fresh finds for hip spaces


Archive for April, 2011

Inspired By StyleCookie

When Anke and Sanne, two stylists and a photographers from The Netherlands, wrote to me about StyleCookie I knew I had to share their new e-zine with you. They launched StyleCookie (yes it is also one word, it is considered trendy in the Netherlands and Germany to combine two English words [...]


Pretty Crafty Things

I love pretty crafty things, don’t you? Sometimes just being in a craft supply store can make me feel creative even though I’m simply browsing. I like to look over each object wondering what I could do with it or how I could apply another item to it to create something more personal. Though I [...]


Matthew Mead Summer Issue

Hello lovely friends, I’m on a roll with posts today so you’ll have to forgive me… :) I thought that since I am a contributor to the Matthew Mead Summer Issue that I’d help him spread the word and yes, I know that I already shared a huge sneak peek of the issue [...]


Shop Tour: davidmetnicole in Sydney

I have a few shop tours to share with you, one today and another for Monday, both shot by brilliant Australian photographer Jillian Leiboff who photographed this inspiring Sydney shop shown below called davidmetnicole (yes, all one word). I love a good shop tour and davidmetnicole is certainly a place I’d [...]


Color Me Pretty: Anthropologie Inspired

Hello Friends, it is Leslie here with Color Me Pretty for April. This time around I cannot stop thinking about travel and cafes. No, they are not colors but since I just came back from a quick trip to London and Copenhagen I find myself dreaming about the cafes I visited and where [...]


From Pinterest With Love: Soft + Pretty

I decided to start four new columns on decor8, three that I’ll write and another authored by a dear friend who will join me once monthly for a brand new styling column. Yay! I’ll share them all with you soon but for today I want to get started on the first, my new once weekly [...]


6 Candles I Love

I was thinking yesterday about all of the candles that I own because I was organizing a cabinet where I keep my mini candle store (ha ha) and felt a bit ashamed of how many I have still unopened… And funny thing is, I was deciding what was missing from my stash so that I [...]


Inspiring Spaces From Decorate

I thought I’d share some inspiring spaces from my book, Decorate, that are currently floating around on the web (and some are part of this interview that Janet Reynolds had with me for her print magazine Life@Home) that you may actually want to add to your Pinterest account, desktop inspiration folder, [...]


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