Mortar (weapon)
Mortar (weapon)
A mortar is an indirect fire weapon that fires explosive projectiles known as (mortar) bombs at low velocities, short ranges, and high-arcing ballistic trajectories. It is typically muzzle-loading and has a barrel length less than 15 times its caliber.
Strix Precision Guided 120mm Mortar Launched Weapon
Strix Precision Guided 120mm Mortar Launched Weapon
Projectile guidance technology has already been used since 1994 in 120 mm mortars, with the IR homing Bofors/Saab Strix. This weapon can engage targets at a range of 7 km, operates in an autonomous heat-seeking mode which can intelligibly recognize targets and discriminate targets among decoys and burning targets. Strix has been in service with the Swedish Army since 1994 and also has been ordered by the Swiss Army. It is optimized as an anti-armor weapon, defeating targets with top-attack.
Mortar in Potato Gun
Mortar in Potato Gun
My friend came to Halloween dressed in a home-made poop costume. And what better way to get rid of it than by putting a mortar in a potato gun and blowing it up!
Mortar-Zapping Gun Test
Mortar-Zapping Gun Test
The Counter-Rocket, Artillery and Mortar cannon based on the Navy's Phalanx is used to shoot down incoming fire in Iraq. Here it undergoes testing.
Centurion weapon system C-RAM Counter-rocket artillery and mortar weapon system Raytheon
Centurion weapon system C-RAM Counter-rocket artillery and mortar weapon system Raytheon
The Centurion Weapon System is a Land-Based Phalanx Weapon System (Read more at www.armyrecognition.com ) with the capability of integration with other protection sensors and systems. The system is designed and manufactured by the American Company Raytheon. Phalanx is a rapid-fire, computer-controlled radar and 20 mm gun system that automatically acquires, tracks, and destroys enemy threats that have penetrated all other ship defense systems. Army Recognition online Defence & Security magazine The only official online Daily News Eurosatory 2012 Visit this link www.eurosatory.com Army Recognition Online Defence & Security magazine Worldwide Defense & Security News Marketing and communication for Defense & Security Industry and Exhibition Land Forces equipment, weapons and vehicles http
Gears Of War 2 - How To Fire Aim Mortar Gun
Gears Of War 2 - How To Fire Aim Mortar Gun
Get Paid To Play Video Games - Details @ www.EthanCaine.com
The GRAN Guided Weapon System for 120mm Mortars (English language)
The GRAN Guided Weapon System for 120mm Mortars (English language)
The system is designed to defeat single and group, stationary and moving, armoured and soft-skinned targets and engineer facilities by firing 120mm smoothbore and rifled mortars. Gran kills stationary and moving targets by the first shot without fire adjustment. Targets located at a considerable distance from each other (up to 300 m) are killed at a single fire angle and without changing settings in the projectile. Simultaneous fire by several mortars at several targets (without hampering each other's operation), a capability of firing with incomplete meteorological data, defeat of targets moving in defiles, located behind high crests or on reserve slopes of the terrain, and high-accuracy fire at night significantly enhance mortar effectiveness, especially in irregular terrain where the application of guns is complicated. Gran system mobility is provided by specially designed portable automated fire control system that ensures round-the-clock targets detection and designation in hard-to-reach areas, topographical survey and orientation of fire position and command-observation post, automated computation and input of fire settings. The analysis of Gran's combat efficiency shows that, featuring high capabilities and modest demand for resources and ammunition, it can ensure a high target kill level in conditions where conventional mortars and guns are actually ineffective. The system comprises: 1) a 120mm guided HEF mortar projectile; 2) a propelling charge; 3) Malakhit <b>...</b>
Fleet Week 2009 (Iwo Jima) - Mortar weapons!
Fleet Week 2009 (Iwo Jima) - Mortar weapons!
While I wasn't able to determine the name of the first weapon displayed (due to lack of information below or in the immediate vicinity), the next two obviously are mortar weapons. LOL! First we have the M224 60mm Mortar (which has a maximum range of 3490 meters). Next (and finally) we have the M252 81mm Mortar (which has a maximum range of 5733 meters).
2S9 Nona-S Airborne Assault Gun-Mortar -- 2С9 Нона-С Cамоходное Oрудие
2S9 Nona-S Airborne Assault Gun-Mortar -- 2С9 Нона-С Cамоходное Oрудие
The 120-mm 2S9 Nona-S (Anemone) self-propelled howitzer/mortar was first seen in public in May 1985 and it is an airborne artillery assault vehicle that has been developed to carry out two tactical functions: - conventional artillery equipment to replace existing mortars and howitzers - and as a direct fire anti-tank weapon system firing HEAT projectiles. further info: 2S9 Nona en.wikipedia.org 2С9 Нона-С www.army-guide.com armor.kiev.ua
BattleField 3 PSA- Mortars
BattleField 3 PSA- Mortars
Just a Friendly Public Service Announcement(PSA) about Mortar Spamming. I hope you Learn from this educational video. And remember! ALWAYS BRING A HELMET :) Be sure to visit biohazardclan.com and for their BF3 Servers Conquest: battlelog.battlefield.com Mixed All Maps: battlelog.battlefield.com
High Impulse Weapon System
High Impulse Weapon System
Experimental 76mm(I think) weapon system.
Halo Reach new weapons and equipment gameplay::Drop shield, mortar strike
Halo Reach new weapons and equipment gameplay::Drop shield, mortar strike
A look at the new drop shield and mortar strike that will be featured in campaign and fire fight. Song: Fade Away (BY) Breaking Benjamin
Aerial Weapons Team Destroys Mortar Tube and Kills Criminal
Aerial Weapons Team Destroys Mortar Tube and Kills Criminal
an aerial weapons team (AWT) killing a criminal and destroying a mortar tube being used by criminals to launch indirect-fire attacks in the Kadhamiyah district of Baghdad. Scenes include aerial footage of three criminals firing a mortar and an AWT engaging the criminals with two Hellfire missiles killing one criminal and destroying the mortar tube.
T:A - Weapon Comparison - Fusion Mortar vs. MIRV Launcher
T:A - Weapon Comparison - Fusion Mortar vs. MIRV Launcher
Visit www.FPSGeneral.com for more fps content! Crazy Penguin brings us more Tribes Ascend content, with his second weapon comparison breakdown on the Juggernaut primary weapons: the Fusion Mortar and the MIRV Launcher! If you enjoyed this video don't forget to like & subscribe! Try the game for free: account.hirezstudios.com Twitter: twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com
Battlefield 3 Short Film: Mortar Spamming
Battlefield 3 Short Film: Mortar Spamming
A public announcement done in a hilarious way. Please stop the mortar spamming. Video by: www.youtube.com Check out the BioHazardClan: biohazardclan.com
Phalanx (CIWS) Block 1B LPWS Testing and Firing
Phalanx (CIWS) Block 1B LPWS Testing and Firing
Phalanx - This is the land based version of the Phalanx (CIWS) gun system built by Raytheon called the Land-Based Phalanx Weapons System or LPWS. It utilizes the Block 1B gun system with self-destruct rounds to destroy incoming mortar and artillery rounds. The Raytheon Phalanx CIWS was originally designed as a shipboard anti-missile defense system for shooting down incoming missiles and aircraft in the early 80s.
Maptools and Mortars with Falcon
Maptools and Mortars with Falcon
We don't really use mortars in ShackTac, but we've been experimenting with them recently in a few of our missions. Because of that, Falcon held an impromptu mortar session after his "Weapons Teams" session for those who wanted to stick around. We also did Howitzers, but lol math.
60mm mortar firing
60mm mortar firing
me and a mate firing the 60mm long version of a martoar in south wales on pre-deployment training before deploying to aghanistan