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Risky Business

Risky Business

It has been a busy couple of months for the nation's grain growers, planting what is expected to be another bumper crop. The wettest two years on record have certainly set up ideal sowing conditions in Eastern Australia, but with world supply looking fairly comfortable, most forecasters expect prices to stay flat. Chris Clark reports on ways some growers hope to take advantage of any little price spike available.

Commodities Report

Commodities Report

Landline's specialist weekly commodities analysis.

Full of Beans

Full of Beans

The migrants that fled war-torn Europe after World War II helped transform Australia's physical, cultural and culinary landscape. In northern Victoria for instance, the Tripodi family's orchard flourished through hard work and enterprise. When the current generation was looking to diversify they found the solution, quite literally, in their parent's backyard.

Cocoa Country

Cocoa Country

It is one of the comfort foods Australians reach for in good times and bad. Chocolate is a $2.5 billion a year business in this country, and while there's never been any shortage of local manufacturers, only a handful can claim to be producing 100 per cent homegrown chocolate and they are all at Mossman in Far North Queensland.

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The Overflow

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