Ottawa-Outaouais IWW

The General Membership Branch of the Ottawa-Outaouais region

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Industrial Workers of the World Declare Solidarity with the Quebec Student Strike!

May 23rd, 2012 by admin

Members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) across Canada stand in solidarity with students and workers across Québec who are taking a courageous stand against rising tuition fees and the government-backed capitalist attack on the working class in the age of austerity.

By refusing to go to school and by taking to the streets in the hundreds of thousands, Quebecois, including IWW members in Montréal, Sherbrooke and the Outaouais, are showing the rest of Canada that direct action really does get the goods.

The IWW calls on the police to stop attacking independent media in Quebec, such as Concordia University’s CUTV, as their live broadcasts and coverage are essential to democratic change.

The IWW also calls on the provincial government to repeal its new laws that outlaw free expression, free assembly and the rights of all Quebecois to defend their vision of the future of education. The government should listen and acknowledge the legitimacy of student demands and reply to them at the negotiation table instead of using legislation to end this conflict repressively in order to establish a false “social peace”.

The IWW Canadian Regional Organizing Committee (CANROC) encourages its members and branches to donate to student associations, such as the Association pour une Solidarité Syndicale Étudiante (ASSÉ), and independent media outlets, such as CUTV. The CANROC also urges its members to walk the picket lines and fill the streets in this struggle for education and freedom.

Ultimately, students, teachers and workers are now building a strong solidarity movement like never before. This powerful movement allows us to hope that one day the education system will be controlled by those who work, teach and study there so that the fruits of this labour provide universal benefit to social and human development rather than be enslaved to the logic of profit which benefit banks and capitalists of all kinds.

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* Quèbec

* Ottawa-Outaouais


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