The Truth About The Jesuits Part 1 -- Must see video!!!!
The Truth About The Jesuits Part 1 -- Must see video!!!!
This is the last video you will ever need to watch in order to understand everything that has ever been deemed a conspiracy. Ok people this video was made well over a year ago. Please stop telling me that Kolvenbach resigned. I'm well aware.
The Real Conspiracy: the Jesuit infiltration of Christianity
The Real Conspiracy: the Jesuit infiltration of Christianity
The majority of Christians, particularly Protestants, hold to doctrines planted by Jesuits during the counter-reformation. This was for the purpose of undermining the reformation and for bringing nations and men back under papal yoke by altering their view of salvation and of the pope. Please do not dismiss this video quickly; listen to the things the Lord has shown me and examine them in light of the scriptures and ask God for guidance. For materials presenting the true gospel and sound doctrine, I strongly recommend this bookshop: theparsonspages.co.uk The Jesuit Oath: www.reformation.org The Jesuit influence of Arminius: www.lazarusunbound.com Discussion of Jesuit influence since the Reformation: www.youtube.com The Evil Empire of Jesuit Futurism historicist.info Origins of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture www.youtube.com Arminianism: the road to rome: www.swrb.com Papacy is the antichrist: www.ianpaisley.org and www.sermonaudio.com John Wesley Exposed: falseteachersexposed.blogspot.com
Amazing barehanded baseball catch!!!
Amazing barehanded baseball catch!!!
St. Johns Jesuit vs. Fremont Ross in the league championship. Crazy catch!
The Bavarian Illuminati was created as a Front for The Jesuit Order
The Bavarian Illuminati was created as a Front for The Jesuit Order
Former FBI Director Ted Gunderson Speaking (The Jesuits where banned in 83 countries , so they had to come up with a plan to remain power) The Bavarian Illuminati was born in 1776 , (Jesuit and Crypto Jews Adam Weishaupt was trained on Ingolstadt University which is a Jesuit institution) since then all These Crypto Jews (Like The Rotschilds and Rockefellers) have gotten all the Important Positions , This is why most researchers end up Blaming the Jews in General OR only blame The Zionists while all these powerful Masonic Labour Zionists are Knighted into The Vatican Knighthoods and are all Catholic. Its The Jesuits that control it ALL. The Ptolemaic Papal Bloodlines give advice to the Jesuit generals and are more powerful then for example The English Queen who is part of the Black Venetian Nobility Bloodlines (previous upload) connects perfectly on the end of this video. William Cooper Explains The False Flag Alien Invasion Scenario (NWO Agenda) www.youtube.com
International Jesuit Tyranny
International Jesuit Tyranny
International Jesuit Tyranny with Nelson Turner and Eric Jon Phelps. History_of_the_Jesuits Their Origin, Progress, Doctrines, and Design by GB Nicolini.pdf www.mediafire.com Popery Puseyism Jesuitism by Luigi Desanctis.pdf www.mediafire.com Behind the dictators a factual analysis of the relationship of nazi fascism and roman catholicism 1945 by Leo Lehmann.pdf www.mediafire.com The_principles_of_the_Jesuits.pdf www.mediafire.com In Jesuit Land, the Jesuit missions of Paraguay, by WH Koebel..pdf www.mediafire.com A Vanished Arcadia Account of Jesuits in Paraguay 1607 to 1767.pdf www.mediafire.com 1 alberto.pdf www.mediafire.com 2 alberto_double_cross.pdf www.mediafire.com 3 alberto_the_godfathers.pdf www.mediafire.com 4 alberto_the_force.pdf www.mediafire.com 5 alberto_four_horsemen.pdf www.mediafire.com 6 alberto_the_prophet.pdf www.mediafire.com The Secret History of Jesuits by Edmond Paris (1975).pdf www.mediafire.com Eric Jon Phelps - Con Con Presentation (Optimized).pdf www.mediafire.com Secret Instructions Of The Jesuits.pdf www.mediafire.com Provincial Letters of Blaise Pascal.pdf www.mediafire.com The Black Pope, A History of the Jesuits by MF Cusack Formerly the Nun of Kenmare.pdf www.mediafire.com The Jesuit Conspiracy The-Secret-Plan-Of-The-Order.pdf www.mediafire.com The Engineer Corps of Hell by Edwin Sherman.pdf www.mediafire.com Romanism,_A_Menace_to_the_Nation By Jeremiah J. Crowley, A Roman Catholic Priest for twenty-one years.pdf www.mediafire.com The <b>...</b>
Ex Jesuit Alberto Rivera and others Speak on Jesuit infiltration
Ex Jesuit Alberto Rivera and others Speak on Jesuit infiltration
For Educational Purposes Only The Jesuits (society of Jesus) have totally taken over just about every facet of America. From all religions to all secret societies, government agencies, intelligence agancies in America and all over the world. Here an ex-jesuit priest Alberto Rivera (murdered by the Vatican in 1997 by poisoning) tells of why and how the Jesuits are doing this. We can see the evidence of this by the attacks on our civil liberties and the US Constitution. It's time to wake up. Share this video and and post it anywhere you can. Also speaks of the Kennedy and Lincoln assassinations being plots of the Jesuits from Rome. keywords: jfk nazi nazis catholic church catholicism skull and bones alex jones 9/11 911 conspiracy revelation bible christianity judaism death hell heaven society of jesus black pope masonry freemasons opus dei club of rome bilderberg cfr bohemian grove council of foreign relations order of death inquisitions crusades monks bishops cardinals knights of malta knights of columbus george bush cia fbi kgb mossad ustashi alberto rivera jack chick tony alamo chiniquy avro manhattan anti-catholic 666 mark of the beast verichip microchip inplantable chip iraq muslim jewish jew zionism protocols zion weishaupt loyola, borgia, reformation, luther, martin malcolm x mohammed islam buddha seven day adventist pentacostal baptist apostle.
TITANIC: Untold Truth - Catholic Church's Jesuits sunk the ship for Vatican take over of US banking
TITANIC: Untold Truth - Catholic Church's Jesuits sunk the ship for Vatican take over of US banking
Do you remember the Hollywood block-buster movie film TITANIC by James Cameron with actor Leonardo de Caprio? Well, it is not the real story or perhaps just a part of the story. What you'll read below is the true story as to what really happened to the famous ship called Titanic. The sinking of the famous vessel was well planned, well executed, and orchestrated shape the world as we know it today. It is how the US Federal Reserve was established. A Catholic order known as the Jesuits compelled to carry out Jesus' work. The establishment of the US Federal Reserve was ushered into being. The Catholic Jesuits wanted to establish this idea of a central bank. This Jesuit establishment was created so that the order could loan money, shape the world landscape, and become one of the most powerful organizations in the world. Here's how the Vatican through its Jesuit order, the US Federal Reserve and the Titanic are connected. In 1910,7 men met on Jekyll island just off the coast of Georgia to plan the Federal Reserve Bank. Nelson Aldrich and Frank Vanderclip represented the Rockefeller financial empire. Henry Davidson, Charles Norton and Benjamin Strong represented JP Morgan. Paul Warburg represented the Rothschilds Banking dynasty of Europe. The Rothschilds were the banking agents for the Jesuits and hold `the key to the wealth of the Roman Catholic Church.' The Federal Reserve did have some opposition; those who saw what the future would become if banking was outside of the <b>...</b>
Rothschild (SMOM) Vatican Bankers Start Jesuit Wars Then Finance both Sides
Rothschild (SMOM) Vatican Bankers Start Jesuit Wars Then Finance both Sides
www.vaticanassassins.org Its unbelievable how many "Truthers" skipp the whole influence of The Jesuits........ This video originally was one of the many that try to make the Rothschilds the top of the Piramid (which is an agenda of the Vatican) , if i hadn't changed its title it had become another Jew blaming video and i still get irritated when i look at it.Man most of you don't have a clou about the size of this conspiracy against The Jews. After 911 insidejob and The False wars on Terror , many are now blaming only The Knights of Malta Rothschilds and Israel for everything while its the Jesuits that are controlling the whole thing and also the plans for WW1 WW2 and WW3 through Jesuit controlled Albert Pike.Israel was founded by The Knights of Malta ! Jews that serve the Pope ! Not The Jews in general !!!! On The Conterary they have been killed by the same Vatican and Zionists in WW2. They want to achieve that the masses blame the Jews in general This is why we find so many Vatican Knighted Zionists in the Front of everything. The Illuminati originated from Los Alumbrados which became the Society of Jesus. Adam Weishaupt was Jesuit trained on Ingolstadt university. Rothschild is a Knight of Malta and is simply overruled by The Jesuit Order. The Rothschilds are The Guardians of the Vatican Treasury and part of The Jesuit plot. Dennis Kucinich Speaks the Truth www.youtube.com The Federal Reserve 1913 created by Rome - IRS exposed. www.youtube.com
Ex Jesuit Priest Alberto Rivera: The Truth about The Catholic Church *1 of 7*
Ex Jesuit Priest Alberto Rivera: The Truth about The Catholic Church *1 of 7*
The Jesuits (society of Jesus) have totally taken over just about every facet of America. From all religions to all secret societies, government agencies, intelligence agancies in America and all over the world. Here an ex-jesuit priest Alberto Rivera (murdered by the Vatican in 1997 by poisoning) tells of why and how the Jesuits are doing this. The Vatican and the Jesuits have denied that Alberto was ever a Jesuit priest. They did the same thing to Ex Catholic Priest Bernard Fresenborg. Read his book here: Thirty Years In Hell by Bernard Fresenborg. It is alleged that he too was murdered by the Jesuit Order. Alberto Rivera was a Jesuit priest. When his mother died while he was still very young, he made up his mind that by becoming a priest he would learn the truth about God, and be able to bring that to others. If you are a Catholic, or have Catholic friends or loved ones, this story is for you.
Vatican's Jesuit Order sink the TITANIC to establish the US Fed Reserve & take over US banking
Vatican's Jesuit Order sink the TITANIC to establish the US Fed Reserve & take over US banking
The most evil and criminal organization in existence - the Catholic Church (Vatican) - is being exposed worldwide. Most people are not even aware that the Jesuits is just one of the many names of the Papal octupus, yes, the Catholic Church that has infiltrated the nations. The Catholic Jesuit order, otherwise known as the Society of Jesus (SJ), has been the military enforcement arm of the Catholic Church since it was first founded by Ignatius of Loyola of Spain in 1534 during the reign of Pope Paul III, ostensibly to combat Protestant heresy. And while many feel that the Jesuits are only a sub-order of the Roman Catholic Church and are merely seekers and disseminators of knowledge, they have a much darker history that many people do not know about. The Vatican's Jesuit order is responsible for sinking the Titanic ship since the 3 influential businessmen who opposed the idea of establishing the United States Federal Reserve were on board. The speaker in this video is renowned author ERIC PHELPS who www.vaticancrimes.us congratulates for standing up for truth and justice. Here he describes how the 3 influential men who opposed the idea of establishing the US Federal Reserve System, were killed along with the middle and lower classes. John Jacob Astor's wife was rescued. Molly Brown was also saved. The sinking of the Titanic was possibly the greatest disaster of the 20th Century outside of the World Wars. According to 'The Secret Terrorists,' the cause of this tragedy was <b>...</b>
Japan, Fake Nukes and the Jesuit Order
Japan, Fake Nukes and the Jesuit Order
The Jesuit history in Japan, and the psyop and fakery behind the so-called "nuking" destruction of Hiroshima (and Nagasaki). There is yet another fact proving the Jesuit Order protected its Soviet-Socialist-Communist government in Moscow during the final phase of the Company of Jesus' Second Thirty Years' War (1914-1945). The event is "The Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Agreement" of April, 1941, between Hirohito, the Masonic Emperor of Jesuit-ruled Japan, and Fr. Josef Stalin SJ, the Jesuit/Masonic military dictator of the Jesuit-ruled USSR. The Order's purpose for both nations was simple: use the Japanese military to destroy every vestige of the risen Son of God's Bible-based, Protestant Reformation in the Far East (especially in the Philippines and China) and use the Soviet military to destroy every vestige of the risen Son of God's Bible-based, Protestant Reformation in Germany (especially in Lutheran Prussia). Subsequently, Buddhist Japan would then be destroyed (the Japan that had righteously expelled the Order for over 200 years), upon which fire-bombed/atomic-bombed ruins the Company to then build a massive commercial colony subordinated to the Order's "Holy Roman" 14th Amendment American Empire in preparation for the unification of the Asian Far East under "the kings of the east" (Revelation 16:12). While the "heretic" Christian Orthodox Russian people were being "extirpated from the face of the earth" in accordance with the Jesuit Oath of the Fourth Vow via both <b>...</b>
The Jesuit Order &The; Counter Reformation (Full Length)
The Jesuit Order &The; Counter Reformation (Full Length)
Learn the history of the Roman Catholic Church and their militia the Jesuit Order not taught in school textbooks.
Jesuit Controlled Obama , SMOM (BP) & The Gulf Oilspill is part of the NWO Introduction agenda.
Jesuit Controlled Obama , SMOM (BP) & The Gulf Oilspill is part of the NWO Introduction agenda.
www.ajcunet.edu Note: The Gulf of Mexico was formed 60 million years ago by an impact of an Comet that wiped out the Dinosaurs. USA knew they couldn't drill for oil in the gulf simply because its way too dangerous , the mantel is only 7 miles thick to the magma , yet they did while they knew this , this is enough to know it was a set up. Also the lack of response by the USA government and the cancelling of help from the Dutch , Obama coming to the gulf with busses full of workers acting they cleaned up ,Obama striking a finger through the oil, filmed it and all hopped back in the bus again , saying everything was going to be allright.......... The dumping of 2 billion liters Core-Exit to hide the disaster (while core-exit is 4 times as toxic then the oil itself) People we are being screwed by these evil people in the Vatican and no one seems to really care about it. I tell you , you better wake up before they do another great damage and they already do in the Middle East based on (911) a False Armageddon and will even try to make it much worse by trying to trigger WW3 (Jesuit Controlled Albert Pike's Agenda) The whole world is being deceived by Media and Lies(TV and Internet). We are walking behind their long calculated agenda that is much older then most of us know about. So we have to do much research to get even ! Who controls USA , NOT the Zionist Jews it may look like it but they all work for Rome. (Fordham University and Georgetown University + Senates and Justice <b>...</b>
The Jesuits the 20th Century Eric Jon Phelps
The Jesuits the 20th Century Eric Jon Phelps
History_of_the_Jesuits Their Origin, Progress, Doctrines, and Design by GB Nicolini.pdf www.mediafire.com Popery Puseyism Jesuitism by Luigi Desanctis.pdf www.mediafire.com Behind the dictators a factual analysis of the relationship of nazi fascism and roman catholicism 1945 by Leo Lehmann.pdf www.mediafire.com The_principles_of_the_Jesuits.pdf www.mediafire.com In Jesuit Land, the Jesuit missions of Paraguay, by WH Koebel..pdf www.mediafire.com A Vanished Arcadia Account of Jesuits in Paraguay 1607 to 1767.pdf www.mediafire.com The Engineer Corps of Hell by Edwin Sherman.pdf www.mediafire.com 1 alberto.pdf www.mediafire.com 2 alberto_double_cross.pdf www.mediafire.com 3 alberto_the_godfathers.pdf www.mediafire.com 4 alberto_the_force.pdf www.mediafire.com 5 alberto_four_horsemen.pdf www.mediafire.com 6 alberto_the_prophet.pdf www.mediafire.com The Secret History of Jesuits by Edmond Paris (1975).pdf www.mediafire.com Eric Jon Phelps - Con Con Presentation (Optimized).pdf www.mediafire.com Provincial Letters of Blaise Pascal.pdf www.mediafire.com The Black Pope, A History of the Jesuits by MF Cusack Formerly the Nun of Kenmare.pdf www.mediafire.com The Jesuit Conspiracy The-Secret-Plan-Of-The-Order.pdf www.mediafire.com Provincial Letters of Blaise Pascal.pdf www.mediafire.com Romanism,_A_Menace_to_the_Nation By Jeremiah J. Crowley, A Roman Catholic Priest for twenty-one years.pdf www.mediafire.com The-Vaticans-Holocast-by-Avro-Manhattan.pdf www.mediafire.com Avro <b>...</b>
Chemtrails controlled by Jesuits & Knights of Malta ! Proof in video !
Chemtrails controlled by Jesuits & Knights of Malta ! Proof in video !
The Bilderberg group was founded by a Jesuit and Knights of Malta Prince Bernard. (Note! :Its now Winter in Holland , many contrails will remain a lot longer in the sky ! Don't get confused , Chemtails will NOT disappear within 3 hours in Summer we could see this much better !) I sincerely Hope that our (Dame of Malta) Queen Beatrix is being fooled by Rome.......that would leave a great opportunity to work with...........but i guess i'm hoping for something that doesn't exists......too bad , i would love a honest approach. Proof Bilderberg members like Queen Beatrix are working with Queen Elizabeth II and are all (Dame) Knights of Malta and Jesuits. NWO is controlled from Europe and is prepared for centuries. www.youtube.com They control , UN , NATO ,Monsanto , Olgacom , Royal DSM , KLM ,Royal Dutch Shell , USA and Chinese Companies and much more. olgacomscandal.wordpress.com
The Vatican & its Jesuit Order: Enemies of Christ and the entire world, responsible for all wars 1/2
The Vatican & its Jesuit Order: Enemies of Christ and the entire world, responsible for all wars 1/2
Most people today don't realize that the Jesuits is just one of the many different names of the Catholic Church, the Vatican. In fact, the Jesuits today form the largest single religious order of priests and brothers in the Catholic Church. "The Vatican was so appreciative of being recognized as a full partner (with Hitler and the Reich) that it asked God to bless the Reich. On a more practical level, it ordered German bishops to swear allegiance to the National Socialist regime. The new oath concluded with these significant words: 'In the performance of my spiritual office and in my solicitude for the welfare and the interest of the German Reich, I will endeavor to avoid all detrimental acts which might endanger it'" (op. cit., pp. 430-432. Book listed below). In 1926 Hitler said, "Christ was the greatest early fighter in the battle against the world enemy, the Jews.... The work that Christ started but could not finish, I—Adolf Hitler—will conclude" (John Toland, Adolf Hitler, p. 302). He did not consider Jesus a Jew, but only a half-Jew, because He was begotten by God. Hitler said, "We are not a movement, rather we are a religion .... I'm going to become a religious figure" (Waite, op. cit.). Even Hitler's "thousand year Reich" was a religious belief based on the 1000-year biblical Millennium. "The colossal Assembly Hall planned for his new capital of Germania should be seen as a secular cathedral rather than a civic building. The dome was to be large enough to <b>...</b>
Dallas Jesuit vs. Episcopal Lacrosse Highlights from Lax.com
Dallas Jesuit vs. Episcopal Lacrosse Highlights from Lax.com
Lax.com was down in Dallas, Texas!!! Woo! Check out this awesome game. It's close right down to the very last seconds of the 4th quarter as Texas powerhouse lax schools; Dallas Jesuits and Episcopal battle it out. Lax is really starting to grow in the south and definitely in Texas! You can see the talent following closely behind as the sports continues to spread in these southern states!
Catholic Church's Jesuit Order responsible for sinking the Titanic to take over US banking system
Catholic Church's Jesuit Order responsible for sinking the Titanic to take over US banking system
The Vatican's Jesuit order is responsible for sinking the Titanic ship since the 3 influential businessmen who opposed the idea of establishing the United States Federal Reserve were on board. Those richest of men, who opposed the Federal Reserve System, were killed along with the middle and lower classes. John Jacob Astor's wife was rescued. Molly Brown was also saved. The sinking of the Titanic was possibly the greatest disaster of the 20th Century outside of the World Wars. According to 'The Secret Terrorists,' the cause of this tragedy was the Jesuit Order of the Roman Catholic Church. In the beginning of the 1830's, USA did not have a central bank, and the Catholic Jesuit order desperately wanted a central bank within the country, just so that they could have unlimited resources to take out the funds necessary for wars and other evil schemes they have been responsible for worldwide. The Captain of the Titanic was Edward Smith. He was a Jesuit and worked for JP Morgan. Anyone could be a Jesuit and their identity not be known. From National Geographic 'The Secrets of the Titanic,' (1986): When the ship departed southern England, on board was Francis Browne. He was the most powerful Jesuit in all of Ireland and the 'Jesuit Master of Edward Smith.' 'Here is Jesuit treachery at its finest. The provincial Father Francis Browne boards the Titanic, photographs the victims, most assuredly briefs the Captain concerning his oath as a Jesuit, and the following morning bids him <b>...</b>
PLEASE send this FILM FAR & WIDE, They Have their MONEY in VATICAN BANK, ROTHSCHILD BANKS, own Much of LAS VEGAS, see BLACK NOBILITY with Crypto Jews 1526 Started JESUITS, see Committee of 300, CLUB OF ROME, they Control Google BLACK POPE, JESUITS do not Believe in JESUS, After being Run out of 88 Countries 1883 they started a FRONT they Hide Behind its Knights of Columbus They even have Women and Young Girls says Infiltrate the MASONS, PROTESTANTS= Book Pawns in the GAME they will Even DESTROY the CATHOLICS when they are Finished USING THEM, see my upload Illuminati Undercover JESUIT PRIEST we CONTROL ALL RELIGIONS, 575bc Nebuchadnezzar Conquered ISRAEL burned the TEMPLE again 70ad on same day same month, 9/11 While in Captivity Israel wrote the Cabala or Kabala, its Mystic 200ad TALMUD says Jesus Mother was a Whore, 800ad another TALMUD Many Churches display JESUITS SYMBOL Just one University in WA sends out 700 to 900 JESUITS each year to Marry a Protestant go to Protestant Univeristy become a Preacher or Professor They have the Whole World DRUGGED with Excitotoxins in Soft Drinks and Fluoride see Video at , www.FLUORIDEALERT.org, and on youtube dr blaylock excitotoxins, two hour long films Avoid Toxins, its Cheap take 1500mg of MAGNESIUM its #2 main Element of Human Body, see Scientist film on youtube georgeeby, Liquid KELP its Cheap
The Rothschilds and ZIONISM are Created by The Vatican Jesuits
The Rothschilds and ZIONISM are Created by The Vatican Jesuits
The Rothschilds are Knights of Malta and are overruled by the Jesuits USA is controlled by The Jesuits and Vatican Knighthoods. See who runs USA: www.ajcunet.edu How USA is Connected To The Roman Empire, EU = New Babylon www.youtube.com Jesuits created Zionism based on Futurism Zionism was invented in Rome by Francisco Ribera and Manuel Lacunza. This false "alternative" biblical view was later sold by Edward Irving. Almost all "Protestant" churches now teach this Jesuit view, foresaking Reformation theology. They needed an "alternative" to get peoples eyes off the Roman Papacy that the Protestants identified as the 1st Beast of Rev. 13. Romes "Mark" is Sun-day worship, even they admit it. Moses Hess must have studied Futurism , Karl Marx was a student of Moses Hess and he founded Communism !!!! Therefor i can safely say these two Jews where Crypto Jews that means they where converted to Catholicism. the Blue Mass - Vatican Control of the USA Police Force www.youtube.com the Red Mass - Vatican Control of the USA Supreme Courts www.youtube.com Fasces How USA is Connected To The Roman Empire, EU = New Babylon www.youtube.com Before you watch these series , be aware that these people that make these video's NEVER mention the JESUITS !!!!! That's very suspicious because the Jesuits Control The whole Damned Thing ! Can you see now that we are dealing with information suppressors? That's the same as manipulating !!!!! But still a good watch , just keep in your mind that the <b>...</b>