ESSENES Ebionites JAMES the Just in Dead Sea Scrolls at QUMRAN 360p
The ESSENES and the
Hebrew Christians leaded by St JAMES de Just ,had
CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS ,according to research of the archaeologist
Please read the ESSENE GOSPEL of
Peace.. The phrase
JESUS SAID appears many times
.How the ESSENES before the
1st century could know JESUS (Christ) ?
Saint PAUL was called (nameless) or unnamed ENEMIY ,so he was more hated than JUDAs iSCARIOt by the Judeo-Christians .
The only possibilitiy that had St PAUL to serve JESUS (Christ) was converting gentiles and only had acceptance among Alexandria-Chiristians(St MARK (
Mordechai ben
Johanan) &
St (Joseph )
Barnabas and NOT by ROMAN-christians(St.PETER (
Shimon ben Johanan) & (Rajemny ben Jehuda ,an ex-essene from Qumram) known like the 3rd
Pope St CLEMENT I (the 1st) ROMAN). Please watch :
There are also four banned gospels from this community
The gospel of the HEBREWS or Ebionites
2.The gospel of the Egiptians or Naassens
3.The gospel of
4.The gospel of JAMES THE LESSER (son of
St Joseph)
DNA´s brother of
St Jude Thadeus ,St Yóse ,and St Shimon
All members of the Ebionites community
Jesus DNA is from
St Mary VIRGINE ,by mother and by father ,please watch :
JUDAs iSCARIOt(~30 years old) was the friend of St Shimon the Zealot(~50 years old) .
Holy Quran :
Judas = Judas ben Shimon (Its nickname due to age
difference). So JUDAS was an ESSENE (iSCARIOt=ESSENE or Zealot).
Shimon Zealot(+107,
127 y o) was the succesor of his lesser brother
James(+69 ,75 y o) as the leader of Judeo-Christians and died at the age of ~130 years old !!! (miracle)
So current HASIDISM or ZEALOTS ,are very similar to ancient Zealots or ESSENES..
Why the Hasidism is ,too much contrary to Christians ?
Please review the medieval history ,especially in
Spain .
Alicante ,
Murcia and
Almeria) one century after the expulsion of the muslims and jews ,the discriminated moriscos CHRISTIANS ,tried to reestablishing the TOLERANCE of Humayyad caliphate(
Shia ,
Sufi) ,and the Pope sent against Spain the army of the
Sacred Roman Germanic Empire leaded by
Johan von
Osterreich (NAZIS) .
The chief of this rebelion was called Eben OMEYA who was succeded by Eben Aboo (Efren
Aboud in
Arab ,and Efrain
Abiud in
Hebrew) and his real name in spanish was
Diego LOPEZ. ,who resisted (missarmed in caves) ,during two years(1557-1558).
The few moriscos that did survive to this MASSACRE in Spain ,had lived by miracle ,praying to St Mary VIRGIN inspired in their GOSPEL of St JAMES the ELDEST son of
Zebedee (and brother of
St John BarZebedee the evangelist) ,found in the ,plumbium rolls in
Granada (of course banned by SO) The majority of apparitions by St Mary not recognised ,had taken place in the same caves used before by ancient moriscos ,of which the most important is FATIMA
.In the unpublished St MARY messages ,her most loved countries are
USA) and orthodoxy
Jews ,Christians and Muslims ,are equal for her sacred heart. ,insisting in,
Sabbath´s respect ,and She remembers ,the ignored prophet ELIJAH .
Giving great importance to the ,despised ,SEXUAL PURITY (white garments like the Cathars), until transforming it ,into the life´s cornerstone of
Virgin´s followers.
The Blessed Virgin Mary belonged to a large family, whose members were disciples mostly ..Also SHE taught Jesus and James, to be good brothers, allways remembering JUDAS and his succesors
St Matthias and St PAUL from the tribe of Ben JAMIN (B'amiyan , YaEMEiN).
During its apparitions SHE use to presents with a choir of angels singing in HEBREW (in the same melody used still today by the coptic church) :
Shalom laj MIRyam ; Shalom laj MIRyam .MIRyam ,MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRyam.
MIR(мир) = PEACE in russian !
And also ; Bay dorch ahr yerus yerus : Bay dorch ahr yerus yerus yeeeeeeeeeeeeeerus . ( I don't know what its means?)
Please watch :
Her most loved melody chanted by HER choir of seraphins .
Jesus had brothers and sisters ,that were his best friends in the games of children in their homes in
Egipt or
Galilee (NAZARETH), and also had uncles cousins and relatives ,in
Nazareth (Sephoris) ,Cana ,CARMEL ,
Emmaus, ,
Bethany ,JERUSALEM ,Kareem and