TBTF Sheriff Bill Black on the MF Global Cover-up: "All those that doeth Evil hateth the light!"
TBTF Sheriff Bill Black on the MF Global Cover-up: "All those that doeth Evil hateth the light!"
Follow us @ twitter.com twitter.com Welcome to Capital Account. The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas says Dodd-Frank did not end too big to fail, and says we must downsize the TBTF monsters in the view of Richard Fisher. This, as some US lawmakers are working to push back the timeline for a key part of Dodd-Frank, the Volcker Rule...a rule regulators and banks already appear to be hollowing out. We'll look at what the costs of these actions could be Meanwhile, the "Corzine Rule" is reportedly gaining momentum -- this would restrict what brokerage firms can do with customer money. Before looking forward -- what about the unanswered questions and accountability in the MF Global bankruptcy and what we consider theft of customer money? We'll talk to William K. Black, the former regulator who oversaw prosecutions of bankers for fraud during the S&L crisis to find out what it would take to see justice in this case. We will discuss some of the peculiarities surrounding the MF Global bankruptcy, the decision by CFTC chairman Gary Gensler to proceed with a Chapter 11 bankruptcy as per the SEC, with a SIPA/SIPC liquidation for the brokerage unit, which put the customers on even footing with the creditors, instead of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy for the entire company. We ask Bill Black if this is an example of control fraud and regulatory capture, and where a crime has been committed here. Meanwhile, do you think we have enough lawyers in the US already? Well, you may be happy to hear this <b>...</b>
www.pbs.org The financial industry brought the economy to its knees, but how did they get away with it? With the nation wondering how to hold the bankers accountable, Bill Moyers sits down with Bill Black, the former senior regulator who cracked down on banks during the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s. Black offers his analysis of what went wrong and his critique of the bailout. This show aired April 3, 2009. Bill Moyers Journal airs Fridays at 9 pm on PBS (check local listings). For more: www.pbs.org
Bill Black @ #occupywallstreet on Arresting Banksters
Bill Black @ #occupywallstreet on Arresting Banksters
wearechange.org Please consider donating to help us continue to make videos like this. We Are Change would not exist without YOU! wearechange.org Also support We Are Change by purchasing an item at our store! wearechange.org http facebook.com ustream.tv Who is Bill Black en.wikipedia.org
Bill Black: Our System is So Flawed That Fraud is Mathematically Guaranteed
Bill Black: Our System is So Flawed That Fraud is Mathematically Guaranteed
Bill Black is a former bank regulator who played a central role in prosecuting the corruption responsible for the S&L crisis of the late 1980s. He is one of America's top experts on financial fraud. And he laments that the US has descended into a type of crony capitalism that makes continued fraud a virtual certainty - while increasingly neutering the safeguards intended to prevent and punish such abuse. In this extensive interview, Bill explains why financial fraud is the most damaging type of fraud and also the hardest to prosecute. He also details how, through crony capitalism, it has become much more prevalent in our markets and political system. A warning: there's much revealed in this interview to make your blood boil. For example: the Office of Threat Supervision. In the aftermath of the S&L crisis, this office brought 3000 administration enforcements actions (aka lawsuits) against identified perpetrators. In a number of cases, they clawed back the funds and profits that the convicted parties had fraudulently obtained. Flash forward to the 2008 credit crisis, in which just the related household sector losses alone were over 70x greater than those seen during the entire S&L debacle. So how many criminal referrals did the same agency, the Office of Threat Supervision, make? Zero. Similar dismal action was taken by such other financial regulators as the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal reserve and the FDIC. Where is the accountability?, you may <b>...</b>
Bill Black's eye-popping opening statement at House FinServ hearing on Lehman Bros. failure.mp4
Bill Black's eye-popping opening statement at House FinServ hearing on Lehman Bros. failure.mp4
Great video link... video.google.com
Bill Black: What I'd Demand of the Fed
Bill Black: What I'd Demand of the Fed
Bill Black: If I marched with Occupy Wall St. to the New York Fed, this is what I would demand
Bill Black: "Detecting, Investigating and Documenting Fraud"
Bill Black: "Detecting, Investigating and Documenting Fraud"
"Detecting, Investigating and Documenting Fraud" Professor Bill Black, UMKC School of Law & author of "The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One" www.neweconomicperspectives.org @deficitowl presented at The Financial Crisis Inquiry Committee's "Autopsy Of Our Failed Financial System" Investigating and Presenting Fraud Claims Against Banks, Officers and Agents Friday, November 11, 2011 UMKC School of Law, Kansas City, MO
Occupy LA Teach In William K Black
Occupy LA Teach In William K Black
Full speech, high quality
Bill Black: Jobs Now, Stop the Foreclosures, Jail the Banksters
Bill Black: Jobs Now, Stop the Foreclosures, Jail the Banksters
Bill Black: Here are three things the "Occupy Movement" could focus on
Bill Black: European Central Bank and the "Sovereign Raiders"
Bill Black: European Central Bank and the "Sovereign Raiders"
Bill Black: ECB facilitates speculators taking a run at one European country after another
Bill Black's Combo - Don't Be Cruel
Bill Black's Combo - Don't Be Cruel
Memphis 1954: A kid named Elvis Presley kept pestering Sam Phillips to sign him to his Sun Records label. Sam asked his friend Scotty Moore to check him out. Scotty had been hanging around the studio himself for a while, and Sam had just issued a single by Moore's band The Starlight Wranglers that May. On June 27th, Scotty agreed to let Presley come over his house and 'try out', calling his best friend, and bass player for the Wranglers, Bill Black to come over as well. Even though Bill told Phillips that Elvis "didn't impress me too damned much!", Sam signed him anyway. c/o redkelly.blogspot.com
David DeGraw and William Black on the Dylan Ratigan Show 17/10/11
David DeGraw and William Black on the Dylan Ratigan Show 17/10/11
Discussing Occupy Wall Street and prosecution of banking fraud.
Former Financial Regulator William Black: Occupy Wall Street A Counter to White-Collar Fraud
Former Financial Regulator William Black: Occupy Wall Street A Counter to White-Collar Fraud
www.DemocracyNow.org - Democracy Now! broadcasts on the road from Kansas City, Missouri, today. Amy Goodman interviews William Black, a white-collar criminologist, former financial regulator, and author of "The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One." Black teaches economics and law at the University of Missouri-Kansas City and recently took part in Occupy Kansas City. "If you look [at the Occupy protests] not just nationwide, but worldwide, you will see some pretty consistent themes developing," Black says. "That includes, we have to deal with the systemically dangerous institutions, the 20 biggest banks that the administration says are ticking time bombs. As soon as one of them fails, we go back into a global crisis. We should fix that, there's no reason have institutions that large. Accountability is also a theme, that we should put these felons in prison ... And that we should get jobs now and that we should deal with foreclosure crisis. ... Those are four common themes you can see in these protests... I think over time you'll not necessarily have some grand written agenda, but you will have increasing consensus, a broad consensus." For the complete transcript, podcast, and for additional Democracy Now! reports on the Occupy Wall Street movement, visit www.democracynow.org FOLLOW DEMOCRACY NOW! ONLINE Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: @democracynow Subscribe on YouTube: www.youtube.com Daily Email News Digest: www.democracynow.org Please consider supporting <b>...</b>
Banksters - William Black tells the real truth
Banksters - William Black tells the real truth
Describes fraud and liers loans in the economic crisis.
Bill Black- Prosecute Bank Fraud
Bill Black- Prosecute Bank Fraud
Banking Fraud is Not a Left vs Right Issue William Black and David DeGraw appear here on the Dylan Ratigan Show to discuss non-political, legal courses of action to deal with the multiple-trillion dollar financial frauds that have occurred. David DeGraw says: "This is a criminal racket that has paid off politicians since the Clinton Administration. These people should be prosecuted." Bill Black: "They could be prosecuted under existing Fraud Laws. The FBI, 7 years ago knew that there was an epic level of mortgage fraud and predicted that it would cause an economic crisis. There's no excuse. We've had 7 years to deal with open frauds...there is a paper trail that demonstrated the fraudulent intent of these banks. Well, where is the Justice Department? "For that matter, where is Paul Krugman?...until the economists are willing to use the 'F'-word...Fraud - and support us in in prosecuting the frauds, we're never going to make progress." William Black is Associate Professor in Economics and Law at the University of Missouri, Kansas City School. He testified on April 20, 2010 before the House Financial Services Committee about the corruption of all Federal regulatory agencies responsible for regulating the banks. David DeGraw, Editor of AmpedStatus.com and author of the 6-part investigation, 'The Economic Elite vs The People of the United States of America.' === Uploaded by mesitolm October 23, 2011 Discussing Occupy Wall Street and prosecution of banking fraud <b>...</b>
Watch Banksters - William Black Tells The Real Truth - Banksters William Black
Watch Banksters - William Black Tells The Real Truth - Banksters William Black
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Bill Black. Smokie Part.2. AVI
Bill Black. Smokie Part.2. AVI
Bill Black's Combo includes Bill Black (bass); Hank Hakins (guitar); Ace Cannon (saxophone); Bobby Emmons (piano); Jerry Arnold (drums
Bill Black's Combo - My Girl Josephine
Bill Black's Combo - My Girl Josephine
Bill Black's Combo - My Girl Josephine
William K. Black Criticizes the Bailout Plan -- Might Destroy the Obama Presidency
William K. Black Criticizes the Bailout Plan -- Might Destroy the Obama Presidency
Regulator from the S&L Crisis opposes Geithner's plan. Author of "THE BEST WAY TO ROB A BANK IS TO OWN ONE." Watch the whole interview at: www.theyoungturks.com Watch more at www.theyoungturks.com.
Michael Moore's 'Capitalism: A Love Story' -- Former Bank Regulator Bill Black
Michael Moore's 'Capitalism: A Love Story' -- Former Bank Regulator Bill Black
'Capitalism: A Love Story' on DVD - tinyurl.com "The Bush administration transferred at least 500 white collar FBI specialists out of dealing with white collar crime even though we were entering, during the entire Bush administration, the greatest wave of white collar crime in the nation's history -- in fact, in the world's history." -- former bank regulator Bill Black in 'Capitalism: A Love Story'
Max Keiser interviews Prof. Bill Black - The man who sent 1000 banksters to prison
Max Keiser interviews Prof. Bill Black - The man who sent 1000 banksters to prison
** A MUST READ FREE PDF** "Looting: The Economic Underworld of Bankruptcy for Profit" by George A. Akerlof, Paul M. Romer Copy and paste the link below to download the PDF: www.signallake.com/innovation/Looting1993.pdf