
AlgTop0: Introduction to Algebraic Topology
AlgTop0: Introduction to Algebraic Topology
This is the Introductory lecture to a beginner's course in Algebraic Topology given by NJ Wildberger of the School of Mathematics and Statistics at UNSW in 2010. This first lecture introduces some of the topics of the course and three problems. His YouTube site "Insights into Mathematics" at www.youtube.com under user: njwildberger also contains series on MathFoundations, History of Mathematics, LinearAlgebra, Rational Trigonometry and even one called Elementary Mathematics (K-6) Explained.

Hitler Learns Topology
Hitler Learns Topology
Hitler gets confused about the topological definitions of open and closed sets. Then he totally freaks out.

Introduction to Topology
Introduction to Topology
This first lecture of the series Comically Small Lectures On Point Set Topology. We will give: the definition of a topology, open and closed sets, and the basis for a topology. Examples of topologies, including the trivial topology, the discrete topology, particular point / excluded point topologies.

Topology: Jordan's Curve Theorem
Topology: Jordan's Curve Theorem
Excerpt from the IBM film "Mathematics Peepshow".

Topology - Part 1
Topology - Part 1
Part 1 of the Topology series from Why U. A humorous look at the topology of curved space. For more information visit www.WhyU.org

Computer Networking Tutorial - 3 - Network Topology
Computer Networking Tutorial - 3 - Network Topology
Introduction to computer networking. Any questions about the video? I will answer all questions at thenewboston.com

Bob Franzosa - Introduction to Topology
Bob Franzosa - Introduction to Topology
www.coa.edu 2010.02.09 Introduction to Topology From the Konigsberg Bridges to Geographic Information Systems. Topology is the study of the spatial properties of objects that are unchanged by stretching. It is considered one of the essential fields of modern pure mathematics, and has found many applications outside of mathematics as well.

GSM Network Topology
GSM Network Topology
GSM Network Topology description using RF optimization tool OptPCS.

Holons, Singularity and Topology
Holons, Singularity and Topology
Holons are wholes composed of hierarchic parts. The holon has a "self-assertiveness tendency" (wholeness) as well as an "integrative tendency"(part) .This duality is similar to the particle/wave duality of light. (Koestler, 1967). It's a interesting theory but how is that physically or energetically possible? In this movie a engineering concept is given how a single non-breakable membrane can create such holons, which are multi-layered topological spaces. This happens with a penetration process, called a pelastration. Holons are then sub-sets (entanglements, knotting) of the total membrane, and each type will have its unique structure and frequencies. They are like bells with a clapper and a cup. In topological holons a part of the neutral dynamic energy of the membrane is converted - locally - in specific "retarded" energy, which is structured in two parts ( which make a union of two parts but will act as a unity ). More on www.mu6.com

Spanning-Tree Protocol Topology Change Process
Spanning-Tree Protocol Topology Change Process
A general explanation of the Spanning-Tree Protocol, followed by an in-depth look at STP's topology change process.

modo 601: Topology modeling workflow
modo 601: Topology modeling workflow
Amazing tools and workflow for topology modeling in modo 601.

Non-homeomorphic Topological Spaces
Non-homeomorphic Topological Spaces
This clip shows two non homeomorphic topological spaces (a line segment and a circle). Proof: We have to show that there is no bi-continuos map from the line segment to the circle. If there was such a map we could remove a point of the line segment and the image of this point on the circle. The remaining pieces would then still be homeomorphic. On the other hand the first one has two components while the second one is still connected. Since connectedness is preserved by bi-continous maps we obtain a contradiction. Therefore a bi-continous map from the line to the circle can not exist. qed This Video was produces for a topology seminar at the Leibniz Universitaet Hannover. www-ifm.math.uni-hannover.de

AlgTop0a: Introduction to Algebraic Topology
AlgTop0a: Introduction to Algebraic Topology
NOTE: This entire series is now available in the full (hour long lectures), also at this channel under the playlist AlgTop (full lectures): www.youtube.com This is the first video of the introductory lecture of a beginner's course in Algebraic Topology. The subject is one of the most dynamic and exciting areas of 20th century mathematics, with its roots in the work of Riemann, Klein and Poincare in the latter half of the 19th century. This first lecture will outline the main topics, and will present three well-known but perhaps challenging problems for you to try. The course is for 3rd or 4th year undergraduate math students, but anyone with some mathematical maturity and a little background or willingness to learn group theory can benefit. The subject is particularly important for modern physics. Our treatment will have many standard features, but also some novelties. The lecturer is Assoc Prof NJ Wildberger of the School of Mathematics and Statistics at UNSW, Sydney, Australia.

Hausdorff Example 1: Cofinite Topology
Hausdorff Example 1: Cofinite Topology
Point Set Topology: We recall the notion of a Hausdorff space and consider the cofinite topology as a source of non-Hausdorff examples. We also note that this topology is always compact.

Advanced Mobius Strip Topology
Advanced Mobius Strip Topology
I've cut a 3 flip mobius counter clockwise strip down the middle using special mobius paper that I created. I then added half cuts to the plain so they can intersect for the purpose of getting rid of all twists. As you know, the resulting loop has 8 twists, a trefoil knot and two boundaries (surfaces), but it takes 6 lines to kill the 8 twists. The resulting paper soultion is then put on a page and turned into a knot diagram and knot notation. The knot diagram is then turned into a pseudograph consisting of vertices, lines (I meant to make them straight but I do this in my head) and loops. The findings are very very interesting! All the solutions have a knot crossing number of six (except for one so far - it had 8?), all pseudographs have a network Betti number of 7 and almost all the pseudographs have a Euler characteristic of 0. The original uncut mobius strip has a Euler number of 0! WOW. I think all of these findings are reproduceable and original because I cannot find any related papers so far. Can anyone help?