.
TEDxSF - Captain Paul Watson - 4/27/10
TEDxSF - Captain Paul Watson - 4/27/10
Captain Paul Watson - Marine Wildlife Conservationist Upholding the International Laws of Marine Conservation For 30 years, Captain Paul Watson has been at the helm of the worlds most active marine protection non-profit organization Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Paul Watsons career as a Master Mariner began in 1968 as a seaman with the merchant marines and with the Canadian Coast Guard. In 1972, Watson co-founded the Greenpeace Foundation (GP) in Vancouver, BC. In 1977, Watson founded Sea Shepherd Conservation Society dedicated to research, investigation, and the enforcement of laws, treaties, resolutions, and regulations established to protect marine wildlife and their habitats worldwide. Thank you to Elena Montrasio for the Italian translation. About TEDx, x=independently organize event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self- organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x=independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
THIS VIDEO / SONG SOUNDS BEST WHEN VIEWED IN HD (High Definition-the hottest video resolution). We use HD to give you the best Christian music video experience possible. www.BrandtMorain.com A free MP3 of this Christian song is available for free download at our website in the best music format possible (True CD quality -- 320Kbps). YouTube formats do NOT give you the best music video quality. YouTube is not CD quality. Sample audio of our other songs are also available. Band Group Details: Our new Debut CD "Volume One" has had great reviews and articles from Music Review, USA Today, Alternative Press Magazine as well as contributing writers for top publications such as Rolling Stone Magazine. Our album has received substantial Radio Airplay in Phoenix AZ and Albany NY as the official music for two radio talk shows on stations KFNX 100 and Talk 1300 AM, some of the hottest radio stations in their market. Brandt Morain "Volume One" is comprised of multiple genres including 1970-80's style Rock, Country, A Capella, Christian / Religious, a song that makes fun of Rap, Easy Listening and a few recordings that defy categorization. In order to bring you the best Christian music possible, our recording philosophy omits recording industry "innovations" such as Autotune. These devices damage a recording artists performance in our opinion, producing sterile results that have destroyed the quality of some of the best Christian songs and other great music in the industry. Music <b>...</b>
Part 1 - Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis (Chs 01-05)
Part 1 - Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis (Chs 01-05)
Part 1. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Mike Vendetti. Playlist for Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis: www.youtube.com
Book 08 - The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo (Chs 1-6)
Book 08 - The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo (Chs 1-6)
Book 8.Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Mark Nelson. Playlist for The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo - Books 1-11: www.youtube.com
Part 4 - Walden by Henry David Thoreau (Chs 09-11)
Part 4 - Walden by Henry David Thoreau (Chs 09-11)
Part 4. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Gord Mackenzie. Playlist for Walden by Henry David Thoreau: www.youtube.com
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens - Whole Book
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens - Whole Book
Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Cast Ebenezer Scrooge: Andy Minter Fred: mb Bob Cratchit: David Richardson Gentleman: Martin Langer Jacob Marley: Algy Pug Ghost of Christmas Past: Tricia G Fan/Tiny Tim: rashada Young Scrooge/Peter Cratchit: Paul Andrews Schoolmaster/Man 2: Peter Bishop Fezziwig: John Steigerwald Belle: Availle Belle's Husband/Man 3: Levi Throckmorton Ghost of Christmas Present: Barry Eads Mrs. Cratchit: Arielle Lipshaw Martha Cratchit/Girl: Christin Chapelle Belinda Cratchit/Caroline: Amy Gramour Scrooge's Niece: Veronica Jenkins Niece's Sister: Liberty Stump Man 1: David Lawrence Man 4: Chris Donnelly Man 5: Darren V Charwoman: Kara Shallenberg Old Joe: Tom Crawford Mrs. Dilber: Sandra G Caroline's Husband: Shea McNamara Boy: Saab Narrator: Elizabeth Klett
Part 1 - The Return of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Adventures 01-03)
Part 1 - The Return of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Adventures 01-03)
Part 1. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Playlist for The Return of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: www.youtube.com
House Session 2011-07-25 (14:10:33-15:10:58)
House Session 2011-07-25 (14:10:33-15:10:58)
Begin consideration of HR 2584--Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012 (Subject to a Rule).
House Session 2011-01-19 (18:11:28-19:17:59)
House Session 2011-01-19 (18:11:28-19:17:59)
House Session 2011-12-20 (17:20:24-18:42:22)
House Session 2011-12-20 (17:20:24-18:42:22)
The House of Representatives convened for the business of the day, one minute speeches, and special order speeches. The House disapproved of Senate amendments to bill HR 3630 to provide incentives for the creation of jobs and extend the Social Security payroll tax cut and appointed a conference committee. The House of Representatives passed a resolution expressing the sense of the House regarding any final measure to extend the payroll tax holiday, extend Federally funded unemployment insurance benefits, or prevent decreases in reimbursement for physicians who provide care to Medicare beneficiaries; and for other purposes.
The 700 Club - July 20, 2011 - CBN.com
The 700 Club - July 20, 2011 - CBN.com
David abandoned his job as a lawyer to join the war effort in Iraq as a JAG officer. His wife Nancy waged a war on family debt at home. And the story of Jim, a homeless, cave-dwelling drug addict that cleaned up after 39 years in the desert. The 700 Club www.cbn.com
Synposis: Shankar (Mithun Chakraborty) was jailed at the age of thirteen, when he killed his uncle, who tried to sell his mother Yashoda (Nutan) to a rich and powerful man called Khan (Amrish Puri). He was imprisoned for ten years. When he comes back home, he finds his mother and sister in poor conditions. He tries to keep appropriate behavior and make amends, but all his attempts fail, as he is widely recognized as a criminal, and he joins a group of criminals, whose leader is a generous man called Malik (Sharat Saxena). His mother, who is an honest woman, refuses to accept him like this and decides she has nothing to do with him. He meets Malik's daughter Sonia (Madhuri Dixit) and the two fall in love. Malik appreciates Shankar's faithfulness and authorizes him as his principal successor. After Malik's death, Shankar takes over and gets into business terms with Khan. Shankar and Sonia get married and move into their new house. Shankar's one and only wish is to reunite with his mother, but she refuses, and requires him to leave the crime world. The matters get complicated and Shankar loses his way. He loses his friends in endless fights with the police, and finally when Sonia finds out that she is pregnant, she leaves him and comes to live with Yashoda. Alone and neglected, he comes back home but then his previous life persecutes him. What will be his fate in life?
DAVID WILCOCK at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware Conference, Los Angeles, Sept 2009
DAVID WILCOCK at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware Conference, Los Angeles, Sept 2009
2012: THE RETURN OF CAMELOT Come and see David Wilcock speak live at the Project Camelot Productions Awake and Aware 2011 conference set in Irvine California on 23, 24 and 25 September 2011. www.awakeandaware2011.com --♥-- -- DAVID WILCOCK's wonderful and inspired closing presentation at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware Conference, Los Angeles, 20 September 2009. -- A note of apology we did the best we could with the colorizing of the video. The lighting conditions for the camera were very poor (David preferred the conference room lights turned right down so as to emphasize his slide presentation). The value of the content, of course, is unaffected :) PROJECT CAMELOT projectcamelot.org .