
TV9 - TRS is kept attention on Public issues
TV9 - TRS is kept attention on Public issues...
published: 26 Jun 2012
author: Snehatv9news
TV9 - TRS is kept attention on Public issues
TV9 - TRS is kept attention on Public issues

Irish Rap Public Issues - Coleman
this is a song about the irish government and how there corrupt.. ENJOY :D♥ —...
published: 17 Mar 2012
author: INsultzZz
Irish Rap Public Issues - Coleman
this is a song about the irish government and how there corrupt.. ENJOY :D♥ — in Ballyfermot.

Murdoch issues public apology
Media mogul Rupert Murdoch has issued a public apology over the phone hacking scandal that...
published: 16 Jul 2011
author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Murdoch issues public apology
Media mogul Rupert Murdoch has issued a public apology over the phone hacking scandal that has engulfed his media empire. On Friday, two of his key executives resigned. Al Jazeera's Emma Hayward reports from London.

Faisla Aap Ka, Jun 27, 2012 SAMAA TV 1/3
Faisla Aap Ka is a socio-political show hosted by Asma Shirazi which aims to highlight iss...
published: 27 Jun 2012
author: samaatvnews
Faisla Aap Ka, Jun 27, 2012 SAMAA TV 1/3
Faisla Aap Ka is a socio-political show hosted by Asma Shirazi which aims to highlight issues faced by the common man. The program is designed as an outdoor based talk show which emphasizes and showcases issues and concerns of people from different locations. The anchor seeks street opinion and comments of the public which belongs to a particular locality, and forwards these to the concerned authorities of that particular area. Fresh: Monday-Thursday at 08:03PM. Repeat: Tuesday-Friday 02:05 PM. Follow Faisla Aap Ka on Facebook, www.facebook.com

Faisla Aap Ka, Jun 27, 2012 SAMAA TV 3/3
Faisla Aap Ka is a socio-political show hosted by Asma Shirazi which aims to highlight iss...
published: 27 Jun 2012
author: samaatvnews
Faisla Aap Ka, Jun 27, 2012 SAMAA TV 3/3
Faisla Aap Ka is a socio-political show hosted by Asma Shirazi which aims to highlight issues faced by the common man. The program is designed as an outdoor based talk show which emphasizes and showcases issues and concerns of people from different locations. The anchor seeks street opinion and comments of the public which belongs to a particular locality, and forwards these to the concerned authorities of that particular area. Fresh: Monday-Thursday at 08:03PM. Repeat: Tuesday-Friday 02:05 PM. Follow Faisla Aap Ka on Facebook, www.facebook.com

Khairy Jamaluddin Vs Rafizi Ramli UKEC Debate: Vision 2020 [FULL]
UKEC's Projek Amanat Negara (PAN) held on 29 January 2012 featured the first public de...
published: 02 Feb 2012
author: UKECtv
Khairy Jamaluddin Vs Rafizi Ramli UKEC Debate: Vision 2020 [FULL]
UKEC's Projek Amanat Negara (PAN) held on 29 January 2012 featured the first public debate between UMNO & BN Youth Chief, YB Khairy Jamaluddin, and PKR Director of Strategies, Rafizi Ramli. Taking on a Presidential-style format, the session "Public Policy: Vision 2020 - Is Malaysia Moving Towards the Right Direction?" was civil and diplomatic as the two renowned as passionate voices for their party's causes squared off. They spoke and in several instances agreed on many issues ranging from Vision 2020, party policies, and race relations, to the rights of students to participate in politics, media access and freedom of assembly. Projek Amanat Negara (PAN) is an annual initiative - this year in its 9th instalment - that serves as a platform for intellectual discourse between leading figures of the political, social and economic fields and Malaysian students. Examining key issues relevant to the governance, development and holistic progress of our country, it has been hugely successful in previous years, even providing the impetus to organise the Malaysian Student Leaders' Summit (MSLS) in Kuala Lumpur annually. This year's conference hosted the likes of Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz, Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir, YB Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad, Pang Khee Teik (Seksualiti Merdeka), Karim Raslan, and Zainah Anwar (co-founder of Sisters in Islam) among several others.

Alex Issues Emergency False Flag Terror Alert 1/3
Threat of a false flag event has never been greater Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones ww...
published: 08 Feb 2012
author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Alex Issues Emergency False Flag Terror Alert 1/3
Threat of a false flag event has never been greater Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv Tuesday, February 7, 2012 Given the fact that the US and Israel are both yearning for a casus belli to launch an attack on Iran, added to recent history where a staged provocation was considered, and in addition to the innumerable examples of false flags overseen by the Obama administration alone, the threat of staged terror has never been greater. Unlike the plethora of fake terror alerts that former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge admitted were issued for political propaganda, this one is very serious indeed. The American public are being bombarded with the same propaganda in two similar but separate formats, one that Iran is looking to launch a terror attack on US soil, and two that domestic extremists also pose a violent threat. However, as recent history tells us, it is the government itself which routinely stages and facilitates violent events in pursuit of its political objectives, therefore the same interests should be the number one suspects if and when violent events occur. US intelligence officials last week upped the rhetoric against Iran during congressional testimony by claiming that Tehran is prepared to launch reprisal attacks inside the United States. Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. cited the alleged Iranian plot to assassinate a Saudi ambassador on US soil as a sign that, "Some Iranian officials — probably <b>...</b>

Alex Issues Emergency False Flag Terror Alert 2/3
Threat of a false flag event has never been greater Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones ww...
published: 08 Feb 2012
author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Alex Issues Emergency False Flag Terror Alert 2/3
Threat of a false flag event has never been greater Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv Tuesday, February 7, 2012 Given the fact that the US and Israel are both yearning for a casus belli to launch an attack on Iran, added to recent history where a staged provocation was considered, and in addition to the innumerable examples of false flags overseen by the Obama administration alone, the threat of staged terror has never been greater. Unlike the plethora of fake terror alerts that former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge admitted were issued for political propaganda, this one is very serious indeed. The American public are being bombarded with the same propaganda in two similar but separate formats, one that Iran is looking to launch a terror attack on US soil, and two that domestic extremists also pose a violent threat. However, as recent history tells us, it is the government itself which routinely stages and facilitates violent events in pursuit of its political objectives, therefore the same interests should be the number one suspects if and when violent events occur. US intelligence officials last week upped the rhetoric against Iran during congressional testimony by claiming that Tehran is prepared to launch reprisal attacks inside the United States. Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. cited the alleged Iranian plot to assassinate a Saudi ambassador on US soil as a sign that, "Some Iranian officials — probably <b>...</b>

Faisla Aap Ka 27 June 2012 Part 3/3 SAMAA TV
Please goto technicalvids.webs.com or http for more videos and Pak dramas collection...
published: 28 Jun 2012
author: Adi shaz
Faisla Aap Ka 27 June 2012 Part 3/3 SAMAA TV
Please goto technicalvids.webs.com or http for more videos and Pak dramas collection

Faisla Aap Ka 27 June 2012 Part 1/3 SAMAA TV
Please goto technicalvids.webs.com or http for more videos and Pak dramas collection...
published: 28 Jun 2012
author: Adi shaz
Faisla Aap Ka 27 June 2012 Part 1/3 SAMAA TV
Please goto technicalvids.webs.com or http for more videos and Pak dramas collection

Faisla Aap Ka 27 June 2012 Part 2/3 SAMAA TV
Please goto technicalvids.webs.com or http for more videos and Pak dramas collection...
published: 28 Jun 2012
author: Adi shaz
Faisla Aap Ka 27 June 2012 Part 2/3 SAMAA TV
Please goto technicalvids.webs.com or http for more videos and Pak dramas collection

TrutherGirl Infiltrates NWO Conference!
Special Report! TrutherGirl Sonia successfully infiltrates this year's NWO conference ...
published: 14 Jun 2012
author: thetruthergirls
TrutherGirl Infiltrates NWO Conference!
Special Report! TrutherGirl Sonia successfully infiltrates this year's NWO conference with subversive journalist Ken Fernandez and brings you a full report on what Elites such as banker and Bilderbergers have been discussing. Although the tickets are very expensive, which makes the event inaccessible to most of the public, to their credit they offer special deals for students, and are open to the media and generous with them, and encourage even difficult questions from journalists. The 18th International Economic Forum of the Americas forum-americas.org One recurring theme was sustainable development and fracking was promoted as a solution by several speakers today as a means of decreasing US dependance on foreign energy sources (thereby decreasing the political power held over the US by oil-producing countries and those who control places that are key in terms of oil transportation to the West. During the lunchtime session, the issues of public discontent, protests, the notion of a 1% versus 99%, and unequal distribution of wealth came up. The American speaker, Thomas Donohue seemed pretty out of touch with the plight of the middle class. An article on the forum and the protests related to it www.huffingtonpost.ca

Michio Kaku: How Physics Got Fat (And Why We Need to Sing For Our Supper)
bigthink.com Scientists need to engage with the public and make statements about the great...
published: 08 Mar 2012
author: bigthink
Michio Kaku: How Physics Got Fat (And Why We Need to Sing For Our Supper)
bigthink.com Scientists need to engage with the public and make statements about the great political issues of the day - because it impacts not just our science budget, but actually on our way of life. Directed Produced by Jonathan Fowler & Elizabeth Rodd

Homeland: Law of the Land
Homeland: Immigration in America is a three-hour documentary series that explores one of t...
published: 18 Jun 2012
author: ketc9
Homeland: Law of the Land
Homeland: Immigration in America is a three-hour documentary series that explores one of the most polarizing issues facing America today. A PBS Election 2012 national special, the series is narrated by Ray Suarez, senior correspondent for the NewsHour, and produced by the Nine Network of Public Media in St. Louis. The documentary addresses the key immigration issues facing our country through the lens of the upcoming 2012 election. Homeland presents contemporary stories of immigrants and those who confront them, people who give them help and those who craft legislation that affects them. Their stories reveal the complex economic, political, personal and cultural dilemmas that are often portrayed as simple choices of right or wrong, legal or illegal. Immigration is not just a short-term Border State issue; it is a national issue with long-term consequences for communities throughout America.

Chabot Censors Town Hall - Police Seize Cameras
It is not supposed to happen in America where we value free speech and proudly revel in ou...
published: 23 Aug 2011
author: ProgressOhio
Chabot Censors Town Hall - Police Seize Cameras
It is not supposed to happen in America where we value free speech and proudly revel in our history of men and women standing up and speaking to their elected representatives. But...once again, just last night, as they did in June, Congressman Steve Chabot, his staff and security team made sure that there could be no genuine human interaction or spoken question from the audience or any recorded documentation of what was said. And this occurred in a public meeting, in a public place, conducted by a public official, who while speaking to the public refused over 100 people who disagreed with him the opportunity to speak. And he had the police there to physically enforce his own private rules for public discourse. Last night it was supposed 'security reasons" that they again not only banned citizen speech, but the photographing and filming of the Congressman speaking as well. Chabot's security team enlisted the help of the on-duty Cincinnati Police (car # 05313) to enforce this policy with the threat of arrest and the actual confiscation of two video cameras until the conclusion of the meeting. Dismal exercises such as this must leave his constituents bewildered, thinking they had stumbled into an anti-democratic nightmare where authorities dictate appropriate speech in public places and seize personal property at the request of the elected officials. These policies simply cannot stand legal scrutiny nor the smell test of any citizen interested in an honest and open <b>...</b>

PBS's Charlie Rose Runs Away From Bilderberg Questions
wearechange.org We Are Change is a nonpartisan, independent media organization comprised o...
published: 31 May 2012
author: wearechange
PBS's Charlie Rose Runs Away From Bilderberg Questions
wearechange.org We Are Change is a nonpartisan, independent media organization comprised of individuals and groups working to expose corruption worldwide. We are made up of independent journalists, concerned citizens, activists, and anyone who wants to shape the direction our world is going in. We seek to expose the lies of governments and the corporate elite who constantly trash our humanity. By asking the hard questions the mainstream media refuses to ask, we shine a little more light on truth. Furthermore, we seek to connect, educate, and motivate those who are interested in alerting the public to the pertinent issues that are affecting our lives each and every day. Our goal is to create a community of truth-seekers and peacemakers who share a commitment to nonviolent action. We Are Change is not so much an individual or group, but an idea, an idea that "We the People" are the change we wish to see in this world. Together, as residents of this planet, we can push back against those who wish to dominate our lives and begin to restore liberty to all. follow Luke @ twitter.com for updates and notifications for new videos and when a live video stream goes LIVE.

TSB Safety Issues Investigation - Fishing Safety
The TSB released a three-year investigation into fishing safety in Canada. This video talk...
published: 28 Jun 2012
author: TSBCanada
TSB Safety Issues Investigation - Fishing Safety
The TSB released a three-year investigation into fishing safety in Canada. This video talks about the 10 key issues identified in the report where immediate action is required. It explains that real and lasting improvement in fishing safety can come only when the fishing community recognizes that safety issues are related, and it tackles them in a coordinated way, rather than separately, as has been done in the past. © Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada 2012 Cat. No. TU4-19/2-2012E-DVD ISBN 978-1-100-20972-2

Satyamev Jayate 17 June 2012 Aamir Khan's Tv Show
Satyamev Jayate is a tv talk show, bringing out social issues in front of public by Aamir ...
published: 17 Jun 2012
author: clip786
Satyamev Jayate 17 June 2012 Aamir Khan's Tv Show
Satyamev Jayate is a tv talk show, bringing out social issues in front of public by Aamir Khan o. Check out the issues

Education For Whom and For What?
Noam Chomsky, a world-renowned linguist, intellectual and political activist, spoke at the...
published: 17 Feb 2012
author: Arizona
Education For Whom and For What?
Noam Chomsky, a world-renowned linguist, intellectual and political activist, spoke at the University of Arizona on Feb. 8, 2012. His lecture, "Education: For Whom and For What?" featured a talk on the state of higher education, followed by a question-and-answer session. Chomsky, an Institute Professor and a Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he worked for more than 50 years, has been concerned with a range of education-related issues in recent years. Among them: How do we characterize the contemporary state of the American education system? What happens to the quality of education when public universities become more privatized? Are public universities in danger of being converted into facilities that produce graduates-as-commodities for the job market? What is the role of activism in education? With unprecedented tuition increases and budget struggles occurring across American campuses, these are questions that are more relevant than ever.

MSNBC Lawrence O'Donnell Too Lazy To Research Bilderberg
wearechange.org We Are Change is a nonpartisan, independent media organization comprised o...
published: 31 May 2012
author: wearechange
MSNBC Lawrence O'Donnell Too Lazy To Research Bilderberg
wearechange.org We Are Change is a nonpartisan, independent media organization comprised of individuals and groups working to expose corruption worldwide. We are made up of independent journalists, concerned citizens, activists, and anyone who wants to shape the direction our world is going in. We seek to expose the lies of governments and the corporate elite who constantly trash our humanity. By asking the hard questions the mainstream media refuses to ask, we shine a little more light on truth. Furthermore, we seek to connect, educate, and motivate those who are interested in alerting the public to the pertinent issues that are affecting our lives each and every day. Our goal is to create a community of truth-seekers and peacemakers who share a commitment to nonviolent action. We Are Change is not so much an individual or group, but an idea, an idea that "We the People" are the change we wish to see in this world. Together, as residents of this planet, we can push back against those who wish to dominate our lives and begin to restore liberty to all. follow Luke @ twitter.com for updates and notifications for new videos and when a live video stream goes LIVE.

CNN Founder Ted Turner Supports Population Reduction To 2 Billion
wearechange.org We Are Change is a nonpartisan, independent media organization comprised o...
published: 31 May 2012
author: wearechange
CNN Founder Ted Turner Supports Population Reduction To 2 Billion
wearechange.org We Are Change is a nonpartisan, independent media organization comprised of individuals and groups working to expose corruption worldwide. We are made up of independent journalists, concerned citizens, activists, and anyone who wants to shape the direction our world is going in. We seek to expose the lies of governments and the corporate elite who constantly trash our humanity. By asking the hard questions the mainstream media refuses to ask, we shine a little more light on truth. Furthermore, we seek to connect, educate, and motivate those who are interested in alerting the public to the pertinent issues that are affecting our lives each and every day. Our goal is to create a community of truth-seekers and peacemakers who share a commitment to nonviolent action. We Are Change is not so much an individual or group, but an idea, an idea that "We the People" are the change we wish to see in this world. Together, as residents of this planet, we can push back against those who wish to dominate our lives and begin to restore liberty to all. follow Luke @ twitter.com for updates and notifications for new videos and when a live video stream goes LIVE.

WeAreChange Proves Tony Blair Lied To Parliament About Bilderberg
wearechange.org We Are Change is a nonpartisan, independent media organization comprised o...
published: 31 May 2012
author: wearechange
WeAreChange Proves Tony Blair Lied To Parliament About Bilderberg
wearechange.org We Are Change is a nonpartisan, independent media organization comprised of individuals and groups working to expose corruption worldwide. We are made up of independent journalists, concerned citizens, activists, and anyone who wants to shape the direction our world is going in. We seek to expose the lies of governments and the corporate elite who constantly trash our humanity. By asking the hard questions the mainstream media refuses to ask, we shine a little more light on truth. Furthermore, we seek to connect, educate, and motivate those who are interested in alerting the public to the pertinent issues that are affecting our lives each and every day. Our goal is to create a community of truth-seekers and peacemakers who share a commitment to nonviolent action. We Are Change is not so much an individual or group, but an idea, an idea that "We the People" are the change we wish to see in this world. Together, as residents of this planet, we can push back against those who wish to dominate our lives and begin to restore liberty to all. follow Luke @ twitter.com for updates and notifications for new videos and when a live video stream goes LIVE.