
MRJ Fashion Show at Nessun Dorma Party
MRJ Fashion Show at Nessun Dorma Party
Errors in the credits: Julia Metlitski* Last name was misspelled + BIG THANKS to Alina Metlitski, volunteer model who also assisted in organizing the fashion show. Her name is missing in the end credits but her efforts are highly acknowledged and appreciated by the entire MRJ team. Our apologies for the mistake! LIKE us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/MRJ.HandsFreeBags Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/MRJ_style Follow us on Tumblr: www.mrj-style.tumblr.com

Mrj Feat 45 |freestyl-lBwa9a chkatgol| (Grayfox Production)
Mrj Feat 45 |freestyl-lBwa9a chkatgol| (Grayfox Production)
Mp3=soundcloud.com Page Officiel = www.facebook.com grayfox =www.facebook.com

MrJ - Stop Drinking Rum { OFFICAIL VIDEO }.mov
MrJ - Stop Drinking Rum { OFFICAIL VIDEO }.mov
MRJREGGAE@GMAIL.COM FACEBOOK:MrJ Bahamas Mr.J's Counteraction to Beenieman & Future Fambo's Rum And Redbull Song. While Beenie Is Drinking Rum And Redbull, Future Fambo Encouraging Folks To Get Drunk Because He Endorses It, Mr.J Says Stop Drinking Rum Because Its No Good. Mr.J Reminds All That Rum Is A Deadly And Harmful Agent To Ones Health. Mr.J Continues By Saying, "It Will Make Your Life Awful, Mash You Up Pop You Down Its Not Worthful!!!". A Word To The Wise Is Sufficient. People tend to look at alcohol in an acceptable fashion but the fact is that alcohol is a drug albeit a legal drug. It is an addictive drug that people use and abuse every day. People consume alcohol for various reasons, such as to relieve stress, escape from problems or to fit in at social situations.Alcohol increases the risk of various health conditions, such as heart and liver disease. Alcohol works directly on the central nervous system, impairing brain function. Over time, excessive alcohol consumption can destroy brain cells, resulting in various degrees of brain damage. MR.J ADDRESSES THIS ISSUE WITH THIS HARD HITTING AND TIMELY SONG. Credits Title: Stop Drinking Rum Written and sung by Gesner Dalmon ( Mr.J) Recorded and Produced by "Spirit" FamRecords Nassau Bahamas Instrumental by Seanizzle-One Day Instrumental Video Director: Patrick "PM" Miller Video Editor Bernard Ferguson-Reborn Productions Finalized by Travon "Catman" Patton-FamRecords Shot in Nassau Bahamas

The MRJ - Plinky
The MRJ - Plinky
Experimental Progressive track from a new project we're working on. Like, comment & subscribe!

Birth of the PW1200G engine for Mitsubishi Regional Jet aircraft
Birth of the PW1200G engine for Mitsubishi Regional Jet aircraft
Birth of the PW1200G engine for Mitsubishi Regional Jet aircraft

Marble Polished Venetian Plaster by MRJ Plastering
Marble Polished Venetian Plaster by MRJ Plastering
Filmed over two days, marble plaster was applied on the first day then left to dry over night. On the second day, two coats of wax were applied followed by a machine polish for an incredible, long lasting, durable shine. www.mrjplastering.co.uk

MrJ - Stop Drinking Rum { OFFICIAL VIDEO }.mov
MrJ - Stop Drinking Rum { OFFICIAL VIDEO }.mov
MRJREGGAE@GMAIL.COM FACEBOOK:MrJ Bahamas Mr.J's Counteraction to Beenieman & Future Fambo's Rum And Redbull Song. While Beenie Is Drinking Rum And Redbull, Future Fambo Encouraging Folks To Get Drunk Because He Endorses It, Mr.J Says Stop Drinking Rum Because Its No Good. Mr.J Reminds All That Rum Is A Deadly And Harmful Agent To Ones Health. Mr.J Continues By Saying, "It Will Make Your Life Awful, Mash You Up Pop You Down Its Not Worthful!!!". A Word To The Wise Is Sufficient. People tend to look at alcohol in an acceptable fashion but the fact is that alcohol is a drug albeit a legal drug. It is an addictive drug that people use and abuse every day. People consume alcohol for various reasons, such as to relieve stress, escape from problems or to fit in at social situations.Alcohol increases the risk of various health conditions, such as heart and liver disease. Alcohol works directly on the central nervous system, impairing brain function. Over time, excessive alcohol consumption can destroy brain cells, resulting in various degrees of brain damage. MR.J ADDRESSES THIS ISSUE WITH THIS HARD HITTING AND TIMELY SONG. Credits Title: Stop Drinking Rum Written and sung by Gesner Dalmon ( Mr.J) Recorded and Produced by "Spirit" FamRecords Nassau Bahamas Instrumental by Seanizzle-One Day Instrumental Video Director: Patrick "PM" Miller Video Editor Bernard Ferguson-Reborn Productions Finalized by Travon "Catman" Patton-FamRecords Shot in Nassau Bahamas

Finally after off and on periods of recordings of roughly 2 months MrJ and Ben are proud to announce the release of ART an mw2 dualtage masterfully knitted together by the god that is Exileforces www.youtube.com we hope that you will enjoy the video enough to like and comment what was good. also we apolagise for some sketchy clips in demolition but we assure you they were necessary because we wanted it to be at least 5 minutes long :) so enjoy guys and please no hate because we are here for the fun and to hopefully bring out great montages :) if you have twitter it would be hugely appreciated if you shared this with your followers :D clicktotweet.com thanks guys and have a great day, peace :)

Balanced Recording Session at MRJ Studios 10-06-11
Balanced Recording Session at MRJ Studios 10-06-11
www.facebook.com Here's some in-studio footage as I was tracking the bass part for our upcoming single "Damage". This will be the second single released from Balanced II. You can check out the first single off of the album here: balanced.bandcamp.com Bass is an MRJ Custom Guitars B1, recorded through a Digidesign Eleven Rack with the Expansion Pack installed. Copyright 2011, Balanced/MRJ Studios. All rights reserved.

What's Going On Over At MRJ Studios!? Preview video!!!
What's Going On Over At MRJ Studios!? Preview video!!!
What's going on over at MRJ Studios!? Now you know.... some of it. Sorry for the camera audio only -- that's all I have time for right now, but a lot of these songs will be finished and released soon in full quality! Thanks for watching! All original material in this video Copyright 2011, MRJ STUDIOS.

MRJ: "Not a paper plane anymore"
MRJ: "Not a paper plane anymore"
Mitsubishi Aircraft Corp VP Sales & Marketing Hank Iwasa discusses the progress of the MRJ program, and reveals how soon it may make a decision on whether to produce the MRJ-100X.

Mitsubishi Regional Jets (MRJ) Interview - HD
Mitsubishi Regional Jets (MRJ) Interview - HD
At the Asian Aerospace that took place between 8 and 10 March 2011 in Hong Kong, ASIA Travel Tips.com interviewed Mr. Hitoshi Hank Iwasa to learn more about this brand new regional jet from Mitsubishi. The company will first launch the 90-seat MRJ90 and then a year later plans to launch the slightly smaller MRJ70 that has 70 seats. In the HD interview we learn more about Mtisubishi Aircraft Corporation, what makes the jets special, why they feel there is a need for another airline manufacturer and who they plan to target for sales, plus much, much more. See the MRJ90 model and Interior Display: www.youtube.com www.asiatraveltips.com

BS11で毎週土曜夜18時30分より放送の番組。 ニッポンを元気にする技術や考え方を毎週紹介。 www.bs11.jp 今回のゲストは元ジェットエンジンの設計者で現在はノンフィクション作家として活躍中の前間孝則さんです。 世界をリードする日本がなぜ国産旅客機をつくってこなかったのか? 三菱重工の三菱リージョナルジェットを紹介し、日本の航空機産業の今後をうかがいます!

Van Halen - Amsterdam Cover by MRJ
Van Halen - Amsterdam Cover by MRJ
My Twitter: twitter.com MRJ Custom Guitars: mrjguitars.com My Band: www.facebook.com Hey everybody! I'm trying to get these guitar covers recorded a lot more often, so look out for them in the future! As everyone knows, I'm a HUGE Van Halen fan, and this might actually be my favorite Van Halen song. The guitar work, composition, and the overall mixing/mastering on this track is absolutely incredible. In this video, I'm playing the live version of Amsterdam as played on the 1995 Balance World Tour. I held back a bit during the solos and tried to play stuff that kinda fit with what Ed was doing since I couldn't remove the original guitar track... Anyway, nobody, and I mean NOBODY can play like the master Ed, but I always have a ton of fun trying! 'Nuff said. And for the people asking; the weird video effect near the end is to cover where my camera glitched and there was a major video stutter. Luckily I record the audio separate so there was no damage done to it. Gear: MRJ Custom Guitars "MRJ Signature Model" (Prototype) Live Wire Cables Digidesign Eleven Rack (with the Expansion Pack) Just ask if you have any questions about my rig. This song is copyrighted by Van Halen and belongs entirely to its respective owner(s). I am covering it for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY.

Made this re-edit from the superb orginal. Just to be abel to use it in the mix. In this clip I mixed up the beginning a bit (My version starts at 40 sek in). Pleas go check out the original @ www.youtube.com Contact me if you want a copy..

"Art" | Tempo Ben & Tempo MrJ
"Art" | Tempo Ben & Tempo MrJ
What upp, INSANE dualtage here from 2 members of Tempo and really nice editing to accompany it! Subscribe to the editor and players! Player: www.youtube.com Editor: www.youtube.com Be sure to leave a like and fav :)) HuckK