
AFFIRM the Charter today: charterforcompassion.org Video Produced by Captain & The Fox...
published: 12 Nov 2009
author: CharterforCompassion
AFFIRM the Charter today: charterforcompassion.org Video Produced by Captain & The Fox (captainandthefox.com) in partnership with WORKSHOP (workshoplovesyou.com). Video Music Composed by: Naturalistic (naturalistic.net) The principle of compassion lies at the heart of all religious, ethical and spiritual traditions, calling us always to treat all others as we wish to be treated ourselves. Compassion impels us to work tirelessly to alleviate the suffering of our fellow creatures, to dethrone ourselves from the centre of our world and put another there, and to honour the inviolable sanctity of every single human being, treating everybody, without exception, with absolute justice, equity and respect. It is also necessary in both public and private life to refrain consistently and empathically from inflicting pain. To act or speak violently out of spite, chauvinism, or self-interest, to impoverish, exploit or deny basic rights to anybody, and to incite hatred by denigrating others - even our enemies - is a denial of our common humanity. We acknowledge that we have failed to live compassionately and that some have even increased the sum of human misery in the name of religion. We therefore call upon all men and women ~ to restore compassion to the centre of morality and religion ~ to return to the ancient principle that any interpretation of scripture that breeds violence, hatred or disdain is illegitimate ~ to ensure that youth are given accurate and respectful information <b>...</b>

Mackay Fishing Charter!! Insane Three Day Trip!!
www.reefari.com Come aboard Mako for a Mackay fishing Charter for a three day non-stop fis...
published: 27 Jul 2010
author: Reefari
Mackay Fishing Charter!! Insane Three Day Trip!!
www.reefari.com Come aboard Mako for a Mackay fishing Charter for a three day non-stop fishing adventure. This fishing charter was for three days fishing Steven's Reef and Charlie's Bommie, about 75 nautical miles from Mackay in the middle of the Great Barrier Reef. Some awesome fishing action with a great session on spanish Mackerel, 8 in 45 minutes to get everyone well and truly pumped. That was just the start, We had to leave the fish biting as we were after the Prized Red Emperor. With Jason Kennedy onboard from Southern Cross's TV show "Fishin Trip", keen to film some excellant Reef fishing with Red emperors to be the stars. Look out for it showing in October, highlighting some serious Red Emperor fishing from Mackay. The reef fishing was awesome with multiple hookups, heaps of fish, with a huge variety caught, and some quality fish, as the video shows. We ended up with about a dozen Red Emperor, so definately can't complain, heaps of Spanish Mackerel, and too many too others, too numerous to mention. A monster 10.5 kg Sharky Mackerel was definately a highlight, biggest I've seen. Sally our new skipper of Mako, caught the biggest fish, a 25kilo cod which was towed and released. Great to See, Mackay is really cementing it's place as some of the best fishing on offer on the east coast of Australia. Mako is a big comfy Steber 41 an ideal for a group of 6 for extended fishing charters to the Great Barrier Reef, The fishing is sensational and well worth doing at least <b>...</b>

Mackay Fishing Charters!!
www.reefari.com Mackay fishing charters can be taken with Reefari from Mackay Marina. Chec...
published: 03 May 2009
author: Reefari
Mackay Fishing Charters!!
www.reefari.com Mackay fishing charters can be taken with Reefari from Mackay Marina. Check out another awesome fishing trip onboard Reefari, a fishing charter based from Mackay, Queensland smack bang in the middle of the Whitsundays and the Great Barrier Reef. Mackay is truly fishig paradise. A great video showing a great selection of reef fish which we regularly catch. Including a Monster 10kg Nannygai, Red emperor, Coral Trout, Goldspot Cod, Redthroat emporer and even Snapper. Quite a mixed bag and filled the Esky once again. Good fishing when you can fill a Spanish Mackerel esky!! So next time you're considering a fishing charter, check out our website and come fishing with us, well worth it. With four charter boats, we offer day trips and overnight liveaboards. Even an 80foot motherboat for extended trips up to two weeks and twenty people for that ultimate fishing adventure. Check out our Hardline Reefari, Mothership charter with Raptor II as a tender, and 3 14 foot dories. Simply unbeatable!! Also a new Charter boat, 24ft Obsession for sports fishing charters which can do 40 knots, so hang on!! Ideal for small groups of 2 - 4, and also for Giant trevally fishing, Spearfishing, gamefishing and a bit more. Mackay is located an easy hour or two flight from Brisbane and Sydney North for some of the best fishing Australia has to offer. Subscribe for heaps more fishing action, tips and news, Cheers Greg Check out our Mackay fishing charters website at www.reefari.com

Private Jet Charter Flight: Sacramento Airport to Las Vegas
www.azureair.net - We partnered with our Private Jet Charter friends at Azure Air on the n...
published: 30 Jul 2008
author: TopFlightTV
Private Jet Charter Flight: Sacramento Airport to Las Vegas
www.azureair.net - We partnered with our Private Jet Charter friends at Azure Air on the new "Pilots Eye" camera footage on a Charter Flight from Sacramento McClellan Airport to Las Vegas. Produced by www.topflight.aero

What is a Charter School?
Davis Guggenheim, director of "Waiting for 'Superman,'" explains the con...
published: 23 Sep 2010
author: CBS
What is a Charter School?
Davis Guggenheim, director of "Waiting for 'Superman,'" explains the concept of charter schools and how some have revolutionized education in America.

Charter School Controversy
The challenge of boosting student performance in low-income inner-city schools remains. As...
published: 27 Jun 2010
author: CBS
Charter School Controversy
The challenge of boosting student performance in low-income inner-city schools remains. As Byron Pitts tells us, while many experts believe charter schools are the answer, opponents disagree.

Charter Bus in Rock Tunnel
I and my family took a vacation to the area around Rapid City, SD. This included a drive t...
published: 30 Aug 2009
author: fortnighte
Charter Bus in Rock Tunnel
I and my family took a vacation to the area around Rapid City, SD. This included a drive through the Needles Highway, part of a longer scenic highway system(en.wikipedia.org Near one of the entrances was this granite tunnel through which was traversing this charter bus. As a bus driver myself I was mesmerized by this attempt and truly believed the bus was not going to make it. See for yourself!

Luxury trawler yacht for charter
spend an unforgettable vacation on the luxurious m/y Connda Vennessa...
published: 09 Sep 2007
author: conndavennessa
Luxury trawler yacht for charter
spend an unforgettable vacation on the luxurious m/y Connda Vennessa

The Guild Charter Guy: WoW Rise to Power Contest
Losing entry to Rise to Power World of Warcraft machinima contest. Grats to the winners! M...
published: 12 Mar 2010
author: wowcrendor
The Guild Charter Guy: WoW Rise to Power Contest
Losing entry to Rise to Power World of Warcraft machinima contest. Grats to the winners! My Facebook Page: www.facebook.com My Twitter: twitter.com My Site for Machinimators: wowdirectors.com My Website www.strandedgamers.com

Charter Schools vs. Public Schools
Complete video at: fora.tv Harvard economics professor Caroline Hoxby discusses several di...
published: 24 Jan 2008
author: ForaTv
Charter Schools vs. Public Schools
Complete video at: fora.tv Harvard economics professor Caroline Hoxby discusses several differences between charter and public schools. ----- The Promise and Performance of Charter Schools: Agents of School Reform with Caroline M. Hoxby Harvard economics Professor and Hoover Fellow Caroline Hoxby discusses her research on New York City charter schools in two city neighborhoods, Harlem and the Bronx, and how they compare with other public schools in the same neighborhoods. Caroline M. Hoxby is a distinguished visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution and a member of the Koret Task Force on K-12 Education. She is the Allie S. Freed Professor of Economics at Harvard University and the director of the Economics of Education Program for the National Bureau of Economic Research. She also serves as a member of the Board of Directors of the National Board for Education Sciences.

Charter Schools Fine Students In Chicago
The Noble Network of Charter Schools' 10 Chicago campuses impose fines for student mis...
published: 26 Feb 2012
author: TheYoungTurks
Charter Schools Fine Students In Chicago
The Noble Network of Charter Schools' 10 Chicago campuses impose fines for student misbehavior. Are fines a good way to discourage bad behavior or is it just another money making scheme? Ana Kasaprian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks. gma.yahoo.com Subscribe to The Young Turks: bit.ly Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: www.current.com The Largest Online New Show in the World. Google+: www.gplus.to Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com

Great Barrier Reef fishing charter with Reefari!!
www.reefari.com Fishing the Great Barrier reef is a must do, and Reefari is well worth che...
published: 22 Dec 2010
author: Reefari
Great Barrier Reef fishing charter with Reefari!!
www.reefari.com Fishing the Great Barrier reef is a must do, and Reefari is well worth checking out from a day trip to and extended mothershipping adventure up to a week or more. This was a top day out, with some perfect weather, trolling, jigging and bottom bashing with a great range of reef fish including Spanish mackerel, Trevally, golden trevally, Coral trout, Red emperor, Nannygai, goldspot cod and heaps more. You gotta love those days when it all comes together. We really are spoilt for some of the best fishing on the Great Barrier Reef from Mackay, Central Queensland Australia. Reefari has a great range of charter boats to look after you and that fishing trip of a lifetime. Please make sure you subscribe for more great fishing videos and tips. Cheers Greg For more great fishing on the Great Barrier Reef, make sure you visit our website at http

UN Charter Signed by 5 Permanent Members 1945/6/28
[some sound missing] "San Francisco, CA: President Truman flies to the city for the l...
published: 14 Sep 2006
author: UniversalNewsreels
UN Charter Signed by 5 Permanent Members 1945/6/28
[some sound missing] "San Francisco, CA: President Truman flies to the city for the last session of the United Nations Conference and is greeted at the airport by Secretary of State Edward Stettinius before a parade through the streets. At his hotel he confers with Admiral Nimitz on the war in the Pacific. Later he witnesses the voting as fifty nations sign the Charter that marks tne hopes for an era of peace. First to sign is China, followed by Russia, Great Britain and France. Then Mr. Stettinius affixes his signature for the United States, one of his last acts as Secretary of State. The President's address to the conference emphasizes the hope for a better world with this Charter of the United Nations and stresses it as a victory against war itself. Independence, Missouri: The President's home town turns out en masse to roar a welcome to his first visit home as Chief Executive." (partial newsreel)

Awesome Fishing Charter !! Great Barrier Reef!!
www.reefari.com Check out some awesome fishing on the Great Barrier Reef with Charter Reef...
published: 11 Jun 2009
author: Reefari
Awesome Fishing Charter !! Great Barrier Reef!!
www.reefari.com Check out some awesome fishing on the Great Barrier Reef with Charter Reefari Pty Ltd. Went searching on an overnight charter for new ground, and found some top spots catching some good fish including Maori Sea Bream, Nannygai, Red Emperor, coral trout, couple of huge Rainbow runners and even a Mangrove Jack. One spot we even called Catfish City due to heaps of large seagoing catfish. Even double headers, and don't they pull hard. More searching than fishing but when we did drift the spots, 4 & 5 way hookups were common on 6 7 kg largemouth Nannygai. Hope you enjoy the videos, and subscribe for all the latest action. Mako also had a top weekend catching the following. Spanish Mackerel are also coming on the chew catching a few last week pushing 10 -15kgs. Also some Nice GT's up to 23kg, but busted up by a monster pushing 70lb's, so there are some real horses out, Will keep filming and see what we can catch. Cheers Greg http See some more from Lee Brake's fishing article, "It was a good start, but the crew elected to persist in hope of finding those elusive red fish. We pushed on through the list of increasingly questionable marks and found little change except for the odd thickening of bottom density. Eventually boredom set in and everyone unanimously voted to have a drift over one of these thickenings. At first nothing happened, but then suddenly Jamie Evans found himself almost torn from the boat as his 24kg Shimano rod came to life with a behemoth bend <b>...</b>

Ravitch on Obama charter school accountability Race To The Top 1% public education reform vs
Diane Ravitch on Arne Duncan, 1% Obama charter public education school reform teacher bash...
published: 28 Sep 2010
author: MrGidgid4u
Ravitch on Obama charter school accountability Race To The Top 1% public education reform vs
Diane Ravitch on Arne Duncan, 1% Obama charter public education school reform teacher bashing no child left behind race to the top. She did not say the SEGREGATION word but spoke of a two tier education system when charter schools exclude low performing kids poor kids and needy kids with disabilities. Billionaires blame teachers for the poverty billionaires tax code created: "its (billionaires #edrform teachers evaluation blame game) a red herring, a diversion, to get our eyes away from the poverty n racial isolation in which so many of our childrens' live... absolves the conscience of the billionaires boys club..." United Teachers of Los Angeles UTLA CA 9-24-2010

IDRISS LE CHARTER accelere réalisé par ryan brahimi film ( azedine brahimi)...
published: 07 Nov 2011
author: idriss57280
IDRISS LE CHARTER accelere réalisé par ryan brahimi film ( azedine brahimi)

Marques Toliver - Charter Magic // Mahogany Sessions
For much more check out The Mahogany Blog bit.ly and follow us on Facebook bit.ly...
published: 11 May 2011
author: themahoganysessions
Marques Toliver - Charter Magic // Mahogany Sessions
For much more check out The Mahogany Blog bit.ly and follow us on Facebook bit.ly

Awesome Mothershipping Fishing Charter Part2
www.reefari.com Here's the 2nd part of our awesome Mothershipping fishing charter to s...
published: 02 Nov 2010
author: Reefari
Awesome Mothershipping Fishing Charter Part2
www.reefari.com Here's the 2nd part of our awesome Mothershipping fishing charter to some of the remotest parts of the Great Barrier Reef with very little fishing pressure and the results to go with the effort in getting too these unfished places. Talk about Red emperor fishing, it continues with some great fish coming to the boat, Big Barracuda, Spanish mackerel, tuna and whales. Awesome stuff. Check out some of Ian's report below of this great mothershipping fishing charter Day 2 saw the excellent fishing continue. The Reds out in the deeper water were chewing their heads off and getting bigger and bigger with a couple of monster reds pushing over 10 kilos. The Trout and Red Throat were quality and still being pulled madly from the shallow reefs around the mother ship. By the close of day 2 the Centurion and Raptor II had met up on Eaton reef further to the south where again the fishing continued into the night. Day 3 saw the team on board Raptor 2 trolling the deep water around another far flung, Denton reef and when we ventured into a school of Yellow Fin Tuna the mayhem that broke loose with multiple hook ups and ratchets screaming had to been seen to be believed. By the time we were done, all on board had wrangled themselves a tuna and 1 lucky punter also came out with a nice sized Spanish Mackerel. The afternoon session on Raptor II was again targeting the Red Emperor and a few Nannygai out in the deeper water while a hot session on Red Throat and Spangled Emperor <b>...</b>

Charter Arms Bull Dog 44 Special Revolver
Fun Gun Reviews Presents: The Charter Arms Bull Dog Revolver in 44 Special. A hugely popul...
published: 06 Apr 2012
author: sootch00
Charter Arms Bull Dog 44 Special Revolver
Fun Gun Reviews Presents: The Charter Arms Bull Dog Revolver in 44 Special. A hugely popular firearm during the 70's and 80's and has risen in appeal over the past few years for it's Concealment qualities. Also offered in 357 mag. Charter Arms Website: www.charterfirearms.com Thanks for watching! Sootch00

Aero-Charter Airlines Antonov AN-12 Take Off at Leipzig-Halle (HD)
Enjoy the amazing Sound! (7 July 2011) Smoky Take Off Runway 26L from Leipzig-Halle (Germa...
published: 10 Jul 2011
author: OldAirplaneFan
Aero-Charter Airlines Antonov AN-12 Take Off at Leipzig-Halle (HD)
Enjoy the amazing Sound! (7 July 2011) Smoky Take Off Runway 26L from Leipzig-Halle (Germany) to Kiev (Ukraine) of one of the oldest AN-12 flying (almost 50 years old). Filmed with Panasonic HDC-SD66.

Gunblast.com - Charter Arms Pit Bull Revolver in 40 S&W;
FOR MORE INFO: www.gunblast.com Jeff Quinn ( www.gunblast.com ) tests the Charter Arms Pit...
published: 12 Oct 2011
author: Gunblastdotcom
Gunblast.com - Charter Arms Pit Bull Revolver in 40 S&W;
FOR MORE INFO: www.gunblast.com Jeff Quinn ( www.gunblast.com ) tests the Charter Arms Pit Bull Rimless Double-Action Revolver in 40 S&W.

Tanfield Railway coal train charter
Video filmed in HD of a special charter on the Tanfield Railway organised by Gateshead Cam...
published: 07 Aug 2007
author: brittonian
Tanfield Railway coal train charter
Video filmed in HD of a special charter on the Tanfield Railway organised by Gateshead Camera Club. The charter featured Hudswell Clarke 0-6-0ST Renishaw Ironworks, No. 6 and the NCB coal train, recreating the sights and sounds of the coal trains of the 1960's. The Tanfield Railway is famous for it's popular Coal train days, which are normally held every February and October. So the camera club enjoyed re-creating a coal train day on a sunny Saturday in August. The Tanfield Railway is the world's oldest existing railway. Produced by FreeFoto.com principal photographer Ian Britton. Filmed with a Canon XH A1 HDV video camera at 1080i 30.