
The Guardian - Movie Trailer (2006)
The Guardian - Movie Trailer (2006)
After losing his crew in a fatal crash, legendary Rescue Swimmer, Ben Randall (KEVIN COSTNER), is sent to teach at A School, an elite training program for Coast Guard Rescue Swimmers. Wrestling with the loss of his crew members, he throws himself into teaching, turning the program upside down with his unorthodox training methods.

The Guardian - Trailer
The Guardian - Trailer
The Guardian (2006) starring Kevin Costner, Ashton Kutcher, Sela Ward, Melissa Sagemiller, Clancy Brown, Omari Hardwick, Alex Daniels

Legend of the Guardian - Official Trailer [HD]
Legend of the Guardian - Official Trailer [HD]
Legend of the Guardian - Official Trailer [HD]

The Guardian Trailer (Fan made)
The Guardian Trailer (Fan made)
The Guardian 2006, featuring Kevin Costner and Ashton Kutcher

The Guardian ~ Foo Fighters
The Guardian ~ Foo Fighters
The Guardian (2006) Directed by Andrew Davis. With Kevin Costner, Ashton Kutcher, Sela Ward. Too alarming now to talk about Take your pictures down and shake it out Truth or consequence, say it aloud Use that evidence, race it around There goes my hero Watch him as he goes There goes my hero Hes ordinary Dont the best of them bleed it out While the rest of them peter out Truth or consequence, say it aloud Use that evidence, race it around There goes my hero Watch him as he goes There goes my hero Hes ordinary Kudos my hero leaving all the best You know my hero, the one thats on There goes my hero Watch him as he goes There goes my hero Hes ordinary

Amy Winehouse - Interview to The Guardian 2006: 2/2
Amy Winehouse - Interview to The Guardian 2006: 2/2

The Guardian - 2006 - Anjos da Vida - Mais Bravos Que o Mar
The Guardian - 2006 - Anjos da Vida - Mais Bravos Que o Mar
Ben Randall (Kevin Costner) é um dos nadadores mais conhecidos da Guarda Costeira norte-americana. Atuando nos gelados e pavorosos mares do Alasca, já salvou centenas de vidas. No entanto, ao passar por uma trágica ação de resgate, tem seu trabalho prejudicado por causa do trauma psicológico. Por isso, é enviado ao Estado de Louisiana para treinar um grupo de jovens candidatos a nadadores da Guarda Costeira. É lá que o jovem Jake Fischer (Ashton Kutcher), que também apresenta um passado repleto de traumas, vai para encontrar um lugar em sua vida. Campeão de natação, logo bate de frente com Randall que, com seus métodos de ensino pouco ortodoxos, cria uma dura rotina para o grupo de jovens.

Ashton Kutcher on "The Guardian": CBS News
Ashton Kutcher on "The Guardian": CBS News
Ashton Kutcher teams up with Kevin Costner in "The Guardian." The film, directed by Andrew Davis, debuts Friday in the UK Brought to you by CBS News.

The Guardian Euro 2004
The Guardian Euro 2004
Great ad that is close to reality. This was created for the inlay of the Guardian for the football Euro 2004 cup.

The Guardian Season 1 Opening Credits
The Guardian Season 1 Opening Credits
The opening credits (promo) for the 1st season of The Guardian legal drama series.

The Guardian-Alternate Ending
The Guardian-Alternate Ending
Here's the alternate ending to the 2006 movie The Guardian, please RATE and COMMENT!!!! XD

The Guardian - Trailer
The Guardian - Trailer
On of the best movies I ever had seen. With Kevin Costner and Ashton Kutcher.

H. Biber: Rosary Sonata n. 16 - The Guardian Angel, Passacaglia (C. 105) / Le Bizzarrie Armoniche
H. Biber: Rosary Sonata n. 16 - The Guardian Angel, Passacaglia (C. 105) / Le Bizzarrie Armoniche
HEINRICH IGNAZ FRANZ VON BIBER DAS ROSENKRANZ-SONATEN (Mistery Sonatas) [Munchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek] date: 1674 c. THE GUARDIAN ANGEL (C. 105): Passacaglia for violin (no basso continuo) in G minor I. (I-IV Variations) - 0:05 II. (V-VII Variations) - 0:52 III. (VIII-XIV Variations) - 1:26 IV. (XV-XVIII Variations) - 2:21 VI. (XIX-XXIII Variations) - 2:54 VII. Adagio (XXIV-XXV Variations) - 3:28 VIII. Allegro (XXVI-XXXV Variations) - 3:53 IX. (XXXVI-XLV Variations) - 4:38 X. (XLVI-XLIX Variations) - 5:43 XI. (L-LV Variations) - 6:35 XII. (LVI-LX Variations) - 7:35 XIII. (LXI-LXV Variations) - 8:07 Riccardo Minasi (solo violin) Le Bizzarrie Armoniche / Elena Russo (director) 2006 Paragon AM.205/1-2 - DDD www.amadeusonline.net [on authentic instruments]

The Guardian Soundtrack
The Guardian Soundtrack
One of the greatest soundtracks ever The Guardian Suite I loved the movie and I was inspired by it to become a USGC, just incredible movie. Enjoy,

Ultima 7 Intro Cinematic
Ultima 7 Intro Cinematic
The introduction cinematic to Origin Systems DOS PC game Ultima 7.

Jede Sekunde zählt - The Guardian (HQ-Trailer-2006)
Jede Sekunde zählt - The Guardian (HQ-Trailer-2006)
Menschen in Seenot das Leben zu retten, das scheint der einzige Lebensinhalt für Ben Randall (Kevin Costner) zu sein, auch wenn er langsam in die Jahre kommt. Über seiner Berufung scheitert jetzt jedoch seine Ehe und bei einem Einsatz im Sturm kommt es zu einer Katastrophe, die nur Ben überlebt und bei der er auch noch den besten Freund verliert. Notgedrungen zwingt ihn sein Vorgesetzter Hadley (Clancy Brown) einen Job als Ausbilder an der Akademi für Rettungsschwimmer zu übernehmen. Erst widerstrebend, später energisch trainiert er eine Gruppe von neuen Rekruten, allen voran den ehrgeizigen Jake Fisher (Ashton Kutcher), der Randalls Rekorde brechen will, aber noch nicht die passende Einstellung zu diesem Beruf besitzt. Doch letztendlich können die ungleichen und doch so ähnlichen Männer sich gegenseitig helfen - bis sie eines Tages in einem echten Einsatz aufeinander angewiesen sind...

Ace Combat Zero - Gault 1 - The Guardian
Ace Combat Zero - Gault 1 - The Guardian
Interview with Gault 1

The Guardian Movie Ending - One Of The Best Endings Ever
The Guardian Movie Ending - One Of The Best Endings Ever
One of the best endings of a movie EVER.

Tony Delk - The Guardian MIX by MISIEK
Tony Delk - The Guardian MIX by MISIEK
MYMIX FROM MISIEK MOVIE SHOW FOOTAGE FROM SEASON 1998 TO 2006 "There is absolutely no copyright infringement intended what so ever. All the contents in the following video are owned by there respective owners. The audio and visual clips in this video were put together for entertainment purposes only." hq: rapidshare.com Music: All Credtis to Anno Domini - New OG Stylez (Instrumental/Hip-Hop) LUDZIE PRZEMYSŁU misiekakpl@o2.pl Number: 00 7 28 Highlights / Video / Clip Biography: Tony Lorenzo Delk (born January 28, 1974 in Covington, Tennessee) is a former professional basketball player. He was team leader of the 1996 University of Kentucky Wildcats team that won the 1996 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament. Delk attended Haywood Junior High School and Haywood High School in Brownsville, Tennessee. During his 1992 senior year of high school, Delk was named "Mr. Basketball" in the state of Tennessee (TSSAA Class 3A Mr.Basketball 1992) and also to the Parade and McDonald's All-American Teams. As a sophomore at Kentucky, Delk was voted All-SEC 2nd Team by the coaches and All-SEC 3rd Team by the Associated Press, while also making the All-SEC Tournament Team for his outstanding play. Delk was named to the All-SEC 1st and All-NCAA Regional teams during the 1994-95 season. In the 1995-96 season, Delk was named to the All-American and All-SEC first teams and was named NCAA Basketball Tournament Most Outstanding Player. He also received SEC Player of the Year honors during <b>...</b>