
The Sacrifices Part 1 (The Dajjal Palace)
The Sacrifices Part 1 (The Dajjal Palace)
The Prophet PBUH warned us of Dajjal (The Antichrist) in this video I expose the Dajjal Palace location according to hadith backed and correlated according to recent investigations into the building of the Dajjal Palace outside Medina in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Imran Hosein - Dajjal - The False Messiah [Must Watch]
Imran Hosein - Dajjal - The False Messiah [Must Watch]
A detailed lecture on the topic of Dajjal, by the great scholar of modern times.

Dajjal/Anti-Christ by Salem Al-Amry
Dajjal/Anti-Christ by Salem Al-Amry
Salem Al-Amry gives a concise account about an important topic which pertains to one of the Major Signs of the Last Day. This is an excellent and very important subject that every muslim needs to know, O' Ummah of Muhammad [Peace Be Upon Him]. The Prophet (peace be upon him) described the Dajjal in great detail. Through his description we know what the Dajjal will look like, where he will first appear, who will follow him, what he will do once he gets here, and how he will be killed. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: I have told you so much about the Dajjal (Antichrist) that I am afraid you may not understand. The Antichrist is short, hen-toed, woolly-haired, one-eyed, an eye-sightless, and neither protruding nor deep-seated. If you are confused about him, know that your Lord is not one-eyed. (Abu Dawood) We know that he will be a man. He will be blind in one eye. His hair will be curly and he will be short. The believers, whether literate or illiterate, will be able to read the letters kaaf, faa, raa (spelling kaafir or "disbeliever"), written between his two eyes. The Dajjal will claim to be Messiah and then claim to be Allah, Himself. He will perform miracles. He will traverse the earth in short periods of time. He will exert control over weather patterns, sending down rain upon those who believe in him. He will exert a similar influence over crops and livestock. He will only be able to do this because Allah, in all of His Power and Wisdom, will allow him to do so <b>...</b>

Jinn speaking about Illuminati, Dajjal,[ anti-christ - false-Messiah ] Hinduism ( French-Englich)
Jinn speaking about Illuminati, Dajjal,[ anti-christ - false-Messiah ] Hinduism ( French-Englich)
Directions: in the video when the jinn said, "my father" means [Satan-Lucifer, Iblis-the devil-Shaytaan]. 1) What is carbon capture? Capture jinns is to bring them strength in the body of a person called the sensor, known as the jinn and instantly he is our prisoner, we can do what we want from him. How is this possible? we got into the practice of Roukia the fact that all those possessed by the jinn until the jinn speak through them, once the genie is gone and he is cured by the grace of Allah, there is between him and the world of jinn an opening that allows jinns to influence but also may act on their world through this opening. And how can he act on them and get them? With the intention, the customs and reciting: "From aynama" 2 / 148. But how is it that they are our prisoners and we can do what we want from them? It is we who have brought the power of Allah and His words, so it can from that if we allow it, so it is our prisoner. The cause in our world puts him in a position of extreme vulnerability and exposed to any attack. You just have to type his neck - the neck of the sensor - from your hand to cut his head, and if you hit his hand, you cut off his hand, etc.. The sensor does not have a jinn who leads the jinn and we do not have a jinn that we work with, but the sensor has an openness to the world of the jinn resulting from its past violations by the jinn and witchcraft, and openness allows us to get through it jinn to discuss with him and master ... (Following <b>...</b>

The Appearance of the Dajjal - Dr. Uthman Lateef
The Appearance of the Dajjal - Dr. Uthman Lateef
About the talk - There follows a brief description from the Qur'aan and Saheeh Sunnah narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) about these three major signs that will precede the Hour and will come at the end of time just before the Day of Resurrection. The Dajjaal -- a man created by Allaah, who will appear at the end of time because of something that makes Allaah angry. He will spread corruption on earth and will claim divinity, calling on people to worship him. They will be tested by the extraordinary powers that Allaah will grant him, such as causing rain to fall, reviving the earth with vegetation and extracting the treasures of the earth. He will be a young man with a ruddy complexion, short of stature, with curly hair. He will be one-eyed; his right eye will be flat and his other eye will have a thick piece of flesh over it. Written between his eyes will be the word "Kaafir" (disbeliever). Most of those who follow him will be Jews. He will meet his end at the hands of 'Eesa ibn Maryam (Jesus the son of Mary) who will kill him with a spear in Lod, which is in Palestine. About the Speaker - Uthman Lateef has been the Director of the Hittin Institute since March 2008. He has a BA (First Class Hons) in History, an MA (Distinction) in Crusading Studies with a dissertation on religious poetry in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, and is currently completing a PhD in the Muslim literary effort to inspire a yearning for Jerusalem in the <b>...</b>

Truth Behind Bermuda Triangle Mystery - Dajjal Arrival (Urdu) Part 2
Truth Behind Bermuda Triangle Mystery - Dajjal Arrival (Urdu) Part 2
www.facebook.com Truth Behind Bermuda Triangle Dajjal arrival in Urdu exposed illuminati free masons secret society 2012 tsunami earthquake signs judgement day muslim islam christian jews zionist conspiracy theory new world order terrorism against world war last anti christ mystery documentry obama america pakistan israel full part 1 2 illuminati network xulfi90 xilpizm

Dajjal (Anti-Christ) - Sh. Ahsan Hanif
Dajjal (Anti-Christ) - Sh. Ahsan Hanif
The Dajjaal (Anti-Christ) Shaykh Ahsan Hanif from Birmingham, UK memorized the Holy Qur'an at the age of 13, proceeded with his Islamic studies at the University of Madinah and was recently added to Al-Maghrib Institute as an instructor. In this talk, he will remind us about one of the major signs of the Hour, the Dajjaal. Tafsir Surat al-Kahf - Dr. Bilal Philips kalamullah.com Tafsir Surat al-Kahf - Dr. Saleh As-Saleh understand-islam.net

Dajjal (Antichrist) has appeared and at work (Harun Yahya)
Dajjal (Antichrist) has appeared and at work (Harun Yahya)
THOSE WHO SAY THE DAJJAL HAS NOT YET APPEARED, THOSE WHO SAY MUSLIMS ARE LIVING IN PEACE AND COMFORT, THOSE WHO THINK THE DAYS OF TROUBLE AND DIFFICULTY ARE STILL FAR OFF, THOSE WHO SEEK TO POSTPONE THE COMING OF HAZRAT MAHDI (PBUH) SAYING IT IS MANY YEARS AWAY IN THE FUTURE... SHOULD WATCH THIS VIDEO VERY CAREFULLY! BECAUSE THE DAJJAL IS INDEED HERE AND AT WORK! Lessons from Suleymaniye Mosque: "He [the Dajjal] appears when there is great disorder and confusion among people, in the Islamic world, disorder among Muslims. There are no such times now, praise be to Allah. Muslims are respected wherever you go." SYRIA PALESTINE AFGHANISTAN EAST TURKESTAN IRAQ PATHANI NIGERIA IF THE DAJJAL HAS NOT APPEARED, THEN WHO IS DOING ALL THIS PERSECUTION OF MUSLIMS? Nihat Hatipoğlu: "Neither the dajjal is here today, nor the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), nor Gog and Magog, nor any great portents, nor the Dabbat al-Ardh, so why should the Mahdi exist? BECAUSE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF MUSLIMS HAVE BEEN MARTYRED IN RECENT YEARS. MANY MUSLIMS, WOMEN, CHILDREN AND THE ELDERLY, HAVE SEEN THEIR HOMES BURNED OR DESTROYED. THEY HAVE BEEN FORCED FROM THEIR LANDS, PREVENTED FROM WORSHIPING AND THROWN INTO PRISONS AND DUNGEONS. Lessons from Suleymaniye Mosque: "Why? Those are the days of disaster, days when people will seek burrows to hide in, look, praise be to Allah, look, we are talking, we are reading the hadiths and praying, so it is not that close at hand." WHAT ELSE NEEDS TO HAPPEN FOR THOSE DAYS <b>...</b>

The arrival of Mahdi, Dajjal & Planet X
The arrival of Mahdi, Dajjal & Planet X
A ten minute message on the facts about the coming of the Mahdi(Guided One), Dajjal(Anti-Christ) and PlanetX. A message to compare the Hadith(Sayings of The Prophet) and Planet X whether they are the same events that will take place on Earth. Planet X was predicted to occur around 2012. The question is, Will it occur? And will the events foretold in the Hadith be the same as planet X? Let's find out. Calculation of the coming of Dajjal: GOD said in the Qur'an,"One day on the sight of your Lord is as a thousand years of your reckoning." 1day=1000/1=1000yrs 1day=1000/12mon=83.33yrs 1day=1000/52wk=19.23yrs Dajjal will deceive on Earth for 40days a day like a year, a day like a month and a day like a week. A day like a year was a period of 1000yrs, a day like a month was a period of 83.33yrs and a day like a week will be a period of 19.23yrs according to the above calculation. Dajjal has already completed his 2nd day of 40days and is currently on his 3day like a week mission systematically for 19.23yrs. His 3rd day started on 9/11/01 So 2001+19.23=2020 if the calculation is right then 2020 will be the appearance of Dajjal.

Dajjal: The Antichrist. His Rise and Demise
Dajjal: The Antichrist. His Rise and Demise
No Tribulation (Fithna) will be as harrowing as that of the Antichrist Dajjal... ... The Dajjal will then beckon a resplendent youth, and strike him with his sword and cut him into two pieces and spread these pieces at a distance which separates an archer from his target. He will then call (that young man) and he will come forward laughing with his face gleaming (with happiness). It will be at this very time that Allah will send Christ, Jesus the son of Mary. He will descend from the sky near the white minaret on the eastern side of Damascus, wearing two garments lightly dyed with saffron, his hands placed upon the wings of two Angels. When he lowers his head, beads of perspiration will fall from his head, and when he raises it up, beads like pearls will scatter from it. Every non-believer who smells the odour of his body will die and his breath will reach as far as he is able to see. He will then search for the Dajjal until he catches hold of him at the gate of Ludd and kills him... (Sahih Muslim, 7015)Fair Use Copyright Disclaimer: I do not claim to own the copyrights of all the images, videos or audio clips utilised incidentally in the compilation of this educational video, and I acknowledge that they belong wholly to their original copyright holders and state that no malicious copyright infringement or violation is intended. The use of incidental copyrighted material is covered under the Fair Use (Copyright Act) 17 USC Section 107, with particular emphasis on such use <b>...</b>

A Conversation With The Jinn - Iblis, Dajjal, Illumaniti, Arab Leaders, Malbars
A Conversation With The Jinn - Iblis, Dajjal, Illumaniti, Arab Leaders, Malbars
A brother who performed exorcism(ie uses Ruqya) on a sister who was previously possessed by the Jinn, calls upon the Jinn by using our sister as a medium, to invite them to leave polytheism, and other evil acts and invites them to Islam. Once our sister was healed from the Jinn, an opening to the Jinn world (ie astral world) remains open, so the brother uses this opening to the astral world, or Jinn world, in order to capture other Jinn, using verses from the Quran, or Allah's will, to command the Jinn to attend, and converses with them. Revealing very interesting information, about the religion of Malbars, Iblis, and Jinn who work under Iblis, the Illuminati, Arab leaders, and the Dajjal. Another video here: www.youtube.com

Dajjal - Forces of Evil - Bilal Philips
Dajjal - Forces of Evil - Bilal Philips
Dajjal - Forces of Evil - Bilal Philips

Dajjal part -2( what is Dajjal) URDU (Gog & Magog)
Dajjal part -2( what is Dajjal) URDU (Gog & Magog)
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Truth Behind Bermuda Triangle Mystery - Dajjal Arrival (Urdu)
Truth Behind Bermuda Triangle Mystery - Dajjal Arrival (Urdu)
www.facebook.com Truth Behind Bermuda Triangle Dajjal arrival in Urdu exposed illuminati free masons secret society 2012 tsunami earthquake signs judgement day muslim islam christian jews zionist conspiracy theory new world order terrorism against world war last anti christ mystery documentry obama america pakistan israel full part 1 2 illuminati network xulfi90 xilpizm

Emergence of Mahdi Likely in 2012 (Dajjal Antichrist Jesus Armageddon)
Emergence of Mahdi Likely in 2012 (Dajjal Antichrist Jesus Armageddon)
The evidence that Mahdi may emerge in 2012; Allah knows best. The Arabic version of this video with important links in description: www.youtube.com References to the ayat, hadiths, and athars in Arabic (to the best of my knowledge and ability): www.mediafire.com Keywords: Allah, Islam, Muslims, Christianity, Christians, Quran, Hadith, Sunna, Mahdi, Dajjal, Jesus Christ, Armageddon, Day of Judgement, Apocalypse, Revolution, Masons, New World Order, Illuminati Muhammad Prophet Koran

The Dajjal part 1
The Dajjal part 1
This New series will attempt to uncover and explain the world of GOG AND MAGOG (Yajuj and Majuj in The Quran) like no series has done before. It is a very well researched series, that will explain the Big Picture to the viewer, in order to reach a clearer understanding of the world we live in today. Many have attempted to shed light on the subject of GOG AND MAGOG (Yajuj and Majuj in The Quran) in the past, whether from the historical, the Christian, Jewish or Muslim perspective, but always failed to fill in the gaps. This series will do this subject justice once and for all. Edited and Produced by Bushwack Bushwack Productions presents Gog and Magog (Yajuj and Majuj in The Quran)

The Arrivals pt.26 (The Antichrist/ Dajjal is Here)
The Arrivals pt.26 (The Antichrist/ Dajjal is Here)
Catch the full online version only on WakeUpProject.com Series Explores the Revelations in World Religions Regarding the Arrivals of the Antichrist Dajjal, Imam Al-Mahdi, and The Second Coming of The Christ.A Work Inspired by Hashemsfilms and of Course the Words of the Noble Qoran, The Holy Bible, and The Torah, The Arrivals is a Joint Production by truthseekers Noreagaaa and Achernahr.