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Muslim Brotherhood declares victory in Egypt elections
Muslim Brotherhood declares victory in Egypt elections
The Muslim Brotherhood has declared victory in Egypt's first free Presidential elections for their candidate Mohammed Mursi. After claiming 52 percent of the votes, a mass of Mursi supporters gathered in Tahir Square to celebrate the landmark victory. Ahmed Shariq, who was battling Mursi in the run-off Presidential elections, rejected the victory claims stating that the Brotherhood was hijacking the election. Shafiq was tied to former President Honsi Mubarak's regime, and the Muslim Brotherhood's win would end six decades of rule by Presidents belonging to the military. The results will not be announced until Thursday 21st June, and regardless of the outcome Egypt's real powers are now held by its army. The generals who have run the country since Mubarak was overthrown have stated only limited powers will be granted to the new head of state, and that the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces will now be responsible for law-making decisions. Written & Narrated by Alfred Joyner Related article

Bianca Jagger: video interview - the Guardian
Bianca Jagger: video interview - the Guardian
Social, environmental and human rights activist Bianca Jagger discusses the lack of commitment shown in some quarters to the forthcoming Rio+20 Earth summit Related article

Raw Video: Shelling Rocks Syria's Homs
Raw Video: Shelling Rocks Syria's Homs
Syrian troops intensified shelling of rebel-held neighbourhoods in Homs on Sunday, according to activists who are pressing for the evacuation of endangered families from the restive area. (June 17, 2012) Subscribe to the Associated Press: bit.ly Download AP Mobile: www.ap.org Associated Press on Facebook: apne.ws Associated Press on Twitter: apne.ws Associated Press on Google+: bit.ly Related article

Will the UN recognize Palestinian State?
Will the UN recognize Palestinian State?
The UN general assembly officially began today which marks the 66th session. Next week the Palestinians are going to push forward with their bid for statehood at the United Nations assembly. Although Obama has said he will support Palestine on their question for statehood, what will actually unfold?Lucy Kafanov, RT producer, will be at the UN session and give a preview of what to expect next week. Follow Kristine on Twitter at twitter.com Related article

Aung San Suu Kyi speech in Norway on June 16, 2012
Aung San Suu Kyi speech in Norway on June 16, 2012
Aung San Suu Kyi on her acceptance of Nobel Peace Prize in Norway on June 16, 2012 (Original Quality recorded live by myself) Related article

PEACE, China, Libya, Syria's Friend: Putin, the 2012 Inauguration (FULL) with English substitles
PEACE, China, Libya, Syria's Friend: Putin, the 2012 Inauguration (FULL) with English substitles
Brought to you by: The Santos Republic, the VOICE of the 21st Century Generation and the NEW PARADIGM for Responsible Journalism Visit and share us to your friends: thesantosrepublic.com Facebook.com Twitter: @santosrepublic Youtube.com/user/TheSantosRepublicTV SYNOPSIS: The Santos Republic presents, the 2012 Inauguration ceremony of President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin took place in the Grand Kremlin Palace on May 7, 2012. In FULL with key English subtitles on pertinent speeches that everyone needs to hear. We are releasing it in full since the mainstream media brushed aside key messages that were given by His Excellency President Vladimir Putin and his affirmation of thwarting all devious "regime change" and destabilization going on within his own country and abroad. A true friend of Humanity, this is our own way to show gratitude to what President Putin has done for us, personally and publicly. The ceremony opened with the Russian State Flag, Presidential Standard, Russian Constitution, and the Symbol of Presidential Office being brought into the Grand Kremlin Palace's St Andrew Hall. The President-elect swore an oath of loyalty to the Russian people and was officially declared head of state by President of the Constitutional Court Valery Zorkin. Approximately 3000 people were invited to attend the ceremony, including members of the Russian Federation Government, State Duma deputies and members of the Federation Council, Constitutional Court judges, and <b>...</b> Related article

GOT INK - Egyptian Presidential Elections 2012
GOT INK - Egyptian Presidential Elections 2012
On May 23rd and 24th, all of TBS (The Bakery Shop) branches in Cairo will be giving away their freshest bakes to Egyptian voters, as part of its GOT INK initiative. History has seen many Egyptian firsts. Many "First" Egyptian achievements. Now we are the first Egyptians to witness a presidential election. GOT INK is an initiative that shares this moment with Egyptians. We're doing our part by rewarding those who've voted, do your part and VOTE. www.facebook.com Related article

Obama-Putin Poker Face: No sore points pushed at G20
Obama-Putin Poker Face: No sore points pushed at G20
Presidents Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama have pledged commitment to solving Syria diplomatically, and preventing civil war there. The deadlock in the Middle East was just one issue the two heads discussed on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Mexico. A former member of the Reagan administration says no matter what Obama tells Putin in person - the US President is just one link in a long chain of foreign policy makers. Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Watch RT LIVE on our website rt.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Related article

Greece to hold new elections - Austerity or Bailout?
Greece to hold new elections - Austerity or Bailout?
www.simondixon.org Simon Dixon comments on what the key issues are to be debated as Greece holds its new elections. Greek politicians have failed to form a government and will now head towards holding a new election. Polls show the vote could favour the country's leftists who want to renege on the terms of bailout agreed on by the government earlier in the year. This will see the country push closer towards an exit from the eurozone, a situation which IMF chief Christine Lagarde says could get "quite messy". For more on banking reform subscribe to this channel and leave your details at http Related article

Dr. RK Pachauri speaks about Delhi Sustainable Development Summit - 2012
Dr. RK Pachauri speaks about Delhi Sustainable Development Summit - 2012
Nobel Laureate and Director-General, TERI, Dr RK Pachauri, speaks to OneWorld South Asia about the Delhi Sustainable Development Summit, 'global commons' and issues related to sustainable development and international negotiations over climate change. One of India's foremost research institutions, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) has been holding its flagship meet -- the Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS) every year since 2001. This year the theme for the 12th DSDS is Protecting the Global Commons: 20 Years Post Rio. Nobel Laureate and Director-General, TERI, Dr RK Pachauri, speaks to OneWorld South Asia about this newly-coined term 'global commons', whether sustainable development is possible, expectations from the summit and if our global leaders can come to an agreement over saving the earth. Related article

The Coming Food Crisis
The Coming Food Crisis
Where rising prices and food shortages were once temporary, driven by unusual weather, and fixed by countries like the US who could serve as a global buffer, the problem may now become unstoppable. Population growth, rising consumption, decreasing water supplies, and deteriorating soil are all part of the geopolitics of food. Lester Brown, president of the Earth Policy Institute and author of "World on the Edge" explains. Related article

Angry Greek protestor interrupts Jeremy Thompson live on Sky News
Angry Greek protestor interrupts Jeremy Thompson live on Sky News
Jeremy Thompson gets interrupted by a protestor accusing Angela Merkel of being a "woman Hitler" whilst reporting from Greece. Update: apparently this is Eleni Louka, who in Greece is a well known religious fanatic and trash TV celebrity Related article

Fault Lines - Mental Illness in America's Prisons
Fault Lines - Mental Illness in America's Prisons
english.aljazeera.net Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com Follow us on Facebook: facebook.com Follow us on Tumblr: ajfaultlines.tumblr.com Josh Rushing goes deep inside one of the largest prison systems in the United States to look at the criminalization of the mentally ill. Related article

Girl makes speech at United Nations
Girl makes speech at United Nations
Young girl makes speech at United Nations pleading for adults to protect the earth and keep her future safe. She speaks very eloquently and seems to touch the hearts of those to whom she speaks. She talks of the conditions of the world such as having to worry about what chemicals she is breathing in from the air (chemtrails), dying off of fish and animals, and holes in the ozone layer. In case you're not aware, the holes in the ozone layer have been caused by HAARP ionizing the atmosphere, not by us driving cars and using light bulbs that aren't full of mercury as are the CFL fluorescents which govt. wants to make mandatory. The name of the video is "Pass It Far and Wide", so I decided to upload this to help the maker of this video to pass this far and wide. Related article

Hollande Defeats Sarkozy in French Election
Hollande Defeats Sarkozy in French Election
Socialist Francois Hollande defeated conservative incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy on Sunday to become France's next president. Hollande's election heralds a major shift in French policy. Subscribe to the Associated Press: bit.ly Download AP Mobile: www.ap.org Associated Press on Facebook: apne.ws Associated Press on Twitter: apne.ws Associated Press on Google+: bit.ly Related article