
Orca - The killer WHALE - part 1
Orca - The killer WHALE - part 1...
published: 14 Jan 2011
Author: DzikiBillCzkawka
Orca - The killer WHALE - part 1
Orca - The killer WHALE - part 1

Orca(1977) - Orca Finale
■stereo(URL last "&fmt=18")■ 【Music】 Ennio Morrico...
published: 15 Jul 2008
Author: ostmusicmix
Orca(1977) - Orca Finale
■stereo(URL last "&fmt=18")■ 【Music】 Ennio Morricone エンニオ・モリコーネ【director】 Michael Anderson マイケル・アンダーソン【cast】 Richard Harris リチャード・ハリス (Nolan) Charlotte Rampling シャーロット・ランプリング (Rachel) Will Sampson ウィル・サンプソン (Umilak) Bo Derek ボー・デレク (Annie) Robert Carradine ロバート・キャラダイン (Ken) Keenan Wynn キーナン・ウィン (Novak) Scott Walker スコット・ウォルカー (Swain) Peter Hooten ピーター・ホーテン (Paul) en.wikipedia.org 【Title】 La Orca - Gefangen, Geschandet, Erniedrigt / Oedipus Orca / Orca / Orca La / Wilde Fruchte /

published: 02 Aug 2010
Author: voorhees840

Orca the killer whale - main theme by ennio morricone
orca - from the original motion picture soundtrack- orca the killer whale 1977...
published: 22 Jul 2011
Author: Wildgeese73
Orca the killer whale - main theme by ennio morricone
orca - from the original motion picture soundtrack- orca the killer whale 1977

Classic Movie Trailer Orca HQ
Trailer for the movie fully inspired by Jaws. About a killer whale who kills people. Filme...
published: 05 Jul 2009
Author: 2009Murph
Classic Movie Trailer Orca HQ
Trailer for the movie fully inspired by Jaws. About a killer whale who kills people. Filmed mostly in Newfoundland, so has great scenery.

You can download my clip from here: www.megaupload.com/?d=YL2IOFMR Creator: Miłosz &q...;
published: 15 Aug 2007
Author: BalooG
You can download my clip from here: www.megaupload.com/?d=YL2IOFMR Creator: Miłosz "Baloo" G. Scenes from Michael Anderson's "Orca: The Killer Whale" (1977) OST: Cranberries - Zombie Ennio Morricone - "Dialoguing the memories" Nothingface - Ether Real Name Clip: "Short Story Witch Tragic Ending" STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY !

Orca - The killer WHALE part 4
Orca - The killer WHALE part 4...
published: 14 Jan 2011
Author: DzikiBillCzkawka
Orca - The killer WHALE part 4
Orca - The killer WHALE part 4

Movie Stills From Orca (1977)
Name: Orca: The Killer Whale Year: 1977 Rating: Rated PG Available on DVD: YES...
published: 16 Mar 2009
Author: SteveAltenRocks
Movie Stills From Orca (1977)
Name: Orca: The Killer Whale Year: 1977 Rating: Rated PG Available on DVD: YES

[ Orca - 1977 ] - "You want revenge? Well, you'll have it!"
"You want revenge? Well, you'll have it!"...
published: 13 Apr 2010
Author: ditozoio
[ Orca - 1977 ] - "You want revenge? Well, you'll have it!"
"You want revenge? Well, you'll have it!"

Orca:Killer Whale (soundtrack)
"Orca:Killer Whale"(1977) ("Orka:Wieloryb Zabójca") Music by En...
published: 23 Apr 2008
Author: plaga88
Orca:Killer Whale (soundtrack)
"Orca:Killer Whale"(1977) ("Orka:Wieloryb Zabójca") Music by Ennio Morricone.

Orca(1977) - Orca (performed by Carol Connors)
■stereo(URL last "&fmt=18")■ 【Music】 Ennio Morrico...
published: 15 Jul 2008
Author: ostmusicmix
Orca(1977) - Orca (performed by Carol Connors)
■stereo(URL last "&fmt=18")■ 【Music】 Ennio Morricone エンニオ・モリコーネ【performed】 Carol Connors 【director】 Michael Anderson マイケル・アンダーソン【cast】 Richard Harris リチャード・ハリス (Nolan) Charlotte Rampling シャーロット・ランプリング (Rachel) Will Sampson ウィル・サンプソン (Umilak) Bo Derek ボー・デレク (Annie) Robert Carradine ロバート・キャラダイン (Ken) Keenan Wynn キーナン・ウィン (Novak) Scott Walker スコット・ウォルカー (Swain) Peter Hooten ピーター・ホーテン (Paul) en.wikipedia.org 【Title】 La Orca - Gefangen, Geschandet, Erniedrigt / Oedipus Orca / Orca / Orca La / Wilde Fruchte /

Orca The Killer Whale Trailer
If You Would Like To Buy Orca The Killer Whale DVD CLICK HERE tinyurl.com...
published: 26 Sep 2009
Author: mcvic07
Orca The Killer Whale Trailer
If You Would Like To Buy Orca The Killer Whale DVD CLICK HERE tinyurl.com

オルカ Theme / Orca(1977)Theme
Music by Ennio Morricone...
published: 15 Aug 2011
Author: kita49621
オルカ Theme / Orca(1977)Theme
Music by Ennio Morricone
Vimeo results:

Orca & Dog
Luna / L98 the solitary killer whale socializes with dog. Please note that Luna was a sout...
published: 02 Jul 2008
Author: Maria Chantelle Tucker
Orca & Dog
Luna / L98 the solitary killer whale socializes with dog. Please note that Luna was a southern resident (fish eating orca) and was not hunting the dog for food.
http://www.vimeo.com/1270981 a composite video of Luna
To learn more about Luna please go to http://lunastewardship.blogspot.com
“The fact that the story ended is not the point.
That the story happened is the point.
Luna was this extraordinary being
and represented something extraordinary,
and we didn’t want to overshadow that
by the circumstances the ended the story.”
- Mike Parfit

MSHVB Behind-the-Scenes
See the finished music video here: http://www.vimeo.com/5972527
Starring: Benjamin Verdoe...
published: 07 Aug 2009
Author: Thinklab
MSHVB Behind-the-Scenes
See the finished music video here: http://www.vimeo.com/5972527
Starring: Benjamin Verdoes, Traci Eggleston, and Marshall Verdoes of Mt. St. Helen's Vietnam Band
Locations: San Juan Island, Orcas Island
Director/Producer: Matt Daniels
Additional Creative Direction: Stefan Moore (thatgo)
DP: Michael Ragen
2nd Unit DP & Helicopter Camera Operator: Mike Prevette
Aerial Video (RC Helicopter Operator): Tabb Firchau (Aerialpan Imaging)
Art Director: Courtland Premo
Costume Designer: Matt Daniels, Benjamin Verdoes, Traci Eggleston
Makeup Artist: Ingrid Pixel
Editing: Apryl Richards, Matt Daniels
Editing Advisors: Joy Andrews, Rob Dalton, Noel Paul (thatgo)
Color Correction: Apryl Richards
Compositing: Matt Daniels
Photoshop: Michael Ragen
Production Company: Thinklab
Producer: Matt Daniels
Location Managers: John Hadac, Devin Coldewey
PA: Matthew Salton
Behind-the-scenes video: Devin Coldewey
Production stills: tinyurl.com/nw9rlt

Skimboarding Scheme
He waited 15 years to do this. Fashioned a board from the panels of a sunken skipper. Stud...
published: 11 Mar 2009
Author: 5-Second Films
Skimboarding Scheme
He waited 15 years to do this. Fashioned a board from the panels of a sunken skipper. Studied the Fleshlings’ movements. And now, the intricate machinations of his plan unfold, like the petals of a blood-red rose.

Avance del documental “Isora, historia de una manada de calderones”, que relata ...
published: 14 Dec 2011
Author: Rafa Herrero Massieu
Avance del documental “Isora, historia de una manada de calderones”, que relata la vida de una manada de calderones residentes en las islas Canarias, de su espacio y de los habitantes que comparten ese espacio. Financiado por la Fundación Canaria Mapfre Guanarteme y realizado por Aquawork producciones, que se presentará a finales del 2012.
ISORA es la matriarca de uno de los grupos de calderones tropicales que residen y utilizan la costa oriental de la isla de Tenerife. Este sector de mar se haya al resguardo de los vientos alisios, dando lugar a aguas encalmadas la mayor parte del año.
Pese a su tamaño y apariencia, el calderón tropical (Globicephala macrorhynchus), es un delfín emparentado con las orcas. Los machos pueden alcanzar una longitud de 5 m, un metro más que las hembras, pero pesan el doble. Viven en grupos estrechamente emparentados y la mayoría de sus miembros permanecen juntos de por vida.
Fotografía submarina: Rafa Herrero Massieu
Fotografía exteriores: Rafa Herrero Massieu y Pedro Felipe Acosta
Música: Christian Johansen
Preview of the documentary "Isora, story of a pod of pilot whales," in which it is narrated the life of a pod of pilot whales living in Canary Islands, as well as their space and the residents sharing that space. It is financed by the Canarian Foundation Mapfre Guanarteme and produced by Aquawork Productions, and it will be presented at the end of 2012.
Isora is the matriarch of one of the pods of tropical pilot whales living in the Eastern coast of the island of Tenerife. This area of the sea is sheltered from trade wind, and this cause the sea to become calm for the most part of the year.
Despite of its size and shape, the tropical pilot whale (Globicephala Macrorhynchus), is a dolphin related to killer whales. Males can reach five metres long, one metre more than females, but they weigh twice as heavy. They live in closely related pods and most of their members live together for life.
Submarine photography: Rafa Herrero Massieu
Location photography: Rafa Herrero Massieu and Pedro Felipe Acosta
Music: Christian Johansen
Youtube results:

Orca The Killer Whale - Soundtrack - We Are One - Carol Conners
If You Would Like To Buy The Soundtrack CLICK HERE tinyurl.com...
published: 26 Sep 2009
Author: mcvic07
Orca The Killer Whale - Soundtrack - We Are One - Carol Conners
If You Would Like To Buy The Soundtrack CLICK HERE tinyurl.com

Orka - Wieloryb zabójca (Orca - The Killer Whale) Lektor pl
"Kapitan Nolan jest doświadczonym wielorybnikiem. Podczas jednego z połow&o...;
published: 09 Dec 2011
Author: bongoksg
Orka - Wieloryb zabójca (Orca - The Killer Whale) Lektor pl
"Kapitan Nolan jest doświadczonym wielorybnikiem. Podczas jednego z połowów zabija ciężarną samicę orki. Ten czyn zamieni jego życie w koszmar (...).'' Opis zapożyczony z onetfilm.pl. Więcej filmów znajdziesz na www.moviezor.pl. Zapraszam.

Orca: The Killer Whale opening scene
The intro from the movie Orca: The killer whale. One of the best orcapictures ever. Since ...
published: 21 Apr 2010
Author: PrinceCharming25
Orca: The Killer Whale opening scene
The intro from the movie Orca: The killer whale. One of the best orcapictures ever. Since no one on youtube ever uploaded this part, which is a crying shame, I'll do so:) Orca's are very beautiful and I love the soundtrack, it gives me chills all over my body!

Orca the killer whale - main theme by Ennio Morricone
Orca the killer whale - main theme by Ennio Morricone www.Info.Norim.lt...
published: 23 Mar 2012
Author: AMDimone
Orca the killer whale - main theme by Ennio Morricone
Orca the killer whale - main theme by Ennio Morricone www.Info.Norim.lt