- published: 29 Nov 2012
- views: 992392
A lounge car (sometimes referred to as a buffet lounge, buffet car or club car) is a type of passenger car on a train, where riders can purchase food and drinks. The car may feature large windows and comfortable seating to create a relaxing diversion from standard coach or dining options. In earlier times (and especially on the "name" trains), a lounge car was more likely to have a small kitchen, or grill and a limited menu. Food was prepared to order and often cooked, though items such as club sandwiches would have usually been part of the offerings. The cars were often operated by the Pullman Company, and in other cases by the railroad directly as part of the dining car department (on the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway the Fred Harvey Company manned the food concession).
Lounge cars operated by Pullman were exclusively for the use of sleeping car passengers, while those operated by the railroad were available to coach as well as first-class travelers. Buffet lounge cars were often found in trains which did not offer full dining car service. On other trains they supplemented the diner and offered sandwiches, burgers and short orders at times when the diner was not serving; e.g. mid-afternoon and late night. To qualify as a buffet lounge the car had to offer both food and drink service. Buffet lounges should not be confused with snack or grill cars which did not offer a full range of libations.
Lounge may refer to:
In architecture:
In music:
In other fields:
DC lounge Innova Standard
Volvo Cars Lounge Console
#1380. Dc design lounge xl 2013 (Prototype Car)
DC Lounge Fortuner for just Rs 7 25 lakh
BMW 740Ld XDrive (1ªParte) - VIP Lounge
Chrysler Portal Electric Concept Car review with Lounge & Seat Speakers - Autogefühl
Chill Out Music 2016 Lounge Relaxing Mix
Justin Bieber - Fast Car (Tracy Chapman cover) in the Live Lounge
Limo Lounge — New Interior
روتانا موتورز - معرض SEVEN Cars Lounge
Labelled the Lounge Console, this new concept by Volvo Cars takes executive in-car luxury to a whole new level. By combining Scandinavian form and function, the Lounge Console transforms the XC90’s interior, providing a wealth of functions and amenities. Perfect for the people with a hectic life that need a moment of respite between meetings.
Лучший Видео каталог Автомобилей со всего мира https://www.youtube.com/user/conceptavto Лучшая видео подборка Самоделок,концепткаров,малоизвестных крутых тачек и лучшего тюнинга для гонок,охоты,рыбалки и бездорожья! The best Video catalog of Cars from all over the world https://www.youtube.com/user/conceptavto The best video selection of Homemade,conceptcars,a little-known muscle cars and the best tuning for racing,hunting,fishing and off-road!
São 5,22m de berlina, quase 2 toneladas de luxo, 320cv de potência e 680Nm de binário máximo! A caixa automática ZF de 8 velocidades, funciona de forma imperceptível e, em conjunto com a transmissão integral XDrive, catapultam esta majestosa limousine para 100km/h em apenas 5,3s! A capacidade para esticar as pernas no banco de trás é proporcional ao 'alongamento' na carteira, num valor que supera os 187.000€.. Sente-se e relaxe ou sente-se e desfrute da condução! Subscreve o 'The Car Lounge' no Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuzVW08Ike0ys5xhMjQWp9Q?view_as=public Faz LIKE no Facebook https://www.facebook.com/thecarlounge.pb/ http://thecarlounge.pt/
►Subscribe and/or bookmark our direct channel link: http://www.autogefuehl.com ►German Blog: http://autogefuehl.de ►Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/autogefuehl ►Exclusive supporter: Ajlan Saeed Facebook: http://facebook.de/autogefuehl Twitter: https://twitter.com/autogefuehl Instagram: https://instagram.com/autogefuehl/ ***Playlists for latest reviews*** FULL REVIEWS 2016 Q4 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZqvo5rXklBtncxZTBvBfQdWq_2E6USyl FULL REVIEWS 2016 Q3 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZqvo5rXklBvcCchzmYGKO4772Z56TbXr FULL REVIEWS 2016 Q2 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZqvo5rXklBuXAqkRAT5WnvBlQqbstVZW FULL REVIEWS 2016 Q1: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZqvo5rXklBtSR1i2zC1OxpEKC6csAvY6 ***Playlists for car brands*** Alfa Romeo: https:...
CHILL OUT MIX 2016 | Subscribe✔ http://j.mp/ELECTROHOUSEBANGERS Facebook: http://bit.ly/ElectroHouseBangers [►] Tracklist (mixed by Dancrow) here: https://pastebin.com/RwSuP12e ◢FOLLOW Dancrow: Facebook: http://www.facebook.djdancrow.com/ SoundCloud: http://www.soundcloud.djdancrow.com/ ◢FOLLOW ElectroHouseBangers: YouTube: http://j.mp/ELECTROHOUSEBANGERS Facebook: http://bit.ly/ElectroHouseBangers SoundCloud: http://bitly.com/electrohousebangers ✉ Business inquires to electrohousebangers(at)web.de ✉ PROMOS/ DEMOS: promo(at)electrohousebangers.com Equipment for music mixes: • Best mixer: http://j.mp/MixerEHB • Best Headphones: http://j.mp/HeadphonesEHB
Justin Bieber performs a cover of Fast Car by Tracy Chapman in the Live Lounge http://vevo.ly/ijQ9ae
Premiere Transportation offers the area’s widest variety of options for local or long-distance group transport. the best in van styling, amenity and handling. Made to make you smile.
خليجية... تابعونا http://twitter.com/#!/Khalejiatv و http://www.facebook.com/khalejiatv خليجية أقوى البرامج الحوارية والاجتماعية والفكرية والرياضية والكوميدية.. اليومية والاسبوعية، بالإضافة لأروع المسلسلات العربية والخليجية وأضخم الإنتاجات الغنائية تجدونها فقط.. على خليجية.. الترددات. NileSat 104 Freq. (11,296 MHz) - H - SR: 27500 S/s - FEC 3/4 102 Freq. (10,775 MHz) - H - SR: 27500 S/s - FEC 3/4 Arabsat Freq. (11,843 MHz) - H - SR: 27500 S/s - FEC 3/4
Labelled the Lounge Console, this new concept by Volvo Cars takes executive in-car luxury to a whole new level. By combining Scandinavian form and function, the Lounge Console transforms the XC90’s interior, providing a wealth of functions and amenities. Perfect for the people with a hectic life that need a moment of respite between meetings.
Лучший Видео каталог Автомобилей со всего мира https://www.youtube.com/user/conceptavto Лучшая видео подборка Самоделок,концепткаров,малоизвестных крутых тачек и лучшего тюнинга для гонок,охоты,рыбалки и бездорожья! The best Video catalog of Cars from all over the world https://www.youtube.com/user/conceptavto The best video selection of Homemade,conceptcars,a little-known muscle cars and the best tuning for racing,hunting,fishing and off-road!
São 5,22m de berlina, quase 2 toneladas de luxo, 320cv de potência e 680Nm de binário máximo! A caixa automática ZF de 8 velocidades, funciona de forma imperceptível e, em conjunto com a transmissão integral XDrive, catapultam esta majestosa limousine para 100km/h em apenas 5,3s! A capacidade para esticar as pernas no banco de trás é proporcional ao 'alongamento' na carteira, num valor que supera os 187.000€.. Sente-se e relaxe ou sente-se e desfrute da condução! Subscreve o 'The Car Lounge' no Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuzVW08Ike0ys5xhMjQWp9Q?view_as=public Faz LIKE no Facebook https://www.facebook.com/thecarlounge.pb/ http://thecarlounge.pt/
►Subscribe and/or bookmark our direct channel link: http://www.autogefuehl.com ►German Blog: http://autogefuehl.de ►Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/autogefuehl ►Exclusive supporter: Ajlan Saeed Facebook: http://facebook.de/autogefuehl Twitter: https://twitter.com/autogefuehl Instagram: https://instagram.com/autogefuehl/ ***Playlists for latest reviews*** FULL REVIEWS 2016 Q4 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZqvo5rXklBtncxZTBvBfQdWq_2E6USyl FULL REVIEWS 2016 Q3 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZqvo5rXklBvcCchzmYGKO4772Z56TbXr FULL REVIEWS 2016 Q2 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZqvo5rXklBuXAqkRAT5WnvBlQqbstVZW FULL REVIEWS 2016 Q1: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZqvo5rXklBtSR1i2zC1OxpEKC6csAvY6 ***Playlists for car brands*** Alfa Romeo: https:...
CHILL OUT MIX 2016 | Subscribe✔ http://j.mp/ELECTROHOUSEBANGERS Facebook: http://bit.ly/ElectroHouseBangers [►] Tracklist (mixed by Dancrow) here: https://pastebin.com/RwSuP12e ◢FOLLOW Dancrow: Facebook: http://www.facebook.djdancrow.com/ SoundCloud: http://www.soundcloud.djdancrow.com/ ◢FOLLOW ElectroHouseBangers: YouTube: http://j.mp/ELECTROHOUSEBANGERS Facebook: http://bit.ly/ElectroHouseBangers SoundCloud: http://bitly.com/electrohousebangers ✉ Business inquires to electrohousebangers(at)web.de ✉ PROMOS/ DEMOS: promo(at)electrohousebangers.com Equipment for music mixes: • Best mixer: http://j.mp/MixerEHB • Best Headphones: http://j.mp/HeadphonesEHB
Justin Bieber performs a cover of Fast Car by Tracy Chapman in the Live Lounge http://vevo.ly/ijQ9ae
Premiere Transportation offers the area’s widest variety of options for local or long-distance group transport. the best in van styling, amenity and handling. Made to make you smile.
خليجية... تابعونا http://twitter.com/#!/Khalejiatv و http://www.facebook.com/khalejiatv خليجية أقوى البرامج الحوارية والاجتماعية والفكرية والرياضية والكوميدية.. اليومية والاسبوعية، بالإضافة لأروع المسلسلات العربية والخليجية وأضخم الإنتاجات الغنائية تجدونها فقط.. على خليجية.. الترددات. NileSat 104 Freq. (11,296 MHz) - H - SR: 27500 S/s - FEC 3/4 102 Freq. (10,775 MHz) - H - SR: 27500 S/s - FEC 3/4 Arabsat Freq. (11,843 MHz) - H - SR: 27500 S/s - FEC 3/4
today we have special guest no one
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Shadow Land - Lorenzo Bettelli 0:0:0 Timo&Soia - Alessio Croci 0:3:25 Infinite Abyss - Giovanni Valerio Fais 0:7:35 New Landscapes - Dario Carli 0:10:7 Susan ( Love Mix ) - Emanuele Giuseppe Fasano 0:19:39 Easy Living - Dario Carli 0:19:31 The Pelican Flight - M.Bellocco 0:21:44 Universe - P.Coriano' 0:32:19 Prj 13 - D. Rosa.mp3 0:36:1 Breathing - Dario Carli 0:39:42 Round Midday - Matteo Sartorotti 0:44:5 Black Tea - Renato Milone 0:52:46 The Way To The Top - Gianluigi Toso 0:52:44 Crystal Butterfly - Filippo Canton 0:52:44 Road – M.Dellapiana0:56:49 An Incredible Place - Maurizio Bellocco 1:3:3 Melody Age - Daniele Rosa 1:7:13 Delfini - M. Buttarelli 1:10:36 A Marcus - Gendrickson Mena Diaz 1:14:16 Bossa Party - Marco Papetti 1:18:14 Scalz Key - R. Cherubino 1:22:6 Oh Yeah Blues - D. Ros...
From Chicago to Los Angeles on the Southwest Chief. This is probably my favorite train ride ever. I love the Superliners, especially the big windowed lounge car, the train wasn't too crowded, and the crew & passengers were very friendly. In the early '90s Amtrak was still using the original Santa Fe route the whole way, and the 41 hour trip was only a couple of hours longer than the glory days of the Super Chief.
Power Trains and Cars Toys COMPILATION Video for Children and Kids =============================================== Also we suggest you to view the related videos on our channel: Power City Construction DrawBridge & Cars - https://youtu.be/uvlef7572V0 PowerTrains Rock Freight & Play Doh Cars Crash - https://youtu.be/Otehqy6OG-M PowerTrains American Bullet & Cars - https://youtu.be/vPGuLYPAVxE PowerTrains Log Loader Express Cars Save the Train - https://youtu.be/_hjwddeEsVk =============================================== WE ARE ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/EnglishVideoForChildren WE ARE ON TWITTER https://twitter.com/MyBoyhood MORE VIDEO WATCH HERE http://www.youtube.com/user/VideoForChildren/videos =============================================== Music used in video: Disco Lounge by ...
This second section takes back through the suburbs of Albuquerque, past several Native American Pueblos over Glorietta and Raton Passes, and across the Great Plains between Albuquerque and Kansas City. Our ride just so happened to be on the last day of the "Trails and Rails" program for 2015, a program which provides National Park Service employees to give commentaries in the lounge car about scenery that the train passes.
****TRACK LIST**** 00:00 01. Artistic (Intro) 01:17 02. 향수/Perfume (Feat. 넉살/Nucksal) 04:45 03. THIS IS (Feat. C JAMM) 09:10 04. Fire Water (Interlude) 10:22 05. FIRE WATER (Feat. G.SOUL, TABLO) 14:37 06. StrOngerrr (Feat. 로꼬/LOCO, MINO) 19:27 07. MORE FIRE 21:09 08. Born from the Blue (Feat. JUSTHIS) 24:21 09. Cruz (Feat. Loopy, PUNCHNELLO, Ugly Duck) 28:41 10. X (Feat. 이하이/Lee Hi) 33:57 11. PARACHUTE (Feat. 오혁/Oh Hyuk, DOK2) 38:36 12. Beside Me (Feat. BewhY, YDG, Suran) 43:56 13. Lounge (Feat. 화지/Hwaji) 47:52 14. White AnxiEty (outro) (Feat. Colde of offonoff) 49:38 15. Don't shoot me MAMA (Feat. Car the garden) OFFICIAL MV : (on HIGHGRND YT channel) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OYoTsaBbjQ (on YGEntertainment YT channedl) https://www.youtube.com/watch?...