
Poland News!
The "news" we did during a international exchange done in Szczawnica, Poland in ...
published: 25 Jul 2011
author: Zirrio
Poland News!
The "news" we did during a international exchange done in Szczawnica, Poland in January 2005, using a camcorder and a single RCA audio. Quality is poor... but we had a hell of fun doing it ;)

(2002) Poland News
Yulia Volkova & Lena Katina Poland News 2002...
published: 16 Oct 2011
author: Screaming4MoreBlog
(2002) Poland News
Yulia Volkova & Lena Katina Poland News 2002

Poland News in 2004
Lambda & Da Goose , Jeffed on the news in poland...
published: 15 Jan 2007
author: djlambda
Poland News in 2004
Lambda & Da Goose , Jeffed on the news in poland

Cricket in Poland News Report
A news report on cricket in Poland. A match between Berlin Cricket Club and Polonia Cricke...
published: 06 May 2009
author: cricketpoland
Cricket in Poland News Report
A news report on cricket in Poland. A match between Berlin Cricket Club and Polonia Cricket Club.

tATu (Poland News)
tATu in Poland 2002...
published: 17 Apr 2008
author: ALTIST28
tATu (Poland News)
tATu in Poland 2002

Warsaw Central Train Station - News About Renovation
More on this at www.polandbusiness.com.pl The Warsaw Central Train station has undergone a...
published: 15 Dec 2011
author: polcham
Warsaw Central Train Station - News About Renovation
More on this at www.polandbusiness.com.pl The Warsaw Central Train station has undergone a startling change. The work is not yet done. But if you are interested in Warsaw and traveling to Warsaw, the information about traveling in Poland that you find at the link above is most helpful.

Sum41Poland's News - Episode 1
First of all we'd like to apologize for our lack of emotions during the studio part - ...
published: 28 Feb 2012
author: Sum41Poland
Sum41Poland's News - Episode 1
First of all we'd like to apologize for our lack of emotions during the studio part - was damn freezing there. And another thing, we do not own any of the material concerning Sum 41 (pictures, Grammy video, Skumfuk music video). This video was produced using iMovie effects and music. Contact us: sum41poland.dbv.pl http Thumbs up and subscribe for more ;)

Hooligans strike as Polish and Russian fans come together in Warsaw
Hooliganism reared its ugly head at Euro 2012 as police were forced to use water cannon, t...
published: 12 Jun 2012
author: goal
Hooligans strike as Polish and Russian fans come together in Warsaw
Hooliganism reared its ugly head at Euro 2012 as police were forced to use water cannon, tear gas and rubber bullets as Polish and Russian fans fought in Warsaw ahead of the meeting between the sides which ended in a 1-1 draw. A march ahead of the match by thousands of Russian fans to mark their national day was stopped as missiles were thrown. Bookmark: www.youtube.com Subscribe to Goal - www.youtube.com Twitter - twitter.com Facebook Goal UK: www.facebook.com Goal International: www.facebook.com

Sum41Poland's News - Episode 2
First of all we'd like to apologize for all technical difficulties. And another thing,...
published: 14 Mar 2012
author: Sum41Poland
Sum41Poland's News - Episode 2
First of all we'd like to apologize for all technical difficulties. And another thing, we do not own any of the material concerning Sum 41 (music, pictures etc.) Links to the videos we used: krwestbrlU - www.youtube.com DebbiLavigne - www.youtube.com Sum41VE - www.youtube.com JeremyDisasters - www.youtube.com AngelsAndAirwavesAWA - www.youtube.com This video was produced using iMovie effects and music. Contact us: sum41poland.ucoz.com twitter.com Thumbs up and subscribe for more ;)

Fans brawl draws commotion ahead of Poland-Russia draw
Police halted a march by thousands of Russian football fans in Warsaw Tuesday after sporad...
published: 13 Jun 2012
author: news20four
Fans brawl draws commotion ahead of Poland-Russia draw
Police halted a march by thousands of Russian football fans in Warsaw Tuesday after sporadic fighting broke out between Polish and Russian supporters, hours before their teams faced off in a key Euro 2012 match that ended in 1:1 draw.Flanked by riot police, several thousand Russia fans marched across the Vistula river towards the National Stadium in Warsaw in a show of support for their national squad and to mark Russia Day, when Russia broke away from the Soviet Union in 1990. They chanted "We came to win" and "Russia, Russia", which was interpreted by some Poles, whose rivalry with Russia extends well beyond football, as a taunt.

US Army prepares to invade US - YouTube.flv
www.youtube.com by corbettreport on Oct 8, 2008 The plans to implement martial law in Amer...
published: 15 Dec 2011
author: grgstaffordbackup
US Army prepares to invade US - YouTube.flv
www.youtube.com by corbettreport on Oct 8, 2008 The plans to implement martial law in America have been taking shape for decades, hidden behind "Continuity of Government" contingency planning. Now, with public outcry over the banker bailout bill at fever pitch, all of the pieces are in place for the US Army to start policing American citizens. For more information and analysis, please visit www.corbettreport.com

Saudi Arabia & Sex Parties !!!
Saudi royal family like sex parties, drugs, alcohol and to bomb Iran !!!...
published: 01 Feb 2012
author: americaisevil1
Saudi Arabia & Sex Parties !!!
Saudi royal family like sex parties, drugs, alcohol and to bomb Iran !!!

Life In Warsaw - Fireworks On New Years Eve In Warsaw Poland
For more on life in Warsaw go to www.masterpage.com.pl From Warsaw, Poland on New Years Ev...
published: 01 Jan 2012
author: polcham
Life In Warsaw - Fireworks On New Years Eve In Warsaw Poland
For more on life in Warsaw go to www.masterpage.com.pl From Warsaw, Poland on New Years Eve showing the fireworks displays made by private individuals as part of the celebrations. Every year there are hundreds of injuries, fires and some deaths as Polish people bring in the new year. Fireworks in Poland are big business and a great danger to the Polish people.

Ron Paul 2012: Ludzie zaczynają się budzić
Amerykanie zaczynają się powoli budzić z tej długiej i paraliżuj&...
published: 23 Jan 2012
author: chemik87PL
Ron Paul 2012: Ludzie zaczynają się budzić
Amerykanie zaczynają się powoli budzić z tej długiej i paraliżującej śpiączki. Z dnia na dzień, z godziny na godzinę iz minuty na minutę w USA rośnie zainteresowanie na poglądy wolnościowe, których największym popularyzatorem jest Dr. Ron Paul. Sandy Monroe potwierdza, że te piękne i uniwersalne idee będą trwać i rosnąć w siłę cokolwiek miałoby się dziać.

This video is about the successful rarest world alert issued by the Almighty Divinity thro...
published: 22 Mar 2012
author: joybinod
This video is about the successful rarest world alert issued by the Almighty Divinity through tapasyrat Binod Kumar Joshi about the divine direction to all rulers of world, in the presence of divine media. The world alert is issued in a conference organised for said purpose. (i) The world alert is available for viewing at youtu.be (II) World News, World Alert. youtu.be World News. World Alert. विश्व समाचार विश्व सतर्क(अलर्ट). youtu.be (III) World Alert Great World Tapasyarat Binod Press Release English 22-02-2012. youtu.be World Alert Great World Tapasyarat Binod Press Release Hindi 22-02-2012 www.youtube.com (IV) www.greatworldfoundation.wordpress.com (V) www.mahaprabhu.wordpress.com

Winter in Europe.
Sending some love to all of you from Poland....
published: 12 Feb 2012
author: TheGPNB
Winter in Europe.
Sending some love to all of you from Poland.

BKF - Piotr Andrzejewski w TVN CNBC
Wywiad z Piotrem Andrzejewskim w TVN CNBC po otrzymaniu przez BKF "Gazeli Biznesu&quo...;
published: 01 Mar 2012
author: BKFCarwash
BKF - Piotr Andrzejewski w TVN CNBC
Wywiad z Piotrem Andrzejewskim w TVN CNBC po otrzymaniu przez BKF "Gazeli Biznesu"

Warsaw Restaurant - BierHalle For Fine Food And Beer In Warsaw
More Restaurant Reviews at www.chamberofcommerce.pl This BierHalle Restuarant in Warsaw is...
published: 19 Dec 2011
author: polcham
Warsaw Restaurant - BierHalle For Fine Food And Beer In Warsaw
More Restaurant Reviews at www.chamberofcommerce.pl This BierHalle Restuarant in Warsaw is an open, friendly place to gather for beer, food and a good time. The food is plentiful and well served. It is entertainment at its informal best. When there are sporting events on TV, the second level turns into a big party and sports bar. The beer is brewed on premises and is top quality.

Denmark takes over EU presidency from Poland - Spacey Club Edit
For more on the Danish presidency of the European Union during the first half of 2012, rea...
published: 05 Jan 2012
author: EUXTV
Denmark takes over EU presidency from Poland - Spacey Club Edit
For more on the Danish presidency of the European Union during the first half of 2012, read this story on EurActiv.com: www.euractiv.com With the euro debt crisis, Denmark's presidency of the EU council coincides with one of the most difficult moments in the Union's history. As Denmark is not member of the eurozone, it is prepared to take a back seat in the troubleshooting effort, but would strive to keep the countries from both sides united - "a bridge over troubled water" as European Affairs Minister Nikolai Wammen described it.

Debata ACTA w KPRM 06.02.2012
My tez potrafimy manipulować, co prawda nie tak profesjonalnie jak media mainstreamow...
published: 08 Feb 2012
author: InternetBlackout
Debata ACTA w KPRM 06.02.2012
My tez potrafimy manipulować, co prawda nie tak profesjonalnie jak media mainstreamowe. To oczywiście tylko fake i nie ma nic wspólnego z prawidłowym przebiegiem "Debaty".