Déserts (1950–1954) is a piece by Edgard Varèse for 14 winds (brass and woodwinds), 5 percussion players, 1 piano, and electronic tape. Percussion instruments are exploited for their resonant potential, rather than used solely as accompaniment. According to Varèse the title of the piece regards, "not only physical deserts of sand, sea, mountains, and snow, outer space, deserted city streets... but also distant inner space... where man is alone in a world of mystery and essential solitude."
The piece was created as a soundtrack to a modernist film. According to "Blue" Gene Tyranny, "It is now recognized as an exceptional example of truly humanistic music." It "has been described... as atonal, athematic,... amotivic," and its orchestration has "been labeled subtle." As Paul Griffiths describes:
With electronic sections based upon factory sounds and percussion instruments, Varèse began composition in 1953 (or 1952) upon the anonymous gift of an Ampex tape recorder, worked further on the piece at Pierre Schaeffer's studio at Radiodiffusion-Télévision Française, and revised it at the Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center. The electronic sections were composed later, and the piece may be performed without them, reducing its length by seven minutes.