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Digital Life

Pop goes the music games

June 19, 2012
A screen grab from the Rock Band video game.

Five years ago Rock Band quickly became a pop culture phenomenon. Photo: Harmonix Music Systems Inc

Screen Play got very excited earlier this month when an email from developer Harmonix announced that Midnight Oil anthem Power and the Passion would be added to Rock Band's bulging music library.

Rock Band now boasts over 3500 tracks from over 1400 artists, a staggering selection that backs up the bold claims from five years ago that Rock Band wouldn't just be a game, but a new music platform.

In an interview with Screen Play back in 2007 for a feature on games and music, Harmonix designer Dan Teasdale was full of pride about how games like Guitar Hero were widening the gaming audience and exposing consumers to new music.

"We're viewing Rock Band as more than just a game, but a platform for consuming and experiencing music," he gushed.    

Yet even the mighty Oils and the chance to play 3500 other songs hasn't been enough incentive for me to drag out my Rock Band instruments recently from storage, and I am sure I'm not alone.

While the launch of Rock Band was a phenomenal success, with its legion of players including many of gaming newcomers, five years later its chances of an Elvis-style comeback seem sadly remote.

Harmonix co-founder and CEO Alex Rigopulos recently suggested that the "arms race" between Activision's Guitar Hero and EA/MTV's Rock Band was part of the genre's downfall, which included overspending on music licensing and consumer marketing campaigns.

"Both of us went into that competition with the mindset that there was really only space for one (franchise)," Rigopulos told Edge Magazine. "Therefore we were both aggressive in our approach in a way that didn't ultimately serve either of us well."

Stockpiles of unsold plastic instruments at retail, often at drastically reduced prices, became an increasingly common reminder of the folly of the publishers and the rapidly diminishing consumer interest.

Refreshingly, Rigopulos refuses to subscribe to the popular theory that Activision killed their golden goose by over-saturating the market with too many Guitar Hero games.

"Maybe that's part of the story, but I certainly don't think that's the entire story." He suggests other factors that led to the genre's rapid fall include the impact of recession, the lack of gameplay evolution and the fickle tastes of casual gamers.

Fortunately, Harmonix continues to have success with the Dance Central franchise, while Ubisoft's Just Dance series has also been incredibly successful, giving hope that the music genre's bubble is not completely burst. Nintendo is also preparing to try to re-energise the karaoke market using its Wii U controller to create a more intimate, social experience.

And without revealing any detail, Harmonix remains bullish that Rock Band still has a future.

"There's a lot of stuff we're working on that will change the way people think about Rock Band, says Harmonix project lead Greg LoPiccolo.  

LoPiccolo was likely refering to Rock Band Blitz - an upcoming rhythm game from Harmonix for Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network due for release before Christmas.

The game does not use instrument controllers, but rather regular controllers with gameplay mechanics similar to Frequency, Amplitude and Rock Band Unplugged. The game will come with 25 songs and is compatible with any downloaded Rock Band 3 tracks.

Today I'm keen to hear what would it take for you to rock on and pick up a plastic instrument again? Let us know in the comments section below.


twitter Screen Play is on Twitter: @screenplayblog

21 comments so far

  • As a guitarist, I tried playing Guitar Hero once, and was appalled at how much it was not like playing a guitar at all, so I never really had a desire to play any of these types of games again since.

    Plus I sucked at it!

    Date and time
    June 19, 2012, 8:03AM
  • I'm still on the wagon.

    It only takes a couple interesting songs every few weeks. Though my playing hours has decreased along with my 'skill' level, its still an enjoyable pursuit; especially with mates.

    2012 overall has been a disappointing year for DLC which is not surprising as Harmonix finds itself independent once more.

    Date and time
    June 19, 2012, 8:44AM
  • I think the music genre still potential (many of my friends STILL have the pieces set up in their living rooms), but as mentioned above, I think the lack of any type of advancement in the guitar hero/rock band worlds made it hard for people to justify buying the next game.

    Personally, I still love the DJ Hero games and still play them quite a bit (and yes, I know i'm probably the only person in the world who does.)

    Date and time
    June 19, 2012, 8:55AM
  • Mine is still in the box with the box collecting dust (I tend to keep things packed away when not in use). I haven't played RB, and GH is a little tiring, but my new gf is a GH player so that might get me back into things again.

    In away I wish the catalogue was bigger and included more songs from bands that I like, but that is never going to happen so DL songs have very little interest.

    Date and time
    June 19, 2012, 9:06AM
  • Rock Band is still the go to game when drunken pals stumble over. That and the board game Munchkin on occasion (or variations of it at least).

    Matthew Barton
    Mucking around in the Garbage.
    Date and time
    June 19, 2012, 9:15AM
  • Whenever I play Rock Band / Guitar Hero I find myself just wanting to listen to the music without having to mash coloured buttons on a plastic guitar, but, as far as I know you can't! You have to play just to listen to the songs.

    To be perfectly honest, I suck at Guitar Hero / Rock Band. The way I see it, it will probably be a better use of my time sucking at playing a real guitar, which I also do. Not to say that these games aren't fun, add a few beers and some good mates and it is a good time. I just think the novelty may have worn off.

    Dr Charlesworth
    Date and time
    June 19, 2012, 9:25AM
  • Peter Garrett isn't going to tempt me to do anything except vote Greens, so no Power or Passion for me.

    However, we did get out the instruments again a week ago for the new Iron Maiden tracks. My boyfriend is a Maiden nut, and the new pack is a set of their epic length songs, including the 12-minute Rime of the Ancient Mariner.

    He was also very brave and tried out drums for the first time. We turned on No Fail Mode to give him a buffer to learn in and he picked it up pretty quickly.

    So yeah, even though I'm not really into Maiden myself, those super-long classic metal tracks are a blast to play with friends. :)

    MCDexX on XBL, PSN, Steam, and iOS GameCentre
    Date and time
    June 19, 2012, 9:28AM
    • Iron Maiden? Excellent! (air guitar)

      My friends and I often joked about Rime of the Ancient Mariner and how it would NEVER join the RB lineup. Guess I better work out the best way to cook a hat.

      Waiting for the EC
      Date and time
      June 19, 2012, 10:27AM
    • They're all longer songs, but Rime is the longest at 13 minutes (not 12 as I wrote earlier). Pretty sure all of the six songs in the pack are all well over five minutes long.

      MCDexX on XBL, PSN, Steam, and iOS GameCentre
      Date and time
      June 19, 2012, 12:21PM
    • Correction, Flight of Icarus is under four minutes, but the others are longer, with the two longest being Rime at 13 minutes and Seventh Son at a whisker under 10 minutes. The other three are all six-ish.

      MCDexX on XBL, PSN, Steam, and iOS GameCentre
      Date and time
      June 19, 2012, 12:26PM

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