Pholiotina smithii
Pholiotina smithii is a rare member of the genus Pholiotina which contains the hallucinogenic alkaloid psilocybin. It was formerly known as Galera cyanopes.
Cap: 0.3 - 1(1.3) cm across Conic to convex but expands to nearly plane in age, with a distinct umbo, smooth, ochraceous tawny to cinnamon-brown, darker at edges, glistening when wet, hygrophanous, even to striate when moist. Lightens when it dries, turning a tan color.
Gills: adnate to adnexed, crowded to subdistant, narrow to moderately broad, pale grayish yellow to brown with whitish edges, darkening to rusty cinnamon brown in age.
Spores: Cinnamon brown, (6.5)7.0 - 9.0 x 4.0 - 4.5(5) micrometers smooth and ellipsoid with thick walls and a small but distinct germ-pore.
Stipe: (1)2 to 5(7.5) cm long, .75 - 1(1.5) mm thick, mostly equal but often slightly swollen at the base. Fragile, whitish with fine fibrils but becoming smooth, lacks an annulus, slightly twisting striatulations, often slightly grayish at the base when young, becoming an azure shade of blue in age, quickly bruising blue when handled.